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蒙花岭组是新建的岩石地层单位,指定蒙花岭剖面为正层型剖面。岩性为一套高绿片岩相的变质岩,由变质石英细砂岩、各类片岩、绢云千枚岩夹细粒石英岩及数层变质基性―酸性火山岩组成。在剖面的下部第8层及上部第24层含丰富的藻类化石,地质时代为寒武纪;在剖面中部第16层变质火山岩中采人工重砂样、锆石U-Pb测年结果为499±6Ma~527±48Ma,地质时代为寒武纪中晚期。故将蒙花岭组划寒武系黔东统(∈2)到芙蓉统(∈4)。  相似文献   
Results from coal‐exploration drilling in the onshore part of the Port Phillip Basin, Victoria, have established stratigraphic and age correlations of the Lower Miocene Werribee Formation brown coal deposits at Bacchus Marsh to similar brown coals at Altona. The coal deposits occur in a northwest‐southeast structural depression (the Parwan Trough) that appears to be a southeast continuation of the Ballan Graben. Recent drilling for potential coal‐bed methane in the trough has provided new data on the deeper stratigraphy not penetrated by earlier drilling, including recognition of an Upper Cretaceous to Eocene Yaloak Formation coal‐bearing interval, similar to the Anglesea area, Ballan Graben and Lal Lal Basin. Up to 200 m of coal‐bearing sediment and minor volcanics underlie the Miocene coal measures. A marine facies transition takes place between the Miocene coal swamps of the Parwan Trough, through barrier sands west of Werribee, to carbonate facies near Geelong. To the south beneath Port Phillip Bay, a similar transition probably occurs between coal swamps of the Parwan Trough and fully marine carbonate environments of the contiguous Sorrento Graben. The palaeogeographical reconstructions suggest a similar coal‐to‐carbonate facies transition as in the adjacent onshore Gippsland Basin.  相似文献   
A broad pitted plain and an elongated low rise occur near the south pole of Mars between a region of major cavi (Cavi Angusti) and a regionally smooth and broad valley (Argentea Planum). Viking, Mars Global Surveyor (MGS), and Odyssey data reveal a densely pitted plain covering ∼6750 km2, and containing >300 irregularly shaped, steep-walled and flat-floored depressions with a mean diameter of ∼3.5 km. At the southernmost (poleward) extent of this plain are 12 north/south trending linear valleys that are characterized by theater-shaped heads abutting a major cavi within Cavi Angusti. The pitted plain, which abuts Cavi Angusti to the southwest, is separated from the floor of Argentea Planum by a smooth, elongated low rise that extends parallel to the plain for ∼200 km. These unusual features are all found within the Hesperian-aged circumpolar Dorsa Argentea Formation, which has been interpreted by some workers to be an ice-rich glacier-related deposit. We interpret the pitted plain to represent the maximum northern extent of the Angusti lobe ice deposit. The pits are analogous in morphology and distribution to terrestrial kettle holes, which form from the melting of isolated ice-blocks surrounded and partly buried by sediment, to leave hollows. The linear valleys are consistent with sapping valleys formed from the release of an elevated groundwater table, fed by meltwater lakes. On the basis of these characteristics, relationships and analogs, we interpret the marginal facies to represent an ice-sheet/lake contact environment that existed during Hesperian time.  相似文献   
