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Abstract. A simple, fast, moment-tensor inversion method using bandpass-filtered P-amplitudes was used to study the moment-tensor statistics of Long Valley caldera microearthquakes. The events were recorded in the summer of 1997, during a swarm in the caldera. The swarm was associated with geodetic extension, uplift, and subsequent moderate earthquake activity. The moment tensor solutions for 1,993 events were calculated using the new method. The majority of the resulting focal mechanisms appear to be explained in terms of double couple mechanisms. Since some events did exhibit considerable deviation from double-couples, the moment data were studied for their statistical significance. The moments of the actual data were compared to the moments of synthetic data with varying degrees of random noise in their spectra. The results of this study suggested that unless data from more than 20 stations are used and the earthquake epicenter is located inside or very close to the network area, moment-tensor inversion does not correctly resolve the non-double-couple components of microearthquakes. Analysis of the inversion residuals shows that the average noise in the P-wave spectra was close to 20%. The fluctuations of the volumetric components of the moment-tensor are in good agreement with those of the synthetic pure double-couples with 20% of added noise. Thus the moment-tensor statistics suggests that little if any volume change is required to explain the observed seismic energy release in the swarm. However, the statistics do show that a significant compensated-linear-vector-dipole component maybe present in the bulk of the seismicity. Given the network used in this study, such a component could not be precisely resolved for individual earthquakes. This possibility deserves further investigation because of its bearing on the nature of fluid-fault-earthquake processes in swarms.  相似文献   
40Ar-39Ar analyses of one alkali pyroxenite whole rock and two phlogopite separates of calcite carbonatites from the Sung Valley carbonatite-alkaline complex, which is believed to be a part of the Rajmahal-Bengal-Sylhet (RBS) flood basalt province, yielded indistinguishable plateau ages of 108.8 ± 2.0Ma, 106.4 ± 1.3Ma and 107.5 ± 1.4Ma, respectively. The weighted mean of these ages, 107.2 ± 0.8 Ma, is the time of emplacement of this complex. This implies that Sung Valley complex and probably other such complexes in the Assam-Meghalaya Plateau postdate the main flood basalt event (i.e., the eruption of tholeiites) in the RBS province by ∼10Ma.  相似文献   
The results of the Midland Valley Investigation by Seismology (MAVIS) are described. The experiment consists of three refraction profiles of between 80 and 100 km length across the Upper Palaeozoic basins of the Scottish Midland Valley.
Three refractors are recognized, thus defining four upper crustal layers. The top two layers are interpreted as Carboniferous plus Upper Old Red Sandstone, and Lower Old Red Sandstone plus Lower Palaeozoic. The structure of the refractor, an unconformity, separating the two layers mirrors surface structure. Deeper refractors, associated with Midland Valley crystalline basement, show no correlation with surface structure. The MAVIS survey allows the refinement of earlier gross interpretation of upper crustal structure in the Midland Valley, but confirms the existence of anomalously shallow (6.4 km s–1) basement, and shows, in conjunction with results of previous work, that a large area of the central and southern Midland Valley is characterized by one velocity signature, probably indicative of a single terrane.  相似文献   
Summary. The largest earthquake-induced acceleration yet recorded occurred at the United States Geological Survey's (USGS) Strong Motion Array Station 6 during the 1979 October 15, Imperial Valley, California earthquake. This large acceleration (1.74 g, vertical component) is anomalously strong considering the low magnitude of the event ( M = 6.4), and the fact that receivers in the immediate neighbourhood of Station 6 recorded much lower accelerations. Previous studies of the records by other investigators have suggested a number of explanations for the anomaly, several of which implicate the near-receiver geological structure.
