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Dextral transtensional deformation is occurring along the Sierra Nevada–Great Basin boundary zone (SNGBBZ) at the eastern edge of the Sierra Nevada microplate. In the Lake Tahoe region of the SNGBBZ, transtension is partitioned spatially and temporally into domains of north–south striking normal faults and transitional domains with conjugate strike-slip faults. The normal fault domains, which have had large Holocene earthquakes but account only for background seismicity in the historic period, primarily accommodate east–west extension, while the transitional domains, which have had moderate Holocene and historic earthquakes and are currently seismically active, primarily record north–south shortening. Through partitioned slip, the upper crust in this region undergoes overall constrictional strain.Major fault zones within the Lake Tahoe basin include two normal fault zones: the northwest-trending Tahoe–Sierra frontal fault zone (TSFFZ) and the north-trending West Tahoe–Dollar Point fault zone. Most faults in these zones show eastside down displacements. Both of these fault zones show evidence of Holocene earthquakes but are relatively quiet seismically through the historic record. The northeast-trending North Tahoe–Incline Village fault zone is a major normal to sinistral-oblique fault zone. This fault zone shows evidence for large Holocene earthquakes and based on the historic record is seismically active at the microearthquake level. The zone forms the boundary between the Lake Tahoe normal fault domain to the south and the Truckee transition zone to the north.Several lines of evidence, including both geology and historic seismicity, indicate that the seismically active Truckee and Gardnerville transition zones, north and southeast of Lake Tahoe basin, respectively, are undergoing north–south shortening. In addition, the central Carson Range, a major north-trending range block between two large normal fault zones, shows internal fault patterns that suggest the range is undergoing north–south shortening in addition to east–west extension.A model capable of explaining the spatial and temporal partitioning of slip suggests that seismic behavior in the region alternates between two modes, one mode characterized by an east–west minimum principal stress and a north–south maximum principal stress as at present. In this mode, seismicity and small-scale faulting reflecting north–south shortening concentrate in mechanically weak transition zones with primarily strike-slip faulting in relatively small-magnitude events, and domains with major normal faults are relatively quiet. A second mode occurs after sufficient north–south shortening reduces the north–south Shmax in magnitude until it is less than Sv, at which point Sv becomes the maximum principal stress. This second mode is then characterized by large earthquakes on major normal faults in the large normal fault domains, which dominate the overall moment release in the region, producing significant east–west extension.  相似文献   
During the Late Palaeozoic and the Mesozoic, the development and evolution of the North West Shelf of Australia have been mostly driven by rifting phases associated with the break-up of Gondwana. These extensional episodes, which culminated in the opening of the Neotethys Ocean during the Permo-Carboniferous and a series of abyssal plains during the Jurassic-Cretaceous, are characterised by different stress regimes and modes of extension, and therefore had distinctive effects on the margin, and particularly on the Northern Carnarvon Basin.Interpretation of 3D and 2D seismic data enables a structural and stratigraphic analysis of the Late Palaeozoic sediments deposited in the proximal part of the Dampier Sub-basin (Mermaid Nose). Based on their seismic characters, stratigraphic relationship, internal patterns, lateral continuity, and architecture, these units are associated here with the Pennsylvanian?