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Accurate estimates of the ground motions that occurred during damaging earthquakes are a vital part of many aspects of earthquake engineering, such as the study of the size and cause of the uncertainties within earthquake risk assessments. This article compares a number of methods to estimate the ground shaking that occurred on Guadeloupe (French Antilles) during the 21st November 2004 (M w 6.3) Les Saintes earthquake, with the aim of providing more accurate shaking estimates for the investigation of the sources of uncertainties within loss evaluations, based on damage data from this event. The various techniques make differing use of the available ground-motion recordings of this earthquake and by consequence the estimates obtained by the different approaches are associated with differing uncertainties. Ground motions on the French Antilles are affected by strong local site effects, which have been extensively investigated in previous studies. In this article, use is made of these studies in order to improve the shaking estimates. It is shown that the simple methods neglecting the spatial correlation of earthquake shaking lead to uncertainties similar to those predicted by empirical ground-motion models and that these are uniform across the whole of Guadeloupe. In contrast, methods (such as the ShakeMap approach) that take account of the spatial correlation in motions demonstrate that shaking within roughly 10 km of a recording station (covering a significant portion of the investigated area) can be defined with reasonable accuracy but that motions at more distant points are not well constrained.  相似文献   
以有关规范为基础,分别从区域、近区域和场址区三个尺度对吉林红石蓄能电站场址的稳定性作了评价。从地质构造、新构造、火山、地震等方面来分析,区域和近区域均是稳定的,场址区内虽有5条断裂构造发育并有发生轻微崩塌和泥石流等灾害的可能,但不会对场址产生的影响,因而场址区也是稳定的。  相似文献   
地震目录是地震监测预报、地震活动性等研究的重要资料.川滇地震科学实验场地区近几十年来积累了大量的地震记录,为实验场的地震科学研究提供了宝贵的数据.地震台网密度和仪器观测精度是逐步提高的,不同时期地震目录的完整性存在差异,因此进行现代仪器观测记录的地震目录最小完整性震级(MC,Magnitude of Completeness)分析,对正确研究和认识该地区地震活动规律及其影响因素等具有重要意义.本文采用震级—序号方法、最大曲率法(MAXC,Maximum Curvature)和拟合度检测法(GFT,Goodness-of-Fit Test)分析了川滇地震科学实验场地区1970—2018年地震目录的最小完整性震级MC值,得到了实验场地区及其内部各地震区(带)MC值的时间演化特征和空间分布特征.结果表明,实验场地区及其内部各地震区(带)MC值变化趋势大致为1970—1986年ML2.0~2.6,1987—1999年ML2.5~2.6,2000—2008年后ML1.4~2.1,2009—2018年ML1.2~1.9;实验场地区MC值的空间分布大致呈现东北部和西南部较低、西北部和东南部较高的特征,其中云南最南端的澜沧—耿马区和思普区、四川西北部的理塘—木里区以及川藏交界处的金沙江带MC值普遍较高,云南北部和四川南部的松潘—龙门山带、安宁河带、元谋区、楚雄—建水带和大理—丽江—盐源区MC值普遍较低;强震会使MC值出现突然升高、之后逐渐恢复的现象,其中MC值升高程度与震级有一定相关性,并且强震导致的MC值升高是MC值空间和时间分布不均匀的原因之一.  相似文献   
57Fe-Mössbauer spectra of eleven Fe-Mg-bearing staurolite samples, synthesized at 5, 20 and 25 kbar and 680°C, ranging in composition from xFe?=1.00 to xFe?=0.15, and of two Zn-Fe-bearing staurolite samples, synthesized at 20 kbar and 700°C with xFe?=0.10 and xFe?=0.32 were collected at room temperature. The spectra reveal that about 80% of Fetot (in case of Fe-Mg-bearing staurolite) and about 70% of Fetot (in case of Fe-Zn-bearing staurolite) are located as Fe2+ at the three subsites Fe1, Fe2 and Fe3 of the tetrahedral T2-site. The refinement of the spectra results in almost identical values for the isomer shift (IS) (±1.0 mm/s) but significantly different values for the quadropole splitting (QS) for the three subsites which is in accordance with the different distortions of these sites. About 8% of Fetot (in case of Fe-Mg-bearing staurolite) and 13% of Fetot (in case of Fe-Zn-bearing staurolite) are located as Fe2+ at the octahedral M4 site, while the remainder percents of Fetot indistinguishably occur as Fe2+ at the octahedral M1 and M2 sites of the kyanite-like part of the structure. Within the whole Fe-Mg-staurolite solid solution series the Mössbauer parameters QS of the sites M4 and (M1, M2) vary systematically with composition whereas IS remains constant. There is a high negative correlation of the total Mg-content with Fe-occupation of all the Fe-bearing sites indicating a continuous substitution of Fe2+ by Mg on all these sites. Synthetic Fe-staurolites show no increasing occupation of the octahedral sites by two-valent cations with pressure, as was assumed by several authors.  相似文献   
介绍了利用北京师范大学研制的IRA-935型红外水汽测量仪对云南丽江高美古天文候选点及昆明凤凰山对比点上空垂直大气水汽积分含量W0的观测结果,给出了两地W0的日变化曲线及分布图,并对全年测量数据的统计结果作了分析和讨论  相似文献   
世界应力图2000版( WSM2000)介绍及使用说明   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