We present a detailed time and frequency domain analysis of the acceleration records at Stations 6, 5, 7, 8 and Diff Array to suggest that the anomalous acceleration is the consequence of the focusing of the incoming body waves by the lens-like effect of the sedimentary wedge between Imperial Valley and Brawley faults. The analyses include a detailed comparison of observed particle motions between neighbouring stations. Narrow band-pass filtered particle motions at Station 6 reveal the interaction of multipath arrivals as well as the frequency-dependent interference between them. Three-dimensional ray tracing experiments confirm the fact that the faulted sedimentary wedge is capable of focusing P -waves near Station 6. The interpretation that best combines theoretical and observed results is that amplification was due to the formation of an elliptic umbilic caustic with focus near the surface.  相似文献   
Establishing natural climate variability becomes particularly important in large urban areas in anticipation of droughts. We present a well-dated bi-decadal record of vegetation, climate, land use, and fire frequency from a tidal marsh in the Hudson River Estuary. The classic Medieval Warm Period is evident through striking increases in charcoal and Pinus dominance from 800–1300 A.D., paralleling paleorecords southward along the Atlantic seaboard. Higher inputs of inorganic sediment during this interval suggest increased watershed erosion during drought conditions. The presence of the Little Ice Age ensues with increases in Picea and Tsuga, coupled with increasing organic percentages due to cooler, moister conditions. European impact is manifested by a decline in arboreal pollen due to land clearance, increased weedy plant cover (i.e., Ambrosia, Plantago, and Rumex), and an increase in inorganic particles to the watershed.  相似文献   
淮河流域5~6月降水的年际及年代际变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对淮河流域降水异常进行分析对于预测黄海绿潮具有重要意义。选取淮河流域10个站,长江流域15个站,通过对国家气象信息中心1951~2011年的逐月降水数据进行分析,研究淮河流域和长江流域5~6月平均降水异常。2000~2010年,淮河流域5~6月降水呈现增加趋势,与长江流域降水呈反位相变化。分别对淮河流域5~6月平均降水异常与印度洋偶极子指数(Dipole Mode Index,DMI),以及太平洋年代际振荡(the Pacific Decadal Oscillation,PDO)指数做相关性分析,结果表明:淮河流域5~6月平均降水异常与6个月前的DMI指数达到最大正相关,与20个月前的北太平洋(20°N以北)SST呈现明显的负相关,与PDO指数达到最大负相关。这表明,PDO、DMI指数对淮河流域5~6月降水异常的年代际、年际变化具有明显的指示作用。  相似文献   
2003年江淮流域强降水过程与30—70d天低频振荡的联系   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析和地面观测站的逐日降水资料,研究了2003年夏季江淮流域强降水过程与低频振荡的联系。结果显示,主周期为30~70d的低频振荡对2003年江淮流域暴雨的形成具有重要贡献:低频涡旋在江淮地区降水期的对流层高、低层呈负、正配置,具有斜压结构,利于降水发生;850hPa上正涡度系统的传播具有明显的北传和西传特征;存在于西太平洋、西北太平洋及其以东地区的低频波列(P—J)的活动过程影响了我国2003年江淮低频强降水的形成;整层低频水汽通量显示来自副热带高压外围的西南季风对水汽输送的贡献较显著,且2003年江淮地区30-70d时间尺度上降水的水汽来源为南海而非孟加拉湾或西太平洋。  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to establish the source and provenance of sediments deposited in a large floodplain sink during extreme floods in the Lockyer Creek catchment, Australia, in 2011 and 2013. We place the sediment source patterns in context of the longer-term record to determine whether coarse-grained sediment sources (i.e., very fine sand to very coarse sand) and the spatio-temporal pattern of (dis)connectivity have changed over time. We do this by matching the geochemical properties and age structure of a sediment profile located in a downstream floodplain sink to the elemental composition of source sediments. One hundred and fifty-seven sediment samples from 20 sites across the catchment are analysed using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry to compare the elemental ratio composition of the downstream floodplain sink to its source materials. We use Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating to determine the age structure of the sediments in the floodplain sink. The northern tributaries and parts of the Lockyer River trunk stream are the primary sources of coarse sediment. These areas are connected (coupled) to the lower trunk stream and floodplain sediment sink. Southern tributaries are largely disconnected (decoupled) and supply little sediment to the floodplain sediment sink. This pattern of sediment source contribution has remained similar over the last 6.8 ka at least. Sediment sources as observed in the 2011 flood have predominated over the mid-late Holocene whilst those in the 2013 flood are rare.  相似文献   
