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1950~1990年中国地磁剩余场冠谐分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
根据中国1950、1960、1970、1980年和1990年地磁三分量绝对测量资料,使用球冠谐和分析方法,分别计算1950~1990年各个年代中国地磁剩余场冠谐模型. 球冠极点位于36°N和104°E,球冠半角为30°,冠谐模型的截断阶数为8. 地磁剩余场冠谐模型的均方偏差分别为:对于X分量,1950年为93.1 nT,1960年为128.9 nT,1970年为107.2 nT,1980年为107.6 nT,1990年为95.2 nT;对于Y分量,1950~1990年依次为74.8 nT,98.1 nT,89.2 nT,89.9 nT和84.0 nT;对于Z分量,分别为122.2 nT(1950年),135.0 nT(1960年),137.7 nT(1970年),110.1 nT(1980年)和107.5 nT(1990年). 根据中国地磁剩余场冠谐模型和全球地磁场DGRF模型,得到中国地磁场的冠谐模型,并对冠谐模型的边界效应进行了分析和讨论.  相似文献   
We investigated the partitioning of trace substances during the phase transition from supercooled to mixed-phase cloud induced by artificial seeding. Simultaneous determination of the concentrations of H2O2, NH3 and black carbon (BC) in both condensed and interstitial phases with high time resolution showed that the three species undergo different behaviour in the presence of a mixture of ice crystals and supercooled droplets. Both H2O2 and NH3 are efficiently scavenged by growing ice crystals, whereas BC stayed predominantly in the interstitial phase. In addition, the scavenging of H2O2 is driven by co-condensation with water vapour onto ice crystals while NH3 uptake into the ice phase is more efficient than co-condensation alone. The high solubility of NH4+ in the ice could explain this result. Finally, it appears that the H2O2–SO2 reaction is very slow in the ice phase with respect to the liquid phase. Our results are directly applicable for clouds undergoing limited riming.  相似文献   
纳尔逊冰帽雪—粒雪的演化依赖于融水渗浸冻结作用下的暖变质过程。积雪的密实化过程的快慢,取决于温度条件和融水的参与程度,以及自身的物理状况。粒雪的密实化过程表现为均匀且变幅小。纳尔逊冰帽成冰深度在23~25m,成冰历时17~19年。成冰带分为暖渗浸—重结晶带,渗浸—冻结带,消融带。  相似文献   
北美五大湖区的安大略湖北岸Don Valley Brickyard、Scarborough Bluffs、Bowmanville Bluffs剖面共同构成了北美东北部最长也是最厚的陆地第四纪沉积记录, 较完整地记录了晚更新世劳伦泰德冰盖(the Laurentide Ice Sheet)的演化. 晚更新世劳伦泰德冰盖演化的重建有赖于这些经典剖面中重要沉积地层单元的准确年代学控制. 传统的地层年代学主要是依靠少量14C年代, 将主要的混杂堆积单元(diamicton)解释为气候变冷环境下的冰川扩张, 并与指示全球冰量变化的深海氧同位素曲线一一比对建立起来的. 这样建立起来的年代学存在很大的不确定性. 20世纪80-90年代的少量热释光年代也不相吻合, 最近的13个长石红外释光定年则只集中于Bowmanville Bluffs的一个分层, 并未建立整个剖面的地层年代学, 使这些经典沉积剖面的年代学一直没有得到系统的建立. 应用石英光释光SAR-SGC法测试了Bowmanville Bluffs剖面Glaciofluvial Sand单元的2个冰水沉积样品, 年代结果分别为(41.6±3.8) ka、(48.1±4.4) ka, 分析表明这一年代结果偏老, 石英颗粒可能晒褪不完全. 由于大测片无法识别晒褪不完全的颗粒, 因此, 测试更多的剖面序列的光释光年代并尝试采用粗颗粒小测片或单颗粒技术解决样品颗粒晒褪不完全的问题将是必要的.  相似文献   
The ages and accumulation rates of ice are important boundary conditions for paleoclimatic ice models. Radardetected isochronic layers can be used to date the ice column beneath the ice surface and infer past accumulation rates. A Deep Ice-Core Drilling Project has been carried out at Kunlun station in the Dome A region, East Antarctica. Radio echo sounding data are collected during the 2004/2005 Chinese National Research Expedition and the 2007/2008 Dome Connection East Antarctica project of the Alfred Wegener Institute(Germany). Radar isochronic layers from the dataset were linked to compare a new deep ice core site from Kunlun station and the Vostok ice core site. Ten visible layers, accounting for ~50% ice thickness at the Kunlun station ice core site, were dated based on the Vostok ice core chronology. At 1,640 m depth below surface, an age of ~160,400 yr was determined, corresponding to a bright layer at Kunlun station. These layers provided geometric information on the past surface of the ice sheet around the ice core site through the Wisconsin glacial stage, Eemian interglacial and Marine Isotope Stage6. Based on a simple ice flow model and the age-depth relationship, we concluded that the region around the Kunlun ice core site had lower past accumulation rates, consistent with the present pattern. The age-depth relationship would thus be expected to correlate and constrain the chronology of the deep ice core at Kunlun station in the future.  相似文献   
