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陆相断陷盆地的沉积可容空间变化规律控制着盆地的层序地层充填样式和生储盖发育规律,根据目前我国陆相断陷盆地的层序地层响应特征,将沉积可容空间的变化频率分为低频和高频两种类型。油气汇聚体系是陆相断陷盆地油气勘探的研究对象,根据油气聚集规模将其划分为大型、中型和小型等三种规模类型。具备不同层序地层充填样式的陆相断陷盆地一般发育不同规模类型的油气汇聚体系和相应的空间展布规律:低频率沉积可容空间变化的陆相断陷盆地可以发育大型、中型规模的油气汇聚体系;高频率沉积可容空间变化的陆相断陷盆地一般发育中型或者小型规模的油气汇聚体系,大型规模的油气汇聚体系欠发育。我国陆区陆相断陷盆地中的东营凹陷是低频率沉积可容空间变化的典型代表,东濮凹陷是高频率沉积可容变化的典型代表;海区陆相断陷盆地中的涠西南凹陷属于低频率可容空间变化的类型,海中凹陷属于较高频率可容空间变化的类型。  相似文献   
本文利用川西盆地"安县"运动产生的不整合面,对存在多个地层划分分区的川西盆地上三叠统须家河组地层进行了岩性地层和层序地层的对比和划分。在具体分析了前陆盆地逆冲断层的幕式活动基础上,提出了前陆盆地中可容空间变化的不统一性,并且进一步在总结Posamentier(1992)利用盆地中构造沉降速度的分带现象将前陆盆地二分理论的基础上,提出了前陆盆地可容空间变化带分为四带:消失带、减小带、增加带、产生带。进而从构造运动、气候变化、物源供给和河流平衡剖面迁移四个方面对影响前陆盆地可容空间变化特征的因素进行了分析,认为河流平衡剖面迁移在前陆盆地中起到比断陷湖盆中更为重要的作用。  相似文献   
以乌鲁木齐市住宿类POI(2012年、2018年)为研究对象,利用核密度法和标准差椭圆法探究住宿设施时空演变特征,在此基础上从旅游地域系统角度出发,利用分形维数模型和相关数据统计分析方法测度住宿设施与旅游吸引物的空间耦合情况,旨在为城市住宿和旅游空间优化提供科学参考。结果显示:(1)主城区住宿设施总体沿河滩路、阿勒泰路等重要交通路线分布,数量明显增长,米东新区等地有演变为外围集聚中心的趋势。(2)住宿设施总体向东北方向移动,轴向集聚转为离散分布,2012年各类型空间分布方向和范围差异较大,2018年三星级和经济型空间离散化趋势最为明显。(3)普通型住宿设施由孤立核模式演变为带状多核模式,呈现明显的中心集聚―外围扩散趋势;经济型酒店由点状集聚转变为带状集聚。(4)住宿设施与旅游景点的空间耦合性较高,在主要道路缓冲区内具备较强的空间协调性,旅游地域系统处于单中心集聚发展的初级阶段,分形结构有待优化。  相似文献   
文章在对600多米岩芯颜色、沉积构造、粒度分析、薄片等进行研究的基础上,分析了柴达木盆地扎哈泉地区滩坝 沉积特征,研究了滩坝在层序地层格架中的分布及成因,建立了滩坝砂体沉积模式。结果表明,上干柴沟组滩坝单砂体厚 度较薄,滩坝中发育较多典型的波浪作用形成的沉积构造,粒度概率累积曲线多以跳跃和悬浮两个总体为主。坝砂体主要 发育于中长期基准面旋回的可容纳空间较大处,且多分布于短期基准面旋回上升半旋回可容纳空间较大处;滩主要发育于 各级别基准面旋回中可容纳空间较小处。滩坝的形成与可容纳空间的大小及沉积水动力条件有关,在高可容纳空间条件 下,水体较深,湖泊面积大,易形成大的湖浪和湖流,从而发育坝砂体。最后,根据瓦尔特定律,结合一个中短期基准面 旋回过程中沉积类型垂向变化,建立了上干柴沟组滩坝沉积模式。  相似文献   
We present here experimental determinations of mass accommodation coefficients using a low pressure tube reactor in which monodispersed droplets, generated by a vibrating orifice, are brought into contact with known amounts of trace gases. The uptake of the gases and the accommodation coefficient are determined by chemical analysis of the aqueous phase.We report in this article measurements of exp=(6.0±0.8)×10–2 at 298 K and with a total pressure of 38 Torr for SO2, (5.0±1.0)×10–2 at 297 K and total pressure of 52 Torr for HNO3, (1.5±0.6)×10–3 at 298 K and total pressure of 50 Torr for NO2, (2.4±1.0)×10–2 at 290 K and total pressure of 70 Torr for NH3.These values are corrected for mass transport limitations in the gas phase leading to =(1.3±0.1)×10–1 (298 K) for SO2, (1.1±0.1)×10–1 (298 K) for HNO3, (9.7±0.9)×10–2 (290 K) for NH3, (1.5±0.8)×10–3 (298 K) for NO2 but this last value should not be considered as the true value of for NO2 because of possible chemical interferences.Results are discussed in terms of experimental conditions which determine the presence of limitations on the mass transport rates of gaseous species into an aqueous phase, which permits the correction of the experimental values.  相似文献   
