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南伊沟是林芝地区重要水源涵养区,研究南伊沟水体水化学和氢氧同位素特征,揭示"三水转化"规律,对提高林芝地区水体水文地球化学研究程度,支撑当地林水关系研究,服务高原地区水生态保护具有重要意义。运用水化学和氢氧同位素分析方法,分析了地区水化学特征、水岩作用情况和水循环特征。结果表明: 南伊沟水体为极低矿化度淡水,地表水水化学类型为HCO3-Ca・Mg型和SO4・HCO3-Ca・Mg型,地下水水化学类型为HCO3-Ca・Na型; 地表水和地下水的水化学离子成分主要受岩石风化控制,离子来源主要受碳酸盐岩溶解和硅酸盐岩风化影响,地表水中Na+、K+、Cl-主要来源于盐岩溶解,同时还受降雨影响,地表水和地下水中Ca2+、Mg2+主要来源于碳酸盐岩矿物溶解; 地下水和地表水水岩作用较弱,对比上游雅鲁藏布江和拉萨河地表水,大部分δ18O、δD值具有明显的高度效应和大陆效应; 南伊沟枯水年内强烈的不平衡蒸发作用是导致地区大气降雨线斜率和截距偏小的主要原因之一。  相似文献   
Ireneusz Malik   《Geomorphology》2008,93(3-4):421-436
Small gullies occur in forested gully systems on the undulating loess plateau in southern Poland. The old gully hillslopes are mainly covered with 200-year old beech trees in contrast with the surface of the summit plateau, which is cultivated agricultural land. Beech roots are exposed in the gullies through erosion. Wood vessels in the root tree rings divide into early wood and late wood and, after the roots are exposed, start to make fewer vessels. These anatomical changes in root tree rings allow us to date erosion episodes.Small gullies form in a different manner on the valley floor and on hillslopes. In valley bottoms, erosion features are often formed at some distance from one another, and in time small gullies combine to form a single, longer one. Depending on local conditions, such as the hillslope profile, hillslopes may exhibit headward erosion or may be eroded downwards. Hilllope gullies may be transformed into side valleys as a result of gradual widening and deepening.Dating the exposure of roots indicates that small gullies had already formed in the valley system by 1949. Intensive gully erosion was recorded between 1984 and 2002, during intense precipitation in 1984 and, of particular note, during the extraordinary flood of 1997 which affected all of Central Europe. The mean rate of small gully erosion in the old gully system studied is 0.63 m/year. On hillslopes the mean gully erosion rate is 0.21–0.52 m/year, and on the valley bottoms 0.18–1.98 m/year. High bottom erosion rates resulted from the emergence of long gullies during the erosion episodes in 1984 and 1997. Sheet flow in valley floors intensifies at times of heavy rainfall which causes long gullies to form.Taking into account the fact that conditions favoured erosion, the rate at which the old gullies under forest were transformed should be considered slow. New side gullies form slowly within the valley and it appears that if erosion progressed at the rate observed, new side valleys would take a few hundred years to form.  相似文献   
In recent years, the frequency of geological disasters gradually increases in the gully region of the Loess Plateaus centred with Yanhe River Basin. The research on the forming of the geological disasters in gully region and the disaster process will help us further understand the development of geological disasters and the disaster process. According to the detailed survey of geological disasters in Yan’an City, the river and gully erosion is the main natural predisposing factor that caused the geological disasters in the river gully region. In the forming of ditches and gullies, the surface water system changes the stress form of the original slope and reduces the strength combination of the slope in ways of water erosion and gravity erosion. Gully’s forming stage and stratigraphic contact form have some influence on the geological disasters and disaster process.  相似文献   
西藏波密米堆冰湖溃决浅议   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1988年7月15日西藏波密米堆终碛湖发生溃决,最大洪峰流量1270立方米/秒,溃决水量540万立方米,形成了大规模的泥石流-洪水灾害。冰湖溃决的原因是;终碛堤存在渗漏薄弱环节,堤内有埋藏冰;持续高温和冰川融水的潜热使埋藏冰融化,由潜蚀而迅速发展成管涌导致溃决。  相似文献   
The loss of surface vegetation and reduced infiltration caused by wildfires can trigger gully rejuvenation, resulting in damage to downstream aquatic resources and risk to human life and property. We developed a spatially explicit metric of burn severity — the Burn Severity Distribution Index (BSDI) — and tested its ability to predict post-fire gully rejuvenation in 1st and 2nd order basins burned in the 2000 Valley Complex fires in the Sapphire Mountains of western Montana. The BSDI was derived from burn severity data interpreted from Landsat 7 satellite imagery using the Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR) method, and ranged from 0.0 for completely unburned basins to 4.0 for basins burned entirely at high severity. In July 2001 rainstorms with peak 30-minute intensities of up to 17 mm h− 1 triggered gully rejuvenation