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基于2005年深圳市0.3 m分辨率的航片与梧桐山8个林地样方数据,通过ArcView软件平台,利用CITYgreen生态价值评估模型,计算2005年梧桐山林地削减径流的生态效益。并以2005年为初始年,以10年为周期,预测2015—2055年林地生长趋势与生态效益。结果表明:2015年、2025年、2035年、2045年与2055年梧桐山林地增长率分别为14.23%、12.27%、12.09%、11.68%、12.85%;2005年削减径流的生态效益为3.74亿元,2015年、2025年、2035年、2045年与2055年预测值分别为3.89亿元、4.03亿元、4.19亿元、4.35亿元与4.52亿元。林地生长与生态效益增长态势不均衡与不同树木的生命周期及其特性相关。  相似文献   
Characterization of spatial and temporal variability of stable isotopes (δ18O and δ2H) of surface waters is essential to interpret hydrological processes and establish modern isotope–elevation gradients across mountainous terrains. Here, we present stable isotope data for river waters across Kyrgyzstan. River water isotopes exhibit substantial spatial heterogeneity among different watersheds in Kyrgyzstan. Higher river water isotope values were found mainly in the Issyk‐Kul Lake watershed, whereas waters in the Son‐Kul Lake watershed display lower values. Results show a close δ18O–δ2H relation between river water and the local meteoric water line, implying that river water experiences little evaporative enrichment. River water from the high‐elevation regions (e.g., Naryn and Son‐Kul Lake watershed) had the most negative isotope values, implying that river water is dominated by snowmelt. Higher deuterium excess (average d = 13.9‰) in river water probably represents the isotopic signature of combined contributions from direct precipitation and glacier melt in stream discharge across Kyrgyzstan. A significant relationship between river water δ18O and elevation was observed with a vertical lapse rate of 0.13‰/100 m. These findings provide crucial information about hydrological processes across Kyrgyzstan and contribute to a better understanding of the paleoclimate/elevation reconstruction of this region.  相似文献   
Forest ecohydrological feedbacks complicate the threshold behaviour of stormflow response to precipitation or wetting conditions on a long-term scale (e.g. several years). In this study, the threshold behaviours in an evergreen-deciduous mixed forested headwater catchment in southern China were examined during 2009–2015, when damaged vegetation was recovering after the great 2008 Chinese ice and snowstorm. The non-uniqueness of the thresholds and the slow and rapid responses of stormflow at the outlet of the catchment in different hydro-climate datasets with different maximum values of gross precipitation (P) and sums of precipitation and antecedent soil moisture index (P + ASI) were assessed. The thresholds of P and P + ASI required to trigger stormflows (i.e. ‘generation thresholds’) and the transition from slow to rapid responses of stormflow (i.e. ‘rise thresholds’) were compared both seasonally and annually. The results indicated significant differences in the analysed datasets, highlighting the need to compare thresholds with care to avoid misinterpretation. Seasonal variations in threshold behaviours in the catchment suggested that vegetation canopy interception contributed to higher rise thresholds, and wetter conditions resulted in higher runoff sensitivity to precipitation during the growing and rainy seasons. Furthermore, the generation thresholds were higher in the dormant season, possibly due to drier soil