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地震各向异性介质的群速度是关于相角的复杂函数,将其表示成射线角形式较为困难,这给地震各向异性分析以及走时正演模拟等带来诸多不便;另一方面,观测资料表明实际地球介质的地震各向异性通常较弱,这为用射线角近似表示地震波群速度提供了可能.本文基于以射线角近似表示相角的思想,提出了一种弱各向异性条件下,群速度射线角近似表示的新方法.计算表明,在弱地震各向异性条件下,新方法在很宽的射线角范围内,对三种地震波的群速度都能很好地近似,在准SV波计算精度方面显著优于目前通常使用的近似方法.  相似文献   
Amplification of in-plane seismic ground motion by underground group cavities in layered half-space is studied both in frequency domain and time domain by using indirect boundary element method (IBEM), and the effect of cavity interval and spectrum of incident waves on the amplification are studied by numerical examples. It is shown that there may be large interaction between cavities, and group cavities with certain intervals may have significant amplification to seismic ground motion. The amplification of PGA (peak ground acceleration) and its PRS (peak response spectrum) can be increased up to 45.2% and 84.4%, for an example site in Tianjin, under the excitation of Taft wave and El Centro wave; and group cavities may also affect the spectra of the seismic ground motion. It is suggested that the effect of underground group cavities on design seismic ground motion should be considered.  相似文献   
郭小虎  渠庚  刘亚  刘心愿 《湖泊科学》2020,32(2):564-572
三峡工程蓄水后"清水"下泄,坝下游河段将会长期处于严重不饱和状态,水流含沙量沿程恢复将会引起坝下游长距离冲刷,本文根据三峡工程蓄水前、后的实测资料分析了坝下游河道泥沙输移变化规律,探索不同粒径组沙量沿程恢复对河床冲刷的影响,得到以下结论:在蓄水初期d≤0.031 mm沙量恢复主要受河床补给与江湖入汇共同的影响,随着水库下泄该粒径组沙量递减,使得各站该粒径组年均输沙量均远小于蓄水前的水平,沙量恢复仍主要受河床补给与江湖入汇的影响,这是造成坝下游河道发生长距离冲刷的主要原因之一;在蓄水初期0.031 mmd≤0.125 mm沙量恢复主要受河床补给的影响,但江湖入汇的影响较大,随着河床补给量逐渐减少,各站该粒径组年均输沙量均小于蓄水前的水平,沙量恢复仍主要受河床补给的影响,江湖入汇的影响逐渐减小,这也是坝下游河道发生长距离冲刷的主要原因之一; d0.125 mm沙量恢复主要受河床补给的影响,蓄水初期该粒径组沙量在宜昌监利河段沿程恢复速率较快,且在监利站达到蓄水前的水平,随着时间推移,在宜昌监利河段沿程恢复且速率仍较快,在监利站达到最大值,其数值逐渐小于蓄水前的水平,这是造成坝下游河道冲刷重点集中在宜昌监利河段的主要原因.  相似文献   
To investigate the seismic response of a pile group during liquefaction, shaking table tests on a 1/25 scale model of a 2 × 2 pile group were conducted, which were pilot tests of a test project of a scale-model offshore wind turbine with jacket foundation. A large laminar shear box was utilized as the soil container to prepare a liquefiable sandy ground specimen. The pile group model comprising four slender aluminum piles with their pile heads connected by a rigid frame was designed with similitude considerations focusing on soil–pile interaction. The input motions were 2-Hz sinusoids with various acceleration amplitudes. The excess pore water pressure generation indicated that the upper half of the ground specimen reached initial liquefaction under the 50-gal-amplitude excitation, whereas in the 75-gal-amplitude test, almost entire ground was liquefied. Accelerations in soil, on the movable frames composing the laminar boundary of the shear box, and along the pile showed limited difference at the same elevation before liquefaction. After liquefaction, the soil and the movable-frame accelerations that represented the ground response considerably reduced, whereas both the movable frames and the piles exhibited high-frequency jitters other than 2-Hz sinusoid, and meantime, remarkable phase difference between the responses of the pile group and the ground was observed, all probably due to the substantial degradation of liquefied soil. Axial strains along the pile implied its double-curvature bending behavior, and the accordingly calculated moment declined significantly after liquefaction. These observations demonstrated the interaction between soil and piles during liquefaction.  相似文献   
