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随着海洋设施的开发和海底沉积物的调查,了解海底土体的工程力学性质成为必不可少的研究内容。海底沉积物工程力学性质原位测量方法,具有测试快捷,测量精度高,测试结果更加接近真实环境的特点,其应用前景日益广阔。系统介绍了海底沉积物的工程力学性质指标,原位测试的特点,分析了国际上目前主要测量方法的进展情况,包括海底静力触探、海底动力贯入仪、消耗式海底贯入仪、全流动贯入仪、扁铲侧胀等,希望能对我国海底沉积物工程力学性质原位测量技术的发展提供参考。  相似文献   
现代海洋地质学及其发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近几十年来,海洋的重要性愈来愈明显,海洋地质学作为海洋科学中最活跃的一门科学也取得了很大的发展。对海洋地质学的研究内容、意义以及当前发展的现状和趋势作了介绍。  相似文献   
To drive an atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM), land surface boundary conditions like albedo and morphological roughness, which depend on the vegetation type present, have to be prescribed. For the late Quaternary there are some data available, but they are still sparse. Here an artificial neural network approach to assimilate these paleovegetation data is investigated. In contrast to a biome model the relation between climatological parameters and vegetation type is not based on biological knowledge but estimated from the available vegetation data and the AGCM climatology at the corresponding locations. For a test application, a data set for the modern vegetation reduced to the amount of data available for the Holocene climate optimum (about 6000 years B.P.) is used. From this, the neural network is able to reconstruct the complete global vegetation with a kappa value of 0.56. The most pronounced errors occur in Australia and South America in areas corresponding to large data gaps.  相似文献   
In this study, the impact of oceanic processes on the sensitivity of transient climate change is investigated using two sets of coupled experiments with and without tidal forcing, which are termed Exp_Tide and Exp_Control,respectively. After introducing tidal forcing, the transient climate response(TCR) decreases from 2.32 K to 1.90 K,and the surface air temperature warming at high latitudes decreases by 29%. Large ocean heat uptake efficiency and heat storage can explain the low TCR in Exp_Tide. Approximately 21% more heat is stored in the ocean in Exp_Tide(1.10×10~(24) J) than in Exp_Control(0.91×10~(24) J). Most of the large ocean warming occurs in the upper 1 000 m between 60°S and 60°N, primarily in the Atlantic and Southern Oceans. This ocean warming is closely related to the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation(AMOC). The initial transport at mid-and high latitudes and the decline in the AMOC observed in Exp_Tide are both larger than those observed in Exp_Control. The spatial structures of AMOC are also different with and without tidal forcing in present experiments. The AMOC in Exp_Tide has a large northward extension. We also investigated the relationship between AMOC and TCR suggested by previous studies using the present experiments.  相似文献   
为评估绿色石化项目运营前后的环境变化,于2018—2021年连续4年对项目所在地鱼山岛邻近海域的表层沉积物多环芳烃(PAHs)进行了调查。结果表明,PAHs含量为16.9~178.0 μg·kg-1,平均值为75.9±24.0~102.6±41.4 μg·kg-1,4年来整体呈下降趋势,与国内其他海区相比,总体含量较低;各组分平均值为4环PAHs>5环PAHs>3环PAHs>6环PAHs>2环PAHs。调查海域表层沉积物以粉砂为主,PAHs的空间分布受到多种因素的综合影响。调查海域PAHs来源相对稳定,年际差异较小,主要来源于石油、木柴、煤炭等燃烧产物的远距离迁移。依据沉积物质量基准法评价,调查海域沉积物PAHs生态风险水平较低。绿色石化项目在建设期及投产期未引起邻近海域沉积物PAHs的增加,但随着项目持续运营,其对周边生态环境的影响需持续关注。  相似文献   
近海环境地球化学调查研究历史与现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近海环境地球化学的研究是一支新兴的发展中的边缘性分支学科,由于环境问题的日益突出,该学科发展较为迅速。通过回顾我国近海环境地球化学调查的历史和综述当今国外该学科的研究现状,概括了该学科的主要进展,并指出存在的问题和今后的发展方向。  相似文献   
欧洲为了与美国、日本在IODP中处于同等重要的地位,成立了由ODP成员参加的欧洲大洋钻探科学指导委员会(ESCOD)和JEODI组织,并开展了IODP之前的一系列准备活动。在其中的APLACON会议上,论证了IODP中第三类特定钻探平台的必要性,讨论了该类平台在某些研究范围内的重要作用,包括研究地球历史中的极端气候(北极海区)、重建白垩纪-第三纪的水文地理学、气候的快速变化、沉积盆地形成与过程以及固体地球过程等。  相似文献   
史亚平  朱庆林 《海洋通报》2023,42(5):545-561
海洋生态产品价值实现对推进海洋生态文明建设与海洋经济高质量发展具有重要意义.目前,海洋生态产品价值实现存在市场化程度不高、公众参与度低、实现不充分等问题.本文通过构建海洋生态产品价值实现参与主体(企业、政府和社会公众)的演化博弈模型,探究各方主体的策略稳定性规律,探讨三方博弈系统的均衡点及其稳定性,并运用Matlab仿真分析不同参数变化对系统演化的影响,最后依据博弈分析结果为探索\"政府+市场\"的海洋生态产品价值实现路径提供对策建议.结果表明,政府是海洋生态产品价值实现的引导者与推动者,管控成本和社会收益是影响其策略选择的主要因素,加强政府的奖惩力度、增加企业提供海洋生态产品的潜在收益、降低供给成本对企业参与海洋生态产品价值实现具有正向作用,社会公众购买海洋生态产品所获效用的提升与监督成本的减少有利于促进社会公众参与海洋生态产品价值实现.  相似文献   
Stability of Temperature and Conductivity Sensors of Argo Profiling Floats   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
After recalibration of the temperature and conductivity sensors of three Argo profiling floats recovered after operations for four to nine months, the results indicate that the floats basically showed no significant drift, either in temperature or salinity, and adequately fulfilled the accuracy requirement of the Argo project (0.005°C for temperature and 0.01 psu for salinity). Only the third float showed a significant offset in salinity of about −0.02 psu, as expected from comparison between the float data and the shipboard conductivity-temperature-depth data. This offset was caused by the operational error of the PROVOR-type float, in which the surface water was pumped immediately after the launch, fouling the conductivity sensor cell. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
本文旨在介绍和评估国家重点研发计划“蓝色粮仓科技创新”重点专项在渔业领域科技创新方面的实施情况,并展望我国渔业发展的未来趋势。通过对重点专项的任务布局、项目经费概况、项目分布情况、承担与参与单位(人员)情况进行详细梳理和分析,概括和评述专项实施特点和项目成效。分析显示,该专项具有系统性布局、重点领域突破、产业链协同创新、产业环节差异性布局等特点。在种质创制、健康养殖、资源养护、友好捕捞、流通加工等五大产业需求上取得了系列重要成果,显著提高了我国渔业科技创新水平。基于“蓝色粮仓科技创新”重点专项的实施成效,我国渔业科技创新在“十四五”期间及以后将更加注重拓展水产养殖新空间,发展生态健康养殖模式和智慧渔业,提高养殖设施和装备水平,提升加工综合水平,加快冷链物流建设,高标准建设现代化海洋牧场等领域。这将有助于进一步优化优质蛋白食品产业结构,合理开发和综合利用淡水和海洋资源,推动我国渔业持续健康发展。  相似文献   
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