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雄安新区中深层白云岩热储地热资源丰富,为了提高对该区主要热储白云岩热储特征及地热水资源潜力的认识程度,指导新区中深层白云岩热储地热水资源的规模化开发,基于钻井、地震、地质等资料,研究了该区白云岩热储的地层空间分布、构造特征、储集空间特征和主建设区白云岩热储地热水资源潜力。研究表明:雄安新区主要热储雾迷山组、高于庄组除在断裂面部分地区外基本全区分布;雾迷山组埋深在容城凸起、牛驼镇凸起相对较浅,在高阳低凸起相对较深;高于庄组有类似的分布特征,总体埋深更深,温度更高;其它地层除第四系、新近系明化镇组外分布都比较局限;区内发育众多以NNE向为主的正断层,与少数其它方向断裂交会,将深部地热通过流体传输到浅部,并造就断裂两侧大量的裂缝和控制岩溶发育方向及规模,形成众多溶蚀孔洞;同时构造演化中雾迷山组古地貌中高地貌部分,在喜山期大多剥蚀与新生界形成不整合面,共同构成本区重要的输导通道和储集空间,岩溶孔洞和裂缝结合型复合空间是本区雾迷山组主要热储空间,单独的裂缝、孔洞是次要热储空间,大型溶洞一旦发育往往是主力产水层;新区主建设区顶面在5000 m(底部埋深可达6000 m)及以浅的白云岩岩溶裂缝热储地热水资源,按100年采用总热水储量的50%及500 m井距“三采两灌”原则单井产量110 m3/h计,最适宜生产井布井数目233口,主建设区现阶段可满足每年4787×104 m2的供暖面积,占实际需求的30.1%。结论认为:雾迷山组埋深较浅,在当前经济技术条件下目前是主力热储,高于庄组埋深较深是最重要的备用热储,今后20年内会被大规模开发利用,但即便现在同时开发它们也不能满足雄安新区主建设区的清洁能源需求,需要发展“多能互补”系统,域外的过剩地热资源能否向域内目标区集输受经济成本和环境成本风险制约。

A fossil geothermal area is hosted by the Carboniferous, Permian and Bunter sandstones of the Offenburg intramontane trough in the central Black Forest. The hydrothermal alteration is identified on the basis of newly formed sericites, which appear as pseudomorphs after feldspar and filling of pore spaces. According to K–Ar dating of sericite, serititization occurred about 145 Ma ago (Jurassic). On the basis of 18O analyses of sericite, sericite composition and vitrinite reflectance, the hydrothermal fluids had temperatures of 150–210 °C. Because their electrolyte content was low, these fluids are assumed to have derived from meteoric water. A second pulse of electrolyte-rich hydrothermal fluids resulted in quartz overgrowths. Fluid mobilization seems to be linked to the disintegration of Pangaea and to reactivated fault systems extending from the crystalline basement into the intramontane sediments.  相似文献   
Geochemical analyses and geobarometric determinations have been combined to create a depth vs. radiogenic heat production database for the Sierra Nevada batholith, California. This database shows that mean heat production values first increase, then decrease, with increasing depth. Heat production is 2 μW/m3 within the 3-km-thick volcanic pile at the top of the batholith, below which it increases to an average value of 3.5 μW/m3 at 5.5 km depth, then decreases to 0.5–1 μW/m3 at 15 km depth and remains at these values through the entire crust below 15 km. Below the crust, from depths of 40–125 km, the batholith's root and mantle wedge that coevolved beneath the batholith appears to have an average radiogenic heat production rate of 0.14 μW/m3. This is higher than the rates from most published xenolith studies, but reasonable given the presence of crustal components in the arc root assemblages. The pattern of radiogenic heat production interpreted from the depth vs. heat production database is not consistent with the downward-decreasing exponential distribution predicted from modeling of surface heat flow data. The interpreted distribution predicts a reasonable range of geothermal gradients and shows that essentially all of the present day surface heat flow from the Sierra Nevada could be generated within the 35 km thick crust. This requires a very low heat flux from the mantle, which is consistent with a model of cessation of Sierran magmatism during Laramide flat-slab subduction, followed by conductive cooling of the upper mantle for 70 m.y. The heat production variation with depth is principally due to large variations in uranium and thorium concentration; potassium is less variable in concentration within the Sierran crust, and produces relatively little of the heat in high heat production rocks. Because silica content is relatively constant through the upper 30 km of the Sierran batholith, while U, Th, and K concentrations are highly variable, radiogenic heat production does not vary directly with silica content.  相似文献   
车镇凹陷古近系沙河街组三段上亚段—二段下亚段是较为典型的深断陷型三级层序。层序的发育主要受控于幕式断陷作用,可进一步划分出低位体系域、湖侵体系域和高位体系域。通过岩心观察、薄片镜下鉴定、粒度分析、古生物及遗迹化石分析,并综合利用测井曲线和地震相特征,认为该时期主要发育有扇三角洲、三角洲、近岸水下扇、湖底扇、滨浅湖滩坝等骨架砂体相,以及滨浅湖、半深湖—深湖等沉积相及其亚相。综合考虑物源特征、沉积环境、沉积体系平面展布以及生、储、盖组合关系,认为有利的沉积相带主要是三角洲、扇三角洲前缘、湖底扇、近岸水下扇的中扇和外扇以及滨浅湖中发育的滩坝和砂坝。  相似文献   
东河塘油田位于新疆库车县,构造上隶属于塔里木盆地塔北隆起轮台凸起东河塘断裂构造带,是我国发现的第一个高产高丰度海相砂岩油田,它的发现是中国海相砂岩油气勘探理论和实践的一次重大突破。油田发现于1990年7月,至1994年探明石油地质储量3323.13×104t,天然气地质储量15.5×108m3,至2009年底累计产原油825.75×104t。石炭系东河砂岩油藏是东河塘油田的主体,其储层东河砂岩段是一套滨岸相砂体,具有厚度巨大、埋深大、储集性能好的特点;其油藏类型为块状底水背斜油藏,产能高,储量丰度高。论述了东河塘油田勘探与发现的历程,剖析了取得勘探成功的实践认识与意义。  相似文献   
In the recent decade, the construction projects related to shallow geothermal energy engineering have undergone rapid development in Shandong Province. The predominant type of these developments and applications was heat exchange through buried tubes and the main targets were residential and office buildings. However, an overwhelming majority of the completed geothermal heat pump projects lacked monitoring devices so that they were unable to comprehensively reflect the background values for the geothermal fields within the province and few researches were conducted on their influence on the geological environment. In this paper, locations for monitoring shallow geothermal energy and their validity of the monitoring point deployment were studied in view of the development and application status as well as geological background conditions of various projects located in multiple cities providing data support for analyzing the fluctuation trend and influence of large-scale shallow geothermal energy applications on the shallow geothermal and the feasibility and parameter designs of newly built systems in Shandong Province in the future.  相似文献   

