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龙门山前陆褶皱冲断带构造解析与川西前陆盆地的发育   总被引:57,自引:2,他引:55  
通过详细的野外地质调查和精细的地震剖面构造解析。揭示了龙门山前陆褶皱冲断带的基本构造特征。对比分析了龙门山北段与南段构造变形几何学和运动学的差异。提出龙门山北段主要表现为一系列复杂的逆冲推覆构造,晚三叠纪变形强于新生代;龙门山南段则以基底卷入的叠瓦状冲断为特点,晚白垩纪-早第三纪变形尤为突出。与前陆褶皱冲断带相对应的是,川西晚三叠纪时期的周缘前陆盆地主要表现在整个龙门山褶皱冲断带的前渊地区;而晚白垩纪-早第三纪再生前陆盆地却局限在川西盆地的南部,并且印-藏碰撞的持续挤压作用使得晚新生代构造变形不断向东扩展进入川西盆地南部。  相似文献   
A paleoseismological study of the medieval Kamenka fortress in the northern part of the Issyk-Kul Lake depression, northern Tien Shan in Kyrgyzstan, revealed an oblique slip thrust fault scarp offsetting the fortification walls. This 700 m long scarp is not related to the 1911 Kebin Earthquake (Ms 8.2) fault scarps which are widespread in the region. As analysis of stratigraphy in a paleoseismic trench and archaeological evidence reveal, it can be assigned to a major twelfth century a.d. earthquake which produced up to 4 m of oblique slip thrusting antithetic to that of the nearby dominant faults. The inferred surface rupturing earthquake apparently caused the fortress destruction and was likely the primary reason for its abandonment, not the Mongolian–Tatar invasions as previously thought.  相似文献   
This paper is a brief explanation of the diagrams of the Cretaceous transgressions and regressions on the Russian Platform, in the Crimea (Figures 1–3) and some regions of central Asia—the western flanks of the Tien Shan mountains, the Fergana basin, the Zeravshan-Gissar and Alaj mountains, and the Northern Pamirs (Figures 5–7).Internationally recognized stages are employed. They are interpreted by Sasonova (1967) for the Lower Cretaceous (K1) of the Russian Platform, by Naidin (1977) for the Upper Cretaceous (K2) of the Platform and the Crimea, by Djalilov (1971) and Pojarkova (1976) for the Upper Cretaceous of central Asia. General data on the stratigraphy of the Cretaceous of central Asia may be found in Anon 1977.  相似文献   
河南嵩县位于豫西熊耳山地区,区域内金矿床分布众多,发育地层以太古界太华群和中元古界熊耳群为主,岩石变质较深,构造变动强烈,岩浆活动频繁,燕山期大量中酸性岩浆侵入伴生了大量典型的小斑岩体,如石英斑岩。本文通过对研究区内石英斑岩的野外地质观察和室内化学分析研究认为:①石英斑岩相对于区内燕山期花岗岩体更偏酸性,TiO2、P2O5、MnO平均含量相对于区内燕山期花岗岩偏低;岩石富碱富钾质,属于钙碱性岩石系列,分离结晶作用进行的比较彻底,岩体形成时的氧逸度较高;据CIPW计算石英斑岩标准矿物主要矿物为石英、钠长石、钙长石、正长石,副矿物为透辉石、刚玉、紫苏辉石、钛铁矿、磁铁矿、磷辉石等,刚玉含量普遍相对较高;②石英斑岩Au含量相对于区域内太华群和熊耳群地层,以及区内五丈山、花山、合峪三大花岗岩体Au含量大大富集;与原始地幔相比具有强烈富集强不相容元素、弱不相容元素富集相对较弱;③雷门沟石英斑岩与区域内花山岩体各稀土元素含量及稀土元素各类特征参数非常接近,其它地区石英斑岩稀土总量较低,轻重稀土分馏不是很明显,除店房矿区的石英斑岩具有较明显的Eu正异常外,其它地区基本无Eu和Ce异常。  相似文献   
