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云南东部及邻区黑色岩系内的矿(化)特征与找矿设想   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
杨勤生 《云南地质》2001,20(1):59-72
黑色岩系的找矿问题,早已引起人们的注意,近年来的找矿实践证明,无论在世界带是在国内,与黑色岩系有关矿床(化)种类多,分布广,其中不仅探明了诸多中一大型矿床,还有不少超大型矿床的发现,黑色岩系中包含的非传统型有潜在工业价值的矿床或矿化,近年见国内外陆续报导,去年在我省某地含煤黑色岩系中也发现了含Pt0.21w/10^-6的样品,这一发现,对在黑色岩系中探索铂族金属矿化新类型,无疑是有借鉴意义的。  相似文献   
黑色岩系成矿作用及相关金属矿床找矿   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
诸多矿床的形成和产出与黑色岩系、特别是有机质岩石有不可分割的关系,表现为矿床与黑色岩系的空间相关性。有机质(包括微生物)在成矿元素的活化、迁移、富集以及矿石矿物的结晶等方面起重要作用:富集过程中金属硫化物可以直接置换有机质,有机质还可以作为还原剂存在于含矿热液。石油固化为沥青过程中,金属元素沉淀的不同阶段有不同的作用:早期以还原作用为主,而晚期则出现氧化过程,沥青在此阶段也由均质体变为各向异性体,内部的化学组成也随之发生变化。黑色岩系矿床勘探中,目标层位的选择要考虑的因素有:有机质的丰富程度,有用组份的初始富集程度,目标层位内部的岩石组合。同时还要考虑区域成矿地质背景和热液通道一构造控制因素。  相似文献   
重庆地区上二叠统包括龙潭组/吴家坪组和长兴组,其中龙潭组和吴家坪组为同期异相沉积。根据岩性岩相特征及含煤特征分析,上二叠统龙潭组为一套海陆过渡相含煤地层,形成于海湾(潟湖)—潮坪沉积体系,长兴组主要为浅海碳酸盐沉积。通过区内钻井剖面及露头剖面的分析,将研究区划分为2个三级层序,2个层序均反映出海侵自东向西的脉动推进、东深西浅的格局,从而产生各种沉积体系在垂向上和平面展布上的规律分布。层序1煤层分布范围较广,基本覆盖全区。低位体系域一般不含煤层;海侵体系域发育主要煤层C25及C23,其中C25位于含煤地层的底部,分布范围广,其顶、底板均跨越不同沉积相区,具有幕式成煤模式的特征;高位体系域发育主要煤层C18+19,主要分布在重庆天府姚家岩以南至贵州习水,煤层分布稳定。层序2煤层很少,主要为海侵体系域早期发育的C16煤层,煤层分布稳定;高位体系域几乎全部为碳酸盐台地相,不含煤层。海平面的升降打破了原有的沉积环境,而形成新的沉积环境,是控制含煤沉积旋回及聚煤作用的重要因素。  相似文献   
上三叠统须家河组气田(卤)水在四川盆地川中地区广泛分布,它常与天然气伴生产出。诺瓦克水化学系数方法能有效判别确认气田(卤)水的产层,且能分析气田(卤)水运移的受控条件及有关组分的分布源点,是一种指导气田(卤)水产层判断及天然气勘探开发工作既方便经济,又快速有效的新方法。  相似文献   
对历年来采集的马尾藻标本进行系统研究。研究发现,该属的荚托系有新种6个,它们是:上川马尾藻、灌丛马尾灌、灌木马尾藻、广东马尾藻、龙舌兰马尾藻、雷州马尾藻。分类标本于1953年3-12月、1987年4月分别采集于广东、广西沿海。模式标本均存于中国科学院海洋研究所植物标本室。  相似文献   
The onset of the Cambrian witnessed the diversification of “small shelly fossils (SSF)”, which affected carbonate depositional system. One of the problematic SSF, chancelloriids, are common components of the early to middle Cambrian carbonate and shale, and their contributions toward Cambrian carbonates are not yet fully understood. This study assesses distribution patterns of chancelloriid sclerites in the Cambrian Series 3 Daegi Formation based on microfacies analysis and discusses their sedimentologic implications. In the lower part of the formation, partially articulated chancelloriid sclerites occur mainly in bioclastic packstone and grainstone facies, with isolated sclerite rays in nodular packstone to grainstone facies. In the middle part of the formation, chancelloriid fragments occur only sporadically in bioclastic wackestone to packstone, bioclastic grainstone and oolitic packstone to grainstone facies, whereas boundstone facies are nearly devoid of their fragments. There are no chancelloriid fragments in the upper part of the formation, which consists of oolitic packstone to grainstone facies. Chancelloriids are interpreted to have primarily occupied platform margin shoal environments, shedding their sclerites to surrounding areas, and thus contributed as sediment producers. The distribution of Daegi chancelloriid sclerites is similar to other Cambrian examples, with the exception of common chancelloriids in Cambrian Series 2 reefs and their apparent near absence in the Daegi and other Cambrian Series 3 reefs. This disparity resulted from changes in the ecologic niche of chancelloriids after the end-Cambrian Series 2 reef crisis, coupled with an overall decline of chancelloriids in the middle Cambrian.  相似文献   
