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2017年8月大气环流和天气分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
谢超  马学款 《气象》2017,43(11):1446-1452
2017年8月北半球500 hPa极涡呈单极型分布,强度强于常年同期;亚欧洲大陆中高纬为多波动;西北太平洋副热带高压位置偏西,强度接近常年略偏强。8月全国平均降水量126.6 mm,较常年同期(105.3 mm)偏多20%;全国平均气温为21.4℃,较常年同期(20.8℃)偏高0.6℃。月内共出现了8次主要的区域性强降水过程,多站日降水量超历史同期极值。8月共有5个台风在西北太平洋和南海海域活动,其中1713号台风天鸽、1714号台风帕卡4天内先后登陆珠三角。月内,我国南方地区出现大范围持续高温天气,江淮、江汉等地出现阶段性伏旱。  相似文献   
Alfios is the biggest river of the Peloponnese and the ninth longest river in Greece. It drains an area of almost 2575 km2 in Western Peloponnese and discharges at Kiparissiakos Gulf. Due to its extent, the Alfios basin presents complex physiography and geomorphology.

During the last 50 years, major direct human activities have had an important impact on the river network shape and on the valley floor morphology. The most important human activities were the channel straightening caused by meander cut-offs in 1950, the construction of two dams: the Ladonas dam in 1955 and the Flokas dam in 1968 and the illegal in-stream gravel extraction that started in the 1960s and continues until today. As a result, the Alfios riverbed has presented very rapid vertical and horizontal (lateral) erosion and significant changes to its network shape. The drainage network follows a straighter course, the number of meanders has been reduced and the seventh order branch is deeply incised. Besides the morphological impacts to the river network shape there are also serious economic damages caused by human activity. During the winter of 1999, the Flokas dam bridge was closed for a long period due to damages at its foundation caused by the heavy rain and illegal gravel extraction. Transportation between the villages in the area became extremely difficult and time consuming and the cost of the repairs was estimated at 500 000 euros. In this study, there is an effort to map the network shape transformation for the period 1977–2000 using multitemporal and multisensor satellite images. One Landsat MSS image, three Landsat TM images, two Landsat ETM images, and one Terra ASTER image have been orthorectified and processed in order to cover the specific period. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method and Geographical Information System (GIS) techniques have been applied to map the changes in the Alfios River channel. The drainage network straightening and the cut-off of five big meanders were detected and mapped. These changes occurred between 1986 and 2000.  相似文献   
王思恩  高林志  庞其清  宋彪  李亚 《地质学报》2015,89(8):1331-1351
冀北—辽西地区陆相侏罗系—白垩系发育,各类生物化石丰富,并夹有火山岩,是利用岩石地层、生物地层、同位素测年和磁性年代地层综合研究侏罗系\\白垩系界线的理想地区。冀北滦平盆地侏罗系\\白垩系界线附近的地层为大北沟组和大店子组,辽西义县—北票地区侏罗系\\白垩系界线附近的地层为土城子组和义县组。大店子组含有孢粉Cicatricosisporites Luanpingspora Jugella 组合;介形类Yanshanina Cypridea Rhinocypris组合,Cypridea Yanshanina Timiriasevia组合,Cypridea sulcata亚组合和叶肢介Eosestheria Abrestheria组合等各类化石,这些生物组合与国内、外的对比,尤其是孢粉和介形类与英、法、德、俄和加拿大等地相关地层同类化石组合的对比,其时代为早白垩世早期(Berriasian)。辽宁西部义县组下部的孢粉、介形类和叶肢介与国内、外的对比,也得出与大店子组的时代大致相同的结论。大北沟组含孢粉Poceites Podocarpidites Schizaeoisporites组合,介形类Luanpingella Torinina Eoparacypris组合以及叶肢介Nestoria Keratestheria组合等,这些生物组合与国内、外同类生物组合的对比,得出的时代结论是晚侏罗世晚期(Tithonian)。土城子组含有孢粉、介形类及叶肢介等6大门类化石,根据已有的研究成果,得出的时代结论是晚侏罗世。因此,侏罗系\\白垩系的界线划在大北沟组与大店子组之间。生物地层的国际对比表明:此界线与国际侏罗系\\白垩系界线,即Tithonian\\Berriasian界线是一致的。根据冀北—辽西地区一系列同位素测年数据推断,侏罗系\\白垩系界线年龄应接近1307Ma 。  相似文献   
基于T106数值预报产品资料,提出了支持向量机和卡尔曼滤波相结合的方法来进行夏季西太平洋副热带高压数值预报的误差修正与预报优化.首先采用支持向量机方法建立了西太平洋副热带高压面积指数的误差修正模型.基于支持向量机预报优化模型尽管有比较好的拟合精度和预报效果,但与实际副热带高压指数尚有一定的差异.究其原因,除预报对象(副热带高压)本身比较复杂、模型优化因子不够充分以及数值预报误差自身的随机性以外,优化模型的输入、输出基本上是一个静态映射结构,因此前一时刻的预测误差难以得到有效的反馈、调整和修正.为考虑前一时刻预报误差的反馈信息,动态跟踪副高的变化趋势,随后引入卡尔曼滤波方法建立支持向量机-卡尔曼滤波模型,对支持向量机模型的输出结果作进一步的调整和优化.试验结果表明,该方法模型的预报优化效果优于T106数值预报产品以及单纯的神经网络修正模型和卡尔曼滤波修正模型的优化效果,能够较为客观、有效地修正西太平洋副热带高压指数的数值预报误差,改进和优化西太平洋副热带高压的数值预报效果.该方法为副热带高压等复杂天气系统和要素场预报提供了一种新的思路,表现出较好的应用前景.  相似文献   
Radiocarbon dating of thin palaeopodsols buried beneath turf-banked gelifluction lobes at four localities in the low alpine mountain zone in the Jostedalsbreen region, western Norway, show that gelifluction processes were initiated subsequent to the late Subboreal Chronozone. Although large age-depth gradients have been demonstrated from buried palaeosols in southern Norway, evidence is presented that the palaeosols in this study show only moderate age-depth gradients. The age estimates from these buried palaeosols give maximum dates of burial, but the error is not thought to be large. Gelifluction processes were probably initiated close to the time of the climatic deterioration, which led to the formation of the present glaciers during the Subatlantic Chronozone. The processes may have been most active during the peak of the Little Ice Age, during which a periglacial climate was established to low levels in this mountainous region.  相似文献   
