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基于青藏高原地区1960-2010年高分辨率(0.5°×0.5°)的逐日地面气温格点资料以及 1960-2010年NCEP/NCAR全球月平均海平面气压场、高度场、风场的再分析格点资料(2.5°×2.5°), 通过计算青藏高原(74.75°~104.25° E, 26.75°~40.25° N)冬季地面温度平均值经标准化处理后得到的区域冬季气温强度指数, 分析了冬季北极涛动(AO)、西伯利亚高压与同期青藏高原地面气温的特征和关系. 结果表明: AO为负(正)相位时, 中高纬西风气流偏弱(强), 有(不)利于极地冷空气向南输送, 西伯利亚地区源地冬季风偏强(弱), 青藏高原冬季气温指数减小(增大), 地面气温偏低(高). 对AO作M-K突变分析, 发现其突变年份为1975年, 通过对突变年份前后高度场和风场作差值场分析, 结果显示: 冬季AO处于高指数时期, 500 hPa上, 欧洲东部槽变浅, 青藏高原北部的高压脊减弱, 环流呈纬向发展, 青藏高原上盛行偏南风, 气温偏高, 青藏高原地区为暖冬期; 200 hPa 上, 青藏高原东部的槽明显加深, 使得青藏高原地区对流层顶至平流层底的环流趋势以经向发展为主, 该区域主要受到偏北的急流控制, 易导致降温. 相似文献
近10年中国大气PM10污染时空格局演变 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
为分析近10 年来中国PM10污染时空格局演变,运用统计学和GIS 方法对2002-2012 年PM10监测数据进行分析,结果表明:① 地级及以上城市ρ(PM10)年均值由0.130 mg·m-3下降至0.076 mg·m-3,达标城市比例由37.6%上升至92.0%;环保重点城市ρ(PM10)日均值超标天数比例由24.7%下降至7.0%。② 12 月份PM10污染最重,其次为1 月和11 月;8 月份污染最轻,其次为7 月和9 月。③ PM10的重污染区域明显减小,由集中连片分布变为零星点状分布。但空间格局未发生明显变化,北方尤其是西北、华北地区及山东、江苏、湖北一直是PM10污染相对严重地区。④ 北方地区PM10污染重于南方地区,两者的差异主要发生在北方采暖期(1-4 月及11-12 月)。⑤ PM10污染的改善主要体现在重污染城市的改善,1/10 左右的重污染城市对降低全国PM10平均浓度的贡献约占1/3,而清洁城市PM10污染则有加重趋势。⑥ 环保重点城市污染天气以轻度污染为主,占全部污染天数的80.4%。受沙尘天气影响,3、4 月份发生严重污染天气的比例较高。 相似文献
中国近代北方极端干湿事件的演变规律 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Using monthly precipitation and monthly mean temperature, a surface humid index was proposed. According to the index, the distributed characteristics of extreme dryness has been fully analyzed. The results indicated that there is an obvious increasing trend of extreme dryness in the central part of northern China and northeastern China in the last 10 years, which shows a high frequency period of extreme dryness; while a low frequency period in the regions during the last 100 years. Compared with variation trend of the temperature in these regions, the region of high frequent extreme dryness is consistent with the warming trend in the same region. 相似文献
我国航空客流网络发展及其地域系统研究 总被引:69,自引:19,他引:69
“极化”效应是高速交通网络引导客货流演进的空间表象,由此导致空间作用关系的变化和空间结构的演化。轴心—附属式的“轴—辐”空间模式已经成为航空客流网络发展的基本模式。本文以航空客流为分析对象,探讨了我国城市间的相互作用特征,以及高速运输网络发展的社会经济意义。结果表明,我国大陆航空客流的网络体系形成了明显的地域分异现象,产生了以三个一级枢纽为核心的“轴—辐”系统,即北京、广州和上海系统,以及两个相对独立的次级系统——乌鲁木齐和昆明系统;航空客流存在显著的距离衰减规律,绝大部分客流发生的距离在2400km之内;超大城市是航空客流的集聚地,以其为枢纽的航空网络的合理组织具有重大的社会经济意义 相似文献
多年平均气温数据空间化误差的尺度效应 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
属性数据空间化是利用矢量数据生成栅格数据产品的有效方法,它有助于不同来源、不同格式之间的数据的综合分析。空间化是一种必然有误差伴随的过程,为探讨空间化误差与数据源密度、空间化模型方法,以及空间化分辨率之间的关系,本文利用7种水平的气象站点密度、5种空间化模型方法和19种栅格分辨率分析多年平均气温数据空间化误差与这3类影响因子之间的关系。分析发现:(1)气象站点密度的降低导致多年平均气温数据的空间化误差增加;(2)在IDW、Kriging、Adjusted IDW、Regression和Anusplin 5种空间化模型方法中,Adjusted IDW、Regression、Anusplin比IDW、Kriging的精度高;(3)随着栅格分辨率的变粗,多年平均气温数据空间化误差增大;(4)在影响空间化精度的3类因子中,空间化模型方法对空间化精度的影响最大,栅格分辨率次之,气象站点密度的影响最小。通过多元回归分析,建立了多年平均气温数据空间化误差与这3类影响因子之间的定量模型,可为空间化技术方案的制定提供参考和依据。 相似文献
PuYu Wang ZhongQin Li ChunHai Xu Ping Zhou WenBin Wang Shuang Jin HongLiang Li 《寒旱区科学》2019,11(1):41-49
This study makes an attempt to investigate through statistical analysis the correlation between changes in ice volume and area of glaciers. Using data from nine sample glaciers in the Tian Shan, the results show that a linear relation exists between changes in ice volume and area, with a correlation coefficient of 0.700. However, the accuracy estimation is difficult due to the limited number of samples. The correlation was not improved after adding eleven glacier samples in other mountains. Two reference glaciers are then analyzed in more detail. The linear correlation coefficient is higher than 0.800 when using the observed changes in ice volume and area during different periods on Urumqi Glacier No. 1, which suggests that the linear relation is valid for one glacier for different periods if its shape does not change noticeably and also for other glaciers of the same shape during the same period. The relation between changes in ice volume and area of Qingbingtan Glacier No. 72 is different during different periods due to change in the shape of the glacier tongue and the influence of the debris cover. Moreover, errors in glacier-change monitoring and-volume estimation have an important influence on the correlation results. Therefore, further study needs to focus not only on the distinction between glacier types and between different periods but also on the accuracy of volume estimation. 相似文献
Mark D. Schwartz 《The Professional geographer》1991,43(1):77-91
Both subjective and objective schemes for air mass classification offer advantages to climatological studies. An integrated approach is developed and applied to 850 mb level data in the north central United States. Each air mass type was initially delimited by a subjective analysis. Final limits were then determined with an objective technique that separates temperature curves into normal components based on interpretation from the subjective method. Continental air was most frequent in all seasons except summer. The methodology also allows estimation of classification error. 相似文献
构建表现机场腹地与其航空运输网络间相互关系的结构方程模型,明确“二三产业总产值/总人口数/社会消费品零售总额”与“通航机场数/航班密度/通航里程”2个变量组之间的数量关系。基于腹地陆路交通网络和机场航空运输网络,列出机场陆域可达性和航线可达性的数学表达式,并基于乘客的主观感受组合2类可达性指标得到区域航空运输可达性指标,将该指标作为比选机场空间布局方案的标准。以烟台/威海地区为例对不同机场布局方案的场景进行分析,结果表明:在目前的需求形态下烟台/威海地区应设置1个机场,以使旅客享有较好的航空运输服务,使整个区域的航空运输可达性最优。 相似文献