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张晋  赵建粮 《地质与资源》2023,32(2):146-154
亚美尼亚地处外高加索南部, 是"一带一路"沿线重要节点国家, 含有丰富的金属和非金属矿藏, 尤其是铜钼矿占世界总储量的5.1%. 亚美尼亚与我国关系良好, 是中国矿业公司从事海外资源开发的重要目的地. 本文依托"一带一路"矿产资源信息采集与相关资料综合分析, 对亚美尼亚的地质、矿产及矿业开发现状进行综述, 总结该国矿产分布规律, 为我国投资亚美尼亚矿产勘查和矿业开发提供可借鉴的建议.  相似文献   
李源  许志琴  裴先治  张健  赵佳楠  张岚  武勇 《岩石学报》2015,31(12):3595-3608
最新的研究表明,南秦岭勉略缝合带可以经宁陕左行走滑断裂带与大别苏鲁的高压/超高压变质带相连。对于这个模型,两带间的"连接枢纽"—宁陕走滑断层的活动时间是关键问题之一。研究显示宁陕断裂带是南秦岭中的一条走向近E-W的走滑剪切带,早期为左行韧性剪切变形,晚期叠加了左行脆性剪切变形。对带内千糜岩化石英片岩中的两期同构造花岗岩脉的构造地质学、岩石学和锆石U-Pb和Lu-Hf同位素研究,获得早期面理化细粒花岗岩的年龄为214.4±1.1Ma(MSWD=1.3),εHf(t)主要集中在-8.58~-0.29之间,tDM2=2.45~1.62Ga;晚期钾长花岗岩脉的年龄212.8±1.6Ma(MSWD=2.1),εHf(t)=-5.79~2.07,tDM2=2.53~1.49Ga。同位素数据表明两期花岗岩脉具有相同的岩浆源区,是古老地壳物质的再循环;晚期钾长花岗岩脉是早期花岗岩演化的产物。两期同构造花岗岩脉年龄的确定,表明宁陕左行走滑断层至少从晚三叠世中期之前就已经开始活动,而不是前人认为的早-中侏罗世或晚三叠末。尤其是宁陕左行走滑断裂带与勉略缝合带具有相同的左行韧性走滑叠加晚期脆性走滑的构造样式和活动时间,表明二者的形成可能都与古特提斯洋的斜向俯冲或者扬子板块的顺时针旋转有关。本研究成果为南秦岭的"古特提斯洋缝合带"——勉略缝合带向东经宁陕断裂带与大陆俯冲和深俯冲形成的耀岭河-桐柏-大别-苏鲁高压/超高压变质带相接提供了关键的年代学证据。  相似文献   
We present a detailed, new time scale for an orogenic cycle (oceanic accretion–subduction–collision) that provides significant insights into Paleozoic continental growth processes in the southeastern segment of the long-lived Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). The most prominent tectonic feature in Inner Mongolia is the association of paired orogens. A southern orogen forms a typical arc-trench complex, in which a supra-subduction zone ophiolite records successive phases during its life cycle: birth (ca. 497–477 Ma), when the ocean floor of the ophiolite was formed; (2) youth (ca. 473–470 Ma), characterized by mantle wedge magmatism; (3) shortly after maturity (ca. 461–450 Ma), high-Mg adakite and adakite were produced by slab melting and subsequent interaction of the melt with the mantle wedge; (4) death, caused by subduction of a ridge crest (ca. 451–434 Ma) and by ridge collision with the ophiolite (ca. 428–423 Ma). The evolution of the magmatic arc exhibits three major coherent phases: arc volcanism (ca. 488–444 Ma); adakite plutonism (ca. 448–438 Ma) and collision (ca. 419–415 Ma) of the arc with a passive continental margin. The northern orogen, a product of ridge-trench interaction, evolved progressively from coeval generation of near-trench plutons (ca. 498–461 Ma) and juvenile arc crust (ca. 484–469 Ma), to ridge subduction (ca. 440–434 Ma), microcontinent accretion (ca. 430–420 Ma), and finally to forearc formation. The paired orogens followed a consistent progression from ocean floor subduction/arc formation (ca. 500–438 Ma), ridge subduction (ca. 451–434 Ma) to microcontinent accretion/collision (ca. 430–415 Ma); ridge subduction records the turning point that transformed oceanic lithosphere into continental crust. The recognition of this orogenic cycle followed by Permian–early Triassic terminal collision of the CAOB provides compelling evidence for episodic continental growth.  相似文献   
利用1999 ~2007期GPS速度场数据,通过块体模型择优得到了南北地震带中南段主要块体边界带变形的适用模型,并给出了块体边界主要断层的滑动速率.结果表明,龙门山断裂带宝兴-汶川段张压速率较小,为0.5 ~ 1.8mm·a-1;汶川-茂县压性相对显著,速率达1.8~3.8mm·a-1;鲜水河断裂带张压及走滑速率存在一定的空间差异性特征,即炉霍以北张性滑动速率(8.1mm·a-1)比左旋走滑速率(4.8mm·a-1)大,炉霍-道孚段张压速率与走滑速率基本相同,道孚-康定段呈现出左旋走滑速率减小、张性速率增大的变化趋势,康定-石棉段表现出较明显的左旋走滑性质;小江断裂带走滑速率明显大于张压速率;红河断裂带空间分段性较为明显,北西段滑动量较小,但存在一定的张压分量(景东段速率4.7 mm·a-1),南东段(个旧以西)以走滑为主(速率4.5mm·a-1).  相似文献   