The southern foreland basin of the Alborz Mountains of northern Iran is characterized by an approximately 7.3‐km‐thick sequence of Miocene sedimentary rocks, constituting three basin‐wde coarsening‐upward units spanning a period of 106 years. We assess available magnetostratigraphy, paleoclimatic reconstructions, stratal architecture, records of depositional environments, and sediment‐provenance data to characterize the relationships between tectonically‐generated accommodation space (A) and sediment supply (S). Our analysis allows an inversion of the stratigraphy for particular forcing mechanisms, documenting causal relationships, and providing a basis to decipher the relative contributions of tectonics and climate (inferred changes in precipitation) in controlling sediment supply to the foreland basin. Specifically, A/S > 1, typical of each basal unit (17.5–16.0, 13.8–13.1 and 10.3–9.6 Ma), is associated with sharp facies retrogradation and reflects substantial tectonic subsidence. Within these time intervals, arid climatic conditions, changes in sediment provenance, and accelerated exhumation in the orogen suggest that sediment supply was most likely driven by high uplift rates. Conversely, A/S < 1 (13.8 and 13.8–11 Ma, units 1, and 2) reflects facies progradation during a sharp decline in tectonic subsidence caused by localized intra‐basinal uplift. During these time intervals, climate continued to be arid and exhumation active, suggesting that sediment supply was again controlled by tectonics. A/S < 1, at 11–10.3 Ma and 9‐6–7.6 Ma (and possibly 6.2; top of units 2 and 3), is also associated with two episodes of extensive progradation, but during wetter phases. The first episode appears to have been linked to a pulse in sediment supply driven by an increase in precipitation. The second episode reflects a balance between a climatically‐induced increase in sediment supply and a reduction of subsidence through the incorporation of the proximal foreland into the orogenic wedge. This in turn caused an expansion of the catchment and a consequent further increase in sediment supply. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
古水深确定是沉积学分析中难点问题,目前主要依据“标志物-水深”的定性-半定量方法确定,但存在原始样品获取难、预测精度低等诸多问题。该方法依据滨线轨迹迁移规律获取在点物源背景条件下一个三级层序内可容纳空间与沉积物供给速率之间变化关系或定量函数,进而采用回剥法和正演法相结合获取不同点原始沉积物厚度和相应的可容空间,其中回剥法获取每个单元原始沉积厚度,正演法获取每个单元随沉积物覆盖后顶层可容空间增量。三角洲平原区为补偿区,其原始沉积物厚度等于可容纳空间增量,三角洲前缘区为欠补偿区,其水深等于可容空间增量与原始沉积物厚度之差。这一新方法不仅考虑到不同点构造沉降差异,而且还考虑了三级层序内沉积物供给速率的变化趋势,因而,较为准确地预测三角洲区的古水深变化。该方法成功地应用于东营地区三角洲沉积区水深变化,该区沙三中(Es3-2)共发育9期进积体,最大水深为180 m,出现于t3时刻。该方法揭示了9期三角洲朵体发育时期水深变化,为该区沉积体空间展布预测提供了有效的定量预测方法。  相似文献   
综合运用地震、钻井等资料,结合乌尔逊—贝尔凹陷南屯期断层特征分析,建立研究区调节带识别标志并圈定其发育范围,最终划分了2个Ⅰ级和18个Ⅱ级构造调节带,分为横向调节型、同向叠覆型、同向趋近型和背向平行型4类。研究结果认为,区域不协调伸展应变以及侧列断层发育模式导致在沿伸展断层走向基底相对脆弱地带发育构造调节带。这些地带不仅是油气的有利聚集部位,而且控制凹陷"S"型平面展布和沉降中心迁移以及沉积物厚度变化。构造调节带通过侧列断层、走向斜坡、纵向凸起及双向调节等模式控制各次凹物源体系方向。  相似文献   
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