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晋中至太原城际铁路位于山西断陷带次级构造单元太原断陷盆地内,盆地内部新构造运动复杂,城际铁路沿线跨越多条第四纪隐伏活动断裂,并穿过榆次地裂缝发育地带及砂土液化区域,这些地质问题极大地影响着晋中至太原城际铁路的前期勘测选线。本文从地质构造、地层岩性、浅层地震勘探等方面对穿越城际铁路的三条活动断裂的危险性进行了分析评价,以查明断裂错动对城际铁路的影响。结合前人对榆次地裂缝的研究成果,对城际铁路附近的地裂缝发育情况进行了调查验证,以查明榆次地裂缝对城际铁路的影响。通过在城际铁路车站及车辆段布置地质钻孔,进行标贯试验、剪切波速测试,以查明城际铁路沿线工程地质条件,对沿线车站及车辆段场地进行液化判定及场地类别判定。针对城际铁路沿线存在的上述地质问题,给出了相应的工程建议,对城际铁路前期勘测设计具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
中小型桡足类是海洋食物网中重要的中间环节,在碳循环里细菌碳和藻类碳向高营养级转化的过程中扮演重要角色。本文通过分析2013年3—4月、6—7月、9—10月和11—12月南沙群岛海域(111°30′E—112°30′E,4°30′N—11°30′N)的生态环境调查数据,对长腹剑水蚤属(Oithona)的种类组成、数量分布及其与环境因子的关系进行了研究。结果表明:(1)南沙群岛海域共出现长腹剑水蚤15种(包括1个未定种),其中线长腹水蚤(Oithona linearis)、粗长腹剑水蚤(O.robusta)和长刺长腹剑水蚤(O.longispina)为南沙群岛海域首次记录,长腹剑水蚤属种类组成沿水深变化的现象较为明显,该属虽然在南沙群岛海域广泛分布,但单种的出现频率较低,其种类出现的季节性较强;(2)南沙群岛海域的长腹剑水蚤可以划分为常见广布组群Ⅰ和低频组群Ⅱ;(3)长腹剑水蚤年均栖息密度为30ind./m3,季节变化呈单峰型,秋季最高、冬季最低,高数量区主要出现在受南沙西部沿岸流和东部沿岸流影响的近岸海域;(4)在0—750m水深范围内,长腹剑水蚤数量沿水深梯度的垂直变化明显,呈现由浅至深数量明显减少的趋势,长腹剑水蚤主要集中分布在0—75m的水层中,75—500m数量急剧降低至最低后,在500—750m基本维持不变;(5)GAM分析表明,纬度、海水温度、盐度和叶绿素a浓度对长腹剑水蚤数量均有影响,以纬度的影响最为显著,其中长腹剑水蚤属最适温度为28.6—29.2℃,最适盐度为32.6—33.2,最适叶绿素a浓度为5—10μg/L;(6)长腹剑水蚤属更适栖息于低温和低盐,且受沿岸流影响的环境中。因此,其数量分布的季节变化与季风驱动的沿岸流势力强弱密切相关。  相似文献   
This study applies modern seismic geomorphology techniques to deep-water collapse features in the Orange Basin (Namibian margin, Southwest Africa) in order to provide unprecedented insights into the segmentation and degradation processes of gravity-driven linked systems. The seismic analysis was carried out using a high-quality, depth-migrated 3D volume that images the Upper Cretaceous post-rift succession of the basin, where two buried collapse features with strongly contrasting seismic expression are observed. The lower Megaslide Complex is a typical margin-scale, extensional-contractional gravity-driven linked system that deformed at least 2 km of post-rift section. The complex is laterally segmented into scoop-shaped megaslides up to 20 km wide that extend downdip for distances in excess of 30 km. The megaslides comprise extensional headwall fault systems with associated 3D rollover structures and thrust imbricates at their toes. Lateral segmentation occurs along sidewall fault systems which, in the proximal part of the megaslides, exhibit oblique extensional motion and define horst structures up to 6 km wide between individual megaslides. In the toe areas, reverse slip along these same sidewall faults, creates lateral ramps with hanging wall thrust-related folds up to 2 km wide. Headwall rollover anticlines, sidewall horsts and ramp anticlines may represent novel traps for hydrocarbon exploration on the Namibian margin.The Megaslide Complex is unconformably overlain by few hundreds of metres of highly contorted strata which define an upper Slump Complex. Combined seismic attributes and detailed seismic facies analysis allowed mapping of headscarps, thrust imbrications and longitudinal shear zones within the Slump Complex that indicate a dominantly downslope movement of a number of coalesced collapse systems. Spatial and stratal relationships between these shallow failures and the underlying megaslides suggest that the Slump Complex was likely triggered by the development of topography created by the activation of the main structural elements of the lower Megaslide Complex.This study reveals that gravity-driven linked systems undergo lateral segmentation during their evolution, and that their upper section can become unstable, favouring the initiation of a number of shallow failures that produce widespread degradation of the underlying megaslide structures. Gravity-driven linked systems along other margins are likely to share similar processes of segmentation and degradation, implying that the megaslide-related, hydrocarbon trapping structures discovered in the Namibian margin may be common elsewhere, making megaslides an attractive element of deep-water exploration along other gravitationally unstable margins.  相似文献   