Mid to late Cambrian thrombolites and maze-like maceriate reefs from the western North China Platform, Wuhai, Inner Mongolia, northwestern China, occur in the middle of a succession dominated by thin-bedded lime mudstone-shale/marlstone alternations, and are laterally surrounded by limestone conglomerate and/or grainstone. Thrombolite, characterized by meter-scale lenticular mounds composed of millimeter- to centimeter-scale mesoclots and wackestone matrix, occurs in the lower middle part of the sequence. Thrombolite mesoclots are composed of microstromatolites with alternating dark gray and light gray micritic laminae. The maze-like maceriate reefs occur in the middle to the upper part of the sequence, commonly forming lenticular mounds up to 1 m thick. They are characterized by centimeter- to decimeter-scale branched maze-like structures, whose biogenic portions (maceria) are selectively dolomitized. The maceriae are composed of poorly preserved microstromatolites and siliceous sponges. Inter-macerial sediments consist of lime mud and scattered bioclasts. These Wuhai reefs are generally similar to but older than various other Cambrian reefs previously reported from the Shandong region, northeastern China.  相似文献   
奥陶系研究百余年:从英国标准到国际标准   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈旭 《地层学杂志》2008,32(1):1-14
英国学者Sedgwick、Murchison和Lapworth等早在19世纪便对奥陶系作出了先驱性的研究,包括创建了奥陶系。但百年来各国主要都集中于地区性的奥陶系研究,并建立了地区性的序列和标准,这在事实上一直都把英国的奥陶系划分作为国际间的对比标准。近三十年来,随着国际奥陶系分会不断推进各国奥陶系的研究工作,并在2007年完成了奥陶系三统七阶的全部全球层型剖面和点位(GSSP)的研究,建立了全球标准。为了便于运用,建议将奥陶系的三统七阶分为20个间隔段,以利于洲际对比,并把地区性的统与阶准确地对比到国际标准上去。同时附上与年代地层划分相一致的奥陶系全球碳同位素的变化曲线。  相似文献   
梅冥相  郭荣涛  胡媛 《岩石学报》2011,27(8):2473-2486
北京西郊下苇甸剖面的崮山组,属于寒武系第三统顶部,自下而上从陆棚相泥灰岩向上变浅至鲕粒滩相灰岩,组成一个淹没不整合型三级沉积层序。在该组上部的一层块状鲕粒滩相颗粒灰岩中,发育串珠状分布的、可以归为叠层石生物丘的穹窿状构造。这些叠层石生物丘,典型的地势隆起和突变的边界代表了明显的早期石化作用特征。叠层石生物丘中的柱状叠层石,为典型的泥晶相叠层石,其内部除了黏结较多的三叶虫生物碎屑外,还不均匀地分布着放射-纤维状方解石(或文石?)组成的底栖鲕粒。这些底栖鲕粒,以其较小的粒径、多样的类型、平滑但不连续的鲕粒圈层以及外部边缘的泥晶套等特征,明显区别于宿主岩石中的颗粒滩相悬浮鲕粒,而且表现出较为明显的与微生物活动相关的微组构。鉴于叠层石是典型的微生物席建造物,该叠层石生物丘特别的宏观和微观沉积组构还可以进一步将其归为较为典型的"微生物礁",从而成为研究中奥陶生物大辐射事件之前贫乏骨骼的浅海环境的沉积作用样式、以及更加深入理解这一特殊时期的微生物造礁作用特征提供了一个较为典型的实例。  相似文献   
One hundred and ten carbon and nineteen strontium isotopic values of outcropping Cambrian Series 2 and Series 3 carbonate rocks in the Penglaiba section of the Keping area were analyzed. Effective isotopic data with little influence of diagenesis were used to address the global correlation. The δ13C values exhibit two major positive excursions (peaking at 3.1‰ and 3.3‰) and three major negative excursions (peaking at −3.0‰, −4.2‰ and −3.2‰). The carbon isotope excursions (peaking at −3.0‰ and −4.2‰) across the Cambrian Series 2-Series 3 boundary show good correlations with similar variations reported in Siberia, Laurentia, North China and South China. In contrast, the other three carbon isotope excursions (peaking at 3.1‰, 3.3‰ and −3.2‰) do not have a fairly good global correlation because of the lack of biostratigraphic data. With respect to the 87Sr/86Sr ratios, they show good correlation with those reported for Laurentia, and further support the global δ13C comparison. On the basis of these new data, it is showed that the combination of δ13C curves and 87Sr/86Sr variations serves as a powerful tool for correlation and subdivision of Cambrian strata in the Tarim Basin of northwest China, and provides new data for global correlation.  相似文献   
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