–Early Sakmarian glaciogenic Lyons Group and the Sakmarian–Artinskian Callytharra Formation. The former were deposited in a half-graben whose development is associated with the onset of the Neotethys rifting, and the latter is characterised by restricted deposition, inversion of prograding patterns, and uplift.The integration of seismo-stratigraphic characterisation of the Late Palaeozoic sequences and Mesozoic data from one exploration well (Roebuck-1) enables the construction of subsidence curves for the Mermaid Nose and the interpretation of its geohistory.The tectonic subsidence curves show a striking Permo-Carboniferous rifting phase related to the Neotethys rifting and a discrete Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous event coeval with the opening and the spreading of the Argo Abyssal Plain.This result points out the predominance of the effects of the Permo-Carboniferous Neotethys episode, whereas the extension related to the Argo Abyssal Plain rifting that occurred later and closer to the studied area, had only limited effects on the subsidence of the proximal Dampier Sub-basin. Therefore, it supports a tectonic model with two distinct modes of extension for the Late Palaeozoic (widespread) and the Mesozoic (localised) rifting phases.  相似文献   
Basin formation dynamics of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin (TPB) are here investigated by means of cross-section numerical modelling. Previous works hypothesised that basin subsidence occurred due first to extension (Oligocene) and then to subsequent loading due to back-thrusting (Miocene). However, structural evidence shows that the TPB was mainly under contraction from Oligocene until post Pliocene time while extension played a minor role. Furthermore, thermal indicators strongly call for a cold (flexure-induced) mechanism but are strictly inconsistent with a hot (thermally induced) mechanism. Our new modelling shows that the TPB stratigraphic features can be reproduced by flexure of a visco-elastic plate loaded by back-thrusts active in the Western Alps in Oligo-Miocene times. Far-field compression contributed to the TPB subsidence and controlled the basin infill geometry by enhancing basin tilting, forebulge uplift and erosion of the southern margin of the basin. These results suggest that the TPB subsidence is the result of a combination of mechanisms including thrust loading and far-field compressional stresses.  相似文献   
The DACIA PLAN (Danube and Carpathian Integrated Action on Process in the Lithosphere and Neotectonics) deep seismic sounding survey was performed in August–September 2001 in south-eastern Romania, at the same time as the regional deep refraction seismic survey VRANCEA 2001. The main goal of the experiment was to obtain new information on the deep structure of the external Carpathians nappes and the architecture of Tertiary/Quaternary basins developed within and adjacent to the seismically-active Vrancea zone, including the Focsani Basin. The seismic reflection line had a WNW–ESE orientation, running from internal East Carpathians units, across the mountainous south-eastern Carpathians, and the foreland Focsani Basin towards the Danube Delta. There were 131 shot points along the profile, with about 1 km spacing, and data were recorded with stand-alone RefTek-125s (also known as “Texans”), supplied by the University Texas at El Paso and the PASSCAL Institute. The entire line was recorded in three deployments, using about 340 receivers in the first deployment and 640 receivers in each of the other two deployments. The resulting deep seismic reflection stacks, processed to 20 s along the entire profile and to 10 s in the eastern Focsani Basin, are presented here. The regional architecture of the latter, interpreted in the context of abundant independent constraint from exploration seismic and subsurface data, is well imaged. Image quality within and beneath the thrust belt is of much poorer quality. Nevertheless, there is good evidence to suggest that a thick (10 km) sedimentary basin having the structure of a graben and of indeterminate age underlies the westernmost part of the Focsani Basin, in the depth range 10–25 km. Most of the crustal depth seismicity observed in the Vrancea zone (as opposed to the more intense upper mantle seismicity) appears to be associated with this sedimentary basin. The