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采用X射线衍射、薄片-扫描电镜观察以及特殊岩芯实验分析等技术手段,对阿联酋西部页岩气层系Diyab 组的91 个钻井取芯样品进行了定性以及定量研究。结果表明:研究区Diyab 组矿物组成以方解石为主,含量介于30%~98.3%之间,平均含量86.5%,其次为黏土矿物(6.6%),另含有白云石(2.2%)、铁白云石(1.1%)、石英(2.2%)、黄铁矿(1.3%)等次要矿物;地层中整体碳酸岩盐矿物含量高,脆性强(平均93.2%);该套地层发育有机质孔、粒间孔、粒内孔、溶蚀孔及裂缝等多种储集结构类型,其中有机孔、矿物颗粒之间的粒间孔构成了孔隙结构的主体;储层物性测试及压汞实验揭示地层有效孔隙度在0.3%~8.4%之间,平均2%,渗透率为1.4×10-4 ~ 1.7×10-4 mD,孔喉中值半径0.012 ~ 0.015 μm,属于纳米孔级别,地层中值排替压力为21580 ~ 22338 psi,岩石整体致密坚硬。本次研究为后续深化该套地层的潜力评价和开展同类地层研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   
西大别红安岩群含磷岩系赋存有我国最大的磷灰石变质矿床,其时代约束可以为红安岩群层序划分、黄麦岭岩组与扬子陆块陡山沱组对比提供重要依据。通过岩石学及LA-ICP-MS 锆石U-Pb 同位素测年,在黄麦岭岩组中的浅粒岩和磷矿石中获得~640 Ma、~730 Ma、~760 Ma、~810 Ma、~2017 Ma五组较集中的碎屑锆石U-Pb 年龄和零星的~2476 Ma和~2700 Ma年龄。碎屑锆石最小年龄616±13 Ma约束了黄麦岭岩组的最大沉积年龄,表明黄麦岭岩组为红安岩群最晚期沉积,推测黄麦岭岩组沉积时代与陡山沱组相当或晚于后者。样品碎屑锆石磨圆度差,且年龄谱系与西大别地区的岩浆活动一致,推测西大别地区为黄麦岭岩组的物源区。  相似文献   
南黄海盆地在大地构造位置上位于下扬子准地台的东部,是我国东部重要的中新生代陆相含油气盆地。关于南黄海盆地的成因机制,现在还存在较大的争论,故对南黄海盆地的成因机制进行了讨论和总结。南黄海盆地处在特提斯构造域、亚洲构造域和滨太平洋构造域的中心位置,其形成过程中受到多种因素的影响,不同时期起到主要作用的因素不同。  相似文献   
中巴经济走廊喀喇昆仑山腹地洪扎河谷段构造运动活跃、地形陡峭、垂直气候分带明显、降雪丰沛、冰川侧蚀作用显著,发育了广泛的蠕滑滑坡。本文利用具有高精度、大范围、无接触优势的InSAR技术对该地区地表变形进行观测,结合光学遥感解译、现场验证以及地质条件综合分析,识别了研究区内蠕滑滑坡,进而分析了2007a~2011年变形特征及分布规律,获得了如下主要认识:(1)PS-InSAR融合多期D-InSAR方法可以观测每年毫米级至分米级的地表变形,不仅克服了中长时间跨度内的失相干,而且较好的解决了大变幅运动速率的观测问题,证明了InSAR技术在喀喇昆仑地区对蠕滑滑坡灾害识别的可行性与准确性;(2)研究区蠕滑滑坡后缘裂缝一般较明显,2008年末至2009年初各滑坡滑动速率明显快于其他时间,可能受到2008年巴基斯坦北部强降雨影响而加速运动;(3)研究区蠕滑滑坡平均速率在10~30mmyr-1之间,2010年阻断喀喇昆仑公路的Attabad滑坡发生前出现27.8~83.8cmyr-1的异常快速变形,这为进一步开展该区域滑坡监测预警工作提供了参数依据。  相似文献   
Introduction According to the definition of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), natural hazards are naturally-occurring physical phenomena caused either by rapid or slow onset events having atmospheric, geologic and hydrologic origins on solar, global, regional, national and local scales. They include earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, tsunamis, floods and drought. Natural hazards must not automatically cause disasters (UNESCO 2005). …  相似文献   
Androecium of the earliest known flowering plant Archaefructus liaoningensis was found from the Upper Jurassic Jianshangou Formation of western Liaoning, China. The androecium consists of numerous stamens bearing in pair on the reproductive axes below conduplicate carpels. The stamens are composed of a short filament and basifixed anther for each. Monosulcate pollen in situ are found from the anthers. The characters of the androecium reveals that Archaefructus are probably protandrous, and the paired stamens and monosulcate pollen appear to indicate that Archaefructus, as primitive angiosperms,might be derived from extinct seed -ferns during the Older Mesozoic. Archaefructus is considered Late Jurassic in age.  相似文献   
Xiamen Western Bay‘s water and sedimem quality were studied by detemaining thelevels of sixteen polycyclic amrrmtic hydrocarbons PAHs in water, porewater and sediment samples from nine locations in the bay. Total PAH concentrations varied from 106 to 945 ng/1 in water, below detectionto 3548 ng/1 in porewater, and 247 to 480 ng/g dry weight in surface sediments. PAHs levels in porewaterwere higher than those in surface water, due to the preference of these hydrophobic compounds for sedimentary phase instead of water. Such a concentration gradient implies a potential flux of pollutants fromsediments to overlying water. The PAils levels in sediments were one to several orders of magnitude lowerthan those in 1993, suggesting their decreased input in recent years and possible degradation with time.  相似文献   
