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《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1377-1394
The Guerrero terrane is composed of Middle Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous arc assemblages that were rifted from the North American continental mainland during Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous back-arc spreading within the Arperos Basin, and subsequently accreted back to the continental margin in the late Aptian. The Sierra de los Cuarzos area is located just 50 km east of the Guerrero terrane suture belt and, therefore, its stratigraphic record should be highly sensitive to first-order tectonic changes. Two Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous clastic units were recognized in the Sierra de los Cuarzos area. The Sierra de los Cuarzos Formation is the lowermost exposed stratigraphic unit. Petrographic data and U-Pb zircon ages suggest that the Sierra de los Cuarzos Formation was derived from quartz-rich sedimentary and igneous sources within the North American continental mainland. The Sierra de los Cuarzos Formation is overlain by the Pelones Formation, which is composed of volcanoclastic sandstones derived from a mix of sources that include the mafic arc assemblages of the Guerrero terrane and quartz-rich sedimentary and volcanic rocks exposed in the continental mainland. The provenance change documented in the Sierra de los Cuarzos area suggests that the Pelones Formation was deposited when the Arperos Basin was closed and the Guerrero terrane was colliding with the North American continental mainland. Based on these data, we interpret the Pelones Formation as the syn-tectonic stratigraphic record associated with the accretion of the Guerrero terrane.  相似文献   
锡铁山铅锌矿是目前青海省最大的有色金属矿山,其属于以沉积岩为主要围岩的海底热水喷流沉积型矿床,大理岩和(碳质)片岩可作为一种找矿标志,但不能作为矿床类型划分依据.该区经历了多次喷发旋回,因此形成的铅锌矿也具有旋回层,应在今后的地质勘查找矿中特别注意,一个旋回层的结束就代表成矿作用的结束.从钻孔的资料和岩心看,该区至少有7次喷发旋回,也许更多,也就是说有多次成矿作用.找矿的类型为喷流沉积型铅锌矿床.  相似文献   
The northwestern region of Peninsular India preserves important records of Precambrian plate tectonics and the role of Indian continent within Proterozoic supercontinents. In this study, we report precise SHRIMP zircon U–Pb ages from granitoids from the Sirohi terrane located along the western fringe of the Delhi Fold Belt in Rajasthan, NW India. The data reveal a range of Neoproterozoic ages from plagiogranite of Peshua, foliated granite of Devala, and porphyritic granite of Sai with zircon crystallization from magmas at 1015 ± 4.4 Ma, 966.5 ± 3.5 and 808 ± 3.1 respectively. The plagiogranite shows high SiO2, Na2O and extremely low K2O, Rb, Ba, comparable with typical oceanic plagiogranites. These rocks possess low LREE and HREE concentrations and a relatively flat LREE–HREE slope, a well-developed negative Eu-anomaly and conspicuous Nb and Ti anomalies. Compared to the plagiogranite, the foliated Devala granite shows higher SiO2 and moderate Na2O, together with high K2O and comparatively higher Rb, Ba, Sr and REE, with steep REE profiles and a weak positive Eu anomaly. In contrast to the plagiogranite and foliated granite, the porphrytic Sai granite has comparatively lower SiO2 moderately higher Na2O, extremely high Y, Zr, Nb and elevated REE. The