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西秦岭造山带发育有大量三叠纪的金矿床,早子沟和加甘滩金矿床是其中最典型的两个矿床,其金资源量分别为116 t和154 t,均为特大型金矿床。早子沟、加甘滩金矿床均位于夏河—合作区域性逆冲推覆断裂以南。早子沟赋矿地层为三叠统古浪堤组,赋矿岩石为泥质板岩、条带状硅质板岩及粉砂质板岩;加甘滩矿区出露地层为三叠统隆务河组,金矿体赋存于长石石英变砂岩夹粉砂质板岩岩性段内。加甘滩金矿床的研究程度相对较低,属中低温构造蚀变岩型金矿床;早子沟金矿床研究程度较高,但是对它的成因仍有不同的认识。石英的微量元素地球化学特征能够提供成矿流体来源与演化的信息,通过对早子沟和加甘滩金矿床开展石英的微量元素地球化学特征研究,探讨其成矿流体来源、成矿条件以及石英微量元素对金矿床形成的指示,为西秦岭造山带金矿床成因研究提供重要的信息。早子沟和加甘滩金矿床不同类型矿石中石英具有相似的稀土元素球粒陨石标准化配分曲线,总体表现出轻稀土元素相对富集、重稀土元素轻微亏损的特征,而且轻稀土元素与重稀土元素分馏程度高,重稀土元素内部分馏程度弱。 早子沟金矿床成矿期热液石英中Rb与Li呈负相关,Rb与Cs呈正相关,而加甘滩金矿床热液石英中Rb与Li、Cs相关性不明显,表明早子沟金矿床石英中Li含量随流体含量的增加而减少,而Cs含量随流体含量的增加而增加。大多数样品具有Eu负异常和弱的Ce正异常,表明早子沟和加甘滩金矿床形成于还原环境,成矿温度较低。样品的(La/Yb)N较大,反映成矿深度相对较浅。石英的Y/Ho值分别为25.14~30.14和23.40~28.94,指示成矿流体与地壳关系密切。大多数石英样品的Th/La和 Nb/La 值小于1,在大陆地壳标准化图解中具有明显的Sc负异常,Cr、W、Pb和U正异常,表明成矿流体富Cl-,相对富集Cr、W、Pb和U等元素。结合大地构造背景分析,早子沟和加甘滩金矿形成于大陆边缘环境。  相似文献   
大兴安岭小扬气镇位于大兴安岭南部,属大小兴安岭森林生态功能区,森林覆盖率高,湿地资源丰富,曾是木材生产基地。为掌握小扬气镇用地类型现状及其变化,开展生态状况评价,利用多源卫星遥感数据,通过多尺度图像分割、决策树及目视解译等方法分别对该区1985年、1998年、2008年和2018年土地利用类型进行提取,计算生态环境状况指数(IE),评价生态环境状况。结果表明: 小扬气镇土地利用类型以林地、沼泽、水域为主,三者占研究区总面积的97%以上; 沼泽草地主要由阔叶林转化而来,耕地主要由阔叶林、沼泽草地转化而来,草地主要转化为阔叶林、沼泽草地,阔叶林与沼泽草地之间的相互转化最为剧烈; 新增工矿仓储用地主要占用了原有阔叶林土地,新增住宅用地主要占用了原有的沼泽草地、阔叶林、森林沼泽等。总体来看,区内生态环境状况良好,在维护生态安全、促进当地绿色经济发展中起到了重要作用。  相似文献   
In the twenty-first century, there are three American Wests, which cut across cultural, political, physical, and economic boundaries. Parts of the West are booming, building homes, and adding population; others are legally off limits to such development; and much of the West has been bypassed by such development and growth. These are called here the Booming West, Protected West, and Bypassed West. Maps of climate, political boundaries, ethnic and racial identities, or presidential voting patterns do not match these three Wests. Each West has a different relationship to the others and might see them as threats or opportunities, and each West can be expected to grow in different areas at the expense of other Wests. The boundaries between the three Wests could be important locations; sharp transitions can exist between Wests, perhaps nowhere more so than where a fast growing metro area abuts a national park or forest boundary. Finally, the effects of climate change cut across the three Wests and have different implications for their future. Continued population growth will further emphasize the boundaries between each of the three Wests and raise the stakes for their control.  相似文献   
In this paper, we critically examine the role of artistic locational choices and practices in the context of gentrification processes in urban renewal contexts. We characterize gentrification as a form of domestication of space, and explore the extent to which artistic choices and practices relate to such process with reference to the deontological dilemma of legitimization within the art system vs. responsible empowerment of vulnerable local constituencies. We illustrate our argument with an analysis of the High Line Art project, and show how this can be considered as a textbook example of art-driven space domestication leading to brutal forms of gentrification. We comment on the threat that this provides to the social credibility of artistic practices as an agency of responsible social change.  相似文献   
