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The postcranial skeleton of a new specimen of the long-tailed lizard Dalinghosaurus longidigitus was excavated from the Yixian Formation in Lingyuan, western Liaoning. The new specimen provides more anatomical information about this species, especially about the anterior dorsal vertebrae, shoulder girdle and forelimbs. This lizard can be included within the clade Scleroglossa by its 27 or more presacrals, moderately long pubis, and gently notched distal end of tibia. But the detailed systematic position for this taxon remains undetermined. The features of the much longer hind limbs and pes compared with forelimbs and manus, metatarsal Ⅳ longer than Ⅲ, pedal phalanges robust, and penultimate phalanx not longer than other phalanges etc. suggest that this lizard was a running and ground swelling animal.  相似文献   
研究白垩纪植物演替与气候变化对认识现今生态环境形成过程与演变具有重要意义.开鲁盆地义县组孢粉学的研究不仅丰富了该地区早白垩世孢粉学资料,也为该地区早白垩世地层划分与对比提供了依据.通过对开鲁盆地东北部钱家店凹陷钻孔QIV?65?136底部泥岩样品分析,获得了丰富的孢粉化石,并建立了Cyathidites?Pinuspo...  相似文献   
记述了辽宁义县早白垩世九佛堂组的一件初鸟类(Avialae)化石,其嘴里无牙,前肢明显长于后肢,尾巴由20多节尾椎组成,叉骨呈U字形,飞行羽毛超过了身体的长度。各种特征表明,新发现的初鸟类真正具有了飞行能力,代表了恐龙向鸟类演化过程中的又一中间环节。正式将其命名为中华神州鸟(Shenzhouraptorsinensisgen.etsp.nov.)。  相似文献   
初步研究了辽西地区热河生物群的一具近完整的蜥脚类恐龙骨架,其代表了一新的巨龙型类恐龙——中国辽宁巨龙(Liaoningotitan sinensis gen.et sp.nov)。其主要特征为:上颌骨腹缘下凸,上颌齿列短且位于前部;颧骨前端近平齐于眶前窗的前缘;翼骨的方骨支基部收缩;上颌齿呈叠瓦状排列;上颌齿冠窄勺形,切面呈D字形,缺失唇侧沟和小锯齿;下颌齿9枚,明显小于上颌齿,排列稀松;下颌齿冠不对称,切面呈椭圆形,舌侧的沟和嵴发育,齿冠基部向舌侧膨大;肱骨近端扩展,约为长度的54.9%;肠骨前髋臼突前端较尖。初步的支序分析显示,辽宁巨龙属于巨龙型类恐龙,是比盘足龙和梁龙更为进步的类群。  相似文献   
辽西北票地区义县组地层层序与化石层位   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
辽西北票地区义县组是一套中生代火山-沉积地层.义县组火山活动具有明显的旋回性特征,主要由下部基性-中基性火山喷发-沉积旋回和上部酸性、偏碱性火山活动旋回组成.具体可划分6个岩性段,自下而上分别为底砾岩段,基性、中基性火山岩段,湖相沉积岩段,酸性、偏碱性火山岩段,上部基性火山岩段和顶部砾岩段.义县组底砾岩段和基性、中基性火山岩段的沉凝灰岩中产有丰富的以鹦鹉嘴龙为主的古脊椎动物化石.湖相沉积岩段含有大量热河生物群化石,包括著名的中华龙鸟、孔子鸟和辽宁古果等珍稀化石,该层位记录了侏罗-白垩纪界限附近重大的生物演化事件.  相似文献   
A zircon U-Pb geochronological study on the volcanic rocks reveals that both of the Zhangjiakou and Yixian Formations, northern Hebei Province, are of the Early Cretaceous, with ages of 135-130 Ma and 129-120 Ma, respectively. It is pointed out that the ages of sedimentary basins and volcanism in the northern Hebei -western Liaoning area become younger from west to east, i. e. the volcanism of the Luanping Basin commenced at c. 135 Ma, the Luotuo Mount area of the Chengde Basin c. 130 Ma, and western Liaoning c. 128 Ma. With a correlation of geochronological stratigraphy and biostratigraphy, we deduce that the Xing‘anling Group, which comprises the Great Hinggan Mountains volcanic rock belt in eastern China, is predominantly of the early-middle Early Cretaceous, while the Jiande and Shimaoshan Groups and their equivalents, which form the volcanic rock belt in the southeastern coast area of China, are of the mid-late Early Cretaceous, and both the Jehol and Jiande Biotas are of the Early Cretaceous, not Late Jurassic or Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous. Combining the characteristics of the volcanic rocks and, in a large