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准噶尔盆地南缘天然气成藏及勘探方向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
准噶尔盆地南缘地区与塔里木库车坳陷有着相似的沉积地层和构造演化历史,但是天然气勘探始终未取得重大突破。本文在南缘地区天然气成因类型与气源判识的基础上,分析该地区天然气成藏条件,探讨有利勘探方向与目标层系。结果表明,南缘地区天然气存在煤型气、混合气与油型气三类,且以煤型气和混合气为主;侏罗纪煤系为该地区主要的天然气源岩,其大量生气期与背斜构造形成期相匹配,构成最佳源灶-圈闭成藏组合;二叠系湖相和上三叠统湖相-湖沼相烃源岩也是重要的天然气源岩,其主要生气期在中部地区早于绝大多数背斜构造形成期,而在西部地区与背斜构造形成期相匹配。南缘地区生烃物质基础好于库车坳陷,只是主要气源岩侏罗纪煤系的成熟度略低于库车坳陷,盖层封盖性和储层发育规模略逊于库车坳陷,但仍具备形成大规模油气田的成藏条件。深层二叠系-侏罗系-白垩系成藏组合是最为有利的天然气勘探目标层系,西部是寻找和发现侏罗纪煤系和二叠系湖相油气藏的有利目标区域,中部是寻找和发现侏罗纪煤系天然气藏的有利目标区域。中浅层白垩系-新近系成藏组合是次要的天然气勘探目标层系,具有寻找和发现一定规模天然气藏的潜力。高探1井获得重大突破充分表明制约南缘天然气勘探大发现的因素不是气源规模、运移通道、储层物性和盖层封闭性,而是有效圈闭的落实、钻井工程技术及勘探工作量的投入。  相似文献   
新疆准噶尔盆地西北缘吐谷鲁群沉积体系分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据在新疆准噶尔盆地西北缘乌尔禾-夏子街地区的野外地层露头观察、追索及钻孔资料分析研究,笔者认为,该区下白垩统吐谷鲁群是一套以灰绿色砂岩和红色、棕红色泥岩组成的干燥气候条件下形成的内陆湖相碎屑沉积,发育浅水三角洲体系,主要由三角洲平原和三角洲前缘相组成.吐谷鲁群碎屑岩的碎屑粒度由下而上可分为两个大的韵律旋回,即粗-细-粗-细,反映了水体扩展到萎缩再扩展的过程.有利铀成矿的砂岩层主要集中在两个韵律旋回的底部,形成于三角洲平原分流河道、决口扇、三角洲前缘水下分流河道和水下堤环境.  相似文献   
新疆博格达山分段及深浅构造转换关系   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
研究表明 ,天山及邻区自中生代以来一直处于热衰减状态 ,博格达山新生代再造山具有“冷隆升”性 ,盆山边界断裂多限于上地壳内 ,而非直通中地壳低速体甚至上地幔的“深大断裂”。造山带内的韧性剪切带是在古生代形成的 ,而不是再造山期的断裂 ,它对造山带隆升及盆山耦合无贡献 ,博格达山的隆升为复式背斜构造所支持。博格达山与准东的关系为背斜北翼与盆地平缓基底构成的挠曲构造 ,而不是被深大断裂分隔的断块。博格达山具有独特鲜明的分段性 ,造山带的两个弧形构造与新生代再生前陆盆地构成独特的“斜方对称”分布样式。以板条观点为指导 ,从盆山单元的平面配置关系和深浅构造转换关系入手 ,探讨了博格达山板内造山阶段的几何学和运动学分段性的成因 ,构建了盆山耦合模式  相似文献   
山西临汾盆地黄土剖面重金属分布特征及其影响因素   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
山西临汾盆地2条黄土剖面重金属分布特征及其影响因素研究表明,Pb、Cu和Zn的垂向变化特征非常相似,而As、Cd和Hg在剖面中的分布特征与前三者不同。各重金属元素在黄土剖面中的变化特征首先均受到黄土源区物质成分的控制,其次不同程度地受到古气候变化的影响。依据Pb、Cu、Zn与各古气候替代性指标(例如磁化率,w(SiO2)/w(Al2O3)等)均呈显著相关,As、Cd和Hg与古气候替代性指标的相关性较差,推断剖面中Cu、Pb、Zn的分布特征受古气候变化的影响,其原因可能主要是这3个金属元素易以类质同象形式赋存在磁性矿物中;而As、Cd和Hg在剖面中的分布特征与古气候无关。但各重金属元素与源区指示元素的相关性表明其在剖面中的分布特征均受黄土源区物质成分的影响和控制。  相似文献   
准噶尔盆地西北缘三叠系层序地层与隐蔽油气藏勘探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
层序地层学及层序地层原理指导下的地震资料解释为地层、岩性油气藏勘探提供了理论和技术支持。为配合准噶尔盆地西北缘油气勘探从克乌断裂带上盘向下盘、从构造油气藏向地层、岩性等隐蔽油气藏的转变,利用陆相层序地层学理论和地球物理资料,将三叠系划分为1个二级层序、5个三级层序和8个体系域,进而总结出拗陷完整型和拗陷残缺型两种层序类型。结合测井约束地震反演和井间沉积对比,探讨了三叠系砂体结构和湖侵体系域地层超覆、湖退体系域及最大湖泛面附近小规模滑塌浊积体岩性透镜体等5种圈闭发育模式。油气成藏综合条件分析指出有效圈闭和油源断层的识别是制约斜坡带岩性油气藏勘探的关键。  相似文献   
云南保山盆地第三系成烃地球化学特征及其评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宋振亚  贝丰 《矿物岩石》1999,19(3):23-29
本文系统地研究了保山盆地保参1井第三系成烃地球化学特征,并对其油气显示,天然气成因及古地温进行了探讨,研究结果表明,盆地第三系虽然具有一定规模的形成烃源岩的物质基础,但其有机质成熟度表现偏低,羊邑组(N2y)属于未成熟带,南林组(N1n)属于低成熟带,成熟的烃源岩展布规模有限,生物成因天然气及未成熟,低成熟油是保山盆地主要的油气资源。  相似文献   
