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对红白山剖面的粒度分析表明,塔里木盆地腹地晚新生代沉积物的粒度曲线中普遍存在一个超细粒组分。其众数粒径分布比较稳定,平均为0.87μm,含量变化介于0.3%~10%,在不同成因的沉积物中和在剖面上都具有明显的变化规律。对同一岩性段而言,超细粒组分含量在风成砂中最低,在黄土中较低,在河流相沉积中较高,在湖相泥岩中最高。尽管受岩性变化的影响比较显著,但不同成因沉积物的超细粒组分含量在剖面上的变化基本一致,暗示了其长周期变化受同一驱动因子控制。化学风化和/或成壤作用强度可能起着关键作用。红白山剖面超细粒组分含量在2.8Ma的快速降低指示了化学风化和/或成壤作用强度的显著减弱,进而反映了塔里木盆地腹地干旱化的显著加强。  相似文献   
下刚果—刚果扇盆地油气资源丰富、油气成藏条件优越。但由于受到盐岩的活动及区域构造应力场的作用,形成了复杂的断裂系统。此文系统分析了下刚果—刚果扇盆地的断裂特征及其对油气成藏的影响,研究认为该区平面上主要发育5个断裂带,纵向上主要发育上下两套断裂系统。断裂的形成和演化可分为三个期次,相对应可将断层分为三个级别的断层。断层的形成机制主要有盐活动及盐构造、重力滑脱作用以及古地貌格局。烃源岩的排烃时间与第三期断层活动时间相匹配,非常有利于油气沿断层进行垂向和斜侧向运移。分析认为研究区主要发育沿断阶带—碳酸盐岩运聚成藏模式、沿断层垂向运聚成藏模式以及沿盐下砂体—盐窗和Focus点运聚成藏模式共三种成藏模式。断层封堵较好,油源断层高度决定了油气运移高度和油气田规模,直接控制着油气的分布层系及规模。研究成果可指导研究区或类似地区的油气勘探。  相似文献   
应用X射线衍射(XRD)方法对东菲律宾海帕里西维拉海盆的两个重力柱状样F090815和F100609的第四纪沉积物进行了黏土矿物分析。结果表明,南北两个柱状样黏土矿物呈现不同的组合特征。南部的F090815岩心蒙皂石含量(平均50%)最高,伊利石(平均37%)次之,含少量的绿泥石和高岭石(平均13%);北部的F100609岩心为伊利石含量(平均47%)最高,蒙皂石(平均39%)次之,含少量的绿泥石和高岭石(平均14%)。根据黏土矿物含量及特征变化可将两根柱状样划分为4段,并根据黏土矿物组合特征及化学指数和结晶度,认为蒙皂石主要来源于研究区东部紧邻的马里亚纳海槽基性火山物质的蚀变;伊利石主要来源于物理风化作用强烈的陆地,并很可能与亚洲风尘有关;绿泥石与伊利石有着相同的来源;高岭石在此区含量非常低,也证明了与伊利石和绿泥石来源相同。另外,两柱状样黏土矿物特征变化趋势不同,是由于整个F090815孔所揭示的地层大概只相当于F100609孔的第IV段沉积期,是该沉积期更高分辨率的反映。  相似文献   
珠江口盆地西江凹陷南部文昌组层序地层及沉积体系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
珠江口盆地西江凹陷南部包括两个相邻洼陷:西江36洼和番禺4洼,钻探结果却揭示了截然不同的油气勘探前景,其中,番禺4洼探明储量已过亿吨,而西江36洼却未有商业发现,导致勘探上对西江36洼烃源潜力有所顾虑。为了揭示这种差异油气地质条件产生的原因,亟待开展两个洼陷的对比研究。以主要烃源层系文昌组为切入点,通过开展精细的层序-沉积研究,进一步系统评估西江36洼烃源潜力。依据地震、钻井及分析化验等资料,在西江36洼与番禺4洼文昌组共识别了6个三级层序。西江36洼和番禺4洼文昌组发育扇三角洲、辫状河三角洲、湖底扇及湖泊沉积等沉积相类型,垂向上沉积相带具有旋回特征。伴随裂陷不同阶段和边界断层活动差异,陡坡带和缓坡带三角洲沉积体系规模呈现差异演化特征,而湖盆和半深湖-深湖相规模总体呈现出先增大后减小的规律。沉积相带在横向上也具有明显的迁移特征,表现为文六段时期先在西江36洼开始沉积,文五段开始再扩展到番禺4洼,同时文一段时期西江36洼湖盆已经消失,只在番禺4洼沉积充填。进一步对比两个洼陷各三级层序反映优质烃源岩条件的半深湖-深湖规模及物源供给量,结果显示在文六段至文四段时期两个洼陷烃源条件基本一致。鉴于该层段作为番禺4洼的主力源岩,其巨大的生烃潜力已经被勘探所证实,因此认为不能低估具有相似烃源条件的西江36洼生烃潜力。  相似文献   
开展地震资料解释,分析上超、下超、顶超等地震反射终止关系、不整合面以及沉积趋势,识别出北康-曾母盆地中中新世以来14个三级层序界面。在层序界面内部,通过层序地层内幕结构刻画和原形剖面恢复,并结合地层堆砌方式,在北康-曾母盆地中中新世以来的层序地层内,划分了海进、高位正常海退、强制海退和低位正常海退4种成因单元。通过进一步研究该4种成因单元内地层结构和相分布关系,提出北康-曾母盆地中中新世以来的3种层序地层样式,即陆架边缘富砂型三角洲进积楔、退积型生物礁和陆架边缘富砂-富泥型退积楔,其中,沉积物源供应量充足且可容空间减小时,发育富砂的三角洲进积楔,陆架边缘-斜坡-盆地区域发育含砂深水扇;而可容空间增量远大于沉积物供应量时,发育退积型生物礁和富砂-富泥退积楔,斜坡-盆地区域含砂深水扇欠发育。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地延长组石油资源丰富,储层致密,为了查明湖盆致密砂岩储层发育机理,综合利用岩心观察、铸体薄片鉴定、X射线衍射分析、扫描电镜观察、高压压汞测试等方法,对鄂尔多斯盆地陕北地区长7段致密油储层特征及其发育主控因素进行了分析。研究结果显示,研究区长7段长石含量高,主要发育长石砂岩和岩屑长石砂岩。致密砂岩储层孔隙类型以长石粒内溶蚀孔隙和粒间溶蚀孔隙为主,同时晶间微孔和微裂缝较为发育。研究区长7段时期主要为三角洲前缘与滨浅湖沉积环境,水动力较弱,发育砂岩中泥质含量较高。中等强度压实作用及早期的方解石胶结作用使原生孔隙消失殆尽,胶结作用进一步使孔隙减小。由于长石及黏土含量较高,其受溶蚀作用形成溶蚀孔隙,改善储层质量,同时也是研究区长7段致密砂岩储层发育的主要控制因素。  相似文献   
珠江口盆地为新生代典型的海相盆地,也是我国重要的海上油气生产基地。前期已有很多学者对珠江口盆地的地层划分与对比开展了研究,但研究的精度不够。为了提高珠江口盆地陆丰凹陷韩江组地层划分与对比的精度,选择珠江口盆地陆丰凹陷A、B井韩江组的自然伽马数据序列作为古气候替代性指标,使用频谱分析、滤波等方法进行旋回地层学分析。通过深度域频谱分析和小波分析认为,该套地层中保存了米兰科维奇旋回信号,且主要受405 ka长偏心率周期的影响。利用稳定的405 ka长偏心率周期进行天文调谐,结合古生物地层年代框架,建立起陆丰凹陷“绝对”天文年代标尺;结合碳氧同位素变化曲线,估算出2次碳同位素负漂移和1次碳同位素正向偏移事件的持续时间;利用天文旋回周期计算出陆丰凹陷韩江组的沉积速率,发现沉积速率的变化与海平面变化具有相关性。  相似文献   