The Jiajiwaxi pluton in the southern portion of the West Kunlun Range can be divided into two collision–related intrusive rock series, i.e., a gabbro–quartz diorite–granodiorite series that formed at 224±2.0 Ma and a monzonitic granite–syenogranite series that formed at 222±2.0 Ma. The systematic analysis of zircon U-Pb geochronology and bulk geochemistry is used to discuss the magmatic origin(material source and thermal source), tectonic setting, genesis and geotectonic implications of these rocks. The results of this analysis indicate that the parent magma of the first series, representing a transition from I-type to S-type granites, formed from thermally triggered partial melting of deep crustal components in an early island–arc–type igneous complex, similar to an I-type granite, during the continental collision orogenic stage. The parent magma of the second series, corresponding to an S-type granite, formed from the partial melting of forearc accretionary wedge sediments in a subduction zone in the late Palaeozoic–Triassic. During continued collision, the second series magma was emplaced into the first series pluton along a central fault zone in the original island arc region, forming an immiscible puncture-type complex. The deep tectonothermal events associated with the continent–continent collision during the orogenic cycle are constrained by the compositions and origins of the two series. The new information provided by this paper will aid in future research into the dynamic mechanisms affecting magmatic evolution in the West Kunlun orogenic belt.  相似文献   
We discuss the geologic structure of the Berriasian-Lower Aptian deposits of the Gydan Peninsula. Eight seismic sequences have been distinguished; most of them are associated with Lower Cretaceous regional clinoforms of West Siberia, their characteristics are given. A correlation of productive beds was based on the stratotype sections of the Yamal and Gydan Peninsulas as well as seismic and well data. A sequence stratigraphic model of the Berriasian-Lower Aptian complex is proposed.  相似文献   
刘海青 《地质与勘探》2018,54(S1):1434-1441
新疆西昆仑汗铁热克一带地处塔里木盆地西南缘,构造上属塔里木盆地与西昆仑造山带的结合部位,侏罗纪地层包括积莎里塔什组、康苏组、扬叶组、塔尔尕组和库孜贡苏组。根据岩性、颜色、粒度分析及沉积相标志等方法,将汗铁热克一带侏罗纪沉积环境与沉积相划分为冲积扇、扇三角洲和湖泊相,其沉积特征为侏罗纪早期快速充填,中期稳定沉降,晚期短暂的沉积间断后充填,并系统分析了研究区在整个侏罗纪沉积环境演化规律。  相似文献   
西秦岭造山带发育有大量三叠纪的金矿床,早子沟和加甘滩金矿床是其中最典型的两个矿床,其金资源量分别为116 t和154 t,均为特大型金矿床。早子沟、加甘滩金矿床均位于夏河—合作区域性逆冲推覆断裂以南。早子沟赋矿地层为三叠统古浪堤组,赋矿岩石为泥质板岩、条带状硅质板岩及粉砂质板岩;加甘滩矿区出露地层为三叠统隆务河组,金矿体赋存于长石石英变砂岩夹粉砂质板岩岩性段内。加甘滩金矿床的研究程度相对较低,属中低温构造蚀变岩型金矿床;早子沟金矿床研究程度较高,但是对它的成因仍有不同的认识。石英的微量元素地球化学特征能够提供成矿流体来源与演化的信息,通过对早子沟和加甘滩金矿床开展石英的微量元素地球化学特征研究,探讨其成矿流体来源、成矿条件以及石英微量元素对金矿床形成的指示,为西秦岭造山带金矿床成因研究提供重要的信息。早子沟和加甘滩金矿床不同类型矿石中石英具有相似的稀土元素球粒陨石标准化配分曲线,总体表现出轻稀土元素相对富集、重稀土元素轻微亏损的特征,而且轻稀土元素与重稀土元素分馏程度高,重稀土元素内部分馏程度弱。 早子沟金矿床成矿期热液石英中Rb与Li呈负相关,Rb与Cs呈正相关,而加甘滩金矿床热液石英中Rb与Li、Cs相关性不明显,表明早子沟金矿床石英中Li含量随流体含量的增加而减少,而Cs含量随流体含量的增加而增加。大多数样品具有Eu负异常和弱的Ce正异常,表明早子沟和加甘滩金矿床形成于还原环境,成矿温度较低。样品的(La/Yb)N较大,反映成矿深度相对较浅。石英的Y/Ho值分别为25.14~30.14和23.40~28.94,指示成矿流体与地壳关系密切。大多数石英样品的Th/La和 Nb/La 值小于1,在大陆地壳标准化图解中具有明显的Sc负异常,Cr、W、Pb和U正异常,表明成矿流体富Cl-,相对富集Cr、W、Pb和U等元素。结合大地构造背景分析,早子沟和加甘滩金矿形成于大陆边缘环境。  相似文献   
西南极乔治王岛发育有一套高钾低铝的拉斑玄武岩,夹火山碎屑岩,属于岛弧火山岩系列。该岛还保存了南极最长的冰川沉积记录,是研究南极冰盖演化历史的重要证据。乔治王岛出露的新生代陆相地层中含有丰富的植物叶、孢粉、茎干、无脊椎动物化石及鸟类足印的痕迹化石等,从始新世到早中新世,化石逐渐减少,表明植物多样性呈明显下降趋势,幸存的稀疏植被被严格限制在冰川周缘的苔原物种上。冰海相地层与古生物研究表明,晚渐新世海相地层主要对应高能环境,早中新世海相地层对应低能环境。对乔治王岛新生代古生物特征及古环境的探讨,不仅理解了古生物及多样性的变化趋势,也为重建南极古环境提供证据。   相似文献   
1IntroductionThe tropical West Pacific warm pool(TWP-WP),which spans an area roughly between10°Nto10°S of the equator from Indonesia to the dateline,has the world’s warmest sea surface temperature ofbeing greater than29℃.With the increase of recog-niz…  相似文献   
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