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Palaeohydraulic modelling is presented for Athabasca Vallis, the youngest known catastrophic flood channel on Mars. This modelling incorporates three significant advantages over previous modelling of Martian channels: a step-backwater hydraulic model; more accurate topography; and improved flood height indicators. The maximum modelled palaeodischarge is between 1 × 106 and 2 × 106m3s?1 depending on the friction coefficient selected. An anomalously high palaeostage indicator suggests a region of ponded backwater in the channel in which streamlined forms were created through deposition, with the additional possibility of post-flood subsidence/lowering of the channel slope due to magma extrusion.  相似文献   
机房是移动通信基站的重要组成部分,其地震易损性将决定基站在震后的功能状态,即基站所辖范围内的移动通信服务在震后是否可以正常使用。在对我国北方某市典型落地通信基站机房进行实地考察的基础上,确定了影响机房地震后使用功能的重要设施(即基站板房、内部走线架、通信机柜和蓄电池组);随后采用有限元软件ABAQUS分别建立了这些设施的数值模型,通过Pushover分析确定了每种设施的损伤模式、损伤水平评价指标及其数值;通过IDA分析得到了每种设施的抗震性能,并通过对IDA分析结果的统计得到了这些重要设施的地震易损性曲线;最后,给出了基于故障树模型的典型通信基站机房震后功能评估的方法。该工作将作为基本环节用于城市及地区移动通信系统的地震后功能状态评估与预测。  相似文献   
基于性能的碳纤维抗震加固设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文探讨了基于性能的加固设计的基本思路和设计过程,并给出了一个基于性能的碳纤维加固设计的工程实例,采用pushover静力推覆分析的方法分析对比了结构加固前后的性能,表明原结构的抗震性能不足,经碳纤维加固后的结构抗震性能明显提高,满足8度抗震设防烈度要求。  相似文献   
Flood hazard and risk assessment was conducted to identify the priority areas in the southwest region of Bangladesh for flood mitigation. Simulation of flood flow through the Gorai and Arial Khan river system and its floodplains was done by using a hydrodynamic model. After model calibration and verification, the model was used to simulate the flood flow of 100‐year return period for a duration of four months. The maximum flooding depths at different locations in the rivers and floodplains were determined. The process in determining long flooding durations at every grid point in the hydrodynamic model is laborious and time‐consuming. Therefore the flood durations were determined by using satellite images of the observed flood in 1988, which has a return period close to 100 years. Flood hazard assessment was done considering flooding depth and duration. By dividing the study area into smaller land units for hazard assessment, the hazard index and the hazard factor for each land unit for depth and duration of flooding were determined. From the hazard factors of the land units, a flood hazard map, which indicates the locations of different categories of hazard zones, was developed. It was found that 54% of the study area was in the medium hazard zone, 26% in the higher hazard zone and 20% in the lower hazard zone. Due to lack of sufficient flood damage data, flood damage vulnerability is simply considered proportional to population density. The flood risk factor of each land unit was determined as the product of the flood hazard factor and the vulnerability factor. Knowing the flood risk factors for the land units, a flood risk map was developed based on the risk factors. These maps are very useful for the inhabitants and floodplain management authorities to minimize flood damage and loss of human lives. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Breach erosion of earthfill dams (BEED) model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A computer model has been developed for simulation of breach erosion of earthfill dams (BEED). The model incorporates the processes of surface erosion and slope sloughing to simulate breach enlargement. Depletion of reservoir water is approximated by a volume continuity equation while broad-crested weir hydraulics is utilized to describe flow over and through the breach. Due to the implicit form of these equations, an iterative solution is proposed with convergence achieved within only a few iterations. The BEED model is written in both FORTRAN 77 and BASIC computer languages. Testing of the model using historical data of the failures of Teton and Huaccoto dams showed that timing, shape, and magnitude of the predicted outflow hydrograph were adequately simulated by this model. The same is true for the dimensions of the terminal breach. A sensitivity analysis indicated that internal friction angle and the relation for surface erosion were the major factors affecting the model results.  相似文献   
