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以南华北盆地户部寨第三系沙河阶组粉砂岩低渗透储层为例,总结了其中发育的5种类型构造裂缝组合,即:①南北向雁形张节理组成的共轭剪节理带;②东西向雁形张节理组成的共轭剪节理带;③缠结状多组剪切构造裂缝;④组合状交切的多组剪切构造裂缝及张裂缝;⑤散状无序排列的构造裂缝。在此基础上,建立光弹性试验构造物理模型,沿现应力场96°方向,均匀地对该模型逐步增加外载力。结果表明,沿各组合裂缝尖端分别形成对称于裂缝走向、且主轴垂直于裂缝的Ⅰ型等色线条纹;对称于裂缝走向、且主轴平行于裂缝走向的Ⅱ型条纹和斜交于裂缝走向的复合型(Ⅲ型)条纹。第①类组合裂缝尖端以Ⅰ型等色线条纹的拉张应力和张剪应力为主;第②类组合裂缝尖端以复合型(Ⅲ型)等色线条纹的挤压应力为主;第③、④和⑤类组合裂缝尖端的应力分布较为复杂。当模型外载荷接近1000kg时,裂缝尖端起裂,并开始发育显微裂缝,而当外载荷达1100-1200 kg时,沿裂缝尖端部位形成宏观裂缝,并开始扩展。5种类型的裂缝组合扩展发育程度由强至弱依次为:①,③,⑤,②,④。其中第①类共轭裂缝组合起裂最早,扩展最快,裂缝间的连通趋势最好,说明规则分布的构造裂缝组合,在垂直于外施加载衙时更易达到连通的目的。  相似文献   
笔者在《岔路口》等四幅1:25万区域地质调查工作中,在红山湖一带从前人所划的石炭系地层中解体出一套二叠系地层,并对其进行了详细的岩石地层、生物地层和层序地层研究,拟新命名为红山湖组,时代为中二叠世。该地层为甜水海微陆块上稳定型的碳酸盐岩建造,与陆块南北两侧二叠系特征截然不同。该套地层的发现填补了微陆块上二叠系地层的空白,对古特提斯多岛洋研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   
论卡以头组的时代   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所的有关人员 (1980 )曾做过大量地层古生物工作 ,证实卡以头砂页岩层或卡以头组的时代为三叠纪最早期 ,是飞仙关组底部地层的相变。“论卡以头组”一文认为该组下部的时代为二叠纪 ,上部则属三叠纪。对该文提供的地层古生物资料进行分析后 ,本文作者认为该论点缺乏证据 ,不能成立 ;将陆相的威宁哲觉剖面代替标准地点宣威羊场的过渡相剖面作为卡以头组的标准剖面 ,也是不合适的  相似文献   
Remobilization of sandstones can dramatically reconfigure original depositional geometries and results in very unusually shaped sandstones, which resemble little, if any, of the original geometry. A number of deformational sandstone bodies, dykes and volcanoes from the upper part of the Carboniferous Ross Formation are described, which offer the opportunity to examine a suite of field-scale reconfigured sandstones. These structures are located in close proximity to the Ross Slide, which outcrops along a 2-km section on the northern coast of the Loop Head Peninsula, County Clare, Ireland. Dome- and ridge-shaped deformational sandstone bodies, dykes and volcanoes are interpreted to be the product of remobilization of a turbiditic sandstone. Liquification and remobilization were triggered by translation, cessation and loading of the underlying turbiditic sandstone by the Ross Slide. Deformational sand body, dyke and volcano development occurred in an asynchronous fashion with deformational sand bodies formed during slump translation. Sand dykes and volcanoes developed after the cessation of slump movement. During slump translation, the minimum principal stress (σ3) was orientated vertically and the slump behaved in a `ductile' manner. After slump arrest, the minimum principal stress was oriented horizontally, and the unit regained shear strength to behave in a `brittle' manner. The relative change in rheological states with changing applied shear stress is indicative of thixotropic-like behaviour within the slump mass. Ridge-shaped deformational sand bodies are aligned parallel to slump folds, and their morphology is inferred to be controlled by compressional slump deformation associated with heterogeneous cessation of slump movement that was initiated by frontal arrest of the translating mass.  相似文献   