随着气候场重建数据在揭示气候动力机制以及与数值模式模拟相结合等方面的应用, 它在气候变化研究领域中的实用性和重要性已得到广泛认可。因此, 关于空间格局重建方法的研究也就显得尤为重要。本文提出了一种新的气候场重建方法, 即模态逼近的经验正交函数分解方法。该方法利用代用资料与器测资料不同空间模态之间的协调性, 采用模态逐次逼近, 从而实现对过去无器测资料覆盖的气候场的重建。基于该方法, 本文利用549个树轮序列重建了北半球(22.5°N以北)公元1250年以来的地表气温空间场。为验证该方法的有效性, 设计了多组验证试验, 结果均表明该重建方法能够较好的再现器测数据的年代际尺度变率特征。最终重建结果表明, 与已有研究结果相比, 该方法重建出的北半球小冰期(1400~1700年)平均气候状态的空间格局特征与基于多组气候模式集合平均在该时段的模拟结果更为接近。另外, 为体现重建结果对外强迫的响应特征, 本文比较了在不同强度(强、中等、弱)典型火山年的空间格局差异, 发现高纬度地区对火山外强迫相比于中低纬地区更加敏感, 这与已有的基于数值模式模拟研究的结论基本一致。综合以上讨论, 证明了该方法在气候场重建方面的有效性和应用潜力。  相似文献   
由于页岩气赋存机理的特殊性,页岩气成藏受保存条件及顶板类型的影响。封存顶板岩层对页岩气封盖影响极大。本文对页岩气藏封存顶板的破裂机理进行理论分析,并建立模型对顶板进行数值模拟。顶板岩层破裂与注水压力、岩石抗拉强度、地应力有关。封存顶板的破裂机理为压裂初始阶段,储层膨胀变形,封存顶板受压产生剪切裂纹,压裂液进入顶板,当注水压力小于最小主应力时,岩层发生剪切破裂,注水压力达到最小主应力和地应力之和时,岩石发生剪切破裂和张性破裂,裂缝增加并扩展,形成网状体系。数值模拟结果显示,压裂注水会在储层产生水力破坏区域,注水压力升高,水力破坏区域扩大并相互叠加影响,使得水力破坏集中于中间注水口的上部,当顶板岩层内部出现水力破坏区域时,岩石会发生破裂产生裂缝。在储层压裂的整个过程中,开始1h内,裂缝在储层内发展,顶板保持稳定,空隙水压力和变形很小,顶板岩层底部有少量裂纹。压裂2h,顶板底部裂缝增多,岩石空隙水压力上升,且顶板发生变形,中间变形最为明显。压裂3h,裂缝从顶板底部延伸到上部,岩层内部裂缝快速发育,空隙水压力持续升高,变形加大。数值模拟的结果与破裂机理的分析结果相吻合。  相似文献   
During the last deglaciation, the decaying Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) delivered huge volumes of meltwater toward the Gulf of Mexico. The present investigation of clay mineralogy and grain-size characteristics of terrigenous sediments deposited in the Orca Basin (Gulf of Mexico) offers a unique opportunity to link the marine record of these meltwater floods with the reconstructed continental glacial history and the modeled drainage patterns. Five peculiar sedimentary levels, characterized by high smectite content and low CaCO3 content, were identified and occurred simultaneously with major meltwater floods. According to recently published clay mineral distribution maps for North America, these results help to pinpoint the southwestern margin of the LIS as a main contributor to most of the meltwater discharges. In addition, the peculiar mineralogical composition (illite and chlorite-rich) of the sediments characterizing the meltwater episode associated with Heinrich event 1 suggests a provenance from the Great Lakes area, supporting the interpretation of destabilization of the LIS southeastern margin during this event. Decreased terrigenous contribution associated with changing provenance of sediments after 12.9 cal ka BP suggests strong modifications of the continental hydrography in relation to Lake Agassiz history and changes in the morphology of Mississippi delta due to rising sea level.  相似文献   
