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利用2009年7月4日~29日塔中野外试验观测数据,基于MARTICORENA和SHAO提出的2种起沙模式参数化方案,初步探讨塔中地区不同沙尘天气临界起沙风速,所得结论如下:(1)非沙尘天气,沙尘撞击颗粒数≤ 10 000;扬沙天气,10 001 ≤沙尘撞击颗粒数≤ 20 000;沙尘暴天气,沙尘撞击颗粒数≥ 20 001。(2)基于MARTICORENA起沙参数化方案,临界起沙风速的平均值为4.88 m·s-1,基于SHAO起沙参数化方案,临界起沙风速的平均值为6.24 m·s-1,临界起沙风速在非沙尘天气最大,在沙尘暴天气最小。(3)在观测期间沙尘水平通量为732.9 kg·m-1,其中非沙尘天气125.2 kg·m-1,扬沙天气80.9 kg·m-1,沙尘暴天气526.8 kg·m-1,SHAO起沙参数化方案适合估算总沙尘水平通量以及非沙尘和扬沙天气的沙尘水平通量,MARTICORENA起沙参数化方案适合估算沙尘暴天气沙尘水平通量。  相似文献   
张立鹏  智协飞  王佳  王玉虹 《气象科技》2018,46(6):1136-1146
基于WRFV3.6.1模式,选取3个单参数方案Lin、WSM6、Thompson和3个双参数方案Morrison 2-mom、CAM5.1、NSSL 2-mom模拟影响江苏地区的云系过程。针对云顶高度和云顶温度2个云宏观变量,利用卫星反演资料进行定量检验,评估各方案的预报能力,挑选出最优参数方案。同时,考虑到单一方案预报的不确定性,利用多方案集成技术来减小预报的系统性的偏差。结果表明,各方案均能较好地模拟出云带的基本走向与分布,但对云带范围的模拟仍存在差异,CAM5.1与NSSL 2-mom方案模拟云系范围较实况偏大,其他方案则偏小。CAM5.1方案为最优方案,NSSL方案虽然可以较好地模拟出云顶高度高值中心和云顶温度低值中心位置,但量级误差较大,预报效果最差。3个单参数方案WSM6、Thompson和Lin对云顶高度和温度的模拟效果大致相当,优于双参数方案Morrison。简单集合平均和消除偏差集合平均有效地减小了预报误差,预报效果优于6个方案中最优的CAM5.1方案,其中消除偏差集合平均结果相对于简单集合平均预报更为准确。  相似文献   
Melt ponds significantly affect Arctic sea ice thermodynamic processes. The melt pond parameterization scheme in the Los Alamos sea ice model(CICE6.0) can predict the volume, area fraction(the ratio between melt pond area to sea ice area in a model grid), and depth of melt ponds. However, this scheme has some uncertain parameters that affect melt pond simulations. These parameters could be determined through a conventional parameter estimation method, which requires a large number of sensitivity simulations. The adjoint model can calculate the parameter sensitivity efficiently. In the present research, an adjoint model was developed for the CESM(Community Earth System Model) melt pond scheme. A melt pond parameter estimation algorithm was then developed based on the CICE6.0 sea ice model, melt pond adjoint model,and L-BFGS(Limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfard-Shanno) minimization algorithm. The parameter estimation algorithm was verified under idealized conditions. By using MODIS(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)melt pond fraction observation as a constraint and the developed parameter estimation algorithm, the melt pond aspect ratio parameter in CESM scheme, which is defined as the ratio between pond depth and pond area fraction, was estimated every eight days during summertime for two different regions in the Arctic. One region was covered by multi-year ice(MYI) and the other by first-year ice(FYI). The estimated parameter was then used in simulations and the results show that:(1) the estimated parameter varies over time and is quite different for MYI and FYI;(2) the estimated parameter improved the simulation of the melt pond fraction.  相似文献   
An Eulerian flux-form advection scheme, called the Two-step Shape-Preserving Advection Scheme(TSPAS), was generalized and implemented on a spherical icosahedral hexagonal grid(also referred to as a geodesic grid) to solve the transport equation. The C grid discretization was used for the spatial discretization. To implement TSPAS on an unstructured grid,the original finite-difference scheme was further generalized. The two-step integration utilizes a combination of two separate schemes(a low-order monotone scheme and a high-order scheme that typically cannot ensure monotonicity) to calculate the fluxes at the cell walls(one scheme corresponds to one cell wall). The choice between these two schemes for each edge depends on a pre-updated scalar value using slightly increased fluxes. After the determination of an appropriate scheme, the final integration at a target cell is achieved by summing the fluxes that are computed by the different schemes. The conservative and shape-preserving properties of the generalized scheme are demonstrated. Numerical experiments are conducted at several horizontal resolutions. TSPAS is compared with the Flux Corrected Transport(FCT) approach to demonstrate the differences between the two methods, and several transport tests are performed to examine the accuracy, efficiency and robustness of the two schemes.  相似文献   
时间信息是影响位置地图情境推理的最基本、也是最重要元素之一。针对位置地图情境不同推理过程存在的时间消耗问题,首先,为最大化情境推理效率,建立顾及时间的位置地图情境推理服务基本原理;其次,分析与位置地图情境推理相关的3种时间类型,详细剖析其时间特征;最后,基于以上基础设计位置地图情境推理的时间分配方案。  相似文献   
