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云南银(铅)-锌矿开发史料与找矿探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛步高  吴良士 《矿床地质》2002,21(3):298-303
云南是银铅锌矿开发较早的省份之一,史料丰富。本文从史料的角度,阐述了与云南古代有关银(铅)-锌矿的开发概况,基本特点以及如何保护,继承这份丰富的历史遗产,进而对目前有关史料的研究和古代采矿遗址清理情况进行分析,提出今后找矿的一些想法。  相似文献   
滇西北地区富碱岩体(脉)地质学及岩石化学特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
喜山期富碱岩体广布于滇西北地区 ,通过对其地质学和岩石化学特征的研究 ,认为富碱岩体 (脉 )由正长 (斑 )岩、二长斑岩、花岗斑岩及相关的火山岩组成 ,具有多次活动的特征 ,并形成区内富有特色的岩浆岩系列 ;该系列岩浆岩以富碱高钾为突出特点 ,具有正常的岩浆演化趋势 ,不同岩带岩石地质学和岩石化学方面有区域性变化规律。  相似文献   
应用流体包裹体滤液分析方法,测定了川滇7个MVT铅锌矿床成矿流体的Na,Cl,Br含量,结果表明成矿流体的x(Na/Br)和x(Cl/Br)的平均值分别为185和73,并与高度蒸发浓缩的残留海水的x(Na/Br)和x(Cl/Br)相近。成矿流体的Na,Cl含量呈正相关,在lgNa-lgCl图解中呈线性分布。根据这些事实以及矿床地质特征,认为原始成矿卤水起源于蒸发浓缩的残留海水,原始含矿卤水与富含有机质的大气降水混合导致矿质沉淀而成矿。  相似文献   
Papadimitriou  P.  Voulgaris  N.  Kassaras  I.  Kaviris  G.  Delibasis  N.  Makropoulos  K. 《Natural Hazards》2002,27(1-2):15-33
On 7 September 1999 at 11:56 GMT a destructive earthquake (Mw = 6.0) occurred close to Athens (Greece). The rupture process is examined using data from the Cornet local permanent network, as well as teleseismic recordings. Data recorded by a temporary seismological network were analyzed to study the aftershock sequence. The mainshock was relocated at 38.105°N, 23.565°E, about 20 km northwest of Athens. Four foreshocks were also relocated close to the mainshock. The modeling of teleseismic P and SH waves provides a well-constrained focal mechanism of the mainshock (strike = 105°, dip = 55° and rake = -80°) at a depth of 8 km and a seismic moment M0 = 1.01025 dyn·cm. The obtained fault plane solution represents normal faulting indicating an almost north-south extension. More than 3500 aftershocks were located, 1813 of which present RMS < 0.1 s and ERH, ERZ < 1.0 km. Two main clusters were distinguished, while the depth distribution is concentrated between 2 and 11 km. Over 1000 fault plane solutions of aftershocks were constrained, the majority of which also correspond to N–S extension. No surface breaks were observed but the fault plane solution of the mainshock is in agreement with the tectonics of the area and with the focal mechanisms obtained by aftershocks. The hypocenter of the mainshock is located on the deep western edge of the fault plane. The relocated epicenter coincides with the fringe that represents the highest deformation observed on the differential interferometric image. The calculated source duration is 5 sec, while the estimated dimensions of the fault are 15 km length and 10 km width. The source process is characterized by unilateral eastward rupture propagation, towards the city of Athens. An evident stop phase observed in the recordings of the Cornet local stations is interpreted as a barrier caused by the Aegaleo Mountain.  相似文献   