The intramontane basins of the Betic Cordilleras (SE Spain) formed subsequent to the main phase of orogenic deformation during the middle Miocene in a close genetic relation to the Trans-Alboran Shear zone. Left lateral movements along a local branch (Carboneras fault zone, CF; strike NE–SW) of this zone played a major role in controlling the formation and dynamics of the Nijar-Carboneras Basin. To the south of the fault, a major phase of strike-slip faulting is recorded during the late Tortonian. The expression of this event is the Brèche Rouge de Carboneras (BRC), which seals a deep denudational surface on top of dislocated fault blocks formed by volcanics of the Cabo de Gata complex and early Tortonian shallow marine calcarenite. The sedimentary facies of this widely distributed unit in the Carboneras-Subbasin mirror the submarine topography and the distribution of the fault zones. Along strike-slip fault zones, autoclastic breccias and neptunian dikes preferentially oriented NW–SE and NE–SW occur, which are interpreted to represent the near-surface expression of the faults. Red limestone forms the groundmass of the autoclastic breccia and infills of neptunian dikes, which exhibit multiple phases of opening of fissures, gravitational sedimentary infill, lithification, and renewed creation of cracks. Steep relief, probably along fault scarps, was mantled by epiclastic volcanic conglomerate with a red carbonate matrix. Well-lithified coarse skeletal limestone rich in planktonic foraminifera formed pavements along sediment starved rocky surfaces in deep water. Laterally, within topographic depressions, the pavement limestone grades into thick accumulations of skeletal rudstone composed of fragmented azooxanthellate corals and stylasterid hydrozoans, which were concentrated by powerful bottom currents and gravitiy flows. Within the shallow water zone of dip slope ramps, cross-bedded calcarenite and calcirudite formed. Based on textures, fabrics and biota, rocks of the BRC were grouped into nine genetic lithofacies which document cryptic, deep-aphotic and shallow-photic environments typical of a sediment starved extensional basin.  相似文献   
This article reports the main formation models and distribution of the oil and gas pools in Tarim basin,China,including (I) occurrence of the found oil and gas pools,(2) main formation models of oil and gas pools,and (3) distribution law of oil/gas pools.Petroleum is distributed widely in the strata of Tarim basin from the Sinian at the bottom to the Neogene at the top.However,the found oil and gas fields are mainly distributed in Shaya (沙雅) uplift,Tazhong (塔中) uplift,and Kuche (库车)depression.This article presents 4 main formation models,namely,early formation and long-term preservation,early formation and late reformation,middle-late multiphase-multisource formation,late single-stage formation.Tarim basin is very rich in petroleum