The Jinping–Fan Si Pan (JFP) Cenozoic magmatic and Cu–Mo–Au metallogenic belt in the southeastern part of the Ailao Shan shear zone host the Tongchang, Chang′an, Habo, and Chinh Sang Cu–Mo–Au deposits. These deposits form an integrated epithermal-porphyry regional mineralization system associated with 40–32 Ma high-K alkaline magmatism. The magmatic rocks in the belt have relatively low TiO2 (<0.73 wt%), P2O5 (<0.29 wt%), and FeO* (<4.99 wt%), and high Na2O (2.86–4.75 wt%) and K2O (4.01–7.98 wt%). They also have high contents of incompatible trace elements, and are enriched in LILE (Rb, Ba, K, Sr) and LREE. They have marked Nb, Ta, Ti and P depletion in primitive mantle-normalized spidergrams, and plot close to the EMII mantle field in the Sr–Nd isotopic diagram. These characteristics are similar to those of the Eocene high-K alkaline rocks along the northern Ailao Shan belt, eastern Tibet plateau. The sulfur and lead isotope analyses of sulfide minerals from both the ores and related magmatic rocks confirm the involvement of a magmatic ore fluid. The Cenozoic alkaline intrusions and Cu–Mo–Au mineralization in the JFP were formed prior to the initiation of left-lateral shearing along the Ailao Shan shear zone. The magmas appear to have been derived from enriched mantle, possibly with mixing of materials from the buried Tethyan oceanic lithosphere, and/or crust.  相似文献   
郭海棠 《地质与勘探》2014,50(3):486-493
穆斯堡尔谱对确定铁离子占位、核外环境及氧化态方面有着独特的优势。在红山铜金矿床氧化带硫酸盐矿物的XRD、TA、湿法化学分析和红外光谱测试的基础上,测定了板铁矾、针绿矾等8种硫酸盐矿物的室温57Fe穆斯堡尔谱,并根据常温下硫酸盐矿物穆斯堡尔谱参数和其晶体结构中Fe3+和Fe2+的占据位置对其谱峰进行了指派。结果表明本矿床氧化带硫酸盐矿物的穆斯堡尔谱的同质异能位移较小、四级矩分裂值分布范围较大、无磁超精细分裂等特征,且硫酸盐矿物结构中存在着共价键。通过与青海锡铁山铅锌矿氧化带硫酸盐矿物的穆斯堡尔谱相比较,两者在近地表风化及氧化过程中所处的物理化学条件基本相同,酸性和氧化性的环境为硫酸盐矿物的产生和保存提供了良好条件,但红山矿床更为干旱少雨,导致两者硫酸盐的穆斯堡尔谱参数略有不同。  相似文献   
对大别山黄土岭麻粒岩中的锆石进行了LA-ICPMS微区微量元素分析.结果表明,黄土岭麻粒岩中锆石的不同区域有不同的微量元素组成,麻粒岩相变质锆石的大多数微量元素含量明显低于岩浆锆石,表明麻粒岩相变质条件下形成的锆石具有较低的微量元素组成.锆石及其共生矿物的微量元素分析结果表明,该麻粒岩中变质锆石Eu负异常是变质锆石形成时长石稳定存在的结果.锆石与石榴子石之间微量元素分配特点表明,变质锆石与石榴子石之间到达了平衡.这些结果表明,该样品的变质锆石形成于麻粒岩相峰期变质阶段,这些变质锆石区域测定的年龄结果对应于麻粒岩相峰期变质作用时间.锆石和共生矿物的微量元素分析对锆石的成因及得到的年龄的解释具有重要的指示意义.锆石与石榴子石之间微量元素的分配特征,不但可以指示锆石与石榴子石之间是否达到平衡,而且可以通过石榴子石这一"桥梁",为锆石的U-Pb年龄提供合理的p-T条件限定.  相似文献   
The retreat of the Tethys Sea and the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau play the critical roles in driving Asian climatic changes during the Cenozoic. In the Pamir–Tien Shan convergence zone, over 3000 m of Cenozoic successions, consisting of marine deposits in the lower, continental clay and fine sand in the middle, and molasse in the upper part, record the evolution of the Tethys Sea, the Asian aridification, and the deformation of the Pamir. In this work, the existing biostratigraphic subdivisions and new electronic spinning resonance dating results were used to