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论述了氢化物形成的普遍性、氢化物的物理化学性质、元素周期系各类元素的氢化物类型。认为一些金属离子、非金属离子在酸性介质中与硼氢化钾(钠)作用及金属锌等强还原剂作用生成氢化物。综述了氢化物的形成在分析测试领域的应用:试样分解、分离富集、容量分析、光度分析、原子光谱分析、质谱分析。  相似文献   
镇泾地区延长组河流相砂体分布与圈闭形成的关系研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
鄂尔多斯盆地镇泾地区侏罗系地层以三角洲-湖泊沉积体系为主,研究区范围内主要发育主河道和部分分流河道砂体。研究区构造平缓,主要为单斜地层、在东南部存在大型鼻状构造。通过对主要储层段(长6、8油层组)砂体分布及与构造之间关系进行研究,分析砂体走向与构造线方向的关系认为在构造单斜地区,当两者相交时(交角β≠0)是形成圈闭的关键因素之一,在大型鼻状构造地区因构造线的弯曲与河道砂体组合可以形成圈闭。根据研究区砂体分布和构造线组合出4种地层-岩性及岩性圈闭。利用构造图与砂体分布图对主要储层段存在的圈闭确定出长6、8油层组10个层圈闭。  相似文献   
通过1:5万礁滩复合体地质填图,在巴楚地区共发现大小不等的礁滩复合体90余个,层位为中奥陶统一间房组二段.台缘为礁滩复合体密集发育区,礁滩体规模大,台内为礁滩复合体零星发育区,礁滩体规模小。通过对6个典型礁滩复合体的解剖,研究了礁滩复合体的微相类型、组合和各微相的岩石特征、生物群落,并对其生长发育阶段进行了分析。根据6个典型礁滩复合体及礁间的大量铸体薄片鉴定和物性资料,分析了储层的特征、成因和非均质性,建立了台缘礁及礁间、台内礁及礁间2种背景条件下的储层地质模型。巴楚地区露头礁滩复合体储层地质模型对塔中地区上奥陶统良里塔格组礁滩复合体的勘探具有重要的指导意义,并为勘探实践所证实。  相似文献   
在山东省莒南地质公园内发现6个小型恐龙足迹化石,被归入足迹属Minisauripus。化石产于下白垩统大盛群田家楼组.时代为早白垩世巴列姆(Barremian)-阿普特期(Apdan)。5个较大,长约6cm,产于下部“主”层面上,其中4个组成2节行迹:1个较小,长约3cm,位于“主”层面30cm之上的上部层面上。山东Minisauripus的特征是:足迹个体小(长3.1~5.6cm,宽2.0~3.7cm),三趾型,略不对称;足迹纵长,各趾近平行,趾垫较清晰;趾末端较钝,但爪迹较尖。Ⅲ趾比Ⅳ趾略长,而Ⅳ趾比Ⅱ趾略长且窄。此外,步幅较长,足长与步长之比约为10:1。与四川、韩国Minisau却淞不同之处是:足迹个体较大,长约是它们的2倍。继中国四川和韩国之后,山东是Minisau而淞在全球的第三个发现点。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地靖边气田马五_(1+2)气藏储集单元研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合地震、地质、测井等信息,考虑沉积、成岩、地貌、生产动态等多因素,在沟槽识别和致密带研究基础上,通过井间干扰、油层压力变化和试井边界响应分析,按照局部、就近原则对靖边气田马五1+2气藏进行了储集单元划分。共划分出111个储集单元,其中独立型69个,复合型42个。这些储集单元的面积多介于10~50km2之间,单个储集单元的井数一般少于6口。在对气藏储层特征综合认识的基础上,确定流动单元划分思路与流程,并认为关键环节包括古沟槽识别、致密带研究、动静结合确定储集单元等3个方面。储集单元一方面受控于被致密岩相包围的有利成岩相带,宏观上与弱—中等充填泥粉晶白云岩相对应性好;另一方面又受各级古沟槽夹持,在两个一级古沟槽之间往往共生多个储集单元,而这些储集单元边界又严格地受二级或三级沟槽切割控制。  相似文献   
During the Late Carboniferous to Early Permian, a rift was formed by post-collisional extension after ocean closure or an island arc-related basin formed by Paleo-Asian Ocean (PAO) subduction in the Xi Ujimqin area. Nevertheless, the closure time of the PAO is still under debate. Thus, to identify the origin of the PAO, the geochemistry and U-Pb age of zircons were analyzed for the extra-large deep marine, polymict clastic boulders and sandstones in the Shoushangou Formation within the basin. The analyses revealed magmatic activity and tectonic evolution. The conglomerates include megaclasts of granite (298.8 ± 9.1?Ma) and granodiorite porphyry (297.1 ± 3.1?Ma), which were deposited by muddy debris flow. Results of this study demonstrated that the boulders of granitoids have the geochemistry of typical I-type granite, characterized by low Zr + Nb + Ce + Y and low Ga/Al values. The granitoid boulders were formed in island arc setting, indicating the presence of arc magmatism in the area that is composed of the Late Carboniferous to Early Permian subduction-related granitoid in southern Xi Ujimqin. Multiple diagrams for determining sedimentary provenance using major and trace elements indicate that Shoushangou sediments originated from continental island arc-related felsic rocks. Detrital zircon U-Pb age cluster of 330–280?Ma was obtained, indicating input from granite, ophiolite, Xilin Gol complex, and Carboniferous sources to the south. The basin was geographically developed behind the arc during the Early Permian period because