geochemical features of the granitoids [HFSE depletion and LILE enrichment, Nb- and Ta-negative anomalies], and their plots in the fields of Volcanic Arc Granites and those from active continental margins in tectonic discrimination diagrams suggest widespread Neoproterozoic arc magmatism with changing magma chemistry in a protracted subduction realm. Our results offer important insights into a long-lived active continental margin in NW India during early and mid Neoproterozoic, consistent with recent similar observations on Cryogenian magmatic arcs widely distributed along the margins of the East African Orogen, and challenge some of the alternate models which link the magmatism to extensional tectonics associated with Rodinia supercontinent breakup.  相似文献   
张聪  田作林  张立飞  黄杰  陈梅 《地质通报》2013,32(12):2044-2054
榴辉岩作为俯冲带中重要的岩石类型保存有丰富的地球动力学信息。对榴辉岩及其退变质岩石的研究有助于建立俯冲带演化的p-T轨迹,了解俯冲岩石在折返过程中温压条件及矿物相的变化,从而对俯冲带折返的动力学机制进行限定。对柴北缘锡铁山双矿物榴辉岩及含多硅白云母榴辉岩进行了详细的岩石学研究。在NC(K)FMASH体系中对两类榴辉岩进行变质相平衡模拟,得到双矿物榴辉岩的峰期温压条件为745~790℃,大于2.8~3.0GPa(M1),后经历等温降压过程达到角闪石榴辉岩岩相(670~770℃,1.6~2.2GPa,M2),与含多硅白云母榴辉岩经历了相同的折返过程。锡铁山双矿物榴辉岩的原岩具有N-MORB的地球化学特征,而含多硅白云母榴辉岩则显示E-MORB或者OIB特征,二者原岩成分存在明显差异。两类榴辉岩的p-T演化过程和地球化学特征表明,锡铁山双矿物榴辉岩与含多硅白云母榴辉岩矿物学特征的差异是其原岩的多源性造成的,而与俯冲后折返过程中的退变质作用无必然联系。  相似文献   
拉萨地体东南缘始新世早期变质作用及其构造意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
林彦蒿  张泽明  董昕 《岩石学报》2013,29(6):1962-1976
本文对位于青藏高原拉萨地体东南缘林芝杂岩中的片麻岩进行了岩石学和锆石U-Pb年代学研究.所研究的样品包括正片麻岩和副片麻岩,它们经历了中压角闪岩相变质作用.岩石地球化学分析结果表明,所研究的正片麻岩的原岩具有钙碱性岛弧岩浆岩的特征.锆石U-Pb年代学分析结果表明,副片麻岩中的碎屑锆石核部为岩浆成因,它们给出的206Pb/238U年龄范围为3012~ 522Ma,其锆石的增生边给出了~51Ma的变质年龄.在正片麻岩中,黑云母片麻岩给出了~67Ma的原岩结晶年龄和~ 55 Ma的变质年龄;石榴石角闪黑云斜长片麻岩给出了~58Ma的原岩结晶年龄和~54Ma的变质年龄.因此,所研究的林芝杂岩并不能代表拉萨地体中的前寒武纪变质基底,而是古生代的沉积岩和晚白垩纪至早新生代的岩浆岩在始新世早期变质而成.这一时期,表壳岩和侵入岩一起经历的中压角闪岩相变质作用很可能跟新特提斯洋俯冲导致的地壳增生、加厚有关.  相似文献   
The stratigraphy and radiolarian age of the Mizuyagadani Formation in the Fukuji area of the Hida‐gaien terrane, central Japan, represent those of Lower Permian clastic‐rock sequences of the Paleozoic non‐accretionary‐wedge terranes of Southwest Japan that formed in island arc–forearc/back‐arc basin settings. The Mizuyagadani Formation consists of calcareous clastic rocks, felsic tuff, tuffaceous sandstone, tuffaceous mudstone, sandstone, mudstone, conglomerate, and lenticular limestone. Two distinctive radiolarian faunas that are newly reported from the Lower Member correspond to the zonal faunas of the Pseudoalbaillella u‐forma morphotype I assemblage zone to the Pseudoalbaillella lomentaria range zone (Asselian to Sakmarian) and the Albaillella sinuata range zone (Kungurian). In spite of a previous interpretation that the Mizuyagadani Formation is of late Middle Permian age, it consists of Asselian to Kungurian tuffaceous clastic strata in its lower part and is conformably overlain by the Middle Permian Sorayama Formation. An inter‐terrane correlation of the Mizuyagadani Formation with Lower Permian tuffaceous clastic strata in the Kurosegawa terrane and the Nagato tectonic zone of Southwest Japan indicates the presence of an extensive Early Permian magmatic arc(s) that involved almost all of the Paleozoic non‐accretionary‐wedge terranes in Japan. These new biostratigraphic data provide the key to understanding the original relationships among highly disrupted Paleozoic terranes in Japan and northeast Asia.  相似文献   