moisture conditions in the near-channel areas. During the vegetation recovery period, the annual generation thresholds increased, however the rise thresholds did not exhibit a similar trend. The rapid stormflow response above the threshold decreased, possibly due to transpiration and interception of the recovered vegetation. However, the slow stormflow response to small rainfall events below the thresholds was higher in wetter years but lower in drier years, suggesting that the total water input dominated the stormflow response during small rainfall events. In conclusion, the seasonal and annual variations in threshold behaviours highlight that vegetation recovery and hydro-climatic conditions had a notable impact on the stormflow response.  相似文献   
南秦岭中段中、上志留统金矿化特征及控制因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
区域地球化学测量和金矿勘查工作显示,中、上志留统是南秦岭中段继泥盆系之后的又一套赋金地层,这套地层的分布区存在一条近EW向展布的金矿化带,宏观上,金矿化带的展布受青泥河-留坝复背斜和大河店-长坪-留坝区域性断裂带的控制.金矿(化)点和金矿(化)体的产出受层位、岩性、煌斑岩脉、火山活动、褶皱、层间构造破碎蚀变带、标高及氧化作用等因素的联合控制.矿体呈似层状产出,由多个呈串珠状展布的透镜体组成,金矿石类型以微细浸染型为主,属金-毒砂-黄铁矿建造.通过对已有矿(化)点和区域水系沉积物异常区进一步工作,有望找到中-大型金矿产地1~2处.  相似文献   
梵净山区新元古界下部喀斯特不整合的确认及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张慧  陈明华  彭成龙  蒋开源  于宁 《贵州地质》2005,22(4):221-223,228
本文描述了梵净山区新元古界下部鸟叶组与甲路组之间的喀斯特不整合的空间分布、地质特征,从而进一步确认了它的存在;指出该不整合是格林威尔碰撞造山之后强烈隆升的产物,代表了Rodinia超大陆在新元古代裂解前地壳经历的隆起并遭受剥蚀侵蚀的历程,从而对研究该时期地层的空间变异、沉积环境,特别是探讨Rodinia超大陆岩相演化都具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   
岩溶水是指赋存于岩溶孔隙中的地下水,是我国南方生产生活主要用水来源.随着社会对水资源需求的逐步扩大,岩溶水资源的开发利用越发重要.通过定期监测岳麓山泉水流量、电导率、pH值,结合岳麓山岩土层性质和长沙市降雨量,采用统计分析和Spearman秩相关系数法对泉水流量变化和泉水水质定性评价进行研究.研究结果表明,大气降雨对岩溶水进行补给从而使泉水流量增大,泉水流量的改变除与降雨量有关外,还受土壤入渗率和降雨时长的影响.采用Spearman秩相关系数法可定量计算电导率与时间的相关性,间接判断周围环境对泉水水质影响的难易程度,有利于识别电导率代表性位置泉眼,更好地监测和评价岩溶水.土壤酸沉降污染严重或酸雨频繁地区易导致岩溶水pH值呈酸性.对泉水流量和水质的研究有利于科学开发利用岩溶水资源.  相似文献   
大巴山国家地质公园构造地貌景观构造变形期次研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
付顺  阚瑷珂  肖进  胡瑾  向芳  张腾  李文韬 《地球学报》2014,35(4):510-518
通过野外路线考察,典型地区填图,地质、地形图判读发现,大巴山国家地质公园主要构造地貌景观横向分布呈现由NE至SW即从造山带向前陆盆地方向逐渐减弱特征;纵向上明显受早期构造格局和岩石类型约束,在区域上呈现NW—SE向延展的平行岭谷地貌,山峰和谷地的走向与地质构造线基本一致。通过对主要构造地貌景观构造应力和变形期次判别探讨,确定构造地貌景观形成的构造期次大致为三期,应力主要来自于NE—SW、SE—NW向,反映该区不仅受到NE—SW向的冲断挤压变形作用,还受到SE—NW向的右旋剪切挤压变形作用,推测是由多期受力叠加改造而成。通过ESR及14C定年确定距今12 Ma以来,该区在500 kaBP、278 kaBP、29 kaBP分别出现三次规模较大的快速抬升运动,提供了与其构造景观形成密切相关的新构造运动年代学证据。  相似文献   
林伟 《地质与勘探》2016,52(6):1116-1128
文章通过对中条山地区郭家沟基性-超基性岩体的岩石学、矿物学和岩石地球化学方面的分析研究,讨论了该岩体的形成时代、岩石成因、及其地质意义。郭家沟岩体侵入时代为元古代,可能与绛县群形成时代较为相近(2200Ma左右)。郭家沟岩体具有岩相分带现象,边缘相为辉长岩,向内渐变过渡为含长辉石岩、变余辉石岩(角闪石岩)等,在岩体的中心发育着磁铁透闪石岩;岩石中Mg O与其他主量元素线性相关,各类岩石地球化学特征较为相似,显示出岩石受分离结晶作用的影响,具有岩浆同源演化的趋势;岩石总体显示出低硅、低镁、高铁、高钛、高钙的特征,相对富集LREE和LILE,而亏损HREE和Nb、Ta、Zr、Y等高场强元素,轻重稀土分馏明显,具有较弱的Eu异常,V含量较高,具有阿拉斯加型侵入岩体和与火山弧相关的岩浆特征。从岩石组合及地球化学特征结合区域构造演化,认为岩体形成于大陆边缘弧的构造环境,从侧面也说明绛县群的形成环境应该是大陆边缘俯冲后的伸展环境,而非陆内裂谷。  相似文献   
山岭隧道工程具有隐蔽性、施工复杂性、地层条件和周围环境不确定性等特点,采用科学的勘察方法,是查明隧道岩土体工程地质条件的有效手段。本文以海淀区西山隧道为依托,针对隧道工程勘察中的关键地质问题,运用工程地质测绘、钻探、工程物探、水文地质勘查等综合勘察方法,有效地查明隧址区的地质构造、岩土体结构和地下水分布特征,全面、客观地评价隧道进出口段边坡及仰坡稳定性、隧道围岩质量与稳定性、隧道涌水量、地应力及有害气体等工程地质问题,并针对不良地质现象提出防治对策,以期为工期紧张、地形困难且日趋增多的山岭隧道工程地质勘察,提供可以借鉴的模式和方法。  相似文献   
根据袁见齐教授“高山深盆”成盐模式,探讨新疆天山对第四纪盐类矿床的形成和控制作用,阐述了天山地貌、气候、水文特征与盐类矿产的分布规律和特征。认为“高山深盆”并非一定是四周环山的深盆,可以是某一高山与其间深盆或两侧盆地的有机组合。高山的屏障作用造成了垂直的气候分带,在潮湿多雨的山区利于成盐组份的析出并迁移到干旱少雨的闭流深盆中,形成盐类矿床。  相似文献   
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