The lack of earthquake-induced liquefaction features in Late Wisconsin and Holocene sediments in Genesee, Wyoming, and Allegany Counties suggests that the Clarendon–Linden fault system (CLF) did not generate large, moment magnitude, M≥6 earthquakes during the past 12,000 years. Given that it was the likely source of the 1929 M 4.9 Attica earthquake, however, the Clarenden–Linden fault system probably is capable of producing future M5 events. During this study, we reviewed newspaper accounts of the 1929 Attica earthquake, searched for earthquake-induced liquefaction features in sand and gravel pits and along tens of kilometers of river cutbanks, evaluated numerous soft-sediment deformation structures, compiled geotechnical data and performed liquefaction potential analysis of saturated sandy sediments. We found that the 1929 M 4.9 Attica earthquake probably did not induce liquefaction in its epicentral area and may have been generated by the western branch of the Clarendon–Linden fault system. Most soft-sediment deformation structures found during reconnaissance did not resemble earthquake-induced liquefaction features, and even the few that did could be attributed to non-seismic processes. Our analysis suggests that the magnitude threshold for liquefaction is between M 5.2 and 6, that a large (M≥6) earthquake would liquefy sediments at many sites in the area, and that a moderate earthquake (M 5–5.9) would liquefy sediments at some sites but perhaps not at enough sites to have been found during reconnaissance. We conclude that the Clarendon–Linden fault system could have produced small and moderate earthquakes, but probably not large events, during the Late Wisconsin and Holocene.  相似文献   
金小赤 《地球学报》2002,23(1):37-41
空树河组是滇西腾冲地块北部的石碳-二叠纪冈瓦纳相沉积。菱铁矿结核见于该组顶部的黑色泥岩中。将一个结核通过中心切开,在切面上由中心向边缘用牙钻等间隔提取10个样品。同位素测试结果显示,δ^13C自中心向边缘逐渐由-8.09%减为-16.12%,最外一个样例外(-15.39‰),而δ^18O自中心向边缘逐渐由-10.64‰增加为0‰左右。δ^13C的变化情况表明,菱铁矿结核可能形成于硫酸盐还原带。在解释δ^18o的变化情况时,推测在结核开始生长时可能有δ^18O亏损的大气降水掺入,随着埋藏深度的逐渐加大,孔隙水的O同位素逐渐趋近正常海水的值(0‰)。  相似文献   
川滇菱形块体边界的现今地壳形变   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
吕弋培  廖华  苏琴  王兰 《中国地震》2002,18(1):28-37
依据川滇菱形块体边界带上所有跨断层测量资料,分析了各场地所处断裂的近期形变特征,结果表明;川滇菱形块体北段形变活动逐渐减弱,南段逐渐加强,各条断裂分别显示出不同的变形特征;菱形块体的现今水平形变以左旋走滑运动为主,垂直形变速度较低,且呈上盘抬升与下降交替出现的运动特征,部分场地的形变异常变化与其邻近的地震活动密切相关。  相似文献   
对永胜6级地震的预报及依据   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
2001年10月27日在云南永胜发生6.0级地震,震前四川省地震局有较准确的中期和短临预报,加强了川滇交界地区的地震监测预报工作,并且向四川省政府作了汇报,取得了明显的社会效益。经验性地震预报重视川滇菱形地块西界断裂带动态活动图像的分析,尤其对历史强震破裂空段附近出现的中小震活动带或新活跃区段的研究;同时,重视4级前震群、川滇交界地区地下水位、水温、形变观测异常的跟踪分析和震情预测。  相似文献   
昆仑山口西8.1级地震在四川地区的前兆异常效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
程式  杜方 《四川地震》2002,(4):7-13
对昆仑口西8.1级地震发生前后四川地区地震前兆监测台网的测值曲线进行了系统的清理,发现存在有明显的孕震效应和震时效应,异常效应的幅度很大,容易鉴别,这对人类认识特大地震的影响场很有意义。  相似文献   
城市地区抗御地震灾害风险评估项目系联合国在上世纪末为减轻地震灾害所实施的规模宏大,影响甚远的国际性研究项目,其宗旨是为了提高社会公众防灾意识,有效地减轻城市地区的地震灾害。这一历时2年的项目在有限的经费支持下,取得了令人瞩目的成绩。结合自贡市开展这个项目的实践。综合介绍和总结了该项目的情况及经验。  相似文献   
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