area, hiatus in the strata of the Late Jurassic or Late Jurassic-early Early Cretaceous between the formations mentioned above and the underlying sequences, we can make the conclusion that, in the Late Jurassic-early Early Cretaceous, the eastern China region was of high relief or plateau, where widespread post-orogenic volcanic series of the Early Cretaceous obviously became younger from inland in the west to continental margin in the east. This is not the result of an oceanward accretion of the subduction belt between the Paleo-Pacific ocean plate and the Asian continent, but rather reflects the extension feature, i.e. after the closure of the Paleo-Pacific ocean, the Paleo-Pacific ancient continent collided with the Asian continent and reached the peak of orogenesis, and then the compression waned and resulted in the retreating of the post-orogenic extension from outer orogenic zone to inner part (or collision zone). The determination of the eruption age of the volcanics of the Zhangjiakou Formation definitely constrains the switch period, which began in the Indosinian and finished in the Yanshanian, that is, 140-135 Ma. The switch is concretely the change from the approximate E-W Paleo-Asian tectonic system to the NE to NNE Pacific system, and the period is also the apex of a continent-continent collision and orogenesis of subduction, being consumed and eventually disappearing of the Paleo-Pacific ancient continent, and all the processes commenced in the Indosinian. While the following post-orogenic large-scale eruption in the Early Cretaceous marks the final completeness of the Paleo-Pacific structure dynamics system.  相似文献   
辽宁西部义县组湖相枕状熔岩的发现及其意义   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
通过详细的区调工作,在四合屯、三百垄等地发现了一系列湖相枕状熔岩.研究表明,这些枕状熔岩产于同一地层层位--义县组二段,是珍稀化石沉积层中的火山岩夹层.它们除了代表一次灾变事件外,还反映出形成枕状熔岩的古湖泊接近最大湖泛期,并且水体较深.在这种环境下,生物快速繁衍.而强烈的火山作用使得大批生物死亡,形成了现今丰富的化石组合. 这些枕状熔岩的发现对于准确确定珍稀动植物化石的形成时代和环境具有重要意义.  相似文献   
Four new fossil genera and species of true bugs from the family Pachymeridiidae, Beipiaocoris multifurcus, Bellicoris mirabilis, Nitoculus regiUus, and Viriosinervis stolidus, are described. New specimens were collected from the Middle and Upper Jurassic non-marine sedimentary strata from the Jiulongshan and Yixian Formations of northeast China. The species Karatavocoris asiatica Becker-Migdisova, 1963, which was considered to be a member of the family Coreidae is transferred to the Pachymeridiidae. A new map of all known and newly discovered fossil pachymeridiid localities is given. The diagnosis of the family is modified.  相似文献   
辽宁西部兴城曹庄地区属于"中生代锦西—锦州—义县—阜新火山喷发带",晚中生代地处阜新—义县盆地的西南端。通过实测剖面和大比例尺调查,确认曹庄地区中生代以火山岩为主的地层可划归义县组,并进一步将其划分为3个岩性段:下段(K_1y~1)由砂砾岩和中性-中基性火山岩组成,中段(K_1y~2)由湖相沉积岩和中性火山岩组成,上段(K1y3)由中性、偏碱性火山岩组成。对尖山剖面火山岩和火山碎屑岩中的锆石采用LA-ICP-MS方法进行的U-Pb测年表明,剖面上义县组下段和中段的年龄分别为131.5±1.4 Ma和129.2±1.0 Ma,次火山状侵位于下段的粗面安山岩加权平均年龄为126.0±1.2 Ma,该结果与北部阜新—义县盆地义县组标准剖面年龄一致。依据火山-沉积序列对比关系,曹庄地区的义县组可以与标准剖面的中、下部对比,但缺失可与标准剖面义县组上部对比的层位,显示该时期火山喷发中心更靠近阜新—义县盆地。  相似文献   
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