The Dongfang1-1 gas field (DF1-1) in the Yinggehai Basin is currently the largest offshore self-developed gas field in China and is rich in oil and gas resources. The second member of the Pliocene Yinggehai Formation (YGHF) is the main gas-producing formation and is composed of various sedimentary types; however, a clear understanding of the sedimentary types and development patterns is lacking. Here, typical lithofacies, logging facies and seismic facies types and characteristics of the YGHF are identified based on high-precision 3D seismic data combined with drilling, logging, analysis and testing data. Based on 3D seismic interpretation and attribute analysis, the origin of high-amplitude reflections is clarified, and the main types and evolution characteristics of sedimentary facies are identified. Taking gas formation upper II (IIU) as an example, the plane distribution of the delta front and bottom current channel is determined; finally, a comprehensive sedimentary model of the YGHF second member is established. This second member is a shallowly buried “bright spot” gas reservoir with weak compaction. The velocity of sandstone is slightly lower than that of mudstone, and the reflection has medium amplitude when there is no gas. The velocity of sandstone decreases considerably after gas accumulation, resulting in an increase in the wave impedance difference and high-amplitude (bright spot) reflection between sandstone and mudstone; the range of high amplitudes is consistent with that of gas-bearing traps. The distribution of gas reservoirs is obviously controlled by dome-shaped diapir structural traps, and diapir faults are channels through which natural gas from underlying Miocene source rocks can enter traps. The study area is a delta front deposit developed on a shallow sea shelf. The lithologies of the reservoir are mainly composed of very fine sand and coarse silt, and a variety of sedimentary structural types reflect a shallow sea delta environment; upward thickening funnel type, strong toothed bell type and toothed funnel type logging facies are developed. In total, 4 stages of delta front sand bodies (corresponding to progradational reflection seismic facies) derived from the Red River and Blue River in Vietnam have developed in the second member of the YGHF; these sand bodies are dated to 1.5 Ma and correspond to four gas formations. During sedimentation, many bottom current channels (corresponding to channel fill seismic facies) formed, which interacted with the superposed progradational reflections. When the provenance supply was strong in the northwest, the area was dominated by a large set of delta front deposits. In the period of relative sea level rise, surface bottom currents parallel to the coastline were dominant, and undercutting erosion was obvious, forming multistage superimposed erosion troughs. Three large bottom current channels that developed in the late sedimentary period of gas formation IIU are the most typical.  相似文献   