resources.Long-term inherited intrabasinal paleohighs and slope zones are the most favorable areas for accumulation of hydrocarbons,but the types of oil and gas pools are different from area to area.The control of unconformities and faults on hydrocarbon accumulating is prominent in Tarim basin.Preservation conditions are of utmost importance.Formation of some oil and gas pools is the result of reforming and re-accumulating of early accumulated hydrocarbons.  相似文献   
运用区域地面地质、地震、钻测井等资料的综合分析,对库车坳陷中生界的盆地结构、构造样式、中生界各层序原始地层厚度和沉积相分布、古隆起形态、区域构造演化等方面进行研究,重建了库车坳陷中生代盆地构造古地理,并对盆地原型成因进行分析。库车坳陷残留中生界总体上为北厚南薄、北剥南超的地质结构,北部强烈角度不整合在南天山海西期褶皱带,南部微角度不整合面在寒武-奥陶系之上,南部边缘沿着温宿-西秋-牙哈古隆起有基底断裂活动。北部单斜带为冲积扇和辫状河三角洲,克拉苏构造带为深湖,南部沿着古隆起带为缓坡三角洲、浅湖。库车坳陷中生代原型盆地位于南天山海西期造山带和塔里木克拉通边缘过渡带之上,地壳均衡可能是盆地沉降的主要动力。南缘古隆起带在南天山洋扩张期为塔里木克拉通台地与被动大陆边缘的台地边缘,南天山洋闭合期为前陆隆起带,发育基底断裂和断块差异活动,在中生代有继承性活动,晚新生代新天山挤压隆升使古隆起带发生挤压变形,成为新天山逆冲变形造山楔的前锋。  相似文献   
The Cretaceous-Eocene Xigaze forearc basin is a crucial data archive for understanding the tectonic history of the Asian continental margin prior to and following collision with India during the early Cenozoic Era. This study reports apatite and zircon(U-Th)/He thermochronologic data from fourteen samples from Albian-Ypresian Xigaze forearc strata to determine the degree and timing of heating(burial) and subsequent cooling(exhumation) of two localities along the Yarlung suture zone(YSZ) near the towns of Saga and Lazi. Thirty-seven individual zircon He ages range from 31.5 ± 0.8 Ma to6.06 ± 0.18 Ma,with the majority of grains yielding ages between 30 Ma and 10 Ma. Twenty apatite He ages range from 12.7 ± 0.5 Ma to 3.9 ± 0.3 Ma,with the majority of grains yielding ages between 9 Ma and 4 Ma. These ages suggest that the Xigaze forearc basin was heated to 140-200 ℃ prior to cooling in Oligocene-Miocene time. Thermal modeling supports this interpretation and shows that the samples were buried to maximum temperatures of ~140-200 0 C by 35-21 Ma, immediately followed by the onset of exhumation. The zircon He and apatite He dataset and thermal modeling results indicate rapid exhumation from ~21 Ma to 15 Ma, and at ~4 Ma. The 21-15 Ma thermochronometric signal appears to be regionally extensive, affecting all the lithotectonic units of the YSZ, and coincides with movement along the north-vergent Great Counter Thrust system. Thrusting, coupled with enhanced erosion possibly related to the paleo-Yarlung River, likely drove Early Miocene cooling of the Xigaze forearc basin.In contrast, the younger phase of rapid exhumation at ~4 Ma was likely driven by enhanced rock uplift in the footwall of north-striking rifts that cross-cut the YSZ.  相似文献   
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