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The Zhalantun terrane from the Xing'an massif, northeast China, was used to be considered as Proterozoic basements. However, amounts of detrital zircon ages from the meta-sedimentary rocks deny the existence of Precambrian basements recently. Notably, magmatic rocks were barely reported to limit the exact ages of the Zhalantun basements. In this study, we collected rhyolite, gabbro and quartz diorite for zircon in-situ U-Pb isotopic dating, which yield crystallization ages of ~505 Ma, ~447 Ma and ~125 Ma, respectively. Muscovite schist and siltstone define maximum depositional ages of ~499 Ma and ~489 Ma, respectively. Additionally, these dated supracrustal rocks and plutons also yield ancient detrital/xenocryst zircon ages of ~600–1000 Ma, ~1600–2220 Ma, ~2400 Ma, ~2600–2860 Ma. Based on the whole-rock major and trace element compositions, the ~505 Ma rhyolites display high SiO_2 and alkaline contents, low Fe_2O_3T, TiO_2 and Al_2O_3, and relatively high Mg O and Mg#, which exhibit calc-alkaline characteristics. These rhyolites yield fractionated REE patterns and negative Nb, Ta, Ti, Sr, P and Eu anomalies and positive Zr anomalies. The geochemistry, petrology and Lu-Hf isotopes imply that rhyolites were derived from the partial melting of continental basalt induced by upwelling of sub-arc mantle magmas, and then experienced fractional crystallization of plagioclase, which points to a continental arc regime. The ~447 Ma gabbros exhibit low Si O2 and alkaline contents, high Fe2 O3 T, Ti O2, Mg O and Mg#. They show minor depletions of La and Ce, flat MREE and HREE patterns, and negative Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf anomalies. Both sub-arc mantle and N-MORB-like mantle were involved in the formation of the gabbros, indicative of a probable back-arc basin tectonic setting. Given that, the previously believed Proterozoic supracrustal rocks and several plutons from the Zhalantun Precambrian basements were proved to be Paleozoic to Mesozoic rocks, among which these Paleozoic magmatic rocks were generally related to subduction regime. So far, none Proterozoic rocks have been identified from the Zhalantun Precambrian basement, though some ~600–3210 Ma ancient detrital/xenocryst zircons were reported. Combined with ancient zircon ages and newly reported ~2.5 Ga and ~1.8 Ga granites from the south of the Zhalantun, therefore, the Precambrian rocks probably once exposed in the Zhalantun while they were re-worked and consumed during later long tectonic evolutionary history, resulting in absence of Precambrian rocks in the Zhalantun.  相似文献   
本文在详细描述甜水海-麻扎地块上石炭统恰提尔群B组地层剖面基础上,结合野外沉积构造、室内薄片鉴定、粒度分析成果,讨论了该组的岩石组合特征和沉积环境。其岩性组合为细砂岩、粉砂岩、泥岩、页岩等碎屑岩类,为一套湖陆过渡的三角洲沉积,可进一步划分为三角洲平原、三角洲前缘与前三角洲3个沉积亚相,其物源区为再循环造山带、混合物源区。  相似文献   
