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渤海春季和秋季的浮游动物   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
于1998年9-10月和1999年4-5月用浮游动物中网在渤海调查了浮游动物群落,在1998年秋季记录到47种浮游动物,而1999年春季仅有27种,结果表明,4个航次浮游动物总丰度(不包括夜光虫)分别为136-31270、558-6719、508-13843、521-12945ind/m^3。在1998年秋季的调查中,小拟哲水蚤和拟长腹剑水蚤是优势种,小拟哲水蚤的丰度在9月和10月分别为6.8-30902ind/m^3和60-4050ind/m^3,拟长腹剑水蚤的丰度在9月和10月分别为0-8316ind/m^3和32-3679ind/m^3,在1999年春季的调查中,双毛纺锤水蚤和腹针胸刺水蚤是优势种,在4月的调查中,双毛纺锤水蚤的丰度在0-8389ind/m^3,腹针胸刺水蚤的丰度为0-3582ind/m^3,在5月的调查中,双毛纺锤水蚤的丰度达到0-11941ind/m^3,腹针胸刺水蚤的丰度为3-8238ind/m^3。拟长腹剑水蚤、小拟哲水蚤和双毛纺锤水蚤是个体较小的浮游动物,普查大网资料得出的丰度大大低于中网资料得出的丰度。因此,个体较小的浮游动物应该作为浮游动物的重要组成部分来研究,中网的样品不容忽视。  相似文献   
Lake Breiter Luzin, located in north-eastern Germany, is known for the rare occurrence of sympatric populations of European cisco, Coregonus albula and C. lucinensis. Moreover, the lake is inhabited by the glacial relict crustacean Mysis relicta, currently found in only three other lakes in Germany. In the present study, the role of M. relicta in the diet of ciscoes was investigated. Between 2001 and 2002 ciscoes, mysids and zooplankton were caught in Lake Breiter Luzin and stomach contents of ciscoes were analysed. There were seasonal changes in the food items in the stomachs, largely reflecting changes in prey availability. The main food items were copepods (45–81%) and mysids (5–26%). Cladocerans had high amounts in the diet only in summer. Seasonal changes in selectivity were also noted for most prey groups. There were also some consistent patterns of prey preference, with an overall preference for mysids. In general, the prey composition in cisco stomachs did not show significant diet changes, but there were some significant differences between day and night feeding in single prey groups, such as cladocerans. Diet composition of ciscoes varied with the different depth strata in which the fish were caught. With increasing depth, the proportion of mysids in the diet significantly increased, whereas that of copepods significantly decreased. Between C. albula and C. lucinensis, no distinct differences in feeding were evident. Mysids provided an additional and important food resource to ciscoes, and were mainly consumed when the availability of other prey organisms decreased, as in autumn and in the deeper strata of the water column. However, mysids preyed on the same food organisms as ciscoes, indicating a strong competition for food between fish and mysids.  相似文献   
The Ter Vell (NE Iberian Peninsula) is a eutrophic coastal lagoon which has been flooded by the excess irrigation water and the agricultural runoff during the last decades. Between 1999 and 2003, restoration measures were applied to improve its water quality. At the same time, but independently, agricultural water management drastically reduced the freshwater inflow. The short-term effects of these management actions on the limnological characteristics of the lagoon were analysed by comparing two hydrological cycles, one before (1999/2000) and the other one after (2002/2003) the actions. The two cycles are illustrative of opposite situations in the hydrological functioning of coastal wetlands. In the first, the lagoon was exorheic, with prolonged flooding periods and a low residence time; in the second, it had a more endorheic character, with scarce water inputs and prolonged periods of confinement. Consequently, nitrogen inputs diminished and organic load and salinity increased as the internal loading and the accumulation effects became more relevant. These effects were actually caused by the drastic reduction in the freshwater inflow which prevented, in turn, the success of the restoration measures. The zooplankton community of the Ter Vell lagoon was not significantly altered by the hydrological change, at least in the short-term, and rotifers and cladocerans, mainly those species indicative of eutrophy, dominated the community.  相似文献   