本文依托2008年夏季中国第三次北极科学考察航次,对西北冰洋海盆区和楚科奇海陆架营养盐及光合色素进行了测定和分析。根据海水理化性质将研究海区分为5个区,并使用CHEMTAX软件(Mackery et al.,1996)讨论了西北冰洋不同海区浮游植物群落组成结构及其与环境因子之间的关系。结果显示在楚科奇海陆架区,太平洋入流显著影响浮游植物生物量和群落结构。高营养盐Anadyr水团以及白令陆架水控制海域,表现出高Chl a且浮游植物以硅藻为主,相反,低营养盐如阿拉斯加沿岸流控制海域,Chl a生物量低且以微型,微微型浮游植物为主。在外陆架海区,海冰覆盖情况影响着水团的物理特征及营养盐浓度水平,相应地显著影响浮游植物群落结构。在海冰覆盖区域,硅藻生物量站到总Chl a生物量的75%以上;在靠近门捷列夫深海平原海区,受相对高盐的冰融水影响(MW-HS),营养盐浓度和Chl a浓度相对海冰覆盖区略高,浮游植物结构中微型、微微型藻类比重增加,硅藻比例则降至33%;南加拿大海盆无冰海区(IfB),表层水盐度最淡,营养盐浓度最低,相应地显示出低Chl a生物量,表明海冰消退,开阔大洋持续时间延长,将导致低生物量及激发更小型浮游植物的生长,并不有利于有机碳向深海的有效输出。  相似文献   
Co-genetic debrite–turbidite beds are most commonly found in distal basin-plain settings and basin margins. This study documents the geometry, architectural association and paleogeographic occurrence of co-genetic debrite–turbidite beds in the Carboniferous Ross Sandstone with the goal of reducing uncertainty in the interpretation of subsurface data in similarly shaped basins where oil and gas is produced.The Ross Sandstone of western Ireland was deposited in a structurally confined submarine basin. Two outcrops contain co-genetic debrite–turbidite beds: Ballybunnion and Inishcorker. Both of the exposures contain strata deposited on the margin of the basin. An integrated dataset was used to characterize the stratigraphy of the Ballybunnion exposure. The exposure is divided into lower, middle, and upper units. The lower unit contains laminated shale with phosphate nodules, structureless siltstone, convolute bedding/slumps, locally contorted shale, and siltstone turbidites. The middle unit contains co-genetic debrite–turbidite beds, siltstone turbidites, and structureless siltstone. Each co-genetic debrite–turbidite bed contains evidence that fluid turbulence and matrix strength operated alternately and possibly simultaneously during deposition by a single sediment-gravity-flow event. The upper unit contains thin-bedded sandy turbidites, amalgamated sandy turbidites, siltstone turbidites, structureless siltstone, and laminated shale. A similar vertical facies pattern is found at Inishcorker.Co-genetic debrite–turbidite beds are only found at the basin-margin. We interpret these distinct beds to have originated as sand-rich, fully turbulent flows that eroded muddy strata on the slope as well as interbedded sandstone and mudstone in axial positions of the basin floor forming channels and associated megaflute erosional surfaces. This erosion caused the axially