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水力冲孔是煤层瓦斯增透抽采的主要技术措施,其主要以出煤量考察卸压效果,但是也存在出煤量大、卸压不均一、应力易集中等问题。因此,提出软煤夹层水射流层状卸压增透抽采瓦斯技术,考虑瓦斯压力压缩和煤基质吸附瓦斯膨胀对本体变形的影响,建立应力场、裂隙场、渗流场耦合条件下的多物理场理论模型,并结合COMSOL数值模拟软件对软煤夹层水射流分支数、卸压影响范围内煤体的瓦斯压力和瓦斯含量变化规律进行了研究。研究表明:当水射流分支长半轴为2 m,短半轴为0.22 m时,水射流分支数为6个时较为合理;在相同出煤率情况下,相同时间内瓦斯压力和含量均随着与钻孔距离的增加而减小,抽采180 d,水射流层状卸压有效抽采半径约为常规水力冲孔有效抽采半径的2.14倍,且在有效影响范围2 m时,水射流层状卸压瓦斯含量降低量为7 m3/t,而常规水力冲孔瓦斯含量降低量为4.1 m3/t,水射流层状卸压瓦斯降低量为常规水力冲孔的1.71倍;在新义煤矿现场试验中发现,当水射流层状卸压出煤率为常规冲孔出煤率的0.29~0.71倍,抽采较高浓度瓦斯时长仍是常规水力冲孔的2倍。软煤夹层水射流层状卸压增透抽采瓦斯技术的提出,对未来煤矿井下软煤夹层水力冲孔技术的发展有着重要的意义,为井下瓦斯的治理提供了新的方法和方向。  相似文献   
为了提高矿震台网的运行率,保障地震数据的连续率、完整率,对阜新矿震台网的信道进行了测试,主要包括制作传播路径地形剖面图以了解信道传输的视通条件、对信道传播损耗的理论计算及功率储备的测量、进行接收场强及背景干扰的测试以确定传输频点。结果显示,阜新矿震台网无线传输信道的场强在50~73 dB之间,能够保证无线信号传输质量,符合遥测台网建设技术规范要求。  相似文献   
以著名钨矿生产基地———江西省崇义县为实验区,对QUICKBIRD和SPOT-5数据在南方高植被覆盖山区矿产资源开发状况及其引发的环境问题的监测效果和与性能作了系统比较,为类似地区矿山监测时数据源的选择提供参考。  相似文献   
陕北榆神府矿区煤炭资源开发主要水工环问题及防治对策   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
分析了榆神府矿区煤炭资源开发所面临的主要水文、工程、环境地质问题。以水文工程地质条件研究为基础 ,给出了榆神府矿区土地沙漠化、水土流失和水环境受开采影响的预期结果。并提出了实现保水采煤的水工环技术方案和工程措施建议。  相似文献   
Antimony (Sb) is strongly concentrated into hydrothermal mineral deposits, commonly with gold, in metasedimentary sequences around the Pacific Rim. These deposits represent potential point sources for Sb in the downstream environment, particularly when mines are developed. This study documents the magnitude and scale of Sb mobility near some mineral deposits in Australia and New Zealand. Two examples of New Zealand historic mining areas demonstrate that natural groundwater dissolution of Sb from mineral deposits dominates the Sb load in drainage waters, with Sb concentrations between 3 and 24 μg/L in major streams. Mine-related discharges can exceed 200 μg/L Sb, but volumes are small. Sb flux in principal stream waters is ca 1–14 mg/s, compared to mine tunnel fluxes of ca 0.001 mg/s. Dissolved Sb is strongly attenuated near some mine tunnels by adsorption on to iron oxyhydroxide precipitates. Similar Sb mobilisation and attenuation processes are occurring downstream of the historic/active Hillgrove antimony–gold mine of New South Wales, Australia, but historic discharges of Sb-bearing debris has resulted in elevated Sb levels in stream sediments (ca 10–100+ mg/kg) and riparian plants (up to 100 mg/kg) for ca 300 km downstream. Dissolution of Sb from these sediments ensures that river waters have elevated Sb (ca 10–1,000 μg/L) over that distance. Total Sb flux reaching the Pacific Ocean from the Hillgrove area is ca 8 tonnes/year, of which 7 tonnes/year is particulate and 1 tonne/year is dissolved.  相似文献   
陕西省潼关县碾头岔含金石墨矿工艺矿物学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
工艺矿物学系统研究表明:碾头岔含金石墨矿床的矿石中除石墨外,可综合利用的有用元素还有金、铜等。金矿物颗粒较细,主要以独立矿物形式赋存于载体矿物黄铜矿、黄铁矿及石墨中。黄铜矿是主要的铜矿物,其次有蓝辉铜矿。石墨呈独立矿物存在,片大且较平直,属于大鳞片石墨,矿石中总碳仅有65%左右以石墨碳形态存在。上述3种有用元素均可通过合理磨矿,选择适宜的选矿条件得到金精矿、铜精矿和石墨精矿。然而由于石墨精矿中杂质较多且颗粒细小,主要为极细的片状硅酸盐,要得到高品级石墨,用机械选矿办法是无能为力的,需要对精矿进一步加工处理方可奏效。  相似文献   
The Jiaodong peninsula contains the most important concentration of gold deposits in China, which can be divided into Jiaojia-type and Linglong-type deposits based on mineralization style. The former is characterized by disseminated- and stockwork-style mineralization hosted in first-order regional faults, with relatively larger tonnages and lower gold grades. The latter is characterized by massive auriferous quartz veins commonly hosted in subsidiary second- or third-order faults, with smaller tonnage but higher grade orebodies. Despite these differences, both groups of deposits have the same alteration assemblages, mineral paragenesis, element concentrations, and ore-forming ages.The mainly Jiaojia-type Luoshan gold deposit and the mainly Linglong-type Fushan gold deposit are characterized by H-O-S-Pb isotope data that indicate the ore-forming fluids have a dominantly metamorphic source. The fluids were derived during the Yanshanian orogenic event, and were most likely associated with dehydration and decarbonization processes near the top of the subducting paleo-Pacific plate. The Linglong-type ores have relatively lighter calculated δ18O compositions (−3.9 to −2.3‰) than the Jiaojia-type ores (0.3–8.0‰), possibly because of a greater degree of mixing with meteoric water. Petrographic, cathodoluminescence, microthermometric, and laser Raman spectroscopic analyses of fluid-inclusion assemblages in quartz from the two types of ores indicate fluids were similar, in both cases characterized by medium–high homogenization temperatures (211–393 °C), significant CO2 (∼15% mol), minor CH4 (⩽18% in the carbonic phase), and low salinity (⩽11.2 wt% NaCl eq.). The Linglong-type ores, however, have a wider range of CO2 and CH4 concentration and salinity than the Jiaojia-type ores. Fluid immiscibility, occurred in main ore stage of both ore types, with the trapping conditions