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Depending on the analysis of the coeval sedimentary geometry and subsidence mechanism in the Longmen Shan foreland basin, three models about the coupling relationship between Longmen Shan uplift and foreland basin subsidence since the Indosinian have been proposed: (1) crustal shortening and its related wide wedge-shaped foreland basin, (2) crustal isostatic rebound and its related tabular foreland basin, and (3) lower crustal flow and its related narrow wedge-shaped foreland basin. Based on the narrow wedge-shaped foreland basin developed since 4 Ma, it is believed that the narrow crustal shortening and tectonic load driven by lower crustal flow is a primary driver for the present Longmen Shan uplift and the Wenchuan (Ms 8.0) earthquake.  相似文献   
青海鄂拉山地区铜多金属矿床的成矿条件及成矿模式   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
青海鄂拉山地区为海南三叠纪沉积盆地西缘的北北西向印支期构造-岩浆活动带,其交切柴达木地台边缘东昆仑近东西向构造。其中铜多金属矿床形成于盆地裂陷和陆内俯冲一滑脱造山期。盆地裂陷后期(T2)海相基性火山岩喷发前,热水活动形成了铜峪沟铜矿床,同时也形成了区域性含Cu等成矿元素高的“矿源层”;在造山期(T2未-T3),通过区域动热变质和岩浆气液交代,形成日龙沟沉积-变质锡多金属矿床、赛什塘沉积-变质-岩浆热液叠加铜矿床、索拉沟多金属矿床及尕科合岩浆热液交代-充填式含铜银砷矿床和什多龙铅锌矿床.文中扼要地阐述了矿床受地层、岩浆岩、构造及交代岩控制的特点,强调鄂拉山地区的南段,既是北北西断裂与东西向基底断裂交汇部位,有利于海底热水成矿,同时这里还是陆壳俯冲-滑脱构造强烈地段,对变质和岩浆热液有集、迁移和储存也较有利。  相似文献   
Most systematic research on large rock-slope failures is geographically biased towards reports from Europe, the Americas, the Himalayas and China. Although reports exist on large rockslides and rock avalanches in the territory of the former Soviet Union, they are not readily available, and few translations have been made. To begin closing this gap, we describe here preliminary data from field reconnaissance, remote sensing and geomorphometry of nine extremely large rock-slope failures in the Tien Shan Mountains of central Kyrgyzstan. Each of these catastrophic and prehistoric failures exceeds an estimated 1 km3 in volume, and two of them involve about 10 km3. Failure of rock slopes in wide valleys favoured the emplacement of hummocky long-runout deposits, often spreading out over >10 km2, blocking major rivers. Most of these gigantic slope failures are located on or near active faults. Their spatial clustering and the high seismic activity in the Tien Shan support the hypothesis that strong seismic shaking caused or triggered most of these large-scale rock-slope failures. Nevertheless detailed field studies and laboratory analyses will be necessary to exclude hydroclimatic trigger mechanisms (precipitation, fluvial undercutting, permafrost degradation), and to determine their absolute ages, frequency and the large-landslide hazard of central Kyrgyzstan.  相似文献   
兰州马衔山北缘断裂中段晚第四纪活动的新证据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马衔山北缘断裂为兰州市区南侧一条规模较大的区域性活动断裂带,总体走向N60°W,长约115 km.该断裂大致可划分为4条次级断裂段,自东向西分别为内官营段、马衔山段、七道梁段和雾宿山段.其中,内官营段为晚更新世活动段,雾宿山段为全新世活动段并为1125年兰州7级地震的发震断裂,而中间的马衔山段和七道梁段以往研究所获得的新活动证据不多,认识不统一.近期经过详细的追踪考察,获得了马衔山段和七道梁段晚第四纪活动的新证据,结合该区多次历史地震的活动特征,表明其为晚第四纪活动断裂,具左旋走滑兼倾滑运动特征.  相似文献   
The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake occurred along the Longmen Shan fault zone, only five years later, another M7 Lushan earthquake struck the southern segment where its seismic risk has been highly focused by multiple geoscientists since this event. Through geological investigations and paleoseismic trenching, we suggest that the segment along the Shuangshi-Dachuan Fault at south of the seismogenic structure of the Lushan earthquake is active during Holocene. Along the fault, some discontinuous fault trough valleys developed and the fault dislocated the late Quaternary strata as the trench exposed. Based on analysis of historical records