Studies of supercontinental cycle are mainly concentrated on the assembly, breakup and dispersal of supercontinents, and studies of continental crustal growth largely on the growth and loss (recycling) of the crust. These two problems have long been studied separately from each other. The Paleozoic–Mesozoic granites in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt have commonly positive Nd values, implying large-scale continental crustal growth in the Phanerozoic. They coincided temporally and spatially with the Phanerozoic Pangea supercontinental cycle, and overlapped in space with the P-wave high-V anomalies and calculated positions of subducted slabs for the last 180 Ma, all this suggests that the Phanerozoic Laurasia supercontinental assembly was accompanied by large-scale continental crustal growth in central Asia. Based on these observations, this paper proposes that there may be close and original correlations between a supercontinental cycle, continental crustal growth and catastrophic slab avalanches in the mantle. In this model we suggest that rapid continental crustal growth occurred during supercontinent assembly, whereas during supercontinental breakup and dispersal new additions of the crust were balanced by losses, resulting in a steady state system. Supercontinental cycle and continental crustal growth are both governed by changing patterns of mantle convection.  相似文献   
陈博  侯泉林  冯宏业  郭虎  许英霞 《岩石学报》2019,35(7):2086-2104
阿沙哇义金矿位于中国新疆南天山造山带,属于著名的中亚南天山锑-汞-金成矿带的东延部分。该矿床严格受断裂所控制,以浸染状黄铁矿化、毒砂化为特征。矿化可分为三个阶段:早期无矿或贫矿石英阶段,中期石英多金属硫化物阶段,晚期石英-碳酸盐阶段。其中,中期是主要成矿阶段。成矿流体气相成分以H_2O为主,摩尔含量为75%~93%,其次为CO_2,摩尔含量为6%~25%,其余为CH_4、C_2H_6、H_2S、N_2和Ar;液相成分阳离子以Na~+为主,含少量K~+、Ca~(2+)离子,阴离子以Cl~-为主,SO~(2-)次之;矿石的Au含量与其流体的CO_2含量呈反相关,与K~+含量呈正相关。硫化物成分分析结果表明:(1)围岩地层和矿石中的黄铁矿和毒砂是重要的载金矿物,黄铁矿Au含量为0~0. 09%,平均值0. 03%;毒砂Au含量为0~0. 28%,平均值0. 07%;(2)黄铁矿和毒砂Au含量与其自形程度没有明显的相关性;(3)环带状黄铁矿较均质结构黄铁矿具有更高的Au含量;(4)岩体中的黄铁矿几乎不含Au。在成矿构造环境、成矿流体特征及演化、金矿富集机制、成矿温压条件等方面,该矿床与世界上大多数造山型金矿显示出一致性,成矿类型应属于剥蚀程度较浅的造山型金矿。断层阀作用控制的断层愈合-破裂导致的流体不混溶作用是本区金富集、沉淀的最重要机制,但流体混合机制对金的富集沉淀也发挥了作用。黄铁矿、毒砂发育及较多的含炭物质三者共存是本区寻找富矿的关键标志。  相似文献   
利用73个固定台站记录的163个远震事件数据,采用多道互相关技术挑选了5524条S波到时数据,并对S波到时数据进行地壳校正,在此基础上采用天然地震层析成像方法和远震S波到时信息,获得了长江中下游成矿带上地幔的三维S波速度结构模型.研究结果表明:(1)研究区域上地幔存在着明显的低速异常,且走向与成矿带相同,可能为上涌的软流圈热物质;(2)研究区域地幔过渡带和上地幔底部存在着明显的高速异常,可能为俯冲的古太平洋板块和拆沉的岩石圈;(3)成矿带上地幔的低速异常呈现由南向北逐渐变浅的空间分布特征,该特征表明软流圈热物质由南向北上涌.综合分析认为,成矿带中生代大规模岩浆活动和成矿作用的深部过程主要与岩石圈的拆沉密切相关.  相似文献   
近年来引起我国地质界广泛注意的内蒙地轴解体论所建立的基础是清河镇群蛇绿岩和清河镇小壳动物群。解体论者认为这些广泛分布在中朝陆台北缘近20000km的东西延伸带上的不同岩层都是和温都尔庙群相似的蛇绿岩,并且其中都产有早寒武世小壳动物化石。最新研究已证实清河镇动物群不是生物化石,而是用酸处理岩石样品过程中的化学沉淀物和少量现代植物碎屑混入物的组合。大量地质资料也证明这个带上主要分布早前寒武纪变质杂岩和稍晚的裂谷堆积,所谓的清河镇群蛇绿岩是错误的地质观察和岩石鉴定造成的。  相似文献   
This study reports the annual amount of heavy metals discharged by industrial activity into the estuary of the Ría of Huelva (SW Spain). The findings showed that the discharged metals found in highest amounts were Fe (11 t y−1), Zn (3.4 t y−1) and Mo (0.88 t y−1). There were other metals with high pollutant charge, such as Ti (232 kg y−1), As (228 kg y−1), Ni (195 kg y−1), Pb (100 kg y−1), Cr (39 kg y−1) and Cd (33 kg y−1). These results were compared with pollutants transported via the Tinto and Odiel rivers from abandoned mining activities in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB), and it was deduced that the amounts spilled exclusively by industries were less than 1% in relation to the total discharge. Hence, the treatment of residues from the IPB should be the priority goal to improve water quality in the estuary.  相似文献   
中亚造山带是世界上最大的显生宙增生型造山带,是研究增生造山过程和大陆地壳生长的绝佳场所,其形成记录了新元古代—早中生代古亚洲洋发展演化历程,主要由一系列微陆块、岛弧、海山/大洋高原、增生杂岩及蛇绿混杂岩构成.中亚造山带西段蛇绿混杂岩物质组成基本一致,除了典型的蛇绿岩组分外,大多发育典型的海山岩石组合,即枕状玄武岩、火山...  相似文献   
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