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郭金运  李成尧 《四川测绘》1995,18(3):110-113
为了实现单自由度陀螺寻北仪自动寻北,通过分析寻北仅运动规律,本文建立了其寻北数学用到,分别为:模型Ⅰ——时间作为观测值,模型Ⅱ——角位置作为观测值,模型Ⅲ——时间及角位正同时作为观测值,楼四Ⅳ——最小二乘谱分析模型.通过模拟实验,认为自国对具有较强的抗干扰能力,适合单自由反陀螺寻北仪的数据采集和处理.  相似文献   
The current study proposes an analytical closed-form solution for the dynamic distress of rigid fixed-base retaining systems aiming at evaluating the main assumptions and limitations of the pertinent available elasticity-based methods. The new solution is actually an extension of the well-known model of Wood and is capable of evaluating the dynamic distress of either a single or a pair of rigid fixed-base walls interacting with each other, in the case of harmonic base loading. Wall distress is mainly evaluated in terms of dynamic earth pressures, shear forces and bending moments, while the original concept of a “distress spectrum” is introduced as a potential new tool for the seismic design of retaining structures. Distress and wall deformation are interrelated in a number of three-dimensional graphs, where dynamic interaction phenomena are evident. Finally, given the rigorous nature of the new solution, its results verify qualitatively and quantitatively the negligible amplitude of the computational errors of the approximate elasticity-based solutions proposed in the literature.  相似文献   
为获得更好的噪声滤除方法,本文建立一个球状模型,对全张量重力梯度三个水平分量加入高斯白噪声,并利用FFT和PSD分别对加噪后三个分量(Vxx1,Vxy1,Vyy1)进行频谱分析,根据频谱分析结果分别设计了巴特沃斯低通滤波器和高斯低通滤波器对加噪数据进行滤波,取得了较好效果,并利用复杂模型验证滤波效果。  相似文献   
Exact distributions for apparent waves in irregular seas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We discuss the long-run distributions of several characteristics for the apparent waves in a Gaussian sea. Three types of one-dimensional wave records are considered: 1) the seaway in time at a fixed position; 2) the instantaneous profile along a horizontal line; 3) the encountered seaway. Exact integral forms of the joint long run distributions are derived for the apparent periods, lengths, and heights. Results of numerical approximations of these distributions are presented in examples. For the computations we considered, as the input spectra, empirical estimates of the frequency spectra as well as JONSWAP type spectra. Effective algorithms are discussed and utilized in the form of a comprehensive computer package of numerical routines.  相似文献   
在自然γ能谱全谱分析中,为了分离无用信息及提高解释精度,须进行γ全谱连续本底的自动扣除。介绍了γ能谱本底的来源及特征,探讨了SNIP算法扣除γ能谱本底的数学原理及过程,重点开展了SNIP方法在γ能谱本底扣除中的初步应用。通过对三个不同能量的全能峰的比较分析,指出应根据γ能谱中谱峰宽度的差异,选择合适的变换宽度,以便获得最佳的全谱本底扣除效果。实验证明,该技术可应用于自然γ能谱测井的软件处理平台中。  相似文献   
楼板谱研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了楼板谱方法的发展与研究现状。详细阐述了主附结构系统的相互作用、调谐、非经典阻尼、多点支撑等动力特性问题,分别介绍了传统楼板谱与新型楼板谱以及多维地震动下楼板谱的研究方法,给出了有待进一步研究的课题。  相似文献   
Introduction An earthquake of MS=4.8 occurred near Yongle town, Jingyang county, Shaanxi Province on January 5, 1998. Its epicenter is 34.5篘, 108.9篍, origin time is 09h36min (Beijing time), focal depth is 14 km, intensity is >VI and its perceptibility is great in Xian city. The eastern part of Guanzhong in Shaanxi Province is the key earthquake monitoring area in China, and many great earthquakes occurred here in history. This earthquake is the greatest in the past forty years in Shaa…  相似文献   
离散快速傅里叶变换算法在频谱分析中得到了广泛的应用,这种算法得到的计算结果是在整个频段上的频谱信息. 在一些应用中,需要了解的仅仅是某一窄带内的频谱精细结构,要求频谱的分辨率较高. 而要得到一个较高分辨率的频谱,直接采用快速傅里叶变换计算则会导致参加快速傅里叶变换运算的数据点数的增加,从而引起计算量和存储量的急剧增大,这样,快速傅里叶变换算法就不能满足要求了. 本文介绍了基于复调制的频率细化技术的原理及其在超低频/极低频电磁接收机研制中的应用,阐述了采用这种技术如何实现高分辨率频谱的计算,并给出了理论数据和实际观测数据的计算结果.   相似文献   
The parameters of Earth free core nutation (FCN) are two relatively significant geophysical parameters. Sasao et al. (1980) and Wahr and Bergen (1986) provided the theoretical estimation values of FCN parameters. Gwinn, Herring and Shapiro (1987) first obtained the observational values of FCN parameters by very long base Interference (VLBI) at Cambridge University. In the same year, Neuberg and Zürn in former West Germany and Hinderer in France began to retrieve FCN parameters by the observation of gravity tides and introduced the stacking method. The other scholars who researched into the same geophysical problems by applying the data of gravity tides basically followed the stacking method. The results they reached were similar to the observational result of FCN parameters given by Neuberg et al. in 1987. But the observational results of FCN parameters gained from gravity tides were not identical with those from VLBI, mainly because of the large difference of quality of FCN. So there was not an affirmative observational result of FCN parameters since then. In this paper, The authors firstly introduce the tri-frequency spectrum method with clearly geometrical and geophysical meaning for the resolution of FCN parameters, and the observational results of FCN parameters obtained from tide data at three superconducting gravity stations were accordant with those from VLBI, which will be relatively important to arriving at a certain observational result of FCN parameters.  相似文献   
CalculationoflongperiodresponsespectratoearthquakegroundmotionfromseismogramsofType513seismographsYANXIANGYU(俞言祥)SUYUNWAN...  相似文献   
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