dispersing flows to laterally evolve to silt- and clay-rich flows suspended by both fluid turbulence and matrix strength due to a relative increase in clay proportions and associated turbulence suppression. The flows were efficient enough to bypass the basin center/floor, physically disconnecting their deposits from coeval lobes, resulting in deposition of co-genetic debrite–turbidite beds on the basin margin. The record of these bypassing flows in axial positions of the basin is erosional surfaces draped by thin siltstone beds with organic debris.A detailed cross-section through the Ross Sandstone reveals a wedge of low net-to-gross, poor reservoir-quality strata that physically separates sandy, basin-floor strata from the basin margin. The wedge of strata is referred to as the transition zone. The transition zone is composed of co-genetic debrite–turbidite beds, structureless siltstone, slumps, locally contorted shale, and laminated shale. Using data from the Ross Sandstone, two equations are defined that predict the size and shape of the transition zone. The equations use three variables (thickness of basin-margin strata, thickness of coeval strata on the basin floor, and angle of the basin margin) to solve for width (w) and trajectory of the basinward side of the low net-to-gross wedge (β). Beta is not a time line, but a facies boundary that separates sandy basin floor strata from silty basin-margin strata. The transition zone is interpreted to exist on lateral and distal margins of the structurally confined basin.Seismic examples from Gulf of Mexico minibasins reveal a wedge of low continuity, low amplitude seismic facies adjacent to the basin margin. Strata in this wedge are interpreted as transition-zone sediments, similar to those in the Ross Sandstone. Besides defining the size and shape of the transition zone, the variables “w” and “β” define two important drilling parameters. The variable “w” corresponds to the minimum distance a well bore should be positioned from the lateral basin margin to intersect sandy strata, and “β” corresponds to the deviation (from horizontal) of the well bore to follow the interface between sandy and low net-to-gross strata. Calculations reveal that “w” and “β” are related to the relative amount of draping, condensed strata on the margin and the angle of the basin margin. Basins with shallowly dipping margins and relatively high proportions of draping, clay-rich strata have wider transition zones compared to basins with steeply dipping margins with little draping strata. These concepts can reduce uncertainty when interpreting subsurface data in other structurally confined basins including those in Gulf of Mexico, offshore West Africa, and Brunei.  相似文献   
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