Tashamingo Subdivision in Sinking Creek karst valley, a tributary of the Garretts Spring drainage basin in Jessamine and Woodford counties, Kentucky, was flooded in February 1989. To determine the cause of flooding, the groundwater basin boundary was mapped, discharge data were measured to determine intake capacity of swallets, and hydrologic modeling of the basin was conducted. Swallet capacity was determined to be limited by the hydraulic parameters of the conduit, rather than by obstruction by trash. Flooding from a precipitation event is more likely, and will be higher, when antecedent soil moisture conditions in the watershed are near saturation. Hydrologic modeling shows that suburban development of 20 percent of the southeast basin will cause a small increase in flood stage at Tashamingo Subdivision.  相似文献   
徐良炎 《气象》1996,22(4):17-19
1995年,我国大部地区降水正常或偏多,但季节分配不均。春季,北方干旱范围较大,陕、甘等省冬春夏连旱,旱情严重。汛期,江南及东北南部暴雨频繁,赣、湘、辽、吉等省发展严重洪涝。全国大部地区热量比较充足,但光照条件欠佳,部分地区作物遭受低温寡照或霜冻危害。登陆台风和热带风暴偏多,两广局地损失严重。部分地区遭受风雹或沙尘暴袭击。  相似文献   
本文详细介绍了永登5.8级地震引起的各种不良社会现象和政府采取的相应措施,同时,就这次地震造成的经济损失和重建家园的经济预算进行了详细的介绍和估算。可供从事地震社会学的同行在防震减灾工作中参考。  相似文献   
The equations for a compositional model for simulation of a two-phase, three-component system with inter-phase mass transfer are developed. Emphasis is placed on development of inter-phase mass transfer equations for incorporation of rate-limited inter-phase mass transfer. Due to the nature of the three-component systems considered, a single-film model may be inadequate and a two-film model must be utilized. A two-film model accounts for the simultaneous transfer of components in both directions across phase interfaces. The effect of interaction between components on diffusion is considered using a general form of Fick's Law. A Hand Plot representation of ternary phase behavior is chosen since it allows for straightforward calculation of miscibility of bulk phases under conditions of local non-equilibrium. The developed set of equations form the basis for a numerical model to simulate the enhanced removal of non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) from porous media using single-component alcohol floods.  相似文献   
K. A. Upton  C. R. Jackson 《水文研究》2011,25(12):1949-1963
This article presents the development of a relatively low cost and rapidly applicable methodology to simulate the spatio‐temporal occurrence of groundwater flooding in chalk catchments. In winter 2000/2001 extreme rainfall resulted in anomalously high groundwater levels and groundwater flooding in many chalk catchments of northern Europe and the southern United Kingdom. Groundwater flooding was extensive and prolonged, occurring in areas where it had not been recently observed and, in places, lasting for 6 months. In many of these catchments, the prediction of groundwater flooding is hindered by the lack of an appropriate tool, such as a distributed groundwater model, or the inability of models to simulate extremes adequately. A set of groundwater hydrographs is simulated using a simple lumped parameter groundwater model. The number of models required is minimized through the classification and grouping of groundwater level time‐series using principal component analysis and cluster analysis. One representative hydrograph is modelled then transposed to other observed hydrographs in the same group by the process of quantile mapping. Time‐variant groundwater level surfaces, generated using the discrete set of modelled hydrographs and river elevation data, are overlain on a digital terrain model to predict the spatial extent of groundwater flooding. The methodology is applied to the Pang and Lambourn catchments in southern England for which monthly groundwater level time‐series exist for 52 observation boreholes covering the period 1975–2004. The results are validated against observed groundwater flood extent data obtained from aerial surveys and field mapping. The method is shown to simulate the spatial and temporal occurrence of flooding during the 2000/2001 flood event accurately. British Geological Survey © NERC 2011. Hydrological Processes © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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