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湖南桑植-石门复向斜走廊剖面构造特征分析   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
为了查明桑植—石门复向斜的地表、地下构造特征及其相互间的关系,采取了详细的地表走廊剖面的测量,以及结合地震勘探资料和大地电磁测深(MT)资料的综合解释。桑植—石门复向斜可进一步划分为四个次一级的构造带,从北向南依此是:堰塘湾构造带、四望山构造带、江垭构造带及教子垭构造带。江垭构造带和教子垭构造带的地面构造特征与地下构造特征具有一致性,基本上为构造简单的北倾斜坡;而四望山构造带的地面构造特征与地下构造特征存在着明显的不协调性。这种变形特征可解释为沿盖层间滑脱面的逆冲,以及断弯背斜的形成,上覆构造层中的褶皱向下消失在滑脱面上,形成所谓的“无根褶皱”。  相似文献   
In this paper we show that a change in the signs of some of the metric components of the solution of the field equations for the classical cosmic string results in a solution which we interpret as a time-dependent wall composed of tachyons. We show that the walls have the property of focusing the paths of particles which pass through them. As an illustration of this focusing, we demonstrate the results of a simple simulation of the interaction between one such tachyon wall and a rotating disk of point masses. This interaction leads to the temporary formation of spiral structures. These spiral structures exist for a time on the order of one galactic rotation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
塔里木盆地塔北隆起发育两组呈小角度相交(40°)的透入性X型走滑断裂,分别沿着NNE走向和NNW延伸。在对塔北哈拉哈塘地区三维地震资料解释的基础上,对走滑断层的几何展布特征以及断层的剖面变形特征进行研究;同时重点解析了RP6断裂和HA13断裂,分析比较NNW向与NNE向断层的变形及发育特征差异;结合盆地重磁资料以及周缘造山带的活动特征,对塔北隆起小角度的X型走滑断层的发育机制以及演化进行了分析。研究表明,塔北隆起走滑断层在垂向上具有明显的分层变形特征,分为三个构造层:震旦系-中寒武统下构造层(TH3界面以下)、上寒武统-中奥陶统中构造层(TH3-TO3t界面)和上奥陶统-石炭系上构造层(TO3t-TP界面)。断层在下构造层和中构造层中整体处于压扭环境,多发育正花状构造;上构造层中断层主要发育负花状构造或正断层,整体处于张扭环境。两组断裂比较,NNW向断裂活动性强,在各构造层中均有显著的断裂特征发育,垂向连通性强,发育先存基底断裂,而NE向断层主要发育在中构造层,在下构造层和上构造层中断层发育不明显。活动性分析表明,断层的形成与演化具有多期性,走滑断层的形成经历了三期主要活动:中寒武世末、中晚奥陶世和志留纪-石炭纪。塔北隆起X型走滑断裂的形成受到了NNW向基底断裂和薄弱带的控制,NNW向先存基底断裂带或薄弱带优先发育走滑断裂,基底断裂与主挤压应力方向的夹角小于45°-Φ/2,NNE断层的发育受NNW向先存断裂限制,最终形成小角度相交的X型断裂。  相似文献   
We investigate the dependence of the strength of galaxy clustering on intrinsic luminosity using the Anglo-Australian two degree field galaxy redshift survey (2dFGRS). The 2dFGRS is over an order of magnitude larger than previous redshift surveys used to address this issue. We measure the projected two-point correlation function of galaxies in a series of volume-limited samples. The projected correlation function is free from any distortion of the clustering pattern induced by peculiar motions and is well described by a power law in pair separation over the range     . The clustering of     galaxies in real space is well-fitted by a correlation length     and power-law slope     . The clustering amplitude increases slowly with absolute magnitude for galaxies fainter than M *, but rises more strongly at higher luminosities. At low luminosities, our results agree with measurements from the Southern Sky Redshift Survey 2 by Benoist et al. However, we find a weaker dependence of clustering strength on luminosity at the highest luminosities. The correlation function amplitude increases by a factor of 4.0 between     and −22.5, and the most luminous galaxies are 3.0 times more strongly clustered than L * galaxies. The power-law slope of the correlation function shows remarkably little variation for samples spanning a factor of 20 in luminosity. Our measurements are in very good agreement with the predictions of the hierarchical galaxy formation models of Benson et al.  相似文献   
青藏高原地质构造活跃,内外动力作用强烈,加之气候异常变化,区内大型滑坡发育。以雅鲁藏布江断裂附近新发现的拉岗村古滑坡为研究对象,在现场调查、槽探揭露、地质测年和工程地质分析等基础上,对其发育特征及成因机制进行了分析研究。研究表明,(1)拉岗村滑坡属巨型岩质滑坡,体积达3.6×107 m3,最大水平滑动距离约3050m,滑坡后壁与堆积体前缘高差达965m,最大运动速率达78.1m/s,具明显高速远程特征;(2)受冷冻风化和冰体"楔劈"作用影响,滑坡后部岩体崩裂,全新世以来气候变化冰川逐渐消退,融雪降水入渗加剧劣化岩体结构,降低岩体强度;(3)根据14 C和10Be测年结果,拉岗村古滑坡形成于距今4140~9675a,沿雅鲁藏布江断裂发生的强震可能是该滑坡的直接诱因,岩体受到地震抛掷力作用,原有节理裂隙和新生破裂面发生张剪-拉裂破坏迅速贯通,首先沿断裂附近碎裂结构岩体发生破坏,上部岩体随之失稳并高速下滑。该研究可为认识青藏高原断裂带内大型古滑坡的形成机理提供借鉴。  相似文献   
