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自1988年11月至1989年3月,对南极乔治王岛的长城湾沿岸水域中的海洋生物和环境因子进行了调查,1988年11月20日在2号站采得的冰芯中部有一层约5cm的棕色层,而1988年11月17日、20日和26日在5号站采得的冰芯样中有二层棕色层。固定冰中叶绿素a浓度范围在2.55~56.8mg/m~3之间,而且大部分含量集中在海冰的中间层中,而不象其它海区如昭和、戴维斯、凯西和麦克默多等站,大部分叶绿素a集中在海冰的底部,造成这种差别的原因、可能是由于海冰的结构和形成过程不同所致。  相似文献   
Co-seismic phenomena along the south coastline included liquefaction, subsidenceand tsunami. Construction on areas composed of fluvial and alluvial sediments aswell as unconsolidated fill increased the risk by creating potential for amplificationof seismic waves. Cyclic mobility liquefaction was common along the coastline, andlevel-ground liquefaction was observed. Flow liquefaction is held forth as a possibilityin the Deirmendere submarine landslide. Damage to structures was markedly more in areas of unconsolidated sediments. One or more tsunami struck immediately after the event; the uniformity of tsunami impact indicating a wave coming from 310° suggests that submarine faulting was the major source of tsunami. Over 800,000 m2 of subsidence resulted from sediment slumping, fault controlled subsidence, and possibly post-liquefaction sediment compaction. After a brief period of post-event abandonment, reclamation and use of coastal areas is well underway. This creates a tension between human desires pushing for quick and inexpensive re-inhabitation of the coastal areas, and the needs for zoning and building codes for risk reduction. In this high-risk area suchcontrary cultural mandates cannot yield ideal results. It is suggested that an alternativemodel of immediate post-event creation of parks and natural areas that would yield benefit is preferable in coastal areas rather than the enforcement approach currently favored.  相似文献   
中国区域发展和产业布局正迈向“以内循环为主体、内外循环相互促进”的新发展格局,而城市群肩负着内循环增长极、辐射源和双循环战略支点的双重使命。现有研究对核心城市群高科技产业带动内循环的空间格局及其政策启示的关注尚显薄弱。论文以改革开放以来深度融入外循环的粤港澳大湾区为例,刻画并对比其战略性支柱产业(电子信息、汽车、家电)和战略性新兴产业(生物科技、智能机器人、新材料)在区域内部和外部(带动粤东西北、泛珠三角、全国)的多尺度空间联系,总结推进以内循环为主体构建新发展格局的政策启示。研究发现:(1)粤港澳大湾区高科技产业多尺度空间联系以经济发达地区之间为主,区域内形成以广深港科技创新走廊为主轴向周边辐射,国内形成以粤港澳大湾区、长三角、京津冀和成渝4大国家级城市群为菱形结构顶点、中西部省会城市为重要节点的空间格局;(2)战略性支柱产业相比战略性新兴产业形成了更加稳固的菱形结构顶点支撑和城市区域化溢出及区域间联动进程,辐射带动的地理范围更广,在粤港澳大湾区内外的产业功能分工也更加完善;(3)建议以菱形结构作为内循环的基础空间架构,构建城市、区域、国家多尺度空间相互联动、经济发达地区和欠发达地区...  相似文献   
With the rapid development of the marine economy industry, human exploitation of marine resources is increasing, which is contributing to the growing trend of eutrophication and frequent occurrence of red tide. Accordingly, investigations of seawater quality have attracted a great deal of attention. This study was conducted to construct a seawater environmental quality assessment model based on the variable fuzzy recognition model. The uncertainty and ambiguity of the seawater quality assessment were then considered, combining the monitoring values of evaluation indicators with the standard values of seawater quality. Laizhou Bay was subsequently selected for a case study. In this study, the correct variable model for different parameters was obtained according to the linear and nonlinear features of evaluation objects. Application of the variable fuzzy recognition model for Laizhou Bay, water quality evaluation and comparison with performance obtained using other approaches revealed that the generated model is more reliable than traditional methods, can more reasonably determine the water quality of various samples, and is more suitable for evaluation of a multi-index, multi-level, nonlinear marine environment system; accordingly, the generated model will be an effective tool for seawater quality evaluation.  相似文献   
李琼  李松林  张蓝澜  李昊  刘毅 《地理研究》2020,39(9):2130-2147
