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Logging Data High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCTIONOutcrop,core ,and logging data sequence stra-tigraphy began in the early 1980s . The developmentis founded on the use of petrogeological informationto verify seismic sequence stratigraphy (Van Wagon-er et al .,1990 ,1988 ; Posamentier and Vail ,1988 ;Vail , 1987) . Research has continued to progress ,and outcrop, core , and logging data have advancedresearch methods in sequence stratigraphy . Thisstudy presents“logging data high-resolution sequencestratigraphy”, whichis ba…  相似文献   
We report new mass spectrometric U-series ages for eight Last Interglacial fossil reefs along the continental margin of Western Australia. Corals were selected in growth position from localities that are characterized by apparently low levels of diagenesis and relative tectonic stability so that the fossil reefs provide critical information on Last Interglacial sea-levels without requiring corrections for tectonic movements. In addition, we have improved the constraint on the timing of onset of reef growth by recovering drill core coral from the base of the reefs. Uranium and thorium isotopes were measured with high levels of precision, leading to improvements in age resolution and allowing samples which have undergone diagenetic exchange of uranium and thorium to be more easily identified and discarded. These data supplement our previous results for Rottnest Island and Leander Point, leading to more than seventy mass spectrometric U-series ages from which constraints can be placed on the timing, duration and character of the Last Interglacial sea-level highstand. Reliable ages show that reef growth started contemporaneously at 128 ± 1 ka along the entire Western Australian coastline, while relative sea-levels were at least 3 m above the present level. Because Western Australia is located far from the former Penultimate Glacial Maximum ice sheets and are not significantly effected by glacial unloading, these data constrain the timing of onset of the Last Interglacial period to 128 ± 1 ka, assuming reef growth started soon after sea-level approached interglacial levels. A unique regressive reef sequence at Mangrove Bay constrains the timing of termination of the Last Interglacial period to 116 ± 1 ka. The major episode of reef building, however, both globally and locally along the Western Australian coast, is restricted to a very narrow interval occurring from 128 ka and 121 ka, suggesting that global ocean surface temperatures were warm and/or sea-levels were stable enough to allow prolific reef growth only during the earlier part of the Last Interglacial.  相似文献   
The Ezine region is located in the northwestern part of Anatolia where young granitic and volcanic rocks are widespread and show close spatial and temporal association. In this region magmatism began with the Kestanbol granite, which intruded into metamorphic basement rocks, and formed contact metamorphic aureole. To the east and southeast the pluton is surrounded by hypabyssal rocks, which in turn, are surrounded by volcanic associations. The volcanic rocks may be divided into two main groups on the basis of their lithological properties. Lavas and lahar deposits dominate the northern sector while ignimbrites dominate the southern sector. The ignimbrite eruptions were formed partly coevally with the plutonic and the associated volcanic rocks during the early Miocene. They appear to have been associated in a caldera collapse environment. Geochemical properties of the plutonic and the associated volcanic assemblages indicate that the magmas are hybrid and co-genetic and, were formed from a similar mantle source, under a compressional regime prior to the opening of the present E–W-trending graben of the Aegean western Anatolian region.  相似文献   