全球地壳应力状态对于地学及相关领域科学研究意义重大,因此测量全球地壳应力并绘制全球地壳应力图一直受到国际地学界广泛关注.1986年开始实施的世界应力图计划(WSMP:World Stress Map Project,以下简称WSM)经各国专家多年合作和努力工作,现已出版了最新WSM2000版本应力数据库.该数据库在WSMl997版基础上新增收录了4216个观测数据,使其总共包含了全球10920个可靠应力测量数据,并绘制了全球应力图和部分地区的局部应力图,为地质地球物理研究提供了准确详细的应力数据.本文结合WSM官方网站的资料从数据库结构、数据来源、数据质量、数据摘要描述等方面介绍WSM2000数据库,以使国内研究迅速利用此宝贵的数据资源.  相似文献   
Remote sensing technology has been widely recognized for contributing to emergency response efforts after the World Trade Center attack on September 11th, 2001. The need to coordinate activities in the midst of a dense, yet relatively small area, made the combination of imagery and mapped data strategically useful. This paper reviews the role played by aerial photography, satellite imagery, and LIDAR data at Ground Zero. It examines how emergency managers utilized these datasets, and identifies significant problems that were encountered. It goes on to explore additional ways in which imagery could have been used, while presenting recommendations for more effective use in future disasters and Homeland Security applications. To plan adequately for future events, it was important to capture knowledge from individuals who responded to the World Trade Center attack. In recognition, interviews with key emergency management and geographic information system (GIS) personnel provide the basis of this paper. Successful techniques should not be forgotten, or serious problems dismissed. Although widely used after September 11th, it is important to recognize that with better planning, remote sensing and GIS could have played an even greater role. Together with a data acquisition timeline, an expanded discussion of these issues is available in the MCEER/NSF report “Emergency Response in the Wake of the World Trade Center Attack; The Remote Sensing Perspective” (Huyck and Adams, 2002)  相似文献   
Improvement of Nakamura technique by singular spectrum analysis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
In this work we investigate the application of the Singular Spectrum Analysis to improve Nakamura Technique. The SSA has a wide and multidisciplinary range of applications; it allows a time series to be decomposed into different components, e.g. the signal itself, as well as various noise components, which can be subsequently removed from the data. Removal of the minor component of the data can lead to significant improvements in the identification of the system. In this paper the use of SSA Technique allows to optimize the signal to noise ratio before computing the classical Nakamura spectral ratios. A number of typical applications are also presented.  相似文献   
Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, is located at the confluence of White and Blue Niles. The city is heavily populated. Central Khartoum with its high-rise buildings is the center of governmental and business activities and is located on a strip adjacent to the Blue Nile. Geological and geotechnical data indicate that the subsoil conditions at Central Khartoum are characterized by alluvial deposits underlain by Nubian Sandstone at a depth of 25 m. The alluvial deposits, locally known as Gezira formations, consist of clays grading into silt and sand with depth. Macro seismic zonation of Sudan and its vicinities, developed by the authors, gave the ground acceleration at the bedrock surface. The effect of alluvial deposits in Central Khartoum on propagation of seismic motion parameters to the ground surface is investigated in this study. Correlations are proposed for pertinent cyclic soil properties such as shear modulus, damping, and shear wave velocity. The Equivalent-Linear Earthquake Response Analyses (EERA) Model was used to study the effect of local soil conditions on ground-motion parameters. In the absence of strong-motion records in Khartoum, available worldwide strong-motion records are used. Plots showing the time histories of ground motion parameters at the ground surface are obtained. The results indicate amplification of ground motion of up to 4.93. The predicted fundamental period of soils is about 0.5 s which is typical for these types of soils. The maximum spectral acceleration varied from 0.76 to 0.95 g. For design purposes, a response spectrum curve is proposed.  相似文献   
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