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There are 18 gullies displaying sinistral contortions to different degrees along the western terminal segment about 10 km long of the active Daqingshan piedmont fault near the Donghe District, Baotou City. The contortion amount of gullies ranges from 20 m to 300 m. The contortion and length of the gullies are in direct proportion. The relation between piedmont terraces and gullies indicates that the gullies with upper reaches of about 1 ~ 5 km long and those smaller than one kilometer were formed at the end of Late Pleistocene and Holocene.Meanwhile, sandy gravel layer of alluvial-proluvial sediment on the upthrown wall is directly in contact with yellow clayey sand of the downthrown wall. During the Holocene, the sinistral strike-slip rate along the western terminal segment of the active Daqingshan piedmont fault reached 5 mm/a from age data of dislocated sediments. The evolutional mechanism of the active Daqingshan piedmont fault is also discussed in the paper.  相似文献   
Basic characteristics of active tectonics of China   总被引:76,自引:8,他引:76  
Active tectonics is inferred to all the structures which have been active since the late Pleisto-cene, 100—120 ka B.P., are still active recently, and will be active in a certain time period in the future, such as active faults, active folds, active basi…  相似文献   
徐辉龙 《华南地震》2003,23(4):24-36
1995年日本新泻北部M6.0地震发生在新泻地震空区的东部边缘.由于此次地震震源较浅(10 km),造成了55栋房屋倒塌、165栋房屋半倒.通过计算倾倒墓碑的地震矩,对本区地震烈度进行了分析,发现烈度6度区(据日本JMA度)为一覆盖面积6.1×1 km2,呈NNE-SSW向分布的条带,表明震中区的冲积平原下存在一条隐伏断层.震中区地下水的温度、电导率和Cl-浓度等异常区与呈线性分布的6度烈度区大致吻合,也有力地证明了震中区下面存在一条隐伏断层.这次地震可能是由高压型热水系沿隐伏活动断层喷溢引起.带着高温的高压热水降低了岩石的断裂强度,从而触发了地震.  相似文献   
地震-电成像联合探测试验——以淄博市活断层探测为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在城市浅部活断层探测中,地震和电成像是2种主要的地球物理勘探手段。它们既可独立开展工作,也可在地质构造复杂地段进行联合探测,以更合理地解释探测区域的地质构造。文中利用电阻率和地震纵波速度之间的简单关系,进行了地震-电成像联合反演的初步探索。结果表明,通过参考电成像图像的电阻率分布,可获得合理的准二维地震波叠加速度模型,最终获得探测区域合理的地震时/深剖面,深化对地质构造的认识和提供合理的解释  相似文献   
"活地"是宗教的传奇,而由于以往知识与技术的限制以及宗教圣地的"不可侵犯性","活地"也成了大自然的千年未解之谜。通过现场考察和资料调研,明晰了"活地"所在地区的地质构造特征。采用高频率表面波监测、分析技术,通过现场试验,研究了"活地"附近地表浅层岩土体分布情况。采用图像分析技术,经室内试验研究得出了"活地"及周围地区出露岩石的矿物组成。最终,对于"活地"的成因提出以下看法:1.否定了地下深层生长性岩脉诱发"活地"现象的观点;2.膨胀岩及膨胀土吸水膨胀对"活地"的隆升有一定作用,但这不是"活地"的主要诱因;3.提出"活地"是岩石风化作用及特殊地理环境综合作用结果的观点:风化作用使岩体疏松、体积增大,地面隆起;两侧山体运动对其交界处岩石产生挤压作用,为"活地"的持续隆升提供动力源。  相似文献   
Taiwan is a region of rapid active tectonics, yet the study of the tectonic processes that shape the interior of the island is difficult due to the high rates of erosion and dense vegetation. We use digital topography to look for indications of active deformation preserved in the local geomorphology. In particular, anomalies in the regional pattern of drainage are used to infer zones of enhanced tectonic activity. The apparent anticlockwise rotation of major river systems in plan view indicates the presence of a diffuse zone of left-lateral shear running down the southeastern side of Taiwan. Asymmetries in the catchments of individual drainage basins show the influence of varying rates of uplift across southern Taiwan, with the most rapid uplift close to Taitung at the indentation point of the Luzon arc with the Chinese continental margin. Our interpretations, though based predominantly on remote-sensing observations, are consistent with the available field evidence. This study demonstrates the usefulness of drainage basins as tectonic markers in the quantification of regional strain and uplift, which may have wider applicability in other deforming parts of the world.  相似文献   
