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禹城北丘洼属“半封闭重盐化咸水区”,潜水埋深浅,地下水矿化度高为其主要自然特征。对洼地采用区外引水、明渠灌、排、蓄等技术措施,进行综合治理,潜水埋深没有降低,却取得了显著治理效果。对这一客观现象的初步分析表明,明渠引水、蓄水,保证了干旱季节农田灌溉和对盐分的淋洗,有效地促使作物根系层的水盐下行;农田作物覆盖层不仅改善了近地层蒸发和土壤返盐的环境条件,而且作物蒸腾可有效地控制根系层盐分积累。  相似文献   
The Neogene volcanic province of SE Spain (NVPS) is characterized by calc-alkaline (CA), high-K calc-alkaline (KCA), shoshonitic (SH), ultrapotassic (UP), and alkaline basaltic (AB) volcanic series. All these series, except the AB, have high LILE/LREE, LILE/HFSE and B/Be ratios and high but variable Sr, Pb and O isotope compositions. The KCA and SH lavas contain metapelitic xenoliths whose mineralogical and chemical composition are typical of anatectic restites. The geochemical characteristics of CA, KCA, SH and UP series suggest that they originated from the lithospheric mantle, previously contaminated by fluids derived from pelagic sediments. Additionally, the presence of restite xenoliths in the KCA and SH lavas indicates some sort of interaction between the mantle-derived magmas and the continental crust. Trace element and isotope modeling for the KCA and SH lavas and the restites, point towards the existence of two mixing stages. During the first stage, the lithospheric mantle was contaminated by 1–5% of fluids derived from pelagic sediments, which produced a fertile source heterogeneously enriched in incompatible elements (particularly LILE and LREE), as well as in 87Sr/86Sr, without significant modifications of the δ18O values. In the second stage, the primary melts derived from this metasomatized mantle, which inherited the enrichment in LILE, LREE and 87Sr/86Sr, interacted with crustal liquids from the Betic Paleozoic basement during their ascent towards the surface. This mixing process caused an increase in δ18O values and, to a lesser extent, in 87Sr/86Sr ratios. However, the incompatible trace elements abundances only change slightly, even for high mixing rates, due to their similar concentrations in both components. We suggest the following geodynamic scenario to account for the global evolution of this area: (1) a Late Cretaceous to Oligocene subduction scheme during which mantle metasomatism took place, shortly followed by Upper Oligocene to Lower Miocene continental collision, and (2) a Middle to Upper Miocene extensional event triggering partial melting of the previously metasomatized mantle and the extrusion of the CA and associated magmas.  相似文献   
‘Sakenites’ constitute a unique association of corundum‐, spinel‐ and sapphirine‐bearing anorthitic to phlogopitic rocks, first described in rocks from an exposure along the beds of the Sakena river to the NW of Ihosy, south Madagascar. The exposure has been revisited and subjected to a detailed petrological and geochemical study. The aluminous anorthitic rocks occur as boudinaged bands and lenses, closely associated with corundum‐, spinel‐ and sapphirine‐bearing phlogopitites, diverse calcsilicate rocks and marbles within a series of biotite‐sillimanite‐cordierite gneisses of the Ihosy granulite unit in the NW of the Pan‐African Bongolava‐Ranotsara shear zone. Bimineralic anorthite + corundum domains preserve the earliest record of a polyphasic evolutionary history that includes two distinct metasomatic episodes. Probable protoliths of these bimineralic rocks were kaolinite‐rich sediments or calcareous bauxites that were altered by Ca or Si infiltration‐metasomatism prior to or coeval with the development of the anorthite‐corundum assemblage. P–T pseudosection modelling of metapelitic gneisses suggests peak‐conditions around 800 °C and 6–7 kbar for the regional high‐grade metamorphism and deformation in the NW part of the Bongolava‐Ranotsara shear zone. The well‐annealed granoblastic‐polygonal textures indicate complete chemical and textural re‐equilibration of the foliated bimineralic rocks during this event. Subsequently, at somewhat lower P–T conditions (750–700 °C, 6 kbar), the influx of Mg‐, Si‐ and K‐bearing fluids into the anorthite‐corundum rocks caused significant metasomatic changes. In zones infiltrated by ‘primary’ potassic fluids, the bimineralic assemblage was completely replaced by phlogopite and Mg‐Al minerals, thereby producing corundum‐, spinel‐ and sapphirine‐bearing phlogopitites. Further advance of the resulting ‘residual’ Mg‐ and Si‐bearing fluids into anorthite‐corundum domains led to partial to complete replacement of corundum porphyroblasts by spinel, spinel + sapphirine or sapphirine, depending on the activities of the solutes. The static textures developed during this second metasomatic episode suggest fluid influx subsequent to intense ductile deformation in the Bongolava‐Ranotsara ductile shear zone c. 530–500 Ma ago.  相似文献   