The paleohydrological evolution of several high altitude, saline lakes located in the southernmost Altiplano (El Peinado and San Francisco basins, Catamarca province, NW Argentina) was reconstructed applying sedimentological, geochemical and isotopic techniques. Several playa lakes from the San Francisco basin (26° 56 S; 68° 08 W, 3800-3900 m a.s.l.) show evidence of a recent raise in the watertable that led to modern deposition of carbonate and diatomaceous muds. A 2 m - long core from El Peinado Lake (26° 29 59 S, 68°05 32 W, 3820 m a.s.l.) consists of calcitic crusts (unit 3), overlaid by an alternation of macrophyte-rich and travertine clast- rich, laminated muds (unit 2), and topped by travertine facies (unit 1). This sedimentary sequence illustrates a paleohydrological evolution from a subaerial exposure (unit 3) to a high lake stand (unit 2), and a subsequent smaller decrease in lake level (unit 1). The 13Corganic matterrecord also reflects the lake transgression between units 3 and 2. Although there is a general positive correlation between 18Ocarbonate and salinity proxies (Na, Li and B content), the large data dispersion indicates that other factors besides evaporation effects control chemical and isotopic composition of lakewater. Consequently, the oxygen isotopic composition cannot be interpreted exclusively as an indicator of salinity or evaporation ratio. The degassing of CO2 during groundwater discharge can explain the enriched 13C values for primary carbonates precipitated. The carbon budget in these high altitude, saline lakes seems to be controlled by physical rather than biological processes.The Altiplano saline lakes contain records of environmental and climatic change, although accurate 14C dating of these lacustrine sediments is hindered by the scarcity of terrestrial organic material, and the large reservoir effects. Sedimentologic evidence, a 210Pb-based chronology, and a preliminary U/Th chronology indicate a very large reservoir effect in El Peinado, likely as a result of old groundwaters and large contributions of volcanic and geothermal 14C-free CO2 to the lake system. Alternative chronologies are needed to place these paleorecords in a reliable chronological framework. A period of increased water balance in the San Francisco basin ended at about 1660 ± 82 yr B.P. (calendar yr U/Th age), and would correlates with the humid phase between 3000 and 1800 yr B.P detected in other sites of the southern Altiplano. Both, 210Pb and preliminary U/Th dating favor a younger age for the paleohydrological changes in El Peinado. The arid period reflected by subaerial exposure and low lake levels in unit 3 would have ended with a large increase in effective moisture during the late 17th century. The increased lake level during deposition of unit 2 would represent the period between AD1650 - 1900, synchronous to the Little Ice Age. This chronological framework is coherent with other regional records that show an abrupt transition from more arid to more humid conditions in the early 17th century, and a change to modern conditions in the late 19th century. Although there are local differences, the Little Ice Age stands as a significant climatic event in the Andean Altiplano.  相似文献   
The rare occurrence of te halos produced by cirrus ice crystals in nature has been investigated by modelling the incident solar (visible) light scattering angular distribution using the Monte Carlo/ray tracing method.The results show that the irregular shapes of ice crystals and large population of small ice particles in cirrus are responsible forthe rare occurrence of halos.  相似文献   
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