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陈玥  李英成  李兵  刘晓龙 《测绘科学》2021,46(3):104-109,132
针对现有的LiDAR航线设计软件绝大多数针对大中型无人机,主要依靠飞行人员根据实际经验敷设航线,少数采用传统摄影测量改变基线长度的方式实现复杂地势下LiDAR航线自动敷设,但高地势地区航线较密,飞行成本高,有局限性,目前能实现轻小型无人机载LiDAR航线自主敷设的软件很少等问题,参照轻小型机载LiDAR的特点,该文提出一种复杂地势下基于DEM改变航高的航线设计方法。以延庆某山区进行试验。结果表明:该方法适当放宽分区高差限制,综合考虑地形信息、飞机性能等要素,使得单条航带点云密度得到保证,提高航线规划效率,节约飞行时间。将考虑DEM与未考虑DEM两种方式对比,确保重叠度,满足工程点云密度,便于后期数据处理。  相似文献   
概述了全球气候模式中云的垂直重叠的处理方法及其辐射物理过程的最新研究进展。从云垂直重叠模型的构造、模型在气候模式中的实现方式,得到与观测一致的云重叠结构所采用的数据和方法、重叠云的辐射传输等方面,给出了针对这一国际研究难点问题的最新研究进展。关于气候模式中云的垂直重叠问题的研究至今已取得了许多成果,表现在:重叠模型上有了更为科学的描述形式(如指数衰减重叠);重叠云的辐射传输也有了更快速的处理方法(如蒙特卡洛独立柱近似)并被广泛应用;连续的三维云遥感观测(如CloudSat/CALIPSO)和云分辨尺度的三维云模式的发展为在气候模式中精确描述云的垂直结构提供了丰富的观测资料和模式数据。但是,气候模式中现有的云重叠结构处理及其辐射传输方法还远不够完善,仍然存在很多没有解决的问题需要在未来进行探索。  相似文献   
The San Clemente cold seep lies within 100–200 km of other reducing habitats in the NE Pacific, offering an opportunity to compare diversity and species overlap among reducing habitats (i.e. whale‐, kelp‐, and wood‐falls) at similar depths within a single region. Video observations from the research submersible Alvin at the San Clemente seep (1800 m depth) indicated clumps (‘thickets’) of vestimentiferans distributed as meter‐scale patches interspersed with vesicomyid clam beds and black sediments. Sediment‐core samples were collected at distances of 0 to 80–200 m along randomly oriented transects radiating outward from vestimentiferan thickets to evaluate changes in macrofaunal community structure from thickets into the background community. Macrofaunal abundance was elevated at distances of 0–1 m compared to 80–200 m (i.e. the ‘background’ community). The tube‐building frenulate worms Siboglinum spp., along with peracarid crustaceans, dominated sediments within 1 m of vestimentiferan thickets. Species diversity was depressed within 1 m of thickets but with high rates of species accumulation, suggesting that seep sites greatly increase sediment heterogeneity and facilitate colonization by non‐background macrofaunal species. Stable isotope data indicate chemosynthetic nutrition for some dominant macrofaunal species within 1 m of tubeworm thickets. The macrofaunal community near vestimentiferan thickets in San Clemente seep contains intermediate levels of species richness and diversity compared to other deep‐sea seep areas in the northeast Pacific. There was low species overlap between the San Clemente seep macrofauna and communities in reducing habitats near wood‐, whale‐, and kelp‐falls at similar depths within the region, suggesting that seeps harbor a distinct infaunal community.  相似文献   
稳定同位素分析揭示古代(现代)人群的食物结构,其原理为"我即我食",即人体组织的稳定同位素比值,与其消化吸收转化而来的食物组分,存在着一一对应关系。然而,当人体代谢发生异常时,这种对应关系将被打破,产生"我非我食"现象。目前,探究"我非我食"与古代(现代)人体的健康之联系,已成为生物医学和生物考古界的研究热点。颇为遗憾的是,迄今为止,我国尚无学者对此有所关注。为此,本文以中国北方地区2名代谢性异常患者(直肠癌为例)头发样本为研究对象,通过对人发系列的C、N稳定同位素分析,追踪癌症患者头发同位素值的变化趋势,探讨其生理病理因素与稳定同位素之间的内在关系。研究结果显示:人发C、N同位素比值的变化,与其健康状况密切相关。在直肠癌发病初期,患者的δ13C与δ15N值均呈现出上升趋势,这可能是癌细胞代谢活跃、更多地利用机体中的14N和12C所致,或者与癌细胞具有未知的、独特的代谢途径相关。最后,详细阐述了"我即我食"和"我非我食"的区别和联系,并对如何在我国开展此领域的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   
利用山东省80个代表站1961~2003年月平均气温资料和同期NCAR/NCEP再分析资料,运用统计学方法,分析了季风背景下冬、夏季气温异常的年际、年代际变化和周期特征及变温的空间分布,并研究了东亚冬、夏季风对气温变化的影响。结果表明,冬夏季气温变化趋势明显不同,冬季增温趋势显著,夏季无明显增温趋势;2~6年的周期振荡在不同时期通过了0.05信度检验,小波分析2004年夏季气温不会偏高推断得到证实。冬、夏季气候具有明显的季风特征,季风与气温关系密切,即强(弱)冬季风山东易冷(暖)冬;强(弱)夏季风,易暖(冷)夏。冬季风比夏季风对同期气温作用更显著。季风的隔季相关性质对气温的变化有一定影响。  相似文献   
本文通过环境背景值、风化壳地球化学、对流层(大气气溶胶)地球化学和人为地球化学异常,初步探讨了南极长城站地区的现代环境地球化学特征。分析表明:环境要素固有的地球化学性质、区域环境条件和自然环境演变之间具有深刻的内在联系。  相似文献   
应用综合信息函数的理论和方法,根据形变观测点的空间非均匀分布和首都圈地区几次强震前形变场的变化规律,考虑各测点的不同地球物理性质,利用近20年来的形变资料,计算了首都圈及邻近地区1995年以来的综合信息函数值,动态地显示了在局部区域内中强地震前,形变异常的演化特征。  相似文献   
李建通  高守亭  郭林 《大气科学》2011,35(3):519-530
基于天气雷达的临近降水预报是雷达短时预报业务系统的重要组成部分,本文在回顾雷达临近降水预报技术发展的基础上,充分考虑新一代天气雷达高时间、空间分辨率的优点,提出两个相邻时刻雷达回波具有最大重叠率的移向、移速是与降水系统整体的移向、移速密切相关的论点,再用此移向、移速对当前雷达回波进行平移,最后采用九点平均的回波生消模型...  相似文献   
Above and belowground phenology are critical aspects for plant life in areas of seasonal climate like Mediterranean regions. However, fine root growth phenology is rarely considered in most phenological studies. In this article we describe the above and belowground phenology of four species of Mediterranean sub-shrubs growing along a gradient of temperature and water availability, with special attention at the relationship between both processes. Observations were conducted monthly over a minimum of 12 months per species. Fine root growth varied significantly throughout the year, being higher in autumn than in spring and minimum in summer. In the species growing in cold areas, root growth was also reduced during winter. Shoot growth was maximum in spring for the four study species, buts its beginning was related to the site temperature, being earlier in those species growing in warmer sites. The species displaying a short vegetative period tended to separate root and shoot growth processes throughout the year. These results emphasize the importance of water availability and winter cold on fine root growth. A trade-off appears to exist between the duration of the vegetative period and the overlap between root and shoot growth processes.  相似文献   
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