Garnet–chloritoid-bearing micaschists from the Gran Paradiso massif (Western Alps) contain evidence of a polymetamorphic evolution. Detailed textural observations reveal that two stages of garnet growth are present in the micaschists, interpreted as: (i) relics of an early metamorphism of pre-Alpine age and (ii) newly grown Alpine garnet, respectively. Both generations of garnet preserve growth zoning. From thermocalc -based numerical modelling of mineral assemblages in pressure–temperature ( P – T ) pseudosections, we infer that garnet 1 grew at increasing temperature and slightly increasing pressure, whereas garnet 2 grew at decreasing pressure and slightly increasing temperature. Estimated P – T conditions are ∼620 °C, 6 kbar for the peak of the pre-Alpine event, and of 490 °C, 18–20 kbar for the pressure peak of the Alpine event. Modelling of the modal proportion and chemical composition of garnet (i) shows that the subsequent decompression (to 14–15 kbar at 550 °C) must have been accompanied by moderate heating and (ii) does not support a stage of final temperature increase following decompressional cooling. This argues against a late thermal pulse associated with mantle delamination. Preservation of growth zoning in both generations of garnet and the limited amount of diffusive re-equilibration at the boundary between the two garnets suggests that the rocks were subjected to fast burial and exhumation rates, consistent with data obtained from other internal Alpine units.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONPolycyclicAromaticHydrocarbons(PAHs)widelyexistintheenvironment(atmosphere,watercolumn,soil,river,lacustrineandmarinesediments)andarepresentattracemixturesandwidelyspreadfromseveral×10-9gradesinremoteareastoseveral×10-6levelsinurbanandindustriala…  相似文献   
Two samples from the Eclogite Micaschist Complex (EMC) and the Seconda Zona Diorito–Kinzigitica (IIDK) of the Sesia Zone have been studied using a high-spatial resolution laser probe 40Ar/39Ar technique with the aim of investigating the complexities of argon behaviour in metamorphic rocks and comparing their thermal histories. Data from a single large phengite grain from the EMC show a range of ages from mid-Jurassic to Upper Cretaceous. These ‘apparent age’ variations are spatially related to both location within the grain and to intragrain microstructure. Modelling of the data shows that the profile formed by the diffusion of an excess argon component into the grain, parallel to the mica cleavage. Profile asymmetry is explained by temporal variations in microstructural development enabling excess argon to enter the grain at different times in different places. The temperatures of the initiation of deformation and the possible time-scales for the deformation can be calculated as a function of cooling rate. All estimates suggest deformation at greenschist facies, in accord with the observed retrograde mineral assemblage. Absolute temperature estimates for deformation vary by less than 22 °C for different cooling rates of 10 and 30 °C Ma?1 but vary by 80 °C with different estimates of diffusion parameters. The duration of deformation was for at least 2 Ma at 10 °C Ma?1 or 0.7 Ma at 30 °C Ma?1. Biotites from the IIDK sample record a Permian to Upper Cretaceous age range that correlates with grain size, the smallest grain sizes yielding the youngest ages. This relationship is best explained by a partial resetting of biotites during an Alpine thermal event initiated not more than 70 Ma ago. Modelling of these data suggest that the sample never exceeded 300 °C during the Alpine. The profoundly different thermal histories of the two units—the EMC recrystallized at 550 °C whilst the IIDK remained below 300 °C—suggests that they may not have been juxtaposed until much later than the eclogite facies metamorphism.  相似文献   
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