of earthquakes, we suggest that the epicenter of the 1327 Tianquan earthquake should be located near Tianquan and associated with the Shuangshi-Dachuan Fault. Furthermore, we compared the ranges of felt earthquakes(the 2013 M7 Lushan earthquake and the 1970 MS6.2 Dayi earthquake)and suggest that the magnitude of the 1327 Tianquan earthquake is more possible between 6½ and 7. The southern segment of the Longmen Shan fault zone behaves as a thrust fault system consisting of several sub-paralleled faults and its deep structure shows multiple layers of decollement, which might disperse strain accumulation effectively and make the thrust system propagate forward into the foreland basin, creating a new decollement on a gypsum-salt bed. The soft bed is thick and does not facilitate to constrain fault deformation and accumulate strain, which produces a weak surface tectonic expression and seismic activity along the southern segment, this is quite different from that of the middle and northern segments of the Longmen Shan fault zone.  相似文献   
对海岛土地利用的目的,依据、过程以及编制海岛土地利用总体规划的有关问题进行了分析和论述。  相似文献   
程松林 《地质与勘探》2010,46(6):1015-1018
在新疆东天山库姆塔格新发现了辉长岩中钼元素的超常富集,超过了目前的工业品位。从野外产状看,与钼矿化直接相关的岩石均为辉长岩,共两类:一是规模较小但全岩矿化的辉长岩脉;二是规模较大但没有矿化的辉长岩体;矿化的辉长岩脉穿插于非矿化的辉长岩体之中。虽然辉长岩体矿区东侧有中酸性岩浆岩存在,但野外产状和现有的物化探工作尚未发现钼矿化与中酸性岩浆岩有直接关系。无论辉长岩的形成与钼的富集是否属于同一次地质作用的产物,这都可能是一种尚未被认识的、全新的钼矿床(矿化)类型,具有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   
官建祥  宋谢炎 《矿床地质》2010,29(2):207-217
峨眉山大火成岩省内带,四川攀西地区的杨合伍、黄草坪和清水河等镁铁-超镁铁岩体分布在南北向的安宁河断裂和磨盘山-元谋断裂之间。分析表明,这些岩体无矿岩石与金宝山、杨柳坪、力马河等含矿岩体无矿岩石具有相似的铂族元素组成,普遍较高的Cu/Pd比值暗示这些岩体的母岩浆在侵入到目前层位前经历过硫化物熔离作用。定量模拟计算表明,原始岩浆经过大约0.01%的硫化物熔离作用形成了杨合伍岩体母岩浆,经过0.035%硫化物熔离形成了黄草坪和清水河岩体的母岩浆。根据硫化物熔离情况,认为杨合伍等岩体底部可能形成Ni-Cu-(PGE)硫化物矿床,而黄草坪和清水河岩体之下及附近可能存在Ni-Cu硫化物矿化的岩体。  相似文献   
龙门山断裂带北段深部结构与反射地震特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

2008年5月12日汶川MW7.9特大地震发生在龙门山断裂带,龙门山断裂带深部结构的复杂性制约了地震的破裂过程.通过对研究区区域地质、汶川地震前后采集的地震反射剖面等研究,在对龙门山北段汶川地震断裂带的深部结构和反射地震特征进行了分析的基础上,探讨了它对地表破裂过程的制约.研究结果表明,在地震剖面上,断裂带表现为能量破碎、联系性差;频率剖面上显示整体剖面频率在5~45 Hz,断裂带呈现频率低(15~26 Hz)等特征.龙门山北段映秀—北川断裂在10 km以上是一条倾向北西的高角度走滑兼逆冲性质的断裂,倾角50°~70°.它分割了西侧的轿子顶杂岩和东侧的唐王寨推覆体,错断了早期形成的逆冲岩片,从南到北总位移量由大变小.它高角度的几何形态约束了断裂以走滑为主兼逆冲分量的运动性质,降低了地表滑移量,影响了地震破裂过程以及余震沿断裂带两侧分布的特性.

Abstract Pseudotachylytes are present along the Dahezhen shear zone in the Qinling–Dabie Shan collisional orogenic belt, central China. Two types of pseudotachylyte vein are documented in the shear zone: cataclasite‐related pseudotachylyte (C‐Pt) and mylonite‐related pseudotachylyte (M‐Pt). M‐Pt is associated with mylonite‐development and is overprinted by C‐Pt. All of the quartz and most of the feldspar porphyroclasts within the M‐Pt are plastically deformed, but not in the C‐Pt. Dynamically recrystallized fine‐grained quartz and feldspar bands are oriented subparallel to the mylonite and M‐Pt foliation, and partially surround the porphyroclasts. Our results suggest that the M‐Pt formed cyclically in the ductile region at estimated conditions of 400–650°C and 400–800 MPa due to propagation of seismic fracturing associated with the thrusting‐related rapid exhumation of the ultrahigh‐pressure metamorphic complex in the brittle regime down to a greater depth than the base of the seismogenic zone. The M‐Pt and mylonite formed in the Dahezhen shear zone at estimated conditions of 400–650°C and 400–800 MPa. The coexistence of C‐Pt and M‐Pt in the same shear zone suggests that repeated seismic slips occurred in both the brittle and ductile portions of the crust during the thrusting‐related rapid exhumation of the ultrahigh‐pressure metamorphic complex.  相似文献   
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