Zhu  Wenbo  Zhang  Xiaodong  Zhang  Jingjing  Zhu  Lianqi 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(1):131-145
Journal of Geographical Sciences - This paper reports the phenological response of forest vegetation to climate change (changes in temperature and precipitation) based on Moderate Resolution...  相似文献   
为揭示花岗岩- 伟晶岩型锂等稀有金属矿成矿系统的深部结构,对西昆仑造山带大红柳滩伟晶岩型锂矿集区开展了大地电磁测深法(MT)探测。通过MT三维反演电阻率模型,探测到两个0~20 km深度范围的高阻体,反映了出露于地表的大红柳滩复式花岗岩基和半隐伏的大红柳滩东花岗岩基;20~80 km深度范围内发现的大范围高导异常,则反映了深达上地幔的地壳重熔形成的大规模长英质岩浆储库。可见,成矿母岩大红柳滩花岗岩基是有根的,而且是规模巨大深达上地幔的岩浆储库,它们为超大型大红柳滩伟晶岩型锂矿的形成提供了物源和热源。与松潘- 甘孜甲基卡超大型伟晶岩型锂矿集区对比,尽管川西甲基卡地区地表出露的花岗岩有限,但MT三维反演电阻率模型显示,其也存在深达上地幔的大范围高导异常,同样反映了大规模长英质岩浆储库的存在,只是剥蚀深度浅,上侵的花岗岩未被剥蚀出来而已。从而,深剥蚀的大红柳滩地区表现为大面积花岗岩出露的“热隆”特征,而浅剥蚀的甲基卡地区则表现为花岗岩围岩“片麻岩穹隆”热变质构造特征。西昆仑- 松潘- 甘孜伟晶岩型锂等稀有金属巨型成矿带两端的晚三叠世超大型矿床是大规模地壳重熔长英质岩浆作用中心的产物,由于锂等稀有金属的喜水性,H2O的饱和度是造就伟晶岩型锂超常富集的关键,并在长英质岩浆储库、上侵花岗岩和伟晶岩不同分异演化阶段,锂的“预富集”为大规模伟晶岩型锂矿成矿奠定了重要基础。  相似文献   
西昆仑- 喀喇昆仑造山带中生代花岗伟晶岩相当发育,主要分布于麻扎- 康西瓦缝合带以南的喀喇昆仑造山带,构成了西自木吉—塔什库尔干,东到大红柳滩长达600 km的喀喇昆仑稀有金属成矿带。通过多年的研究,本文对西昆仑- 喀喇昆仑造山带37处稀有金属矿床(点)进行了全面系统的梳理,认为喀喇昆仑- 喀喇昆仑造山带表现为“西铍东锂”的格局,稀有金属成矿年龄集中213~206 Ma。将喀喇昆仑造山带稀有金属成矿带划分为木吉- 塔什库尔干稀有金属成矿亚带、赛图拉- 大红柳滩稀有金属成矿亚带,从西向东可划定4个矿化集中区:木吉- 布伦口稀有金属集中区、塔什库尔干- 塔吐鲁沟稀有金属矿化集中区、康西瓦稀有金属矿化集中区、大红柳滩- 白龙山稀有金属矿化集中区。同时,认为西昆仑- 喀喇昆仑造山带西段下一阶段的找矿可放在西合休南锂铍找矿远景区、阿然保泰铍找矿远景区、木吉西锂铍找矿远景区。  相似文献   
Pseudodiaptomus hessei is a key species in many water bodies in the Senegal River hydrosystem but it became rare or completely disappeared from two ecosystems (Lake Guiers and Dakar Bango Reservoir; Senegal, West Africa) after major hydrological changes caused by human action, mainly impoundments on the river in 1985, and the opening of a new estuary mouth in 2003. Kâ et al. [Kâ, S., Pagano, M., Ba, N., Bouvy, M., Leboulanger, C., Arfi, R., Thiaw, O.T., Ndour, E.H.M., Corbin, D., Defaye, D., Cuoc, C., Kouassi, E., 2006. Zooplankton distribution related to environmental factors and phytoplankton in a shallow tropical lake (Lake Guiers, Senegal, West Africa). International Review of Hydrobiology 91(5), 389–405] put forward several hypotheses to explain the reasons for this decline: salinity and chemical changes in the water, predation by a cyclopid predator Mesocyclops ogunnus and/or the inhibiting effects of cyanobacteria and/or diatoms (allelopathy). This study assessed these hypotheses by studying the distribution of P. hessei in 13 stations (including the Dakar Bango reservoir and Lake Guiers) in relation to physical, chemical and biological (phyto- and zooplanktons) factors at each station. We produced a distribution pattern for this species in the