Seismotectonic deformation and crustal stress pattern have been studied comprehensively in major seismogenic structures of the Kharaulakh sector of the Verkhoyansk fold system and adjacent parts of the Chersky seismotectonic zone. The study focuses on neotectonic structures, deep structure, and systems of active faults, as well as tectonic stress fields inferred by tectonophysical analysis of Late Cenozoic faults and folds. The results, along with geological and geophysical data, reveal main strain directions and structural patterns of crustal stress and strain in the Arctic segment of the Eurasia-North America plate boundary. The area is a junction of mid-ocean and continental structures evolving in a mixed setting of extension, compression, and their various combinations. The rotation pole of the two plates is presumably located near Buor-Khaya Bay. In this case, extension is expected to act currently upon the neotectonic structures north of the bay and compression to control those in the south and southeast. This inference is consistent with the identified zoning of stress and strain in the Kharaulakh sector.  相似文献   
Most of previous analyses on the active earth pressure were performed in two-dimensional cases using the Mohr-Coulomb (M-C) failure function to describe the soil strength. However, all failures of retained slopes indicate a somewhat three-dimensional (3D) feature, and the M-C function is found to overestimate the tensile strength of cohesive soil. In this work, a kinematic limit analysis–based approach is developed for computing the 3D active earth pressure resulting from cohesive backfills. The concept of tensile strength cutoff is adopted to implement the reduction or elimination of tensile strength from the strength envelope. An extended 3D horn failure mechanism that is associated with the modified strength envelope is developed to characterize the collapse of retained slopes. The resultant of active earth pressure is evaluated from the work rate balance equation and expressed as an unfactored coefficient. The obtained results indicate that less support provided by the wall is required when allowing the existence of soil cohesion and 3D effects and that eliminating the tensile strength can observably increase the active earth pressure, especially for the backfill with a great level of cohesion.  相似文献   
青海玉树地区活动断裂与地震   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
青海玉树是巴颜喀拉地块西南边界上的典型历史强震区。最新的活动断裂遥感解译与地表调查结果表明,该区新构造期间主要发育清水河断裂带、玉树断裂带、阿布多断裂带和杂多断裂带4条NW向左旋走滑活动断裂带。其中,构成玉树—鲜水河—小江断裂系尾端构造的玉树活动断裂带是该区活动性最显著的岩石圈断裂。该断裂是由当江断裂、结古—结隆断裂和巴塘断裂3条斜接的主干断层和夹杂其间的多条次级断裂所共同构成的Z型左旋剪切张扭性变形带。它在上新世以来和晚第四纪期间的左旋走滑速率为4.0~5.4mm/a,调节了该区大部分的块体挤出与旋转变形,并构成该区大震活动的主要控震构造。历史强震梳理和古地震研究揭示,玉树主干走滑断裂带自约14530a BP以来至少发生了包括2010年地震在内的共11次大地震,原地重复间隔平均在千年以上,最长达近3000a。1738年玉树西北地震之后,玉树—甘孜断裂带的主干断层表现为平均间隔为50~100a的低频、串联式分段破裂过程,并且大震活动存在从东南向西北迁移的趋势。通过对玉树断裂未来大地震危险性进行综合地质判定认为,该区至少仍存在6段未来百年内大地震危险程度不同的地震空区,潜在的大地震震级为Mw6.6~7.3,其中危险性相对较高的段落主要是当江断裂带的当江—拉则段和结古—结隆断裂带上的结隆—叶卡诺段与桑卡—相古段。  相似文献   
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