The trophic structure of zooplankton was investigated in Fram Strait (north western Svalbard) in spring and autumn of 2003. Depth-stratified zooplankton samples were collected at 12 stations on the shelf (200 m), across the shelf-slope (500 m) and over deep water (>750 m), using a Multiple Plankton Sampler equipped with 0.180-mm mesh size nets.Higher zooplankton abundance and estimated biomass were found in the shelf area. Abundance and biomass were two times higher in August, when sea-surface temperature was higher than in May. Herbivores dominated numerically in May, and omnivores in August, suggesting a seasonal sequence of domination by different trophic groups. Cirripedia nauplii and Fritillaria borealis prevailed in spring, whereas copepod nauplii and Calanus finmarchicus were numerically the most important herbivores in autumn. Small copepods, Oithona similis and Triconia borealis, were the most numerous omnivorous species in both seasons, but their abundances increased in autumn. Chaetognatha (mainly Eukrohnia hamata) accounted for the highest abundance and biomass among predatory taxa at all deep-water stations and during both seasons. Regarding vertical distribution, herbivores dominated numerically in the surface layer (0–20 m), and omnivores were concentrated somewhat deeper (20–50 m) during both seasons. Maximum abundance of predators was found in the surface layer (0–20 m) in spring, and generally in the 20–50 m layer in autumn. This paper presents the first comprehensive summary of the zooplankton trophic structure in the Fram Strait area. Our goals are to improve understanding of energy transfer through this ecosystem, and of potential climate-induced changes in Arctic marine food webs.  相似文献   
The abundance and spatial distribution of mesozooplankton were compared in the euhaline region of the polluted Bilbao estuary and the unperturbed Urdaibai estuary. The environmental variables measured were salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen saturation, chlorophyll a, particulate organic matter and Secchi disk depth. Differences in the environmental variables and zooplankton between the estuaries and within the estuaries were tested statistically. Differences in the patterns of mesozooplankton abundance with salinity in each estuary indicated that they were affected by pollution in the Bilbao. Total mesozooplankton, and several mesozooplankton categories were more abundant in the Bilbao at higher salinities but in the Urdaibai at lower salinities. Therefore, we deduced that, in the Bilbao, zooplankton abundance was enhanced by the moderate pollution at the outer euhaline zone and limited by the poorer conditions of the inner zone. The response of the various zooplankton categories to the pollution is discussed.  相似文献   
孙栋  牛翠娟 《湖泊科学》2013,25(2):171-187
作为轮虫动物门的主体,单巢类轮虫是淡水浮游动物的重要组成部分.它们通常作为一类主要的初级消费者在淡水生态系统中起着重要作用,因而深入了解它们在自然水体中的种群动态及其决定机制对淡水生态系统理论与应用研究都有重要意义.作为一类具有典型周期性孤雌生殖生活史的动物,有性生殖的发生和进化策略对其种群动态和进化都有重要影响,因而单巢类轮虫有性生殖的机理和进化研究一直是轮虫学研究领域的一个核心内容.本文就当前单巢类轮虫有性生殖的主要研究进展,包括其发生机理、信息素、理论模型、影响因素和相关实证研究等进行了系统综述;特别就单巢类轮虫有性生殖策略的三个理论模型:"bang-bang"模型、中等有性生殖比率模型和非延迟的有性生殖模型进行了详细论述.此外,本文还对影响单巢类有性生殖的内外源因素进行了总结,主要的外源因素包括食物的浓度及种类、温度、盐度和特殊的细菌等,而主要的内源性因素则包括母体年龄、食物浓度诱导的跨代母系效应、延迟的有性生殖和其他一些潜在的母系效应因素等.其中,因为延迟的有性生殖现象广泛存在且可能是轮虫物种共存或克隆共存现象的一种潜在解释,所以就此现象的理论模型、机理和实证研究等方面进行了深入讨论.另外,本文还简要讨论性比率资源分配与单巢类轮虫有性生殖的关系.最后,对未来几个可能的热点方向简单评述,以期为国内轮虫学和相关方面的研究提供帮助.  相似文献   
