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青海湖周边地区沙丘移动监测及其气候驱动力分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
根据青海湖周边地区3个定点沙丘监测点近5 a沙丘移动监测资料,结合邻近气象局气象资料,分析了青海湖周边地区沙丘移动距离、方向和高度变化规律及其气候驱动力。结果显示,近年来青海湖湖东地区沙丘主要向ENE方向移动,移动速度减慢,沙丘高度降低;龙羊峡水库西北部的两个沙丘主要向偏SW方向移动,移动速度东部快西部慢,沙丘高度均有所降低。沙丘移动速度及方位主要受4~8 m·s-1风速级风向出现频率的影响。近年来兴海、海晏水热条件向暖湿化方向发展,兴海风速自1996年以来变化平稳,海晏近几年虽有所增加,但在2004年前经历了16 a较平稳的低风速阶段,气候条件对沙丘发展有一定的抑制作用;共和降水增幅较小,气温持续升高,且在2004年以前经历了13 a的高风速阶段,对沙漠化具有加剧作用。  相似文献   
Our understanding of continental rifting is, in large parts, derived from the stratigraphic record. This record is, however, incomplete as it does not often capture the geomorphic and erosional signal of rifting. New 3D seismic reflection data reveal a Late Permian-Early Triassic landscape incised into the pre-rift basement of the northern North Sea. This landscape, which covers at least 542 km2, preserves a drainage system bound by two major tectonic faults. A quantitative geomorphic analysis of the drainage system reveals 68 catchments, with channel steepness and knickpoint analysis of catchment-hosted palaeo-rivers showing that the landscape preserved a >2 Myr long period of transient tectonics. We interpret that this landscape records a punctuated uplift of the footwall of a major rift-related normal fault (Vette Fault) at the onset of rifting. The landscape was preserved by a combination of relatively rapid subsidence in the hangingwall of a younger fault (Øygarden Fault) and burial by post-incision sediments. As such, we show how and why erosional landscapes are preserved in the stratigraphic record, and how they can help us understand the tectono-stratigraphic evolution of ancient continental rifts.  相似文献   
文章根据吉林双辽地区风沙堆积物中的Fe3+/Fe2+值,计算了风沙堆积时的古温度及其变化,结合堆积物的定年数据,建立了该区76.9±6.0~17.8±1.4kaB.P.期间温度波动旋回。结果表明:这一地质时期吉林双辽地区年均温度变化于1.13℃~8.70℃之间,整体较现在为低,应为末次冰期影响所致。该研究得到的松辽平原末次冰期的温度数据,为系统建立松辽平原晚更新世古气候年表提供了重要基础资料。  相似文献   
黄土丘陵沟壑区流域系统侵蚀与产沙关系   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
陈浩 《地理学报》2000,55(3):354-363
从长期来看流域系统的侵蚀与产沙基本可以达到平衡,泥沙输移比约等于1。但次降雨或分年度泥沙输移比有相当大的变幅,在短期内会经常存在泥沙的滞留和滞留的泥沙被重新锓蚀搬运,而出现泥沙输移比小于1和大于1的情况。这主要与降雨的空间分布和洪峰增减幅度及径流深度增减幅度密切相关。流域系统次降雨泥沙输移比及各级沟道含沙水流的挟沙能力变化可用单位面积上洪峰增减幅度变化时暴雨洪水的剪切力的转化机制来描述。  相似文献   
In a blowing sand system,the wind provides the driving forces for the particle movement while the moving particles exert the opposite forces to the wind by extracting its momentum.The wind-sand interaction that can be characterized by shear stress and force exerted on the wind by moving particles results in the modification of wind profiles.Detailed wind pro-files re-adapted to blown sand movement are measured in a wind tunnel for different grain size populations and at differ-ent free-stream wind velocities.The shear stress with a blowing sand cloud and force exerted on the wind by moving par-ticles are calculated from the measured wind velocity profiles.The results suggest that the wind profiles with presence of blowing sand cloud assume convex-upward curves on the u(z)-ln(z) plot compared with the straight lines characterizing the velocity profiles of clean wind,and they can be better fitted by power function than log-linear function.The exponent of the power function ranging from 0.1 to 0.17 tends to increase with an increase in wind velocity but decrease with an increase in particle size.The force per unit volume exerted on the wind by blown sand drift that is calculated based on the empirical power functions for