of 77–185 MPa and 284–328 °C, although the unmixing is more intense and widespread in the Linglong-type ores. Both fluid-wallrock interaction and fluid immiscibility are important gold-deposition processes in the two types, but immiscibility is more important in the Linglong-type ores and that has led to the typical higher gold grade.In general, there is little geochemical differences between the ore-forming fluids for Jiaojia- and Linglong-type gold deposits. Both Jiaojia- and Linglong-type ores can exist in a single deposit and form in the same metallogenic event. The Linglong-type ores developed as more massive veins, because of their location in zones of more extensive extension and they lack significant post-ore cataclastic deformation.  相似文献   
张海涛 《云南地质》2003,22(1):72-79
在前人地质、矿产成果资料的基础上,通过综合分析与野外工程验收发现大坎子金矿。过去地小水井金矿田的成矿规律存在的认识上的差距,故在已知矿床外围找矿末获得突破;因此,有必要系统介绍大坎子金矿已被后来在矿山开发中证实的矿床地质特征与成矿地质条件,目的是借鉴已知矿床(点)成矿规律,开展成矿预测,选准靶区,为取得找矿上的重大突破提供新思路。  相似文献   
Two types of structurally controlled hydrothermal mineralization have occurred during folding of fissile schist in southern New Zealand: fold-related mineralization and normal fault-related mineralization. Both types have the same mineralogy and textures, and are dominated by quartz–ankerite veins and silicified breccias with ankeritic alteration. Most mineralized zones are thin (centimetre scale), although host schist is commonly impregnated with ankerite up to 20 m away. Thick (up to 5 m wide) mineralized zones are generally gold-bearing and contain pyrite and arsenopyrite with stibnite pods locally. Some of these auriferous zones have been extensively mined historically despite rugged topography and difficult access. Mineralization occurred during regional tectonic compression in the initial stages of development of the Southern Alps mountain belt at the Pacific–Australian plate boundary in the Miocene. Most of the gold-bearing deposits occur in east to south-east, striking normal faults that cut across mesoscopic folds in a belt that coincides with the southern termination of a regional-scale north trending antiform. Mineralized zones have similar structural control and relative timing to a nearby swarm of Miocene lamprophyre dykes and carbonatites. Limited stable isotopic data (C and O) and trace element geochemistry suggest that there was probably no genetic link between the igneous activity and gold mineralization. However, these two types of fluid flow have been controlled by the same tectonically created crustal plumbing system. This Miocene hydrothermal activity and gold deposition demonstrates that orogenic (mesothermal) mineralization can occur during the inception of an orogenic belt, not just in the latter stages as is commonly believed. These Miocene structures have been preserved in the orogen because the locus of uplift has moved northwards, so the early-formed gold deposits have not yet been structurally overprinted or eroded.  相似文献   
The Picacho gold deposit, located in southeasternmost California, is a low-grade gold deposit in a nearly flat-lying denudational fault of regional extent and probable Oligocene age. The deposit is hosted by intensely fractured and faulted Mesozoic leucogranite and by chloritic augen gneiss and schist, and is overlain unconformably and in fault contact by unmineralized late Oligocene Quechan volcanic rocks. The deposit is structurally characterized by normal and normal-oblique faults of low to high dip at shallow depths in the mine, merging downward with a synchronous, low-dipping ore-stage extensional fault system (the Chocolate Mountains/Gatuna Fault) of probable Oligocene age in deeper portions of the deposit. The fault system was infiltrated during much of its active life by hot, dilute, highly exchanged meteoric water having temperatures of 170°–210° C, salinity <2 wt% NaCl equivalent and calculated δ18Ofluid between −2.6‰ and 5.2‰. This main-stage fluid precipitated quartz, pyrite, and specular hematite, accompanied by silicification and sericitization. Auriferous ore-stage pyrite was precipitated late in the fault evolution probably by mixing of reducing ore fluid with relatively oxidized main-stage fluid during regional Oligocene extension on the Chocolate Mountains/Gatuna Fault. The Picacho deposit is characterized by a gold–arsenic–antimony geochemical signature consistent with bisulfide complexing of gold in reducing fluid, in contrast with typical denudation fault-hosted base-metal-rich deposits associated with high-salinity fluids elsewhere in the southwestern United States. The deposit is overprinted by Miocene normal faults having a wide range of dips. These postore faults are associated with red earthy hematite precipitation, pyrite oxidation, and supergene enrichment of gold. Editorial handling: L. Meinert  相似文献   
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