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近年来的地质与地球物理调查发现,在大陆坡第四系中发育有大规模块体搬运体系(现今的块体搬运体系也称海底滑坡)。块体搬运体系是深水常见的一种沉积物搬运机制,主要包括滑动、滑塌和碎屑流等重力流过程及其沉积物。南海陆坡白云块体搬运体系面积逾10 000 km2,可划分为3个结构单元,即头部拉张区、体部滑移-挤压区和趾部挤压区。在地震剖面中,发育多种构造:正断层、杂乱反射、逆冲断层、挤压脊和褶皱等。块体搬运体系严重威胁深水设施安全,并可能诱发海啸,是海洋地质灾害之一。同时,块体搬运体系与海洋油气及天然气水合物关系密切,物源决定块体搬运体系的物性,泥质物源的块体搬运体系通常作为良好的油气盖层,砂质物源形成的块体搬运体系可以成为储层。  相似文献   
高位滑坡的运动转化形式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高位滑坡剪出口高于坡脚,它一旦滑离滑坡发生区,运动可能转化成四种形式:1.崩塌:由滑体经分级解体滑过剪出口处依次向前倾倒而成;2.碎屑流动或3.碎屑滑动:由滑动块体经碎屑化而成;4.泥石流:在适当的细粒物质量和水体条件下生成的碎屑流动。  相似文献   
The Orange Basin records the development of the Late Jurassic to present day volcanic-rifted passive margin of Namibia. Regional extension is recorded by a Late Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Syn-rift Megasequence, which is separated from a Cretaceous to present day post-rift Megasequence by the Late Hauterivian (ca. 130 Ma) break-up unconformity. The Late Cretaceous Post-rift evolution of the basin is characterized by episodic gravitational collapse of the margin. Gravitational collapse is recorded as a series of shale-detached gravity slide systems, consisting of an up-dip extensional domain that is linked to a down-dip zone of contraction domain along a thin basal detachment of Turonian age. The extensional domain is characterized by basinward-dipping listric faults that sole into the basal detachment. The contractional domain consists of landward-dipping listric faults and strongly asymmetric basinward-verging thrust-related folds. Growth stratal patterns suggest that the gravitational collapse of the margin was short-lived, spanning from the Coniacian (ca. 90 Ma) to the Santonian (ca. 83 Ma). Structural restorations of the main gravity-driven system show a lack of balance between up-dip extension (24 km) and down-dip shortening (16 km). Gravity sliding in the Namibian margin is interpreted to have occurred as a series of episodic short-lived gravity sliding between the Cenomanian (ca. 100 Ma) and the Campanian (ca. 80 Ma). Gravity sliding and spreading are interpreted to be the result of episodic cratonic uplift combined with differential thermal subsidence. Sliding may have also been favoured by the presence of an efficient detachment layer in Turonian source rocks.  相似文献   
东沙海域是南海北部一个重要的天然气水合物成藏区, 其陆坡广泛发育滑塌构造。文章对采自东沙陆坡中部973-4柱样和下部平坦区973-5柱样开展了沉积学粒度、底栖有孔虫种属特征和稳定同位素等的综合分析。研究结果表明: 两个柱样中底栖有孔虫的δ13C在末次冰期均出现明显负偏现象, 同时δ18O增高, 指示该时期东沙海域存在持续的天然气水合物分解事件; 末次冰消期以来, δ13C负偏现象逐渐消失, δ18O值降低, 可能是由于海平面上升阻止了天然气水合物分解。973-4柱样仅在末次盛冰期对应层位440~600cm段存在明显的滑塌沉积, 且该层段对应的特征底栖有孔虫Uvigerina spp.和Bulimina spp.的数量突增, 推测该区的海底滑塌可能是由于末次盛冰期海平面大幅度下降引起天然气水合物大量分解诱发所致; 973-5柱样同样记录到了海底滑塌现象, 但其滑塌沉积晚于973-4柱样的滑塌时间, 且其规模较小。  相似文献   
营口-潍坊断裂带新生代运动学特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
营口-潍坊断裂带在新生代时期对渤海湾盆地东部构造、沉积及油气成藏规律等方面具有重要影响和控制作用.依据大量实际地震资料,从剖面上识别出了花状构造、丝带效应、反转构造等营口-潍坊断裂带新生代时期走滑活动的标志,在平面上识别出了4种组合构造样式,在此基础上,应用拉分盆地走滑量计算的理论模型,对营口-潍坊断裂带新生代时期的走滑位移量进行了初步估算,认为营口-潍坊断裂带在新生代时期具右旋走滑活动特征,其主要走滑活动表现为3期,分别为始新世早期、渐新世早-中期和上新世晚期-第四纪,新生代累计右旋走滑位移量约为10~20 km.  相似文献   
