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龙门山构造带及汶川震源区的S波速度结构   总被引:13,自引:9,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
利用四川地震台网的观测资料和体波地震层析成像方法反演了龙门山地区的S波速度结构,据此分析了龙门山断裂带的地壳结构和汶川震源区的深部构造特征.反演结果表明,地震破裂与龙门山断裂及其两侧的地壳结构差异存在明显的对应关系,汶川以北的龙门山上地壳具备较高的强度且明显抬升,灌县至江油是龙门山西侧应力积累的主要地区,汶川8.0级地震位于其南部边缘;四川盆地的刚性地壳向西俯冲于龙门山之下,其凸出部与造山带古老基底在汶川附近发生碰撞是汶川成为8.0级地震破裂起始点的主要原因.汶川以南的龙门山地区地壳上层具有较大的韧性,岩石强度相对减弱,与龙门山北部相比不易于应力积累和产生破裂,因而汶川以南的龙门山断裂缺少余震活动.龙门山地区地壳厚度明显增加,其原因与中下地壳具备较大的柔韧性有关.由于青藏东部向东挤出时受到四川盆地刚性岩石层的阻挡,龙门山中下地壳的塑性变形和垂向物质的增加导致地壳厚度加大和莫霍面下沉,以此方式吸收了龙门山地区的大部分地壳缩短量,地表则强烈褶皱抬升形成数千米的龙门山脉.  相似文献   
龙门山山前彭州隐伏断裂高分辨率地震反射剖面   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
彭州断裂是龙门山山前一条重要的隐伏断裂.为了调查彭州断裂的位置、性质及其活动性,5·12汶川MS8.0地震发生后,作者采用可控震源和高精度的地震反射勘探方法,对彭州隐伏断裂进行了高分辨率地震反射成像.本文利用获得的浅层地震剖面资料并结合石油地震反射剖面,给出了彭州断裂的空间展布特征以及断裂两侧的新生代地层厚度.结果表明,彭州断裂为一条走向NE、倾向NW、倾角约为58°~62°的逆断层,该断层向上错断了第四纪沉积层,具有明显的第四纪活动,向下大约在深度8~10 km左右收敛到向西缓倾的滑脱面之上.研究结果为评价断裂的活动性和灾后重建提供了地震学证据.  相似文献   
中天山地区的Pn波速度结构与各向异性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用宽频带流动地震台阵GHENGIS和吉尔吉斯地震台网KNET记录的地震波走时数据,反演了中天山地区的Pn波速度结构和各向异性.结果表明,中天山上地幔顶部平均速度偏低,具有构造活动地区的特点和明显的横向非均匀性;中天山南部地幔上涌区的Pn波速度非常低,表明存在较高的热流活动.Pn波速度的变化与地震分布有着密切的对应关系:地震大都发生在中天山北部Pn波高速区上方,而南部的Pn波低速区上方几乎没有地震.这一现象说明地幔上涌引起高温极大地降低了岩石层地幔的强度,并以热传导的方式进入地壳使其失去地震破裂强度而发生韧性变形.中天山北部和南部的各向异性也存在一定的差异,南部各向异性的快波方向为近南北方向,与SKS波的各向异性特征基本一致,反映了地幔物质的迁移方向;北部各向异性的快波方向呈向南凸出的旋转趋势,估计与哈萨克地台南缘楚河盆地地壳块体向天山挤入造成应力场的改变和岩石层变形有关.  相似文献   
The NE margin of Tibetan plateau outspreads northeastward in late Cenozoic. The west Qinling locates at intervening zone among Tibetan plateau, Sichuan Basin and Ordos block, and is bounded by East Kunlun Fault in the southwest, the north margin of West Qinling Fault in the northeast, and the Longmen Shan Fault in the southeast. The west Qinling has been experiencing intense tectonic deformation since late Cenozoic, accompanying by uplift of mountains, downward incision of rivers, frequent moderate-strong earthquakes, vertical and horizontal motion of secondary faults, and so on. A series of "V-shape" faults are developed in the transfer zone between East Kunlun Fault and north margin of West Qinling Fault. The NWW-NW striking faults include Tazang Fault, Bailongjiang Fault, Guanggai Shan-Die Shan Fault, and Lintan-Dangchang Fault; EW-NEE-NE striking faults include Ha'nan-Qingshanwan-Daoqizi Fault, Wudu-Kangxian Fault, Liangdang-Jiangluo Fault, and Lixian-Luojiapu Fault. Among them, the Southern Guanggai Shan-Die Shan Fault (SGDF)is one of the principle branch which accommodates strain partitioning between the East Kunlun Fault and the north margin of west Qinling Fault. Although some works have been done and published, the geometry of SGDF is still obscure due to forest cover, bad traffic, natural and manmade reworks. In this paper, we collected remote sensing images with various resolutions, categories, imaging time. The selected images include composite map of Landsat image (resolution is 28.5m among 1984-1997, and 14.5m among 1999-2003), Landsat-8 OLI image (15/30m), Gaofen-1 (2m/8m), Pleiades (0.5m/2m), DEM (~25m)and Google Earth image (submeter resolution). After that, we reinforced tectonic information of those images by Envi5.2 software, then we interpreted SGDF from those images. As indoor interpretation fulfilled, we testified indoor interpretation results through geomorphological and geological investigation. Finally, we got fault distribution of SGDF. Conclusions are as follows:First, remote sensing image selection and management is crucial to indoor interpretation, and image resolution is the only factor we commonly consider before, however, things have changed in places where there is complex weather and dense vegetation. Image categories, imaging time and bands selected for compositing in pretreatment and etc. should all be taken into consideration for better interpretation. Second, SGDF distributes from Lazikou town in the west, extending through Pingding town, Zhou County, Huama