贺兰山群变质杂岩是晚太古代的一套孔龙岩系,在其中发育了一条东西向延伸的假玄武玻璃岩带。其产状特征、碎斑的熔蚀结构、基质的长石微晶和球粒结构表明,它是由岩浆结晶而成。这种岩浆形成于古地震带中,与滑动面高速运动摩擦生热有关。岩浆成分是安山质的,熔融是过热非平衡状态下进行的,深融温度可达1400℃以上,深度可能不足1km。  相似文献   
东大山地区龙首山岩群形成于早元古代,是一套经角闪岩相变质改造的变质地质体.按岩石组合特征划为四个岩组A岩组以黑云片麻岩和斜长角闪岩为主,夹有少量变粒岩、大理岩和二云石英片岩;B岩组以各种石英片岩和云母片岩为主,夹多层石英岩、长石石英岩和薄层状大理岩;C岩组以各种云母片岩和石英片岩为主,夹斜长角闪岩和大理岩;D岩组以中层-中厚层状大理岩为主,夹钙质片岩、云母片岩和变粒岩.A岩组原岩为一套以火山岩为主的沉积岩;B、C岩组原岩建造均以杂砂岩-泥质岩为主,但B岩组比C岩组有更多石英砂岩,而C岩组夹基性火山岩;D岩组原岩以碳酸盐岩为主.A、C岩组中基性火山岩均显示偏碱性成分特征,形成于板内裂谷环境.B、C岩组中泥质岩的岩石化学、微量元素、稀土元素与后太古代的均值接近.与B岩组相比,C岩组泥质岩更富稀土、更小的δEu、更大的(La/Lu)N;Cr、Ni、Co低,Rb、Ba、Hf、Nb、Ta高;FeO、MgO、CaO、Na2O低,P2O5、TiO2、K2O高.龙首山岩群原岩建造显示华北板块西部早元古代的板内裂谷从早到晚构造活动性由强到弱.  相似文献   
本文应用LA-ICP-MS对浙江浦江地区平水群陈塘坞组砂岩样品进行碎屑锆石U-Pb定年,获得最年轻锆石峰值年龄为828±3.8 Ma,代表了该套地层沉积时代的下限,结合陈塘坞组凝灰岩中获得的SHRIMP锆石UPb年龄825.3±8.1 Ma和830±6 Ma,将浦江地区平水群地层时代限定于新元古代中期,并置于富阳地区的双溪坞群和绍兴地区的平水组之上。浦江地区平水群主体为一套浅变质、弱变形的海相火山熔岩、火山碎屑岩和沉积火山碎屑岩,陈塘坞组沉积岩骨架颗粒统计结果表明,火山岩屑含量在60%~80%,沉积岩屑含量在10%~30%之间,长石含量一般在15%~20%之间,石英含量很少,呈次棱角状,无分选,磨圆差,显示了近源特征。其物源为岩浆弧,沉积岩碎屑锆石年龄集中在850~800Ma之间,缺少1000Ma左右及更老的的碎屑锆石,表明陈塘坞组火山碎屑源于沉积同期的火山岩,同时也说明平水群形成于一个新岩浆弧邻近地区。浦江地区平水群与双桥山群无论在时空上还是构造属性上都显示出配套的弧盆体系特征,表明两者存在一定的成因联系。  相似文献   
二郎坪群的研究一直处于在不同认识的争论中,随着实际资料的积累,已逐步趋向一致。综合十多年来二郎坪群的不同认识,选择其中群的划分对比和大庙组的构造格局等两点再次提出商议。  相似文献   
云南新平地区大红山群出露于扬子地块西南缘,主要由低绿片岩相-角闪岩相变质的火山-沉积岩组成。大红山群的岩石成因、年代格架及其形成的构造背景缺乏系统研究,制约了地质学家们全面认识和理解扬子西南缘<~1.75 Ga的构造演化历史。本文以大红山群底部老厂河组变沉积岩及其内部变火山岩夹层为重点研究对象,开展岩相学、全岩地球化学和锆石U-Pb定年等综合研究。岩石地球化学研究结果表明,变沉积岩的化学成分与大陆上地壳沉积物成分接近,原岩为成熟度较高的泥岩/页岩,未经历沉积再循环,形成于被动大陆边缘的构造背景;变火山岩原岩化学成分相当于钙碱性过铝质A型流纹岩,形成于造山后的大陆裂谷拉张环境。锆石U-Pb定年结果显示,老厂河组变沉积岩的碎屑锆石记录了2.3~2.2 Ga和1.9~1.75 Ga两个主年龄峰以及2.7~2.6 Ga次年龄峰。结合前人研究结果,表明大红山群物源主要来源于扬子地块西南缘的太古宙-古元古代基底岩石。变火山岩样品的岩浆锆石核部记录了1 713~1 711 Ma的年龄,应代表老厂河组原岩的形成时代,锆石的变质增生边限定峰期变质时代为约843 Ma。综合前人研究结果表明,大红山群普遍经历了849~837 Ma的新元古代变质事件。综上所述,扬子地块西南缘的大红山群完好记录了与Columbia超大陆裂解有关的非造山岩浆活动,新元古代变质事件可能与Rodinia超大陆裂解和聚合过程密切相关。  相似文献   
Seismic-reflection data show that most deepwater (>200 m water depth) basins are filled by sand and mud dispersed across clinoformal geometries characterized by gently dipping topsets, steeper foresets and gently dipping bottomsets. However, the entire geometry of these ubiquitous clinoforms is not always recognized in outcrops. Sometimes the infill is erroneously interpreted as “layer cake” or “ramp” stratigraphy because the topset-foreset-bottomset clinoforms are not well exposed. Regional 2-D seismic lines show clinoforms in the Lower to Middle Jurassic Challaco, Lajas, and Los Molles formations in S. Neuquén Basin in Argentina. Time equivalent shelf, slope and basin-floor segments of clinoforms are exposed, and can be walked out in hundreds of metres thick and kilometres-wide outcrops. The studied margin-scale clinoforms are not representing a continental-margin but a deepwater shelf margin that built out in a back-arc basin. Lajas-Los Molles clinoforms have been outcrop-mapped by tracing mudstones interpreted as flooding surfaces on the shelf and abandonment surfaces (low sedimentation rate) in the deepwater