海洋资源开发引起海底软黏土的结构性破坏,导致土体强度弱化,在百年一遇的极端波浪作用时极易发生斜坡海床的局部失稳甚至大范围海底滑坡,给海洋工程建设和正常运营带来严重影响。目前,主要采用极限平衡法评价这类海底斜坡,但该法只能给出近似解。基于极限分析上限方法,推导了极端波浪诱发的波压力对斜坡海床的做功功率,建立了外力功与内能耗散率平衡方程;利用最优化方法,结合数值积分和强度折减技术,求解了不同时刻的斜坡海床稳定性系数,并针对扰动后的斜坡海床开展了有限元解的对比验证。在此基础上,深入探讨了不同波浪参数(波长、波高和水深)和坡长小于一个波长等极端条件下的海底斜坡稳定性。  相似文献   
单辉  葛磊 《海岸工程》2001,20(2):34-39
根据土力学原理 ,推导出一种在不考虑渗流力的情况下 ,确定斜坡临界滑动面和计算斜坡稳定系数的新方法。介绍了该方法在若干土石方工程中的应用实例。  相似文献   
This paper presents forward simulation with MassMov2D code and sensitivity analysis of run out resulting from different scenarios of potential failure of a 40 million m3 active rockslide hanging above the village of Trafoi, in South Tyrol (Italy). Five scenarios of potential failure zones were identified, with the larger one being the failure of the entire rock slide. Forward simulations showed that the consequences for the Trafoi village would be potentially destructive. A parametric sensitivity analysis was carried out in order to increase the significance of risk assessment. Results obtained by varying friction and turbulent coefficients showed quite unequivocally that although the variability of the run out might be quite large it does not change risk scenarios significantly except in the smaller case of failure. This confirms the usefulness of forward simulations even if they might be affected by uncertainties related to the impossibility to retrieve optimised parameters.  相似文献   
为了探讨陆相断陷盆地厚层砾岩的沉积特征、成因机制和控制因素,寻找有利勘探目标,以滦平盆地西瓜园组中段厚层砾岩为研究对象,运用沉积学理论,结合测井、录井、岩心、薄片和测试结果,对厚层砾岩的岩相及岩相组合、沉积构造和电性进行分析。研究表明,西瓜园组中段厚层砾岩具有被黑色页岩包裹的特征,即顶、底部与黑色页岩突变接触。岩心中大量的黄铁矿和部分敏感元素指标反映了缺氧的强还原环境,表明其为深水环境中的砾岩体。基于不同成因,共识别出滑动、滑塌2种重力流类型。滑动沉积主要包括6种岩相、5种岩相组合,以主滑动面、次滑动面、高角度层理,以及层内小型正断层和逆断层为主要识别标志;滑塌沉积包括6种岩相、4种岩相组合,以滑动面、滑塌变形构造、包卷层理、泄水构造、变形砾以及部分原生层理(粒序层理)为主要识别标志。根据滑动面的发育位置、自然伽马曲线和声波曲线的幅度变化特征,可以划分出4期滑动沉积。西瓜园组时期滦平盆地的边缘坡折带、物源供给和一定的触发机制共同控制深水滑动、滑塌型重力流的形成,结合控制因素和沉积特征建立陆相断陷湖盆陡坡带滑动-滑塌型重力流的发育模式。  相似文献   
This study investigated the importance of rainfall and various geomorphological and geometrical factors to the vulnerability of earthen levees to slump slides. The study was performed using a database including 34 slump slides that occurred in the lower Mississippi River levee system from 2008 to 2009. The impact of rainfall within the six months prior to slide occurrence was studied for 23 slides for which an accurate occurrence date was available. Several variables were used to develop a logistic regression model to predict the probability of slump slide occurrence. The proposed model was verified for both slide and non-slide cases. The regression analysis depicts the impact of channel width, river sinuosity index, riverbank erosion, channel shape condition and distance to river. Excluding the sinuosity index, the impact of the other independent variables examined was found to be significant. Occurrence of riverbank erosion around the slide locations was the most significant predictor factor. A channel width of less than 1000?m was ranked as the second most significant variable. The proposed model can aid in locating high-risk areas on levees in order to take prompt protective measures, increase monitoring efforts and enable early response under emergency conditions.  相似文献   
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