Masahiro  Fujii  Yasutaka  Hayasaka  Kentaro  Terada 《Island Arc》2008,17(3):322-341
Abstract The Maizuru terrane, distributed in the Inner Zone of southwest Japan, is divided into three subzones (Northern, Central and Southern), each with distinct lithological associations. In clear contrast with the Southern zone consisting of the Yakuno ophiolite, the Northern zone is subdivided into the western and eastern bodies by a high-angle fault, recognized mainly by the presence of deformed granitic rocks and pelitic gneiss. This association suggests an affinity with a mature continental block; this is supported by the mode of occurrence, and petrological and isotopic data. Newly obtained sensitive high mass-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) zircon U–Pb ages reveal the intrusion ages of 424 ± 16 and 405 ± 18 Ma (Siluro–Devonian) for the granites from the western body, and 249 ± 10 and 243 ± 19 Ma (Permo–Triassic) for the granodiorites from the eastern body. The granites in the western body also show inherited zircon ages of around 580 and 765 Ma. In addition, electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) monazite U–Th–total Pb dating gives around 475–460 Ma. The age of intrusion, inherited ages, mode of occurrence, and geological setting of the Siluro–Devonian granites of the Northern zone all show similarities with those of the Khanka Massif, southern Primoye, Russia, and the Hikami granitic rocks of the South Kitakami terrane, Northeast Japan. We propose that both the Siluro–Devonian and Permo–Triassic granitic rocks of the Northern zone are likely to have been juxtaposed through the Triassic–Late Jurassic dextral strike-slip movement, and to have originated from the Khanka Massif and the Hida terrane, respectively. This study strongly supports the importance of the strike-slip movement as a mechanism causing the structural rearrangement of the Paleozoic–Mesozoic terranes in the Japanese Islands, as well as in East Asia.  相似文献   
羌塘中央隆起带深部结构特征研究及其意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
羌塘含油气盆地是我国境内最大的中新生代海相沉积盆地.羌塘地体内的中央隆起将盆地分为南北两个盆地.中央隆起带构造属性认识存在两种截然不同的分歧,一是伸展环境下形成,整个羌塘盆地有着同一的基底.而另一认识其是一古特提斯缝合带,其两侧盆地具有不同的演化机制.调查羌塘中央隆起的深部结构特征及其与南北两侧的盆地间的构造关系是认识羌塘盆地基底性质及其油气远景之关键科学问题.尽管羌塘地体在青藏高原形成演化过程中遭到了强烈改造,但在收集并分析已有地球物理资料基础上认为其深部结构仍有可能被完整保存.因此,利用密集宽频带流动台网观测,获取其深部结构,进而研究其与两侧盆地关系,是当前羌塘含油气盆地研究之重要突破口,同时该项研究符合我国当前国家油气资源战略评估政策.  相似文献   
The results of the study of heavy clastic minerals from the Cretaceous-Paleogene terrigenous complexes of Sikhote-Alin and Kamchatka, as well as from the Cenozoic sediments of the deepwater Vanuatu Trench, are summarized. The data obtained have been interpreted on the basis of their comparison with heavy mineral assemblages of recent sediments deposited in known geodynamic settings. It is shown that the heavy clastic minerals of sedimentary rocks, their relative quantities, and chemical compositions may serve as reliable indicators of different island-arc settings and magmatic processes; these indicators may also be used for identification of such settings in paleobasins of orogenic regions.  相似文献   
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