碱性岩通常形成于岩石圈拉张环境,其源于深部地幔物质的部分熔融,是深部地球动力学过程在地壳中的记录,也是探究地球深部物质组成、动力学过程及物理化学环境的良好对象.1:5万区域地质调查在峨山县甸中地区新发现一个正长岩岩体,岩性为碱闪霓石正长岩.系统的研究表明,碱闪霓石正长岩富硅(SiO2=67.40% ~67.79%)、富...  相似文献   
Coarse-grained, granular spinel lherzolites xenoliths from the Premier kimberlite show evidence of melt extraction and metasomatic enrichment, documenting a complex history for the shallow mantle beneath the Bushveld complex. Compositions of orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and spinel indicate equilibration within the spinel–peridotite facies of the upper mantle, at depths from 80 to 100 km and temperatures from 720 to 850 °C. Bulk compositions have lower Mg-number [atomic 100 Mg/(Mg + Fe*)] than previously studied spinel peridotites from Premier, and have higher Mg/Si than low-temperature coarse grained garnet lherzolites, suggesting shallower melting conditions or metasomatic enrichment. Clinopyroxene in one sample is highly LREE-depleted indicating very minor modification of a residue of 20% melt extraction, whereas the calculated REE pattern for a melt in equilibrium with a mildly LREE-depleted sample is similar to MORB or late Archean basalt, possibly related to the Bushveld Complex. Bulk and mineral compositions suggest minimal refertilization by silicate melts in four out of six samples, but REE patterns indicate introduction of a LIL-enriched component that may be related to kimberlite.  相似文献   
Abstract Chromian omphacite which contains up to 4 wt % Cr2O3 has been identified from low-grade metamorphic rocks in Nishisonogi, Kyushu, Japan. It occurs as aggregates, forming a thin horizon ([20 mm thick) in alayered metagabbro within a serpentinite melange zone, together with Cr-free omphacite, actino-lite, epidote and sphene. It may have been formed by the metasomatic introduction of Cr into the metagabbro from the serpentinite rather than by reaction with chromite. The structural formula, based on EPMA analyses, and the optical absorption spectrum of the chromian omphacite show that the Cr is positioned in the octahedral site.  相似文献   
Abstract A metasomatic diopside rock occurs at the top of the dolomitic Connemara Marble Formation of western Ireland and contains titanite and K-feldspar in addition to around 90% diopside ( X Mg= 0.90–0.97). U–Pb isotopic measurements on this mineral assemblage show that the titanite is both unusually uranium-rich and isotopically concordant, with the result that a precise U–Pb age of 478 ± 2.5 Ma can be determined. The age is identical within error to a less precise Rb–Sr age of diopside–K-feldspar of 483 ± 6 Ma. Petrological evidence indicates that the assemblage crystallized at c . 620° C close to or below the closure temperature of titanite. The age thus provides a precise estimate of the time of metamorphism; this age is 11 ± 3 Ma younger than the 490 Ma age for nearby gabbroic plutons which has previously been used to constrain the peak metamorphic age. This difference accords well with geological evidence that the gabbros were emplaced prior to the metamorphic peak. Analysis of minerals with high closure temperature from assemblages whose crystallization is unambiguously associated with a specific episode of fluid infiltration at the peak of metamorphism provides the basis for a new approach to dating metamorphism. The success of this approach is demonstrated by the results from Connemara.  相似文献   
本文提出一组εNd-La/Nb、εNd-Ba/Nb和εNd-Nb/Th图。在这些图中岛弧火山岩呈三角形分布,从而将其源区的三个主要端元(MORB型亏损地幔、俯冲洋壳析出流体、陆源沉积物)同时显示在一张图上。据此,岛弧火山岩可根据其源区特征划分成两类:二端元型(无陆源沉积物)和三端元型。此外,EMII型幔源岩石在这些图中也被分成两类:与岛弧火山岩类似的,具有高La/Nb、Ba/Nb和低Nb/Th的大陆溢流玄武岩和某些橄榄岩包体;具有低La/Nb、Ba/Nb和高Nb/Th的萨莫德型海岛玄武岩。它们对应的EMII富集地幔端元也可分为两种:EMIIM,由俯冲洋壳析出流体交代楔型地幔而成;EMIISR,与陆源沉积物再循环进入对流上地幔有关。  相似文献   
Jadeitite is a rare constituent of serpentinite-matrix mélange bodies from certain subduction complexes. Most jadeitite crystallizes from Na-, Al-, and Si-bearing fluids that are apparently derived from multiple subduction-zone sources. Even though jadeitite is near-end-member NaAlSi2O6 in major element composition and is volumetrically minor in subduction complexes, its trace elements and stable isotopes appear to record fluid compositions not directly seen in other subduction zone metasomatic systems.