sedimentary successions within this basin and other horizons visible further to the west, beneath the Carpathian nappes, suggest that the geometry of the Neogene and recent uplift observed in the Vrancea zone, likely coupled with contemporaneous rapid subsidence in the foreland, is detached from deeper levels of the crust at about 10 km depth. The Moho lies at a depth of about 40 km along the profile, its poor expression in the reflection stack being strengthened by independent estimates from the refraction data. Given the apparent thickness of the (meta)sedimentary supracrustal units, the crystalline crust beneath this area is quite thin (< 20 km) supporting the hypothesis that there may have been delamination of (lower) continental crust in this area involved in the evolution of the seismic Vrancea zone.  相似文献   
李光涛  陈国星  苏刚  杨攀新 《地震》2008,28(3):125-132
滇西地区自第四纪以来经过了复杂的构造抬升, 其上新世准平原面被差异抬升为不同高度的夷平面。 在抬升过程中, 怒江的侵蚀作用形成了深切的高山峡谷地貌, 并形成了能反映构造抬升过程的多级河流阶地。 这种高山峡谷地貌的形成不仅与构造活动有关, 还与气候变化有关, 但构造活动是主因。 通过河流阶地和夷平面的研究能够得到河流阶地特征和差异隆升特征, 并能够进一步反演该区的构造活动特征。  相似文献   
本文对2004年12月26日印尼苏门答腊以西发生MW9.0级地震后所做的地震趋势预测做了反思,指出:关于全球特大地震近年可能连发,特大地震对几年内世界7级以上地震年频度没有明显影响,但未来几年内7级以上强震可能集中在这次特大地震附近或相关构造上的预测意见是正确的;而有关近年中国大陆及川滇地区可能发生7级强震的预测是错误的;并认为,2001年昆仑山口西8.1级地震释放了已积累的应变可能是这次特大地震不能触发中国大陆及川滇地区发生强震的重要原因。  相似文献   
川西前陆盆地天然气成藏过程   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
川西前陆盆地具有丰富的天然气资源,发育上三叠统巨厚的煤系烃源岩,以生气为主,并发育多套储盖组合。天然气成因类型主要是煤成气,目前的气田分布主要受古隆起、沟通下部烃源岩和上部储集层的隐伏断层以及储集条件的控制。川西前陆盆地具有多期成藏、燕山期或喜山期聚集、喜山期调整等特点。来自上三叠统煤系源岩的天然气聚集主要在燕山期,形成原生气藏或下生上储型气藏;后经过喜山期的逆冲作用,对浅层储集层进行改造,产生的断裂沟通深部气藏与浅层圈闭,在对深层(主要在上三叠统)原生气藏进行改造的同时形成浅层(侏罗系)次生气藏。  相似文献   
周喜文  耿元生 《岩石学报》2009,25(8):1843-1852
贺兰山孔兹岩系作为华北克拉通西部孔兹岩带的重要组成部分,其变质时代问题一直悬而未决.利用SHRIMP锆石U-Pb定年技术,对贺兰山孔兹岩系中3个代表性富铝片麻岩(石榴堇青钾长片麻岩、石榴堇青二长片麻岩与石榴黑云斜长片麻岩)样品进行了精确定年.发现这3种岩石虽处不同层位,但其碎屑锆石年龄却非常集中,各测点207Pb/206Pb年龄总体变化在2.0~2.1Ga之间,加权平均年龄则在2017~2040Ma之间.这些碎屑锆石都具有岩浆结构特征,反映当时曾存在大规模花岗质岩浆活动,所成岩体为孔兹岩系沉积提供了充足物源.另有少量大于2.5Ga的碎屑锆石(2520~2949Ma),表明本区存在太古代岩浆活动记录.本区石榴堇青二长片麻岩中发育典型的变质增生锆石,其成因很可能与黑云母的脱水熔融反应有关.利用该锆石确定贺兰山孔兹岩系的变质时代为1950±8Ma.该时代与东部大青山、乌拉山孔兹岩系变质时代相同,表明华北克拉通西部的阴山地块与鄂尔多斯地块大体是以平行的方式正面拼贴到一起的,形成了目前的孔兹岩带.  相似文献   
The Beizhan large iron deposit located in the east part of the Awulale metallogenic belt in the western Tianshan Mountains is hosted in the Unit 2 of the Dahalajunshan Formation as lens, veinlets and stratoid, and both of the hanging wall and footwall are quartz-monzonite; the dip is to the north with thick and high-grade ore bodies downwards. Ore minerals are mainly magnetite with minor sulfides, such as pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite. Skarnization is widespread around the ore bodies, and garnet, diopside, wollastonite, actinolite, epidote, uralite, tourmaline sericite and calcite are ubiquitous as gangues. Radiating outwards from the center of the ore body the deposit can be classified into skarn, calcite, serpentinite and marble zones. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating of the rhyolite and dacite from the Dahalajunshan Formation indicates that they were formed at 301.3±0.8 Ma and 303.7±0.9 Ma, respectively, which might have been related to the continental arc magmatism during the late stage of subduction in the western Tianshan Mountains. Iron formation is genetically related with volcanic eruption during this interval. The Dahalajunshan Formation and the quartz-monzonite intrusion jointly control the distribution of ore bodies. Both ore textures and wall rock alteration indicate that the Beizhan iron deposit is probably skarn type.  相似文献   
河南熊耳山区的铁炉坪银矿定位于高级变质基底中的NE向断裂带中,是熊耳山脉状造山型金、银、铅锌矿床的重要组成部分。成矿作用包括了早、中、晚3个阶段,分别形成石英-黄铁矿,多金属硫化物和碳酸盐脉3类矿物组合。早阶段成 矿温度大约为373℃左右,成矿流体δD=-90‰,δ~(13)C_(co_2)=2.0‰,δ~(18)O=9‰,来源较深;晚阶段流体温度<203℃,δD=70‰,δ~(13)C_(co_2)=-1.3‰,δ~(18)O=-2‰,属于浅源大气降水热液;中阶段流体均一温度210~249℃,δD=-109‰,δ~(13)C_(co_2)=0.1‰,δ~(18)O=2‰,是深源与浅源流体的混合。对比讨论表明,熊耳山区的早前寒武纪变质基底、熊耳群火山岩和燕山期花岗岩类的三者之一或它们的混合物,均无法提供具有早阶段流体D-O-c同位素组成(高δ~(18)O和δ~(13)C,低δD)的成矿流体,表明早阶段流体来自栾川群和管道口群的碳酸盐-页岩-硅质岩建造的变质脱水作用。矿石硫同位素组成较低,铅同位素比值较高,同样不可能来自熊耳山的主要地质体,更不可能来自其下伏的地幔和下地壳,指示成矿物质和流体应主要来自栾川群和管道口群。尽管栾川群和管道口群地层的同位素地球化学研究尚待补充,铁炉坪银矿的同位素地球化学特征似乎只能借助碰撞造山成岩成矿与流体作用模式才能合理解释。即华南与华  相似文献   
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