assign ages to formations within the Ulugqat section. Sedimentary facies analysis and multi-proxy indices were used to reconstruct the paleo-environmental evolution. The results show: (1) the Pamir–Tien Shan convergence zone has undergone progressive environmental changes from shallow marine before ∼34 Ma to arid land at ∼23 Ma and finally to inter-mountain basin by ∼5.3 Ma; (2) the overall increase in mean size of grains, decrease in redness, in magnetic susceptibility, and in proportion of the ultrafine component of the sediments studied revealed a long-term strengthening in potential energy to transporting medium, cooling, and enhanced continental aridity, respectively; (3) the easternmost edge of the Tethys Sea prevailed in the western Tarim Basin from late Cretaceous to early Cenozoic, and finally retreated from this region around the Eocene–Oligocene transition, which in turn strengthened the Asian aridification; (4) accumulation of molasse with an upper age of ∼1 Ma suggests that the deformation front of the Pamir migrated to this area at or before that time.  相似文献   
新疆-甘肃北山金矿南带的成矿流体演化和成矿机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘伟  潘小菲 《岩石学报》2006,22(1):171-188
北山金矿南带是西北5省区规模最大的金矿带。选择北山南带的新金厂、老金厂和小西弓金矿床,在矿床地质和岩相学研究的基础上,对脉石英的流体包裹体进行了显微温度计和激光拉曼探针气体成分测定;对石英和矿石黄铁矿的包裹体H2O,CO2和CH4进行了H和C同位素组成测定,对石英和黄铁矿分别做了O和S同位素组成测定。3个金矿床的脉石英含有富CO2+CH4、H2O溶液以及H2O-CO2+CH4包裹体。小西弓金矿床流体包裹体的均一化温度主要介于270℃-450℃,一部分H2O溶液包裹体圈闭了高盐度流体(16.43—18.63wt.%NaCl equiv.),大部分H2O溶液包裹体和全部富CO2+CH。包裹体代表了中-低盐度(2.8%-13.6%)流体。新金厂金矿床流体包裹体的均一化温度主要介于210℃-346℃;一部分流体包裹体圈闭了高盐度(10.98%~14%NaCl equiv.)流体,一部分H2O溶液包裹体和绝大多数富CO2+CH4包裹体圈闭了中-低盐度(2.9%-8.81%NaCl equiv.)流体。老金厂金矿床H2O溶液包裹体的均一化温度主要分布于141℃-400℃,含盐度介于1.4%-8.28%,属于中-低盐度流体。进行了大气降水-围岩^18O/^16O、D/H交换反应模拟。小西弓矿床早期硫化物-石英脉金矿成矿流体对应较高的水/岩比(=0.01—0.05),其^18O/^16O和D/H组成更受钾长花岗岩者控制,硫化物的δ^34S值也接近钾长花岗岩的黄铁矿者,指示热液流体围绕着钾长花岗岩的对流淋滤。成矿晚期,围绕着花岗岩侵入体的热液对流崩溃,矿区围岩内发育更大尺度的彼此分离的弥漫性流体渗透淋滤;相应地,小西弓矿床晚期蚀变岩金矿成矿流体的8D值对应低水/岩比(0.005-≈0.01),其δ^18O值变化范围较宽,受当地中元古界变质岩控制,蚀变岩型金矿黄铁矿的δ^34S值也接近中元古界长英质片岩的黄铁矿者。新金厂金矿和老金厂金矿成矿流体的δD值和δ^18O值对应的水/岩值分别介于0.004—0.01和0.007~0.02,与岩浆流体或者下二叠统哲斯群辉绿岩和英安岩围岩具有更密切的关系。新金厂金矿和老金厂金矿黄铁矿样品的δ^34S值介于-2.58‰和-6.32‰,指示S来源于下二叠统哲斯群辉绿岩、英安岩和碳质板岩围岩。3个金矿的石英包裹体CO2(δ^13C=-2.20‰--9.14‰),以及石英和黄铁矿包裹体CH4(δ^13C=013.10‰--27.40‰)不平衡;前者来源于幔源岩浆去气,后者来源于哲斯群碳质板岩或者中元古界长英质片岩中的还原碳。3个金矿黄铁矿包裹体的CO(δ^13C=-10.79‰--23.62‰)主要来源于哲斯群碳质板岩或中元古界长英质片岩中的还原碳,但是,也混合了较少的岩浆CO2。包裹体CO2和CH4δ^13C值的系统变化,也反映了从岩浆侵位和去气、流体对流,到围岩中流体大面积弥漫性渗透淋滤的演化过程。CH4介入成矿流体,导致流体不混溶和金的沉淀。北山金矿南带的形成既不同于典型的造山带型金矿床,也不同于与侵入岩有关的金矿床。我们提出北山金矿南带的成矿模式为:岩浆去气和流体对流、岩石挤压破碎、流体弥漫性渗透淋滤。  相似文献   
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