town, then terminating at Majie town of Wudu district in the east, the striking direction is mainly NWW, and it could be roughly divided into 3 segments:Lazikou-Heiyusi segment, Pingding-Huama segment, and Huama-Majie segment, with their length amounting to 47km, 32.5km, 47km, respectively. The arrangement pattern between Lazikou-Heiyusi segment and Pingding-Huama segment is right-stepping, and the arrangement pattern is left-stepping bending between Pingding-Huama segment and Huama-Majie segment. Third, SGDF controlled magnificent macro-topography, such as fault cliff, fault facet, which often constitute the boundary of intermontane basins or erosional surfaces to west of Minjiang River. Micro-geomorphic expressions were severely eroded and less preserved, including fault scarps, fault troughs, sinistral offset gullies and geomorphic surfaces. Finally, SGDF mainly expresses left-lateral dominated motion, only some short branch faults with diverting striking direction exhibit vertical dominated motion. The left-lateral dominated component with little vertical motion of SGDF is consistent with regional NWW-striking faults as Tazang Fault, Bailongjiang Fault and Lintan-Dangchang Fault, also in coincidence with regional boundary faults such as east Kunlun Fault and north margin of west Qinling Fault, illustrating regional deformation field is successive in west Qinling, and NWW striking faults show good inheritance and transitivity on differential slip rate between east Kunlun Fault and west Qinling Fault. The geometry of SGDF makes quantitative studies possible, and also provides scientific basis for keeping construction away from fault traces.  相似文献   
Quantifying the removal of co‐seismic landslide material after a large‐magnitude earthquake is central to our understanding of geomorphic recovery from seismic events and the topographic evolution of tectonically active mountain ranges. In order to gain more insight into the fluvial erosion response to co‐seismic landslides, we focus on the sediment fluxes of rivers flowing through the rupture zone of the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake in the Longmen Shan of the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Over the post‐seismic period of 2008–2013, we annually collected river sediment samples (0.25–1 mm) at 19 locations and measured the concentration of cosmogenic 10Be in quartz. When compared with published pre‐earthquake data, the 10Be concentrations declined dramatically after the earthquake at all sampling sites, but with significant spatial differences in the amplitude of this decrease, and were starting to increase toward pre‐earthquake level in several basins over the 5‐year survey. Our analysis shows that the amplitude of 10Be decrease is controlled by the amount of landslides directly connected to the river network. Calculations based on 10Be mixing budgets indicate that the sediment flux of the 0.25–1 mm size fraction increased up to sixfold following the Wenchuan earthquake. Our results also suggest that fluvial erosion became supply limited shortly after the earthquake, and predict that it could take a few years to several decades for fluvial sediment fluxes to go back to pre‐earthquake characteristics, depending on catchment properties. We also estimate that it will take at least decades and possibly up to thousands of years to remove the co‐seismic landslide materials from the catchments in the Longmen Shan. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
唐苑  田云涛 《地球物理学报》2020,63(5):2013-2023

根据低温热年代学数据,提取岩石从深部剥露到地表的信息,对理解诸多地质问题(如造山带演化、地表过程及其相互作用等)具有重要意义.本文提出一种基于岩石温度历史(可利用古温标、热年代计等方法制约),并考虑剥露过程对地温场扰动的剥露历史反演计算方法.基于假定的与真实数据的正反演模拟和参数敏感性分析表明:热扩散率的变化对剥蚀量计算影响不大,在常规岩石热扩散率变化范围内(20~35 km2/Ma),总剥蚀量变化小于10%;传统计算方法低估了剥蚀总量,对于现今地温梯度小于20℃/km、冷却速率大于2~3℃/Ma,或现今地温梯度大于30℃/km、冷却速率大于5~10℃/Ma的地区,需要考虑热平流对剥蚀量计算的影响;匀速冷却的热历史指示剥蚀速率持续减小,而非匀速剥蚀.本文将该方法应用到龙门山南段和四川盆地,反演计算显示龙门山南段15 Ma以来的剥蚀总量为8 km,四川盆地中部80 Ma以来剥蚀总量为约3 km、东部约5 km.