后压浆方案的技术可行性论证   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
从地层选择、效果预测、经济分析和施工应用4个方面对钻孔灌注桩后压浆方案进行可行性论证,并对承载力增幅进行了分析。  相似文献   
We present results from a survey of the Rosette Molecular Cloud (RMC) using both the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) and Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS) onboard the Spitzer Space Telescope . We have mapped a region of active star formation covering an area approximately 1° by 1.5° including several previously known clusters. Spectral energy distributions (SEDs) fitted to our data combined with that from Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) are used to identify young stellar objects (YSOs) with infrared (IR) excesses. We find that roughly 50 per cent of the sources are forming in clustered environments and identify seven clusters of IR excess sources including four that were previously unknown. We investigate evidence for triggering of star formation due to the ionization front, identified in Brackett-α emission, associated with the young open cluster NGC 2244. Although the position of several of the clusters of IR excess sources are coincident with the ionization front, the bulk of the youngest YSOs are located far from the ionization front, in clusters located along the mid-plane of the cloud. We conclude that although triggering from the H  ii nebula is a possible origin for some of the recent star formation, the majority of the active star formation is occurring in already dense regions of the cloud not compressed by the expansion of the H  ii region.  相似文献   
含铁建造在整个前寒武纪的地质记录中分布广泛,但针对华北地区青白口系长龙山组出露的含铁建造目前还没有报道。文中通过野外观察及室内XRD、SEM、ICP-MS等手段,对北京十三陵地区出露的长龙山组含铁建造的分布规律、矿物组成、成矿物质来源等开展研究,并探讨含铁建造的成因机制。结果表明,含铁建造的铁质主要为赤铁矿,与石英、海绿石等矿物伴生。含铁建造存在2种分布模式: Ⅰ型含铁建造,与海绿石伴生,产出厚度变化大(1~50 cm),偏光显微镜下海绿石砂岩和铁质条带呈互层状产出,赤铁矿具近球形结构;Ⅱ型含铁建造,无海绿石伴生,产出厚度相对较大(一般大于10 cm),镜下见黑色的富铁层夹碎屑石英透镜体,赤铁矿常发育针状或雪花状结构。依据构造演化和微量元素分析,认为含铁建造的铁质来源主要为下马岭组顶部的铁质风化壳。Ⅰ型含铁建造为化学胶体沉淀与海绿石风化的混合成因;Ⅱ型含铁建造主要属于胶体化学沉积成因,后期可能经受了糜棱化改造作用。这一结论为华北地区前寒武纪含铁建造的找矿提供了沉积地质依据,对于完善含铁建造成矿机理及华北地区元古代构造演化具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
梅子垭组是汉阴北部地区出露面积最大的地层,岩性主要为白云母石英片岩、含碳白云母石英片岩、含石榴子石黑云母变斑晶白云母石英片岩等,石榴子石和黑云母变斑晶在该岩层中普遍发育。该岩组构造变形复杂,经历了多期构造活动和变质变形过程。笔者在野外调查的基础上,通过分析研究区石榴子石、黑云母变斑晶的关系,采用石榴子石-黑云母地质温度计,对该区广泛出露的含石榴子石黑云母变斑晶白云母石英片岩进行研究,得到如下结论:研究区存在3期黑云母和石榴子石,石榴子石变斑晶具有明显的生长环带,而黑云母变斑晶没有环带;研究区变质作用的变质温度范围为介于511~572℃,主要为530~560℃;变质压力范围为0.16~0.84GPa,变质相属高绿片岩相。  相似文献   
We present predictions for the abundance of submillimetre galaxies (SMGs) and Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) in the Λ cold dark matter cosmology. A key feature of our model is the self-consistent calculation of the absorption and emission of radiation by dust. The new model successfully matches the LBG luminosity function, as well as reproducing the properties of the local galaxy population in the optical and infrared. The model can also explain the observed galaxy number counts at 850 μm, but only if we assume a top-heavy initial mass function for the stars formed in bursts. The predicted redshift distribution of SMGs depends relatively little on their flux over the range 1–10 mJy, with a median value of   z ≈ 2.0  at a flux of 5 mJy, in good agreement with the recent measurement by Chapman et al. The counts of SMGs are predicted to be dominated by ongoing starbursts. However, in the model these bursts are responsible for making only a few per cent of the stellar mass locked up in massive ellipticals at the present day.  相似文献   
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