Nolaniceras nolani ( Seunes, 1887) has been widely quoted in the Upper Aptian literature over the years. Re-examination of the holotype of the species shows that it has always been misidentified and that this taxon is represented by a single specimen, the holotype, of uncertain age. As a consequence, its use as an index species for the Upper Aptian should be reconsidered and abandoned.  相似文献   
郑豪 《地质论评》2022,68(4):2022072013-2022072013
依据文本对勘的方法,从图片和文字两个方面对《北京西山地质志》中、英文本进行比较研究。图片方面,英文本作了大量的增补和解说,内容更为详实准确。文字方面,中、英文本目录存在明显差异。英文本序言和注释有其独到的价值和意义。中文本正文的细节增补,应是吸收了当时的最新研究成果。中、英文本比较研究为认识《北京西山地质志》的价值与地位提供了准确可靠的学术依据。  相似文献   
The Dajia Salento-type bauxite deposit in western Guangxi is hosted within the Quaternary ferrallitic soil profile, and it formed via breaking up, weathering and oxidizing of Permian bauxite orebodies occurring as a semi-continuous layer in the upper Permian. Mineralogical analyses reveal that diaspore, hematite and kaolinite are the major minerals in bauxite ores with small amounts of anatase, chamosite, gibbsite, goethite, illite, zircon, quartz and pyrite. The ore texture and mineral assemblage reveal that the depositional/diagenetic environment of the Dajia bauxite was much close to phreatic environment. Both the ore texture and the morphology of zircon grains also indicate that most of the bauxitic soils were transported a short distance. Diaspore is suggested to be non-metamorphic in origin and mainly formed in a reducing condition of diagenetic environment, while kaolinite is the product of the in situ epigenetic replacement of alumina in diaspore by dissolved silica. Geochemical analyses indicate that Al2O3, Fe2O3, SiO2 and TiO2 are the main components of the bauxite ores and trace elements such as Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, Th and U were enriched during the bauxitization process. Simultaneously, Zr vs. Hf and Nb vs. Ta show a high correlation. Geochemical indices such as Zr/Hf, Nb/Ta and Eu/Eu* (among others) denote that the magmatic rocks related to the Emeishan plume in western Guangxi and the carbonates in the underlying Maokou Formation provided the main sources of material for the bauxite ores.  相似文献   
西澳州Catlle Creek地区位于金伯利地块西缘霍尔斯克里克(Halls Creek)活动带上,附近发育有深大断裂。研究区内发现多处基性-超基性小岩体及岩脉且存在两处矿化点(带),存在两处1∶5万土壤地球化学甲类综合异常区,二者均主要由Cu、Ni、Au、Mo、Co等元素组成,多个浓集中心,异常套合较好,Cu、Ni的极大值均超过或接近边界品位,甚至工业品位,二者与矿化等信息套合良好。岩体中岩石样品主量元素特征显示其具有辉长岩-苏长岩的成矿专属性特征;在AFM图解上,岩石样品显示原始岩浆为高MgO拉斑玄武岩系列。微量元素原始地幔标准化蛛网图表明岩体岩浆演化过程中发生过明显的陆壳物质同化混染作用。稀土元素配分图反映出成岩过程中有相似的分异演化过程,并表明岩浆在演化过程中存在明显橄榄石分离结晶作用。研究区与萨凡纳矿床具有很高的可对比性,同时符合古大陆内小岩体成矿系统理论。表明研究区具较高的成矿潜力。  相似文献   
An alluvial bajada has been recognized along a part of the active Narmada-Son Fault(NSF) and confined by the Karjan River on the eastern side and by the Madhumati River on western side.The bajada sequence exposed along the incised cliffs of various north flowing parallel streams has been studied in their proximal,medial and distal part. The sediments are characterized on the basis of grain size,fabric,sedimentary structures,bed geometry and sorting, and lithologs prepared from the mapped cliff sections.Detailed study of sedimentary characteristics,lithofacies analysis and facies associations indicate that sediments are mainly of three types-sediments that were deposited by debris flows and sediment gravity flows,and as extensive bar deposits.Three major aggredational sequences are recognized.Each sequence is composed of coarsening-upward sequence of proximal facies overlain by fining-upward sequence of distal facies.Coarsening upward sequence record periods of tectonic activity related to uplift along the NSF and fan progradation,whereas fining-upward sequence results from tectonic quiescence periods.The presence of rhizocretions,calcium carbonate nodules and calcite sheets within the basal debris flow and sediment gravity flow indicate semi-arid climate,whereas the formation of pedoginized paleosol indicate relatively wetter climate prevailing in the study area.Tectonic activity along the NSF has played dominant role by controlling the geometry and volume of bajada sediments.Climate is found to be responsible for compositional and temporal distribution of bajada sediments.OSL dating suggests that the bajada sediments were deposited during the later part of late Pleistocene.The incision of the sediments is attributed to uplift due to inversion of the lower Narmada basin during the early Holocene.  相似文献   
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