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根据对马朗凹陷马1井储层长石中有机包裹体的基本特征、均一温度、荧光及荧光光谱分析,得出有机包裹体均一温度为60 ~ 90℃及120~ 140℃,其对应的荧光颜色分别为黄色和蓝绿色。认为储层的油气运移经历了两期,第一期为烃类的主要运移、聚集期,油气为低成熟油;第二期为少量的烃类聚集,并判断出二叠系条湖组该段储层为油气产层。  相似文献   
为了揭示不同发展模式下土地利用变化对碳储量的影响,以桂林市阳朔县兴坪镇西塘村的岩溶峰丛洼地为对象,采用InVEST模型对岩溶峰丛洼地的碳储量进行评估,并模拟2种情境(生态保护模式、经济发展模式)下植被类型对碳储量的影响。结果表明:研究区碳储量总量是16 641.68 t,碳密度是221.30 t·hm−2,经济总价值是1 997.00 万元,单位面积价值是26.56 万元·hm−2;人工林、自然林、经济林生态系统碳储量分别是339.38 t·hm−2、261.79 t·hm−2、150.34 t·hm−2,经济价值分别是40.72 万元·hm−2、31.42万元·hm−2、18.04万元·hm−2,且土壤碳储量是生态系统中最大碳库;自然林和经济林中土壤是最大的碳汇,而人工林中土壤和地上植被的碳汇较大;生态保护模式下研究区碳储量经济价值是2 252.14 万元,相比于现状增加了254.89 万元;经济发展模式下研究区碳储量经济价值是1 595.30 万元,相比于现状损失了401.95 万元。该研究成果为桂林漓江风景名胜区核心景区和桂林喀斯特世界自然遗产地确定未来发展模式和石漠化治理提供参考。  相似文献   
综合运用碎屑岩类分析法、重矿物法对苏北盆地高邮凹陷联盟庄地区戴南组的物源方向进行了分析。结果表明,戴南组物源具有不稳定性,早、中期物源均来自柘垛低凸起,物源方向由沿东北方向沉积演变为沿南北方向沉积;晚期物源来自西北部的菱塘桥低凸起。联盟庄地区戴南组沉积物为再旋回沉积物,母岩区构造背景为活动大陆边缘,其源岩主要为花岗岩和中基性火成岩。根据岩心、电测曲线、录井以及分析测试资料,对联盟庄地区戴南组的沉积相平面分布进行了研究,三角洲的展布受河湖作用及物源供应的影响,早、中、晚期分别呈朵状、朵叶状和伸长状。  相似文献   
视纵向电导是瞬变电磁法勘探理论的基本参数之一,在以中心回线装置应用为主的金属物探界很少应用。为改变此状况,创立了剩余视纵向电导比ΔSτrt定义及其具体计算方法。ΔSτrt是TEM方法中第一个相对参量,大量的模型计算和野外数据试算表明,其效果与视电阻率一维直接反演相当。此计算方法简单且是单解。本参量主要适用于中心回线和重叠回线的中、近带数据处理,略加修改亦适用于其他装置,乃至电偶源装置及磁参数的处理。  相似文献   
The first order reliability method (FORM) is efficient, but it has limited accuracy; the second order reliability method (SORM) provides greater accuracy, but with additional computational effort. In this study, a new method which integrates two quasi-Newton approximation algorithms is proposed to efficiently estimate the second order reliability of geotechnical problems with reasonable accuracy. In particular, the Hasofer–Lind–Rackwitz–Fiessler–Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (HLRF–BFGS) algorithm is applied to identify the design point on the limit state function (LSF), and consequently to compute the first order reliability index; whereas the Symmetric Rank-one (SR1) algorithm is nested within the HLRF–BFGS algorithm to compute good approximations, yet with a reduced computational effort, of the Hessian matrix required to compute second order reliabilities. Three typical geotechnical problems are employed to demonstrate the ability of the suggested procedure, and advantages of the proposed approach with respect to conventional alternatives are discussed. Results show that the proposed method is able to achieve the accuracy of conventional SORM, but with a reduced computational cost that is equal to the computational cost of HLRF–BFGS-based FORM.  相似文献   
在恢复古构造的基础之上,对比了松辽盆地南部十屋断陷营城组沉积时期的古构造格局与现令构造格局的异同。古构造对扇三角洲沉积体系的控制作用主要表现在:(1)主要基底断裂控制了扇三角洲的展布方向;(2)倾向与物源方向相反的断层和古地貌阻滞了扇三角洲的展布;(3)沉降中心控制了扇三角洲前缘的纵向叠置和发育。  相似文献   