基于中尺度WRF模式,采用NCEP FNL最终分析资料作为初始场和侧边界条件,以2009年为例,对中国东海区风场进行了动力降尺度研究,旨在检验WRF模式长期积分的动力降尺度能力,并考察动力降尺度方法在东海区的适用情况,为东海区多年时间尺度的风场降尺度研究提供参考。结果表明,3种不同积分方式模拟的风场均能较好地描述东海区风场的季节变化,且整体在冬季的模拟,要优于夏季的模拟。5DAY试验模拟效果最优,其他两组试验稍差。说明每5 d更新一次初始场的积分方式能够最好地描述东海区风场。每10 d更新一次初始场比起1 a连续积分模拟效果并无优势,连续长期积分模拟虽会导致系统误差累积,但定期更新初始场的方法并不一定能有效改善东海区风场的模拟效果。对于加入谱逼近方案的3种积分方式模拟的风场,每10 d更新一次初始场的试验对加入谱逼近方案响应最为明显。但就总体试验效果,5DAYS试验模拟效果仍然是最好的。加入谱逼近方案使得1 a连续积分这种积分方式模拟效果变差。由此说明,加入谱逼近方案后,采用5 d更新一次初始场的方式驱动,每次积分时间较短,初始场的作用还较强,故其改善效果不如10 d更新一次初始场;对于1 a连续积分,谱逼近方案使得初始场的改变导致了连续积分的误差积累增大。  相似文献   
In most TVD schemes, the r-factors were proposed according to the cell-centered (CC) finite volume method (FVM) framework for the numerical approximation to the convective term. However, it is questionable whether those r-factors would be appropriate and effective for the vertex-centered (VC) FVM. In the paper, we collected five kinds of r-factor formulae and found out that only three of those, respectively by Bruner (1996), Darwish and Moukalled (2003) and Cassuli and Zanolli (2005) can be formally extended to a context of the VC FVM. Numerical tests indicate that the TVD schemes and r-factors, after being extended and introduced to a context of the VC FVM, maintained their similar characteristics as in a context of the CC FVM. However, when the gradient-based r-factors and the SUPERBEE scheme were applied simultaneously, non-physical oscillations near the sharp step would appear. In the transient case, the oscillations were weaker in a context of the VC FVM than those in a context of the CC FVM, while the effect was reversed in the steady case. To eliminate disadvantages in the gradient-based r-factor formula, a new modification method by limiting values on the virtual node, namely in the paper, was validated by the tests to effectively dissipate spurious oscillations.  相似文献   
以武汉大学和山东理工大学测绘工程本科专业的人才培养方案为例,从培养目标、课程体系设置、实践环节等多个方面进行对比,总结了各自的定位优势和培养特色,分析了山东理工大学测绘工程专业人才培养的特点与不足,提出了今后的改革思路。  相似文献   
The effects of vertical wind shear on tropical cyclone (TC) intensity change are examined based on the TC data from the China Meteorological Administration and the NCEP reanalysis daily data from 2001 to 2006. First, the influence of wind shear between different vertical levels and averages in different horizontal areas are compared. The results indicate that the effect of wind shear between 200 and 850 hPa averaged within a 200–800 km annulus on TC intensity change is larger than any other calculated vertical wind shear. High-latitude and intense TCs tend to be less sensitive to the effects of VWS than low-latitude and weak TCs. TCs experience time lags between the imposition of the shear and the weakening in TC intensity. A vertical shear of 8–9 m/s (9–10 m/s) would weaken TC intensity within 60 h (48 h). A vertical shear greater than 10 m/s would weaken TC intensity within 6 h. Finally, a statistical TC intensity prediction scheme is developed by using partial least squares regression, which produces skillful intensity forecasts when potential predictors include factors related to the vertical wind shear. Analysis of the standardized regression coefficients further confirms the obtained statistical results.  相似文献   
In the context of global warming, apparent decdal-interdecdal variabilities can be detected in summer precipitation in southern China. Especially around the 1990s, precipitation in South China experienced a phase transition from a deficiency regime to an abundance regime in the early 1990s, while the Yangtze River Valley witnessed a phase shift of summer precipitation from abundance to deficiency in the late 1990s. Pertinent analyses reveal a close relationship between such decadal precipitation shifts and moisture budgets, which is mainly modulated by the meridional component. This relationship can be attributed to large-scale moisture transport anomalies. Further, the HYSPLIT model is utilized to quantitatively evaluate relative moisture contributions from diverse sources during different regimes. It can be found that during the period with abundant precipitation in South China, the moisture contribution from the source of Indochina Peninsula-South China Sea increased significantly, while during the deficient precipitation regime in the Yangtze River Valley, moisture from local source, western Pacific and Indochina Peninsula-South China Sea contributed less to precipitation. It means some new features of relative moisture contributions from diverse sources to precipitation anomaly in southern China took shape after 1990s.  相似文献   
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