Senegal River hydrosystem. Rank correlations and principal component analysis showed that P. hessei was not correlated with conductivity but was positively correlated with pH and alkalinity, suggesting chemical effects. The clear association with two filamentous cyanobacteria (Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and Anabaena sp.) did not appear to support the hypothesis of cyanobacteria inhibition but blooming conditions were never encountered during the study. Negative correlation with diatoms (especially with Fragilaria sp.) suggested that aldehyde producing diatoms had a negative effect. Negative correlations with cyclopids such as Mesocyclops supported the hypothesis of cyclopid predation to explain the decline of P. hessei. This study proposes several lines of research for future studies to test these hypotheses.  相似文献   
六盘山植物区系基本特征的初步分析   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
六盘山位于陕甘宁交接地区,属于半湿润气候向半干旱气候的过渡带,是黄土高原生物多样性最丰富的地区之一,有维管植物836种,隶属于93科,359属。本区属于泛北极植物区、中国-日本森林植物亚区、华北植物地区的黄土高原亚地区。全部种子植物可分为13个分布区类型和12个变型,以北温带分布类型为主,与其他植物区系联系广泛,但特有属较贫乏。六盘山与小陇山、太白山和中条山的属相似性系数较高,均达60%以上,表明几座山体处于相似的生物气候背景之下,地理隔离性不明显。与贺兰山的属相似性系数低于60%,因为贺兰山位于干旱的荒漠与半荒漠区,可能有地理隔离作用。  相似文献   
Many contributions that have led to a better understanding of Appalachian geology have resulted directly from work in the folded Appalachian Mountain and Great Valley sections of the Valley and Ridge physiographic province of eastern Pennsylvania. Disagreements have been common since H.D. Rogers first described the geology of the area in 1858. Many differing opinions still exist regarding the stratigraphy, structural geology, geomorphology, and glacial geology. The rocks in the area, which range from Middle Ordovician to Late Devonian in age, are more than 25000 feet (7620 m) thick. This diversified group of sedimentary rocks was deposited in many different environments, ranging from deep sea, through neritic and tidal, to alluvial. In general, the Middle Ordovician through Lower Devonian strata are a sedimentary cycle related to the waxing and waning of Taconic tectonism. The sequence began with a greywacke-argillite suite (Martinsburg Formation) representing synorogenic basin deepening. This was followed by basin filling and pro-gradation of a sandstone-shale clastic wedge (Shawangunk Formation and Bloomsburg Red Beds) derived from the erosion of the mountains that were uplifted during the Taconic orogeny. The sequence ended with deposition of many thin units of carbonate, sandstone, and shale on a shelf marginal to a land area of low relief. Another tectonic-sedimentary cycle, related to the Acadian orogeny, began with deposition of Middle Devonian rocks. Deep-water shales (Marcellus Shale) preceded shoaling (Mahantango Formation) and turbidite sedimentation (Trimmers Rock Formation) followed by another molasse (Catskill Formation).  相似文献   
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