the outcropped intrusive rocks in the Late Carboniferous to Early Permian form a volcanic arc. The comprehensive analyses of source areas suggest that Shoushangou sediments developed in a backarc basin in response to the northward subduction of the PAO. The backarc basin and intrusive rocks, in addition to previously published Late Carboniferous to Early Permian magmatic rocks of arc unit in Xilin Gol, confirm the presence of an Early Permian trench-arc-basin system in the region, represented by the Baolidao arc and Xi Ujimqin backarc basin. This study highlights the importance and potential of combined geochemical and geochronological studies of conglomerates and sandstone for reconstructing the geodynamic setting of a basin.  相似文献   
任永健  张成信  孟庆伟 《地质学报》2022,96(7):2333-2347
本文通过岩石组合特征和区域对比,将张广才岭南部西蛤拉河子—大锅盔一带分布的浅变质地层重新厘定为杨木岗组。为了确定杨木岗组的形成时代和沉积物源,进行了碎屑锆石U- Pb年代学和微体古生物地层学研究。锆石大多数呈自形—半自形晶,显示典型振荡岩浆生长环带,暗示其岩浆成因。该地层中测得的两组碎屑锆石U- Pb产生多组谐和年龄,其中PM010- TW样品56个测点最小峰值(谐和)年龄为307 Ma,DB02- TW样品51个测点最小峰值(谐和)年龄为275 Ma;覆盖在杨木岗组之上的中生代二浪河组安山岩的定年结果为181. 1±0. 9 Ma,表明杨木岗组形成于早二叠世晚期。杨木岗组中获取疑源类化石组合出现了新元古代晚期—早寒武世和奥陶纪地层常见分子,结合碎屑锆石年龄结果,反映杨木岗组沉积时周围存在早古生代和中—新元古代地质体。碎屑沉积岩Al2O3/TiO2平均值为24. 44,稀土元素球粒陨石标准化曲线具有轻稀土富集、重稀土稳定和负Eu异常特征,结合碎屑锆石的年龄频数可以看出,确定杨木岗组的沉积物主要来源于沉积盆地周围的晚古生代早期中酸性火成岩,次要物源由沉积盆地周边的早古生代地质体和近地表的中—新元古代地质体提供。佳木斯地块为松嫩- 张广才岭地块上晚古生代地层的形成提供了部分物源,暗示佳木斯地块与松嫩- 张广才岭地块于早二叠世之前已完成拼合。  相似文献   
冀西北长城纪宣龙式铁矿层中微体植物化石的发现及其意义   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
杜汝霖  刘志礼 《地质论评》1992,38(2):184-189
本文研究的是笔者等在冀西北长城系串岭沟组宣龙式铁矿层中发现的微体植物化石,这些化石都保存在铁质叠层石(肾状赤铁矿)和铁质核形石(鲕状赤铁矿)的基本层中。微化石以丝状体为主,部分为球状体。归属于原核生物蓝藻门颤藻科的两个属和色球藻科的一个属。化石层同位素年龄约在1800—1757Ma。这些化石与北美冈弗林特组微化石比较,既有些相似,又有些区别。该化石的发现为研究铁矿的成因,指示沉积环境及层位对比都很有意义。  相似文献   
本文记述了发现于辽南复州湾上石炭统太原组的燕海扇类,计5属17种。讨论了Annuliconcha与Paradoxipecten的属征及有关问题。上述发现在东北地区尚属首次。  相似文献   
The NW-trending Bucaramanga fault links, at its southern termination, with the Soapaga and Boyacá faults, which by their NW trend define an ample horsetail structure. As a result of their Neogene reactivation as reverse faults, they bound fault-related anticlines that expose the sedimentary fill of two Early Jurassic rift basins. These sediments exhibit the wedge-like geometry of rift fills related to west-facing normal faults. Their structural setting was controlled further by segmentation of the bounding faults at approximately 10 km intervals, in which each segment is separated by a transverse basement high. Isopach contours and different facies associations suggest these transverse anticlines may have separated depocenters of their adjacent subbasins, which were shaped by a slightly different subsidence history and thereby decoupled. The basin fill of the relatively narrow basin associated with the Soapaga fault is dominated by fanglomeratic successions organized in two coarsening-upward cycles. In the larger basin linked to the Boyacá fault, the sedimentary fill consists of two coarsening-upward sequences that, when fully developed, vary from floodplain to alluvial fan deposits. These Early Jurassic rift fills temporally constrain the evolution of the Bucaramanga fault, which accommodated right-lateral displacement during the early Mesozoic rift event.  相似文献   
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