地震科学某种意义上是一门观测科学。没有精确、可靠的地震观测资料,地震预报及相关的地球科学研究就缺乏基础。目前,越来越多的国家,尤其是主要的多地震国家都在大力发展大动态、宽频带、高精度的数字地震观测台网。西太平洋很多国家也正在计划加强或建立新的数字地震台网。本综述根据1998年西太平洋地球物理会议《地震台网》专题会议的上交流的论文,介绍了该地区数字地震台网的建设及其某些应用的概况。  相似文献   
The timing of the onset of full arid conditions in southern Western Australia during the late Cenozoic remains uncertain. The playas and associated sedimentary sequences preserved as part of the Tertiary palaeodrainage networks, which are widely developed in Western Australia, provide the stratigraphic evidence necessary to resolve this issue. Lake Lefroy forms part of a chain of playas that occur in the eastern Yilgarn Craton. These lake chains are the remnants of a once external palaeodrainage system, developed in pre-Eocene times. Eocene non-marine to marginal marine sequences were deposited in the palaeodrainage as channel infills. The low relief area of the palaeodrainage featured a permanent to semi-permanent lacustrine environment during post-Eocene times, and fine-grained red–brown clastic clay up to 10 m in thickness was deposited over an extensive area. A significant hydrological transition, as inferred by the litho-sedimentary change from freshwater clay to evaporitic gypsum-dominated sedimentation, took place in the late Cenozoic. The extensive freshwater system changed to the saline/deflation playas that characterises this landscape today. A detailed palaeomagnetic study was carried out on the lacustrine clay unit and the overlying evaporitic gypsum unit in Lake Lefroy. Results from drill core and pit wall exposures have provided the first time constraints for these sequences. Age estimates, based on extrapolation from the Brunhes/Matuyama geomagnetic boundary, suggest that the gypsum-dominated sedimentation and by inference, full arid conditions in Lake Lefroy, commenced within the Brunhes Normal Polarity Chron, probably within the last 500 Ka. This age is considerably younger than previously thought, but appears to bear some correspondence to similar claims to the age of the onset of aridity in southeast and central Australia. Evidence emerging from the inland dune field to the surrounding oceans suggests a trend of increasing aridity during the Quaternary in Australia. The onset of full aridity may well indicate that the impact of global glacial–interglacial cycles on Australian climate, especially the large scale glacial ‘dryness' resulted from the 100 Ka astronomic variations reached beyond its threshold.  相似文献   
D型菌解无定形体的形成及其生烃模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁安娜  惠荣耀 《地质科学》1997,32(2):221-228
通过对准噶尔盆地部分油藏烃源岩的电子显微镜研究,在大量样品中检出D型菌解无定形体,其母质来源具有二元混合性,形成在弱还原─原环境中,生烃门限Ro值为0.4%,生烃期大约为0.4%-0.7%,是轻质油(或凝析油)和天然气形成的重要组分之一。在低演化阶段,由于细菌参加了对有机质的改造,使ⅡB-Ⅲ类烃源岩中富集氢,生烃能力变好。文章还初步探讨了芳烃化合物含量与菌解无定形体D形成的关系,指出当沉积体系中的硫和硫化氢与铁结合,形成稳定的黄铁矿物后,才有可能在Ⅲ型有机质中形成高含量的D型菌解无定形体。  相似文献   
章雨旭  彭阳 《地质论评》1997,43(2):148-154
北京西山寒武系-奥陶系出露良好,根据岩性组合特征,结合沉积结构,生物,地球化学等指杆标志,可区分出的副层序类型主要有6种,它们形成于不同的环境,其厚度一般几米,少数几十厘米或十几米,每类副层序中岩性可达4-6种,但单个副层序可仅由两种岩性构成,每一副层序反映的水叫是自下而上持续变浅,而在每两个副层序之间总是由浅水到深水的相跳跃。根据这些副层序的特征,可以推断在每两个副层序之间有一次海水突然加深过程  相似文献   
准噶尔造山带碰撞体制的成矿作用及金等矿床分布规律   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
陈衍景 《地质学报》1996,70(3):253-261
准噶尔造山带是乌拉尔—蒙古造山带的重要组成部分。该区的碰撞造山作用主要发生在石炭纪和二叠纪,并经历了先挤压后伸展的演化过程。区内的金等矿床主要就位于晚石炭世—二叠纪,集中分布在碰撞造山作用较强烈的地带,矿床形成于碰撞作用的挤压—伸展转变期。因此该区金等矿床的成矿时间、空间和地球动力学背景等与碰撞造山作用发生的时间、空间及动力学背景完全吻合,表明适于用碰撞造山成矿模式指导找矿和研究。而该区矿床的实际分布也确与碰撞造山成矿模式完全一致。  相似文献   
压力对烃源层演化及产烃影响的模拟实验   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
压力对烃源层演化及产烃影响的模拟实验解启来,范善发,周中毅,潘长春(中国科学院广州地球化学研究所.广州510640)关键词准噶尔盆地,压力,模拟实验按照现行的成油模式,一般认为石油是在1500~4000m范围内生成和保存的,超过4000m石油将裂解成...  相似文献   
本文以覆盖准噶尔盆地西南缘的四景LandsatTM卫星遥感影像的地质解译为基础,结合野外实地地质考察所获取的地质资料以及盆地烃源岩的生烃、排烃模拟结果,对该区第二、三排构造带自上新世以来的新构造运动变形特征,背斜和断裂构造的形成时代以及新构造运动与油气藏的关系进行了综合分析。研究结果表明,该区第二、三排构造带的新构造运动变形非常强烈,发育于这二排构造带上的背斜构造和断裂构造的构造变形始于上新世末期,早更新世末期是新构造变形最强烈的时期,第二、三排背斜构造带在中更新世早期已基本形成。有利烃源岩---安集海河组的排烃高峰晚于背斜构造形成时期,其生成的油气很有可能聚集于这些背斜构造中。发育于背斜构造核部或北翼一侧的逆冲断裂构造,一方面为油气垂向运移提供良好的通道,另一方面也破坏了油气构造,为油气的逸散创造了条件。  相似文献   
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