焉耆盆地为南天山内部的一个山间盆地,盆地北缘发育1排第四纪新生褶皱带,即和静逆断裂-褶皱带。中晚第四纪以来,由于和静逆断裂-褶皱带的持续活动使得在褶皱生长过程中形成的多期洪积地貌面发生反向掀斜变形。利用高精度差分GPS,对褶皱带中部哈尔莫敦背斜区内的多期变形地貌面的地形形态进行了测绘,判定背斜的生长主要以翼旋转为主。利用背斜北翼不同地貌面的反向掀斜角度,分别计算了不同期次地貌面的隆升和缩短变形量。结合原地宇宙成因核素深度剖面法和光释光测年法,对背斜区内的F4,F3b,F2洪积台地面和T1阶地面的形成年龄进行了测定,发现背斜在距今约550ka、428.3+57.6-47.2ka和354.3+34.2-34.8ka不同时段的平均隆升速率从0.31±0.24mm/a下降至0.15±0.02mm/a,同时背斜北翼的翼旋转速度也呈逐渐减小的趋势。但背斜自起始变形开始,缩短速率却大致保持恒定为约0.3mm/a。而这一恒定的缩短速率与现今横跨和静逆断裂-褶皱带所观测的GPS速率具有很好的一致性,说明在天山内部的哈尔莫敦背斜区,短尺度的GPS速率可以代表长尺度的地壳应变速率,同时反映出山体内部一系列断层和褶皱构造在吸收和调节整体变形量时也起到一定的作用。  相似文献   
The Tian Shan is a vast range that spans several countries in Asia. Understanding its evolutionary history may provide valuable insights into intracontinental orogenic dynamics. In this study, we explored the crustal characteristics of the Tian Shan and their relationships to the tectonic evolution of the region. A new H-stacking method that combines the P receiver function and gravity anomalies was used to estimate the thickness and ratio of P- to S-wave velocities (vP/vS) for 91 broadband seismic stations in the central and western Tian Shan. Our results revealed significant lateral variations in crustal thickness and vP/vS. A ~45-km-thick crust and an intermediate-high vP/vS (~1.74–1.84) were found in the Kazakh Shield and Tarim Basin, which we interpreted to indicate a mafic crystalline basement and lower crust. The central Tian Shan varied greatly in crustal thickness (40–64 km) and vP/vS ratio (1.65–2.00), which may be due to crustal shortening, mafic underplating, and crustal melting. In contrast, we observed a relatively thin crust (42–50 km) with an intermediate vP/vS ratio (~1.78) in the western Tian Shan. The differences in the crustal structures between the western and central Tian Shan imply that the Talas-Fergana Fault may be trans-lithospheric.  相似文献   
白马雪山(5429m)地处横断山脉腹地, 海拔3800m以上保存着确切的第四纪冰川遗迹, 对其进行深入研究, 可以为重建西南季风影响区的环境演变历史以及区域冰期-间冰期系列对比提供依据。本文采用野外地貌调查与电子自旋共振测年(ESR)相结合的方法, 查明白马雪山第四纪冰川发育的地貌特点, 并对研究区的冰期系列进行划分。结果显示, 白马雪山晚第四纪以来至少发生5次冰川作用, 分别为中梁赣冰期(475±62ka, MIS 12); 倒数第二次冰期(MIS 6), 年代分别为 166±22ka、142±17ka、209±23ka、153±15ka、120±16ka和 180±20ka; 末次冰期早期(MIS 4), 年代分别为 57±6.8ka、67±8.7ka、81±11ka、77±11ka和 64±7.7ka; 末次盛冰期(19±2.5ka, LGM, MIS 2)以及全新世新冰期/小冰期(MIS 1)。研究区的冰川作用与青藏高原的脉动式抬升具有一定的对应关系。  相似文献   
Seismic Features of the Crust-Upper Mantle Beneath Karamay-Kuqa, Xinjiang   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. IntoductionSponsored by the National 305 Program, China, a teleseismic experiment was performed jointly by the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences and the French Scientific Research Center in Tian Shan area from June 1997 to February 1998. The array was mostly deployed along the main road, starting from Karamay in the north to Kuqa in the south. Geologically, the 700 km-long profile covers the Junggar basin, the Tian Shan Mts., the Bo-A Fault and the Korla Fault, ending in nort…  相似文献   
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