天山北麓灌溉绿洲的形成和发展   总被引:18,自引:11,他引:18  
17世纪以前,天山北麓是以牧为主地区,由“兵屯”建立的古代绿洲仅在交通要道呈星、点分布,且屡兴屡废。18-20世纪中叶,由清朝到民国,大力发展屯田,使社会发展进入半农半牧时期,这里形成的旧绿洲,呈断续岛状小片。1949年以后,由大规模农垦建立的新绿洲群,把分散小片旧绿洲联结在一起,形成与天山相平行绿洲带。本区绿洲形成特点是由屯垦和内地移民发展起来,起步虽晚,但发展很快;而且古绿洲、旧绿洲和新绿洲之间有延续性,不象塔里大盆地的很多古代绿洲已沦为沙漠、戈壁或风蚀地。  相似文献   
In the Haushi-Huqf (Eastern Central Oman) as in other parts of the Arabian platform, a major sedimentary break is recorded between the Early Aptian carbonates (Shu'aiba Formation) and the Albian orbitolinid-rich marls (Nahr Umr Formation). The unconformity corresponds to a succession of events: (1) a brusque interruption of the regressive sequence of the Shu'aiba limestone (algae and small rudistid build-ups); (2) a stratigraphic gap related to the Late Aptian; (3) the development of a thick ferruginous crust (hardground) that covered the top surface of the Shu'aiba; the hardground is related to a forced flooding surface; (4) the Shu'aiba was rapidly drowned and buried under the Nahr Umr marls. Moreover, the Shu'aiba limestone was subject to faulting NW–SE-trending normal faults before lithification and formation of the ferruginous crust. The faulting episode is clearly dated: post-Early Aptian and pre-Albian. The signification of the faulting remains hypothetical. The syndiagenetic NW–SE normal faults may correspond to ‘en echelon’ faults, combined with transcurrent fault movements (for example the Haushi-Nafun Fault). The possible causes of these intra-platform transcurrent movements are discussed. To cite this article: C. Montenat, P. Barrier, C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 781–787.  相似文献   
南天山西段古生代火山岩Ar-Ar年龄新资料   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据新近采自中国南天山西段志留-泥盆系乌帕塔尔坎群中的安山岩样品和石炭-二叠纪康克林组上部英安岩角砾样品的全岩Ar-Ar定年测试,乌帕塔尔坎群安山岩的坪年龄为427.70±0.60 Ma,等时年龄为426.96±4.57 Ma; 康克林组上部的英安岩角砾的坪年龄为288.16±0.40 Ma,等时年龄为289.18±2.02 Ma.测试结果为研究中国南天山(西段)古生代造山带的构造体系提供了新的依据.  相似文献   
扬子板块中部南山坪背斜的形成与演化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
南山坪背斜位于扬子板块中部,核部上震旦统含有大量沥青,是一个被破坏的古油藏。笔者通过建造分析认为震旦纪至中三叠世属于古隆起发育阶段,进一步划分出震旦纪古隆起雏形期、早古生代古隆起保持期和晚古生代—中三叠世古隆起发展期。晚三叠世至新生代属于断裂褶皱发育阶段,进一步划分出晚三叠世—中侏罗世宽缓背斜发育期、燕山运动Ⅱ幕断展背斜发育期、燕山晚期和喜玛拉雅期背斜改造期。南山坪古油藏以上震旦统灯影组白云岩为储层,以上覆下寒武统牛蹄塘组黑色碳质泥岩和石煤为烃源岩,志留纪至中三叠世古隆起聚集油气,晚三叠世至中侏罗世是油气再分配和南山坪古油藏形成时期,之后是古油藏被破坏时期。  相似文献   
在恢复古构造的基础之上,对比了松辽盆地南部十屋断陷营城组沉积时期的古构造格局与现令构造格局的异同。古构造对扇三角洲沉积体系的控制作用主要表现在:(1)主要基底断裂控制了扇三角洲的展布方向;(2)倾向与物源方向相反的断层和古地貌阻滞了扇三角洲的展布;(3)沉降中心控制了扇三角洲前缘的纵向叠置和发育。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地奥陶系马家沟组溶斑形成机理   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
鄂尔多斯盆地中部气田奥陶系马家沟组属蒸发边缘海相地层,其风化壳是中部气田的主要产气层段。该层中广泛发育毫米级、厘米级的溶斑,这些溶斑的产状、大小、成分以及溶孔内的充填物十分复杂,有的具多期充填,充填物为石膏、石英、方解石、白云石、高岭石、黄铁矿等多种矿物。溶斑中下半部残留的岩石经溶蚀后的白云石晶粒形成的渗流砂示底构造十分明显。研究表明,溶斑的形成不仅具有适宜的岩相古地理环境和其复杂的生成演化史,而且与原始沉积以及不同地史阶段的岩溶作用相关。  相似文献   
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