The basal succession of the Condamine Valley, which overlays the boundary between the Surat and Clarence-Moreton basins (eastern Australia), contains a clay-rich horizon ‘the Transition Zone’ that marks a pronounced unconformity between the Jurassic Walloon Coal Measures and the Quaternary Condamine Alluvium. This paper provides insights into the tectonic and drainage evolution of the Condamine Valley through integrated analysis of U–Pb ages of detrital zircon from three samples (494 concordant analyses), stable oxygen isotope analysis on eight authigenic clay samples, X-ray fluorescence of primary and trace elements, and hyperspectral mineral analysis from two drill cores (Lone Pine 17 and Daandine 164). The Transition Zone is interpreted to consist of both weathered Jurassic sediments and Cenozoic clay deposits. Two sequential cycles of erosion, deposition and pedogenesis, related to geomorphological and climatic conditions are recognised. Distinctive oxygen isotope signatures of the two weathering fronts demonstrated an initial Early Cretaceous phase (δ18O?=?11.9–15.7‰ VSMOW) associated with laterisation and possible uplift, followed by Paleogene (δ18O?=?16.4–17.3‰ VSMOW) silcretisation of reworked Jurassic sediments. Detrital zircon geochronology yielded Jurassic maximum constraints for the age of deposition of three samples that are indistinguishable within error, the oldest of which (163?±?8?Ma from the lateritic profile) corresponds to the age of the underlying Walloon Coal Measures. The two overlaying samples from a silcrete profile and granular alluvium yielded overlapping yet younger ages of 150?±?6?Ma and 156?±?9?Ma, respectively. Vitrinite reflectance used as a proxy for the thermal condition of the coal strata enabled an estimated 2–3?km of burial and subsequent (likely Early Cretaceous) uplift. Geochemical insights from the Condamine Valley correspond to broad-scale climatic and tectonic conditions, suggesting that ‘transition zone equivalents’ and corresponding groundwater dynamics may occur in similar sedimentary settings throughout eastern Australia.  相似文献   
Crop diversity (e.g. the number of agricultural crop types and the level of evenness in area distribution) in the agricultural systems of arid Central Asia has recently been increased mainly to achieve food security of the rural population, however, not throughout the irrigation system. Site-specific factors that promote or hamper crop diversification after the dissolvent of the Soviet Union have hardly been assessed yet. While tapping the potential of remote sensing, the objective was to map and explain spatial patterns of current crop diversity by the example of the irrigated agricultural landscapes of the Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan. Multi-temporal Landsat and RapidEye satellite data formed the basis for creating annual and multi-annual crop maps for 2010–2012 while using supervised classifications. Applying the Simpson index of diversity (SID) to circular buffers with radii of 1.5 and 5 km elucidated the spatial distribution of crop diversity at both the local and landscape spatial scales. A variable importance analysis, rooted in the conditional forest algorithm, investigated potential environmental and socio-economic drivers of the spatial patterns of crop diversity. Overall accuracy of the annual crop maps ranged from 0.84 to 0.86 whilst the SID varied between 0.1 and 0.85. The findings confirmed the existence of areas under monocultures as well as of crop diverse patches. Higher crop diversity occurred in the more distal parts of the irrigation system and sparsely settled areas, especially due to orchards. In contrast, in water-secure and densely settled areas, cotton-wheat rotations dominated due to the state interventions in crop cultivation. Distances to irrigation infrastructure, settlements and the road network influenced crop diversity the most. Spatial explicit information on crop diversity per se has the potential to support policymaking and spatial planning towards crop diversification. Driver analysis as exemplified at the study region in Uzbekistan can help reaching the declared policy to increase crop diversity throughout the country and even beyond.  相似文献   
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