basin. The downslope and lateral facies variability in the outcrops is also consistent with a clinoform interpretation. The Lajas topset (shelf) is dominated by fluvial and tidal deposits. The shelf-edge rollover zone is occasionally occupied by a 40–50-m-thick coarse-grained shelf-edge delta, sometimes incising into the underlying slope mudstones, producing oblique clinoforms expressing toplap erosion on seismic. A muddy transgressive phase capping the shelf-edge deltas contains tidal sandbodies. Shelf-edge deltas transition downslope into turbidite- and debris flow-filled channels that penetrate down the mud-prone Los Molles slope. At the base-of-slope, some 300m below the shelf edge, there are basin-floor fan deposits (>200 m thick) composed of sandy submarine-fan lobes separated by muddy abandonment intervals. The large-scale outcrop correlation between topset–foreset–bottomset allows facies and depositional interpretation and sets outcrop criteria recognition for each clinoform segment.  相似文献   
川西高原西康群极低级变质岩特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
川西高原广泛分布的西康群,原视为区域低温动力变质作用低绿片岩相变质岩,近期通过1:5万区调,根据粘土矿物X粉晶测试及岩石显微结构鉴定等成果,将其归属于极低级变质岩,并认为区域极低级变质作用主要源于印支造山前的成岩(埋藏)变质作用。  相似文献   
Subaqueous effusive to low-explosive eruptive product composed of blocky and fluidal fragments of glass and sparsely crystalline glass of obsidian lava are present in fine-grained volcaniclastic debris flow conglomerate and turbidite, occurring in a deep marine sequence of thin- and even-bedded grey siliceous micritic limestone of the Chanda Limestone. The siliceous limestone conformably encloses stratiform manganese deposit. Obsidian glass fragments consist of coherent and amorphous glassy groundmass containing patches of devitrified fibrous glass, oriented microlites and microphenocrysts of quartz and K-feldspars. Euhedral crystals, resorbed-rounded and embayed crystals, spherical vesicles, microlites, and flow texture are distinctive volcanic features observed in these fragments chemically similar to obsidian lava.The blocky fragments represent the products of hydroclastic fragmentation whereas the fludial one may indicate formation under steam explosion. Gravitational instability of the resulting slurry of glass fragments and the ambient sea water-sediments at the site of eruption causes gravity flows that carries the fragments along with epiclasts away from vent to a distal site for final deposition. This study records maiden evidence of volcanism in the Chanda Limestone of the Neoproterozoic Penganga Group and infers rifting and partial melting of the sialic crust and silicic lava flow during deposition of limestone unusually rich in silica. The inferred tectono-sedimentary setting, facies association and mode of occurrence of the manganese deposit suggest a hydrothermal source for the metal.  相似文献   
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