中国大陆及邻区、川滇成组强震活动特征初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将中国大陆及其邻区1902年以来MS≥7地震的成组活动划分出7组,其首发大震分别为1902年阿图什8.2级,1911年阿拉木图8.2级,1920年海原8.5级,1931年富蕴8.0级,1946年缅甸7.8级,1966年邢台7.2级,1988年缅甸7.2级。川滇MS≥6.7地震成组活动划分出5组,其首发强震为1913年峨山7.0级,1933年茂县7.5级,1948年理塘7.3级,1966年东川6.5级、6.2级,1988年澜沧7.4级。其中,川滇MS≥7的首发大震滞后中国大陆首发大震几个月至4年不等。按成组大震的界定,目前中国大陆处于1998~2007年(估计)的大震少发时段。川滇未来1~2年的大震形势为川滇西部存在发生大震的可能性。中国大陆新一轮强震成组活动中的大地震将可能在2007~2009年前后发生,主体危险区可能为天山地震带中段及川滇东部。2007~2008年可能出现5~6级地震的增强过程。巧家—东川一带可能最先发生6级地震。  相似文献   
The Rayleigh wave phase and group velocities in the period range of 24–39 sec, obtained from two earthquakes which occurred in northeastern brazil and which were recorded by the Brazilian seismological station RDJ (Rio de Janeiro), have been used to study crustal and upper mantle structures of the Brazilian coastal region. Three crustal and upper mantle models have been tried out to explain crustal and upper mantle structures of the region. The upper crust has not been resolved, due basically to the narrow period range of the phase and group velocities data. The phase velocity inversions have exhibited good resolutions for both lower crust and upper mantle, with shear wave velocities characteristic of these regions. The group velocity data inversions for these models have showed good results only for the lower crust. The shear wave velocities of the lower crust (3.86 and 3.89 km/sec), obtained with phase velocity inversions, are similar to that (=3.89 km/sec) found byHwang (1985) to the eastern South American region, while group velocity inversions have presented shear velocity (=3.75 km/sec) similar to that (=3.78 km/sec) found byLazcano (1972) to the Brazilian shield. It was not possible to define sharply the crust-mantle transition, but an analysis of the phase and group velocity inversions results has indicated that the total thickness of the crust should be between 30 and 39 km. The crustal and upper mantle model, obtained with phase velocity inversion, can be used as a preliminary model for the Brazilian coast.  相似文献   
中国西部三维速度结构及其各向异性   总被引:24,自引:5,他引:24  
本文用覆盖中国的358条勒夫面波路径资料,研究了10.45-113.80s范围内中国西部的三维SH波速度结构.结果表明,各构造单元的SH波速度结构均有明显的差别.作为稳定块体的塔里木盆地,壳内重力分异程度较高,上、中、下地壳厚度差别小,壳内无明显的低速层,地壳平均速度比较小;上地幔低速层埋深大且层中速度大;区内横向变化小.构造活动区如天山、青藏高原,其突出的特征是下地壳厚度大且速度大,上地幔盖层速度值相当高.这与西伯利亚、印支板块的挤压有密切的关系.青藏高原东部及其北、东边缘地区壳内存在低速层,上地幔低速层埋深浅,一些地区存在壳幔过渡层.面波各向异性研究表明,青藏高原、天山及印支板块北缘下存在明显的各向异性,以构造边缘地区及上地幔低速层附近最为突出.印度板块、西伯利亚板块与中国大陆间的碰撞引起强大的水平压力和一定的下插作用,是造成青藏高原隆起、地壳增厚、天山隆起的最根本的因素,同时也促成壳幔中辉石、橄榄石的定向排列和物质运移,因而出现明显的各向异性现象.  相似文献   
随着并行计算技术的发展,非线性反演计算效率在不断提高,但对于基于单点搜索的非线性反演方法,其并行算法的实现则是一个难题。本文将群体搜索的思想引入到基于单点搜索的非线性反演方法,构建了并行算法,以量子蒙特卡罗方法为例进行了二维地震波速度反演及实际资料波阻抗反演,并测试了使用不同节点数进行计算的效率。计算结果表明:该并行算法在理论和实际资料反演中是可行的和有效的,具有很好的通用性;算法计算效率随着使用节点数的增加而提高,但算法计算效率的提高幅度随着使用节点数的增加逐渐减小。  相似文献   
基于福建及邻区108个宽频带地震台站2016年6月到7月两个月垂直和水平分量波形连续记录, 利用相位加权叠加算法提高信噪比, 计算得到108个台站对的高质量经验格林函数。 对所获取的经验格林函数, 采用时频分析的方法在1~20 s频段内量取了大量高质量的Rayleigh波和Love波群速度频散数据。 在此基础上, 采用基于射线追踪的二维层析成像方法反演得到了福建及其邻区1~20 s的Rayleigh波和Love波群速度分布。 分辨率测试结果表明群速度分布的分辨率能达50 km。 成像结果显示1~10 s的群速度分布与地壳中上部地质特征有很好的一致性, 区内的福州盆地和漳州盆地在浅层结构中表现出明显的低速异常。 长周期的群速度则揭示了漳州西北的高地热区内中下地壳低速体, 政和-大埔断裂两侧的速度差异, 表明其可能是一个深大断裂, 并呈现明显的东西差异。  相似文献   
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