Prior to our work, how jadeitite-forming fluids interact with serpentinite host rocks and serpentinizing fluids were largely unknown, because serpentinite-to-jadeitite contacts are generally not exposed. In the Sierra de las Minas, Guatemala, we have studied a 3 m-wide pit transecting the contact between a mined-out jadeitite body and its host serpentinite. An apparent transition zone between the former jadeitite and nearby serpentinite exposed in the mine pit contains four texturally distinct rock types of differing outcrop colours, composed of albitites and meta-ultramafic rocks. (The jadeitite body is now represented only by a large spoil pile.) Seven samples from the contact zone, jadeitite from the spoil pile, a serpentinite outcrop approximately 1 m outside the pit, and a jadeitite nodule within the contact zone albitite were analysed for major, minor, and trace elements.

Abundances of Al2O3, Na2O, MgO, FeO, Cr, Ni, and Sc track the contact between sheared albitite and foliated meta-ultramafic rocks. These elements change from values typical of Guatemalan jadeitites in the jadeitite block and albitites in the contact zone to values for Guatemalan meta-ultramafic rocks and serpentinites across the contact zone. In addition, the abundances of SiO2, CaO, Fe2O3, K2O, Rb, Cs, and Y show important features. Of greatest interest, perhaps, approximately 15 cm from the contact with meta-ultramafic rock, Zr, U, Hf, Pb, Ba, Sr, Y, and Cs in albitite are greatly enriched compared to elsewhere in the contact zone. Element enrichments spatially coincide with the appearance, increase in modal abundance, and/or increase in grain sizes of zircon, rare earth element (REE) rich epidote, titantite, and celsian within albitite. All of these ‘trace-element-rich’ accessory minerals show poikiloblastic inclusions of albite, which suggests that they grew concomitantly in the metasomatic zone.

Graphical and computational methods of evaluating mass changes of metasomatites relative to likely protoliths show that, near the contact, fewer minor and trace elements in albitite show 1:1 coordination with presumed protoliths. Most metasomatitites are enriched in large-ion lithophile elements (LILE) and heat-producing elements (HPE) relative to likely protoliths. Albitite near the contact with meta-ultramafic rocks also shows ultramafic components. Except for a Ca-rich actinolite schist zone, the meta-ultramafic rocks are depleted in LILE and HPE relative to serpentinite; host serpentinite is itself under-abundant in these elements relative to average upper mantle or chondrite.

In summary, the metasomatic zone shows more evidence for the introduction of components to albitite and actinolitic meta-ultramafic rock than it does for exchange of protolith components between jadeitite and serpentinite. The fluid that presumably formed the metasomatites was sufficiently rich in LILE and high-field-strength elements (HFSE) to both saturate and grow minerals in which Zr, Ba, and Ti are essential structural constituents and/or HFSE, LILE, and HPE minor to moderate substituents. These geochemically diverse element groups were fixed in albitite via the crystallization and growth of new accessory minerals within these rocks during albititization. The amount of LILE and HPE-depleted meta-ultramafic rock appears to be too small to call upon a local source for the LILE and HPE-enrichment seen in albitites. Therefore, LILE and HPE must be of exotic origin, carried and deposited by fluids within the albitites at the jadeitite-serpentinite contact. This contact clearly testifies to an alteration style that involved crystallization of ‘trace-element’-rich minerals during fluid flow; this process appears to be essential to mass transfer within subduction zones.  相似文献   
位于中国西南天山南缘的霍什布拉克岩体,由碱长花岗岩和碱长花岗斑岩组成。岩石化学成分比较均一,具有富SiO2、Al2O3,贫Fe2O3T、MgO、TiO2、P2O5等特点。AR-SiO2图解中,样品均落入碱性区间,在A/CNK-A/NK图解中,样品主要为准铝质。微量元素总体表现为高场强元素(HFSE)相对于大离子亲石元素的富集以及高场强元素P、Ti和大离子亲石元素Sr、Ba的明显亏损。稀土元素中轻稀土元素相对于重稀土元素富集,Eu的负异常十分明显。岩体含副矿物萤石,并具有高FeOT/MgO、低CaO等特征,10000Ga/Al的比值和Zr+Ni+Sr+Y的含量亦较高,岩石学和地球化学特征表明它为典型的A1型花岗岩,是铁镁质下地壳在低压条件下部分熔融的产物。岩体具有极低的Ti含量是由于源区部分熔融过程中大量磁铁矿的残留所致,而较高的Nb-Ta含量则与岩浆中富含F有关。岩体产出于板内环境,在构造岩体的形成上受到塔里木板块内部裂谷体系的影响。岩体对霍什布拉克铅锌矿成矿意义不大,但具有Sn元素的成矿潜力。  相似文献   
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