滇东弥勒-师宗断裂带地热资源丰富,但是由于研究程度较低,成因机制不明,制约了区内地热资源的可持续开发利用。本文以弥勒-师宗断裂带北段老厂地区天然温泉水和地热钻孔水为研究对象,综合应用野外调查、水文地球化学和环境同位素方法,对区内地热水的地球化学特征和成因机制进行了研究。结果显示,区内地热水pH值介于7.30~8.12之间,TDS在224~382 mg/L之间,属于弱碱性淡水。地热水水化学类型为HCO3·SO4-Ca型和HCO3·SO4-Ca·Na型,且含有较高含量的Fe、As、Sb等微量组分,不宜饮用。地热水中HCO3δ13C值为−3.31‰~−7.79‰,计算得出参与水岩作用的CO2δ13C值为−9.50‰~−15.68‰,具有明显的沉积有机质来源特征。离子比值分析及硫同位素特征表明碳酸盐岩矿物和石膏的溶解是区内地热水主要离子来源的控制因素,此外赋存于浅部断裂带内的硫化物矿体氧化以及阳离子交换作用对地热水水化学组分产生了一定的影响。氢氧同位素特征及14C测年结果表明区内地热水的补给来源为晚更新世时期温度较低的大气降水,补给高程为1984.9~2283.9 m,补给区位于研究区周边的山区。硅焓方程计算的冷水混合比例为71.9%~82.4%,综合硅焓方程计算的热储温度和校正后的石英地热温标计算的热储温度,认为区内地热水的热储温度为87.5~135.7℃,地热水循环深度为1538.0~2502.0 m。研究结果有助于提升滇东弥勒-师宗低温热水带地热水成因研究水平,为区内地热资源的合理开发及保护提供理论支撑。

李壮 《地质与勘探》2023,59(2):353-376
中国大陆蕴藏丰富的地热资源,山西省局部地热异常特征明显。通过收集山西省典型地热区域流体数据,选取典型钻孔分析,探讨并总结山西省地热资源赋存规律和成因机制,为后期地热资源勘探及开发利用提供重要参考依据。通过分析研究结果得出以下几点认识:山西省水热型地热储层水温分布在28~78℃,北部以太古代花岗片麻岩为主,中部以古生代灰岩为主,南部以古生代碳酸盐岩为主;北部热源主要来自花岗岩中放射性元素衰变产生热量,中部和南部热源受地幔上隆及岩浆活动影响;省内深大断裂构成地下热水运移通道,热传导性较好;第四纪和第三纪松散层为省内地热良好的保温盖层,岩性以粘土、砂质粘土及砂层为主。结合前人水文地球化学研究成果,认为山西省地热水pH值呈弱碱性,其中Sr、Li、SiO2与Cl大体上存在正相关关系,大部分地热水氚含量小于1TU,水源主要为大气降水补给,部分地热田出现δ18O漂移,氧同位素交换作用显著。  相似文献   
康立功 《安徽地质》2008,18(1):20-26
塔河油田2区三叠系油藏是西北分公司开发较早的碎屑岩油藏之一,开发层系有上油组、中油组,油柱高度在15~20m,储层为辫状三角洲相辫状三角洲前缘亚相水下分流河道、河口坝、分流间湾微相沉积,非均质性严重。本区上油组砂体厚度40~0m,中油组25~35m,分布较稳定,物性为中孔、中高渗储层,原油属低粘度轻质油。但2区三叠系油藏实钻变化大,见水快、产量递减快、含水上升快、采出程度低,开发效果较差,经过多次调整虽有一定程度改善,仍存在一些问题。本文认为2区三叠系油藏开发效果较差的原因之一是对本区油藏类型的认识上存在问题即2区三叠系油藏是以断裂控制的断块油藏而非背斜油藏,并延伸分析正在投入开发评价的S96-T901井区、TK232-T453井区及T206-T208井区等都为断块(断背斜)油藏。应用断块油藏的观点对塔河地区三叠系油藏勘探开发有重要指导意义。  相似文献   
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