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土地是人类赖以生存和发展的物质基础。真实、准确的土地所有权数据是国家进行宏观经济调控的基础和重要依据。本文以广东省韶关市某村为试点,介绍了农村土地承包经营权确权登记的技术路线和工作流程,探讨了权属调查及数据库建设的方法。  相似文献   
随着“数字城市”项目在各大城市如火如荼地发展,城市景观重建是数字城市发展的首要步骤和重要内容。本文结合实际生产项目,对基于航测的三维建模方法进行研究。航测法三维建模通过立体采集建筑物平面几何高程数据,并结合测区DEM成果、影像数据等,使用Dibud软件自动生成三维模型,然后,使用3DMAX软件参考外业采集照片精细修模,给模型贴图等。  相似文献   
孙承晟 《地质论评》2021,67(5):67060015-67060015
晚清随着中国国门洞开,西方学者、传教士、商人、探险家以“科学无国界”的旗号,将中国视为一个巨大的“露天博物馆”,纷纷来华进行各种科学考察。其中比较著名的如庞佩利、李希霍芬、塞切尼、奥勃鲁切夫、维理士、安得思以及斯文·赫定等,在中国先后组织了多次系统的考察,在地质学等领域取得了许多影响深远的成果。这些考察不仅丰富了西方地质学家对中国地质的认识,对之后的中国学者也颇多裨益。民国以后,西人的考察活动激起了中国学者的民族主义反弹,不断遭遇中国学者的主权诉求,尤其是斯文·赫定组织的西北考察成为其中的一个标志性事件。在民间团体的努力下,政府对外国人在中国的考察活动逐渐作出了明确的法律限制,中国学者亦自发开展独立的地质学考察和研究。  相似文献   
从1988年建设部颁布《关于开展建设监理工作的通知》算起,在我国工程建设领域推行工程监理制度已有三十多年历史.工程监理在工程建设过程中发挥了重要作用,我国目前在工程领域建立了完善的监理法规及标准体系,形成了较为完整的工程监理机制.但在测绘领域,全面推行测绘监理仍尚需时日,有待健全.湖南省各市州第三次国土调查项目引入了监...  相似文献   
安智明 《北京测绘》2019,33(1):111-115
技能竞赛的蓬勃发展为加强技能人才培养、选拔和促进优秀人才脱颖而出发挥了重要作用。通过对全国和北京市测绘地理信息行业职业技能竞赛工程测量赛项设置、技术要求、竞赛特点的归纳分析,从参赛队员的选拔、竞赛训练方案、技战术、比赛注意事项等方面对竞赛工作进行探讨,为今后的备赛以及参赛提供借鉴。  相似文献   
《China Geology》2021,4(1):77-94
The Chayu area is located at the southeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. This region was considered to be in the southeastward extension of the Lhasa Block, bounded by Nujiang suture zone in the north and Yarlung Zangbo suture zone in the south. The Demala Group complex, a set of high-grade metamorphic gneisses widely distributed in the Chayu area, is known as the Precambrian metamorphic basement of the Lhasa Block in the area. According to field-based investigations and microstructure analysis, the Demala Group complex is considered to mainly consist of banded biotite plagiogneisses, biotite quartzofeldspathic gneiss, granitic gneiss, amphibolite, mica schist, and quartz schist, with many leucogranite veins. The zircon U-Pb ages of two granitic gneiss samples are 205 ± 1 Ma and 218 ± 1 Ma, respectively, representing the ages of their protoliths. The zircons from two biotite plagiogneisses samples show core-rim structures. The U-Pb ages of the cores are mainly 644 –446 Ma, 1213 –865 Ma, and 1780 –1400 Ma, reflecting the age characteristics of clastic zircons during sedimentation of the original rocks. The U-Pb ages of the rims are from 203 ± 2 Ma to 190 ± 1 Ma, which represent the age of metamorphism. The zircon U-Pb ages of one sample taken from the leucogranite veins that cut through granitic gneiss foliation range from 24 Ma to 22 Ma, interpreted as the age of the anatexis in the Demala Group complex. Biotite and muscovite separates were selected from the granitic gneiss, banded gneiss, and leucogranite veins for 40Ar/39Ar dating. The plateau ages of three muscovite samples are 16.56 ± 0.21 Ma, 16.90 ± 0.21 Ma, and 23.40 ± 0.31 Ma, and the plateau ages of four biotite samples are 16.70 ± 0.24 Ma, 16.14 ± 0.19 Ma, 15.88 ± 0.20 Ma, and 14.39 ± 0.20 Ma. The mica Ar-Ar ages can reveal the exhumation and cooling history of the Demala Group complex. Combined with the previous research results of the Demala Group complex, the authors refer that the Demala Group complex should be a set of metamorphic complex. The complex includes not only Precambrian basement metamorphic rock series, but also Paleozoic sedimentary rock and Mesozoic granitic rock. Based on the deformation characteristics, the authors concluded that two stages of the metamorphism and deformation can be revealed in the Demala Group complex since the Mesozoic, namely Late Triassic-Early Jurassic (203 –190 Ma) and Oligocene –Miocene (24 –14 Ma). The early stage of metamorphism (ranging from 203 –190 Ma) was related to the Late Triassic tectono-magmatism in the area. The anatexis and uplifting-exhumation of the later stage (24 –14 Ma) were related to the shearing of the Jiali strike-slip fault zone. The Miocene structures are response to the large-scale southeastward escape of crustal materials and block rotation in Southeast Tibet after India-Eurasia collision.©2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   
大比例尺全野外数字化测图   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
全野外数字化测图的基本思想是将野外采集的各种有关地物和地貌信息转化为数字形式,通过数据接口传输给计算机进行处理,得到内容丰富的电子地图,需要时由电子计算机的图形输出设备(如显示器、绘图仪)绘出地形图或各种专题地图。  相似文献   
CASS在测量中得到广泛应用,特别是CASS配合Autolisp语言,还可以编写一些常用小程序,使测量计算和作图过程得到大量简化。地质坑道测量在矿山测绘中占有重要地位,可以将CASS与全站仪配合,在测量坑道过程中,进行坑道平面图绘制,指导井下开矿,提高工作效率。还可以利用CASS计算坑道挖掘土方量,这样便于与施工方进行工程量结算及处理井下越界开采纠纷问题。  相似文献   
第三次国土调查数据库是第三次国土调查工作的主要成果,是支撑未来自然资源管理各项工作的关键,其质量必须得到充分重视.对数据库进行充分自检并依据自检问题逐一修改,是减少后期工作量、保障第三次国土调查数据库质量的重要手段.本文通过对湖南省第三次国土调查数据库自检内容和方法的分析,梳理了第三次国土调查数据库自检工作存在的不足,...  相似文献   
根据海道测量定位数据后处理的要求,对定位数据后处理中的拟合算法进行了研究,提出了一种基于多面函数拟合的后处理方法,并给出了相应的数学模型。实例结果表明,后处理中采用多面函数拟合法处理测线定位数据可提高定位数据的可靠性,拟合精度可将精密动态定位控制在厘米级。上述方法有利于提高海道测量中海上定位成果的质量。  相似文献   
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