Mesozooplankton (>200 μm) grazing impact (% phytoplankton standing crop consumed d−1) was determined by the gut fluorescence method during three springs (2000, 2001 and 2002) and two winters (2002 and 2003) in a coastal upwelling region off northern California. Wind events, in terms of both magnitude and duration, varied inter-annually and seasonally and included both upwelling-favorable and relaxation events. Grazing impact of mesozooplankton also varied inter-annually and seasonally, and was highest during June 2000 (mean=129% of standing crop d−1), a prolonged period of wind “relaxation” and phytoplankton bloom. In contrast, mean grazing impact was lower during periods of stronger, more persistent winds, more active upwelling, greater cross-shelf transport, and lower chlorophyll concentration (25% and 38% in May–June 2001 and 2002, respectively). Wintertime conditions (January 2002 and 2003) were characterized by weakly upwelling or downwelling-favorable winds, low chlorophyll concentration, and lower mean mesozooplankton grazing impact (13% and 12%, respectively). The larger (>500 μm) size class contributed proportionally more to total mesozooplankton (>200 μm) grazing impact than the smaller (200–500 μm) size class during all sampling periods except spring 2002. These results suggest that mesozooplankton grazing impact is higher in spring than in winter, and that during the spring upwelling season, grazing is higher during periods of wind relaxation (weak upwelling) than during periods of stronger upwelling. Further, these results suggest an important role of mesozooplankton grazers on phytoplankton dynamics in the upwelling region off northern California.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONInfluencedbywarmcurrent,upwellingandalongshore(coastal)waters,zooplanktoniscomparativelyabundantinthesouthpartofTaiwanStrait.Inthepast,macroplanktonnetwasadoptedintheecologicalstudyofzooplanktoninthisarea,thuscausingconsiderablelossofeitherspeciesorindividualnumbersofmeso-andmicrozooplanktoninthesurvey.Inthisstudy,mesozooplanktonnetwasusedinthesamplecollection.Itshowsthatmicrozooplanktonandimmatureindividualsofmacro-andmesozooplanktonwereabundant,andthediversityofzooplanktoni…  相似文献   
5%的甲醛,-20°C冰冻和液氮是常见的浮游动物保存方法。本文以中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)和强壮箭虫(Sagitta crassa)为研究对象,以湿重、干重和碳、氮含量为生物量指标,研究了上述几种保存方法对浮游动物生物量的影响。研究结果显示,对于中华哲水蚤,湿重、干重、碳和氮含量,在用甲醛保存2个月后,分别下降为鲜重的81.03%、14.20%、7.02%和1.13%;冰冻保存2个月后,分别下降为鲜重的66.56%、22.34%、10.30%和2.14%;液氮保存2个月后,分别下降为鲜重的91.85%、26.65%、11.25%和2.41%。对于强壮箭虫,湿重、干重、碳和氮含量,在用甲醛保存2个月后,分别变为鲜重的104%、9%、3.49%和0.69%;冰冻保存2个月后,分别下降为鲜重的73.15%、12.39%、4.82%和1.02%;液氮保存2个月后,分别下降为鲜重的70.72%、11.22%、5.23%和1.13%。在保存初期浮游动物的生物量变化较大,后趋于稳定。甲醛保存方法对浮游动物生物量的影响最大,其次是液氮,冰冻的影响最小。中华哲水蚤的生物量受各种保存方法的影响要小于强壮箭虫。  相似文献   
Two factors determine whether pollution is likely to affect a population indirectly through loss of prey: firstly, the sensitivity of the prey to the pollutants, and secondly, the sensitivity of the predator population to loss of prey at the given life stage. We here apply a statistical recruitment model for Northeast Arctic cod to evaluate the sensitivity of cod cohorts to loss of zooplankton prey, for example following an oil spill. The calculations show that cod cohorts are highly sensitive to possible zooplankton biomass reductions in the distribution area of the cod larvae, and point to a need for more knowledge about oil-effects on zooplankton. Our study illustrates how knowledge about population dynamics may guide which indirect effects to consider in environmental impact studies.  相似文献   
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