the wind velocity profiles is found to decrease with height.The particle-induced force makes the total shear stress with blowing sand cloud partitioned into air-borne stress that results from the wind velocity gradient and grain-borne stress that results from the upward or downward movement of particles.The air-borne stress in-creases with an increase in height,while the grain-borne stress decreases with an increase in height.The air-borne shear stress at the top of sand cloud layer increases with both wind velocity and grain size,implying that it increases with sand transport rate for a given grain size.The shear stress with a blowing sand cloud is also closely related to the sand transport rate.Both the total shear stress and grain-borne stress on the grain top is directly proportional to the squ  相似文献   

重建珊瑚礁的地貌变化历史将有助于理解珊瑚礁对气候变化的响应规律。因此,本文选择以南海中部相对孤立、低潮时部分露出的黄岩岛环礁(15°09'N,117°45'E)为对象,基于1977年至2019年间的Landsat和Sentinel-2共22景遥感影像来探讨南海珊瑚礁地貌的变化历史与规律。首先结合实测水深数据探讨遥感影像灰度的变化与珊瑚礁地貌带分界线位置的对应关系;然后通过基于梯度矢量流的主动轮廓线模型(GVF-Snake)和手动边缘提取相结合的方式,提取出黄岩岛环礁主要的地貌带分界线;进而利用数字化海岸线分析系统(DSAS)定量分析这些地貌带分界线位置的变化,并利用线性拟合来探讨这些地貌面积的变化趋势。结果表明:1)黄岩岛外海与礁前斜坡分界线、礁前斜坡与礁坪分界线、潟湖坡与潟湖底分界线均具有向外海移动的趋势,它们的平均移动速率分别是0.36 m/a、0.06 m/a和0.23 m/a,而礁坪与潟湖坡分界线则具有向潟湖移动趋势,平均移动速率为0.16 m/a;2)潟湖底的面积和礁体总面积都呈现增加的趋势,潟湖坡的面积有减少趋势,礁坪的面积则在1977年至1997年间以114523 m2/a的速率增加,其后在1997年至2019年间则以11289 m2/a的速率减少。进一步分析认为,近40年来,黄岩岛珊瑚礁生态系统退化致使其造礁能力的减弱,加之海平面上升、风暴潮侵蚀、海水溶解等因素的综合影响,导致黄岩岛珊瑚礁面积减少。

青藏高原沙漠化土地空间分布及区划   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用野外调查数据、遥感影像和已有研究成果,构建了一套适用于青藏高原沙漠化土地的分类分级指标体系及遥感解译标志。以此为基础,选取目视解译法监测青藏高原沙漠化土地的空间分布特征。结果表明:2015年青藏高原沙漠化土地面积392 913km2,占高原土地总面积的15.1%,主要包括沙质沙漠化土地、砾质沙漠化土地和风蚀残丘3种类型。沙漠化土地以中度和轻度沙漠化土地为主,重度和极重度沙漠化土地面积仅占沙漠化土地总面积的12.2%。空间上,沙漠化土地集中分布在高原的北部和西部地区,其他地区零散分布。自东南向西北,沙漠化土地面积逐渐增大,沙漠化程度不断加重。以沙漠化土地空间分布数据(面积、类型、程度、空间特征和驱动因素)为基础,结合气候、地貌、第四纪沉积物和人类活动等数据,将青藏高原沙漠化区划分为雅鲁藏布江半干旱高山宽谷沙漠化区、藏北青南高寒高原面沙漠化区、柴达木干旱盆地沙漠化区、黄河上游半干旱河流盆地沙漠化区和“三江”流域湿润半湿润高山沙漠化区。  相似文献   
靳建辉  李志忠 《中国沙漠》2017,37(6):1111-1120
选取福建东南沿海典型海岸沙丘——东海沙丘,运用GPR(Ground Penetrating Radar)技术探测海岸沙丘内部构造,辅助天然剖面和人工探槽观测,进行系统的年代采样与OSL(Optically Stimulated Luminescence)测年,并选择物理意义明确的粒度参数作为主要环境代用指标,获得了亚热带季风区砂质海岸带典型海岸沙丘的沉积年代和沉积结构。结果表明:(1)东海沙丘是由若干灌丛沙丘组成的横向沙丘,0~6 m主要是~0.45 ka BP以来形成的海岸风成沙丘,可以划分为~0.45 ka BP和0.22~0.12 ka BP两个阶段。(2)东海沙丘沉积过程是多因素共同作用的结果,冷干的气候环境是沙丘发育的适宜条件,入境台风频率增加可能加快了风沙的沉积过程。对比历史文献资料发现,气候异常期往往与社会动荡期、重要历史事件相对应。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONTheDenglouCape ,inthesouthwestoftheLeizhouPeninsula ,isatthenorthmarginoftropicalzone .SeveralresearchesandcartographiesoftheregionalgeomorphologyandQuater narygeology ,whichwerecarriedoutinthepast,allincludethisarea (MGL ,SCSIO ,CAS ,1 978;GPCSGRCZT…  相似文献   
A wind tunnel investigation on the transverse motion of aeolian sand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A wind tunnel experiment was performed to investigate aeolian grain motions in the transverse direction, which is perpendicular to the incoming flow and parallels the sand bed. The trajectories in the horizontal plane were recorded by high-speed camera. Statistical analysis of 630 trajectories shows that both the motion orientation and the time-averaged speed follow Gaussian distributions. An exclusive method was used to analyze the driving mechanism. It was concluded that the three-dimensional turbulent air flow, rather than the spin of grain or grain–bed collisions, controls the transverse motion.  相似文献   
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