in 66 of the 171 basins examined. The frequency of gully rejuvenation was higher in basins with higher BSDI values, increasing from zero for basins with a BSDI less than 1.3 to 67% for basins with a BSDI greater than 3.0. Binary logistic regression indicated that BSDI was a more significant predictor of gully rejuvenation than basin morphometric variables. The absence of gully rejuvenation in several basins with a high BSDI was attributed to low gradient, dense riparian vegetation, or concentration of high burn severity at lower elevations in the basin. The presence of gully rejuvenation in several basins with a low BSDI was associated with false negative NBR classification errors in northwest aspects, and concentration of severe burn impacts in the drainage headslopes. BSDI is a useful metric for predicting gully rejuvenation after wildfire. The use of the BSDI in Burned Area Emergency Response team assessments could improve the planning, implementation, and monitoring of burned area recovery treatments.  相似文献   
都江堰市八一沟泥石流形成条件与动力学特征分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
八一沟泥石流位于汶川"5.12"大地震极重灾区四川省都江堰市,是一条典型的沟谷型泥石流。本文在分析八一沟泥石流沟流域和泥石流基本特征的基础上,首先对形成泥石流的地形、水源、物源三个基本条件进行了深入论述,接着详细计算了泥石流的重质、流速、流量、冲出量等动力学参数,然后分析了泥石流的发展趋势,最后根据泥石流危险性和被保护对象的重要性,并提出了防治建议。  相似文献   
Xinqiao Gully is located in the area of the 2008 Wenchuan Ms 8.0 earthquake in Sichuan province, China. Based on the investigation of the 2023 “6-26” Xinqiao Gully debris flow event, this study assessed the effectiveness of the debris flow control project and evaluated the debris flow hazards. Through field investigation and numerical simulation methods, the indicators of flow intensity reduction rate and storage capacity fullness were proposed to quantify the effectiveness of the engineering measures in the debris flow event. The simulation results show that the debris flow control project reduced the flow intensity by 41.05% to 64.61%. The storage capacity of the dam decreases gradually from upstream to the mouth of the gully, thus effectively intercepting and controlling the debris flow. By evaluating the debris flow of different recurrence intervals, further measures are recommended for managing debris flow events.  相似文献   
The relationships between the spatial distribution of gully erosion and topographic thresholds in the form of slope angle, position and configuration, as well as land use change in the form of abandoned lands were examined in several affected catchments of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Land use and permanent gullies were mapped, digitized from orthophoto maps in Arc/info 3.5.2 GIS and converted to shapefiles using ArcView 3.2 GIS. Relationships between the mapped phenomena and topographic variables were sought using a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in Idrisi Kilimanjaro GIS. A comparison between areas with a high potential for gullying and actual gully erosion was made using the Stream Power Index (SPI) as a surrogate for critical flow shear stress. Field surveys were also conducted to assess the present condition of the gullied sites as well as to validate DEM derivations.Seventy five percent of the gullied area was noted to lie on abandoned lands. A predominance of gullying in concave bottom lands was also identified. The SPI values highlighted a distinct preferential topographic zone for gully location. A conceptual model depicting the interaction between land use and topographic parameters to induce gully erosion was developed. This should assist local authorities to develop a policy regarding management of abandoned lands.  相似文献   
金沙江下游元谋盆地冲沟发育特征和过程分析   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:10  
金沙江下游元谋盆地广泛分布的下更新统元谋组地层为粘土层与砂土层互层,冲沟发育,冲沟侵蚀吞食耕地,造成土地劣化,对土地资源危害很大,论述了元谋组地层冲构具有沟壁直立,溯源侵蚀速度快,沟头组合形态多样等特征,分析了冲沟发育过程和影响因素。  相似文献   
切沟中土壤水分的空间变化特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
切沟侵蚀不仅破坏土地资源,而且影响下游地区环境。目前的土壤侵蚀预报模型没有包括切沟侵蚀,因此研究切沟中土壤水分空间变化是建立切沟侵蚀模型的基础,也是恢复植被的基础。在陕西省安塞大南沟流域选择一个切沟,从1998-2000年连续 3年在 4~10月间对切沟不同部位土壤水分状况进行了观测。分析结果表明,切沟中浅层土壤水分空间分异规律明显,沟顶土壤水分状况较好,土壤容积湿度达到10.3%。沟坡则较差,但沿沟坡向下到沟底,土壤水分不断增加,分别为 6.3%、6.4%和10.4%。沟坡陡崖的土壤水分条件最差,接近凋萎湿度,容积含水量仅为4.6%~5.9%。沟底土壤湿度有所好转,为 7.7%。从雨季开始到结束,整体上土壤水分呈下降趋势,但随降雨事件发生波动。季节变化比较明显的是土壤水分条件好的部位,如沟顶、沟坡底部和沟底。尤以沟底变化最大。沟坡陡崖土壤湿度随季节没有任何变化。从1998-2000年,随降水量减少,切沟所有部位土壤湿度持续下降,即使在水分条件较好的沟顶和沟坡下部,土壤湿度也仅为 8.1%~8.8%,其它部位则都接近于凋萎湿度。土壤水分亏缺相当严重。切沟不同部位土壤水分的季节和年际变化主要受降雨入渗补给影响,而沟底则与径流的产生有关。因此应进一步研究不同降雨类型与径流产生、以及土壤湿度变化的关系。  相似文献   
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