中国新时代“两个十五年”的现代化强国战略周期,恰恰是快速人口老龄化纵深发展期,人口年龄结构快速老龄化与经济社会之间的发展不平衡矛盾将日益严峻。本文利用广东省第四次、第五次、第六次人口普查资料、2015年广东省1%人口抽样调查资料、香港统计年刊和澳门统计年鉴数据,运用空间自相关分析法、柯布-道格拉斯生产函数和空间回归等方法,研究2000—2015年粤港澳大湾区人口老龄化的时空特征及其经济效应,结果表明:① 粤港澳大湾区人口老龄化进程慢于广东省,更慢于全国,但于2015年已进入老年型I期。② 粤港澳大湾区老龄化呈动态演变特征,空间上以香港和江门为起点,经西北向北扩散的“C”型分布模式,高收入城市以澳门和香港为起点向北扩散,最终形成中心-外围的空间分布格局。③ 粤港澳大湾区人口老龄化对经济增长具有负向影响,老龄人口增加1%,人均GDP降低3%。人均固定资本投入和人均人力资本投入有正的经济效应,人均人力资本投入带来的正向效应要大于人均固定资本投入。鉴于此,粤、港、澳三地应建立起协同治理模式,构建跨境的养老合作机制;促进产业结构升级,充分利用人力资本促进技术创新,并正确评估不同阶段人口老龄化对经济增长的影响,妥善处理好人口老龄化与经济之间的关系至关重要。  相似文献   
Exercise in downscaling on sea surface temperature along Chinese coast   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
INTRODUCTIONAntarctickrill(EuphausiasuperbaDana)isakeyorganismoftheAntarcticmarineecosystemandapotentialfisheryresource.Ithasbeenthesubjectofmuchresearch.Despitethelonghistoryofresearchdatingbacktothe1930’s,therearestillquestionsaboutitspopulationstructu…  相似文献   
在乔治王岛中部的阿德默勒尔蒂湾 ,凯勒半岛、于尔曼山嘴和埃内坎角是第三纪火山岩集中分布区。野外地质调查和同位素年代学研究表明 ,凯勒半岛发生了三期火山喷发 (三个火山喷发旋回 ) ,同时伴随着火山活动中心的不断北移 ;在第二期火山喷发之后 ,火口塌陷 ,形成破火山 ,之后在半岛北部又发生火山喷发 ,并向东迁移到于尔曼山嘴。因此凯勒半岛是一复活破火山 ,火山活动具有随时间迁移的特性。埃内坎角火山活动虽与上述两地区大致同时 ,但化学成分上不存在明显演化关系 ,应属另一相对独立的火山活动中心  相似文献   
Ocean Drilling Program Leg 188, Prydz Bay, East Antarctica is part of a larger initiative to explore the Cenozoic history of the Antarctic Ice Sheet through direct drilling and sampling of the continental margins. In this paper, we present stable isotopic results from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1167 located on the Prydz Channel Trough Mouth Fan (TMF), the first Antarctic TMF to be drilled. The foraminifer-based δ18O record is interpreted along with sedimentary and downhole logging evidence to reconstruct the Quaternary glacial history of Prydz Bay and the adjacent Lambert Glacier Amery Ice Shelf System (LGAISS). We report an electron spin resonance age date of 36.9±3.3 ka at 0.45 m below sea floor and correlate suspected glacial–interglacial cycles with the global isotopic stratigraphy to improve the chronology for Site 1167. The δ18O record based on planktonic (Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (s.)) and limited benthic results (Globocassidulina crassa), indicates a trend of ice sheet expansion that was interrupted by a period of reduced ice volume and possibly warmer conditions during the early–mid-Pleistocene (0.9–1.38 Ma). An increase in δ18O values after 900 ka appears to coincide with the mid-Pleistocene climate transition and the expansion of the northern hemisphere ice sheet. The δ18O record in the upper 50 m of the stratigraphic section indicates as few as three glacial–interglacial cycles, tentatively assigned as marine isotopic stages (MIS) 16–21, are preserved since the Brunhes/Matuyama paleomagnetic reversal (780 ka). This suggests that there is a large unconformity near the top of the section and/or that there may have been few extreme advances of the ice sheet since the mid-Pleistocene climate transition resulting in lowered sedimentation rates on the Prydz Channel TMF. The stable isotopic record from Site 1167 is one of the few available from the area south of the Antarctic Polar Front that has been linked with the global isotopic stratigraphy. Our results suggest the potential for the recovery of useful stable isotopic records in other TMFs.  相似文献   
广东大亚湾石珊瑚群落的分布及动态变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2006年6月对位于南海北部亚热带的大亚湾和大鹏湾石珊瑚群落的分布、种类和覆盖率进行了调查,结果显示大亚湾共有石珊瑚24种,以秘密角蜂巢珊瑚(Favites abdita)为优势种,总覆盖率为20%,大鹏湾有石珊瑚21种,以精巧扁脑珊瑚(Platygyra daedalea)为优势种,总覆盖率为7.9%。大亚湾石珊瑚群落健康状况良好,但生长稀疏,群落密度低,空间结构简单,生长带窄;与1964年、1983年、1984年和1991年的调查结果相比,覆盖率从76.6%下降到20%,优势种从枝状的霜鹿角珊瑚(Acropora Pruinosa)转变成块状或皮壳状的秘密角蜂巢珊瑚,群落生态退化严重,主要原因可能是人为破坏活动对珊瑚本身以及生长环境造成的压力所致,包括过度捕捞、盗采珊瑚、沿岸施工和水体污染等,建议采取相应的保护措施。  相似文献   
利用第29次南极科考期间在普里兹湾海区释放的8个Argos漂流浮标所获的总计662 d的数据,对普里兹湾及其邻近海域的表层海流特征进行了分析,并和以前的研究结果进行对比,结果表明:普里兹湾西部和北部表层海流基本呈现向西的流动,说明此地区的表层海流以沿南极大陆的逆时针沿岸流为主。普里兹湾东部海流呈现先向南再向西或先向南再向北的流动,普里兹湾西北部海流呈现向南的流动。8个浮标平均流速在0.02—0.20 m·s~(-1)之间,最大流速为1.57 m·s~(-1),流速1.0 m·s~(-1)的大流速区主要集中在普里兹湾、克洛斯角外侧、达恩利角外侧海域,流速1.5 m·s~(-1)的大流速区只出现在普里兹湾、克洛斯角外侧两处海域。  相似文献   
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