Based on gross morphological and cuticular study, two species of Ginkgo From the Lower Cretaceous Changcai Formation in Helong of Jilin. were identified from this area for the first time, including Ginkgo coriacea Florin and G. sibirica Heer. The study is significant for better understanding the paleophytogeographic, paleoecologic and stratigraphic characters of the Early Cretaceous Changcai flora.  相似文献   
黄骅坳陷孔南地区孔二段湖盆结构恢复   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孔南地区孔二段受到沧东断层、徐西断层等活动影响,地层结构遭受强烈的改造,原有湖盆结构发生了很大的变化。隆起区构造单元富泥质沉积,凹陷构造单元富砂质沉积,成为研究区孔二段的主要特征之一,也成为研究的难点。本文通过对研究区孔二段沉积厚度、岩相、沉积相、构造分析以及等时地层格架下的沉积体系展布规律分析等,对孔二段沉积时期湖盆结构进行了恢复,改变了以往认为孔店期为断陷产物的认识,得出孔二段沉积时期,湖盆总体为坳陷盆地,现今处于盆地中心的孔店隆起构造带为孔二期的古湖盆中心和沉降中心。这一结论对认识黄骅坳陷孔南地区盆地演化,成因机制和油气勘探具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
山东东营凹陷新生代天文地层表简介   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
综合山东东营凹陷郝科1等6口井的天文地层研究结果提出"东营凹陷新生代天文地层表",表中列出的是"国际地层表(2004)"、"中国区域年代地层表(2000)"和0—65Ma期间天文偏心率405ka周期编号以及东营凹陷孔店组(顶部)至平原组各组的年龄以及东营凹陷新生代51Ma以来3个大的地层不整合:1)沙河街组二段下部,大约33.8—33.4Ma期间405ka周期振幅不明显、100ka周期较强,与南大西洋33.4—33.7Ma和热带太平洋33.6—33.7Ma期间沉积物中显著转折等特征可作对比;2)东营组-馆陶组界线上下,东营组三角洲顶面最后萎缩时间约为24.467Ma,推测由此至渐新世末(23.03Ma),大约近1.5Myr期间本区没有大的湖泊,而是冲积—河流相沉积,中新世初(23.03Ma)快速隆起,直到约18—16Ma开始馆下段的上部沉积,这一区域性角度不整合面形成大约持续5—7Myr;3)上新统-更新统界线上下,根据本区东辛2-4井古地磁和天文地层研究,测出布容、松山、高斯和吉尔伯特等4个极性时,求出2.546Ma—1.806Ma期间[明上(上)亚段顶]可能沉积并剥蚀过的地层厚度为129m;1.806—0.908Ma期间,因构造活动本区上升成为高山,第四系平一段底部形成了大的不整合面。  相似文献   
山东济阳坳陷始新统-渐新统天文地层界线年龄分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
山东济阳坳陷沙河街组上部天文地层研究是以牛38井沙三段中亚段顶界年龄34.892Ma作为标定,分析和计算出沙二段下亚段底年龄为33.799Ma、沙段二段上亚段底为33.338Ma、沙一段底为32.940Ma和东营组底为31.829Ma。从天文地层界线年龄分析,沙三段-沙二段界线的年龄大致可对比为"国际地层表(2004)"始新统-渐新统界线年龄33.90Ma,而沙二段下亚段-上亚段界线年龄比国际始新统-渐新统界线的滞后大约600ka。在"中国区域地层表"始新统-渐新统界线年龄(32Ma)和"国际地层表"的始新统-渐新统界线年龄(33.9Ma)之差的1.9Myr,大致相当于本区计算的沙一、二段的持续时间。SP数据的小波分析表明,在沙二段-沙三上亚段界线附近,即约33.8Ma之后,约405ka周期开始变得不明显、不规则,幅度亦下降,剧烈突变发生时间在33.4Ma左右。上述界线对应偏心率周期的理论值突变的时间。因此推论始新世-渐新世转折期是偏心率多个理论周期重迭而导致的一个特殊的时期,也是本区沙二段下亚段这段地层形成不整合面的时间,大约在33.8—33.4Ma期间。  相似文献   
黔西北大方地区龙潭组以泥页岩、煤层与砂岩交替互层发育为特点,具有典型的海陆过渡相特征。文章在剖面实测和样品采集的基础上,结合全岩和黏土矿物XRD分析、总有机碳(TOC)含量测定、岩石热解、干酪根显微组分及镜质体反射率(RO)等分析,对研究区龙潭组烃源岩发育特征进行了研究和评价。结果表明: ① 龙潭组矿物以黏土矿物为主,具有较强的吸附能力,但黏土矿物含量与石英含量呈明显的负相关关系(R>0.8),尤其是泥页岩中70%以上的黏土含量以及较低的脆性指数增加了压裂开发的难度。 ② 龙潭组有机质丰度受岩性变化控制明显。煤层具有最高的TOC含量(平均值42.9%)和生烃潜量(平均值为2.68 mg/g),显示强大的煤层气生烃潜力;泥页岩生烃潜量均小于2 mg/g,但约有80%样品的TOC含量超过2%,页岩气资源潜力不及煤层气;粉砂岩生烃潜力最差,生烃潜量平均值为0.13 mg/g,TOC含量为1.4%~5.6%,显示一定的致密气潜力。 ③ 龙潭组有机显微组以壳质组和镜质组占主导,干酪根以Ⅲ型为主,Ⅱ2型为辅,热演化程度高,处于高-过成熟的生干气阶段。 ④ 煤层更为发育的龙潭组中段是大方地区煤层气、页岩气和致密砂岩气联合勘探的有利层段。  相似文献   
An integrated geological-petrophysical analysis of the rudist-bearing sequence of the Cretaceous Sarvak Formation is given one giant oilfield, and provides an improved understanding of this main reservoir in the Abadan Plain, in the Zagros Basin, SW Iran. The main objective of this study is to evaluate reservoir potential of the Sarvak Formation, and then to utilize the calibrated well log signature to correlate reservoir potential in un-cored wells. Eight main facies are recognized and categori...  相似文献   
The Nanyuan Formation contains information related to the Mesozoic tectonic transformation. In this study, three representative profiles were surveyed from the Nanyuan Formation, and multiple analyses were conducted. Zircon U-Pb dating yielded their ages as approximately 158–146 Ma. The volcanic rocks are enriched in Rb, Th, U, K, and Pb and depleted in Nb, Ta, P, and Ti, implying their affinity for I-type granites. The εNd(t) values(-8.3 to-6.0),(87Sr/86Sr)...  相似文献   
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