This paper reports an oxygen isotopic study of corundums and associated minerals from the Yogo lamprophyres (Montana, US), plagioclase-corundum inclusions in alkali basalt (Tunkin depression, Russia), and from modern alluvium of Podgelbanochnyi alkaline basaltic volcano (Primorye, Russia). It is shown that all sapphires genetically related to mafic magmatic rocks have a similar oxygen isotopic composition (the variations of δ18O are within 2.5‰) with most values plotting between +4.5 and +7.0‰ SMOW. The oxygen isotopic ratios in the associated minerals (olivines, pyroxenes, mica, and others) and host rocks are plotted in the same interval. This indicates that the sapphire crystallized during evolution of the parental mafic magma. However, there are xenogenic corundums, which were only transported by basaltic magma to the Earth’s surface. They have a sharply distinct oxygen isotopic composition, which suggests their disequilibrium with the host lavas, and, correspondingly, a different genetic nature.  相似文献   
A 1-D velocity model for the Marche region (Central Italy) was computed by inverting P- and S-wave arrival times of local earthquakes. A total of 160 seismic events with a minimum of ten observations, a travel time residual ≤0.8 s and an azimuthal gap lower than 180° have been selected. This “minimum 1-D velocity model” is complemented by station corrections, which can be used to take into account possible near-surface velocity heterogeneities beneath each station. Using this new P-wave velocity model and the program HYPOELLIPSE (Lahr 1999), the selected local events were relocated. Earthquake locations in this study are of higher quality with respect to the original ones. The obtained minimum 1-D velocity model can be used to improve the routine earthquake locations and represents a further step towards more detailed seismotectonic studies of the area.  相似文献   
贝尔凹陷构造演化及其对沉积和油气的控制作用   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
贝尔凹陷是海拉尔盆地南部的一个次级凹陷,凹陷内蕴藏着丰富的油气资源,是海拉尔盆地重要的油气探区之一。贝尔凹陷经历了三期构造演化,形成了三期不同类型的原型盆地,自下而上分别为下部伸展断陷盆地、中部裂后热沉降盆地和上部构造反转盆地。复杂的构造演化形成了复杂的断裂系统,贝尔凹陷纵向上主要发育了两套断裂系统,分别是发育于下部断陷盆地的下部断裂系统和发育于中部热沉降盆地的上部走滑断裂系统,上部构造反转盆地内断裂不发育。复杂的构造样式对凹陷内沉积体系的配置也起着很重要的控制作用。本文从贝尔凹陷构造演化和构造特征研究出发,分析了沉积作用对构造活动的响应,初步探讨了贝尔凹陷构造对油气藏形成的控制作用。  相似文献   
川西坳陷侏罗系天然气气源对比研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
川西坳陷侏罗系天然气具有δ13C1<δ13C2<δ13C3 的正常系列分布特征,为典型的热催化成因的煤型气,天然气母质类型主要为腐殖型。通过岩石组合特征分析,认为侏罗系天然气大部分来源于上三叠统须五段源岩,须四段和侏罗系本身源岩(如自流井组暗色泥岩)可能也有一定贡献;轻烃特征研究也说明了须五段源岩对侏罗系天然气有较大的贡献;δ13C1-Ro关系更进一步说明了侏罗系天然气主要来源于须五段烃源岩,而孝-新-合地区须四段和自流井组源岩可能有一定程度的贡献。  相似文献   
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