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WFSD-4S孔流体地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文开展汶川地震断裂带科学钻探现场流体研究,探讨了泥浆添加剂产生的化学反应以及钻孔中岩性变化引起的流体异常特征,并在排除这些影响因素的情况下,讨论地震期间流体的异常。研究表明在WFSD-4S钻进期间发生的两次较大地震前均伴有Rn、Ar、N2和O2等气体异常现象,其中氡的日均值均超出背景值的2.5倍。根据岩心观察得到WFSD-4S钻井地区主断层约在1084 m,而在断层之上931 m处开始出现了大量气体的高值异常,该异常可能是由于地震孕育过程中地下气体的运移通道被打开造成气体向上迁移,使断层气体的响应特征提前发生。  相似文献   
Recent field prospecting in the Cretaceous sequences of the lower Narmada valley has led to the discovery of three isolated archosaur teeth from the upper part of marine Cretaceous rocks of the Bagh Group. The specimens were recovered by surface prospecting from an oyster‐bearing green sandstone bed occurring at the top of the Coralline Limestone (Coniacian) from a site near Phutibawri village, Dhar District, Madhya Pradesh, India. Of the three teeth recovered from this horizon, two are identified with abelisaurid dinosaurs and the third one with an indeterminate crocodile. The abelisaurid teeth conform to the premaxillary and maxillary tooth morphology of Majungasaurus and Indosuchus. Earlier reports of abelisaurid dinosaurs from India are from the Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Lameta Group of Jabalpur, Pisdura (Central India) and Balasinor (Western India) and Upper Cretaceous (Late Maastrichtian) Kallamedu Formation (South India). As no associated age diagnostic fossils are found, the specimens described here are considered to represent pre‐Late to Late Maastrichtian age based on the known ages of the underlying and overlying formations. The new finds, therefore, document stratigraphically the oldest occurrence of abelisaurid dinosaurs known from the Indian subcontinent.  相似文献   
In this work, 8‐hydroxyquinoline is used as the active sites in cross‐linked chitosan beads with epichlorohydrin (CT‐8HQ). The CT‐8HQ material was shaped in bead form and used for heavy metal removal from aqueous solution. The study was carried out at pH 5.0 with both batch and column methods and the maximum adsorption capacity of metal ions by the CT‐8HQ was attained in 4 h in the batch experiment. The adsorption capacity order was: Cu2+ > Ni2+ > Zn2+ for both mono‐ and multi‐component systems with batch conditions. From breakthrough curves with column conditions, the adsorption capacity followed the order Cu2+ > Zn2+ > Ni2+ for both mono‐ and multi‐component systems. The CT‐8HQ beads maintained good metal adsorption capacity for all five cycles with absorbent restoration achieved with the use of 1.0 mol L–1 HCl solution, with 90% regeneration.  相似文献   
首先阐述了美国、欧洲气象卫星组织(EUMETSAT)、日本静止气象卫星的发展历史,从自旋稳定到三轴稳定,从单一载荷到多载荷并行工作,新一代的静止气象卫星的时间、空间和光谱分辨率都大幅提高,然后重点介绍了我国静止气象卫星风云二号和风云四号,相比于自旋稳定的风云二号气象卫星,风云四号卫星的功能和性能实现了跨越式的发展,接着简单介绍了俄罗斯、印度和韩国等其他国家静止气象卫星的发展状况,最后总结了不同时期各国静止气象卫星的发展特点,这对我国后续静止气象卫星的规划和研制有重要参考意义。  相似文献   
针对水体信息提取时,传统算法不能较好地解决山体阴影被误提为水体的问题,引入多用于高光谱数据处理的光谱角匹配算法,以Land-sat8 OLI(band1-band7)为数据源,以黄河小浪底水库周边区域为实验区,开展水体信息提取研究,结果显示:水体指数法和波段关系提取的结果中有大量的山体阴影信息,提取精度不超过30%,而光谱角匹配法提取结果受阴影的影响较小,提取精度在99%以上。  相似文献   
For surface features in short-wave infrared (SWIR, 1.3–3.0 μm) in remote sensing imagery, pixel values depict the total energy including reflection and emission. For surface features at normal temperature in SWIR band, emission energy can be ignored. While for surface features at high temperature in SWIR band, emission energy is equal to or even higher than the reflection energy. So remote sensing imagery of SWIR band can be used to separate emission and reflection energy as well as to realize temperature retrieval of high temperature targets. In this study, the seventh band (SWIR band) of Landsat8 OLI remote sensing imagery is used to perform the theoretical model research for temperature retrieval of high temperature targets. In the meantime, it is also used with the corresponding observation experiment of synchronization satellite to check the theoretical model. The result shows that the radiant flux density for mixed pixels with high temperature targets is higher than adjacent pixels without high temperature targets. Thus, the high temperature pixels can be identified in SWIR band. The retrieval results of temperature and fractional area for high temperature targets are consistent with reality. In the study, the result illustrates that it is effective to identify high temperature targets in remote sensing imagery of SWIR band and the model is appropriate for temperature retrieval use.  相似文献   
晋美俊  李俊明 《测绘科学》2016,41(6):70-74,152
针对鲜有资源型城市的地表热环境研究这一情况,该文基于Landsat8遥感数据,反演了太原市在2013—2015年间共3期的地表温度。提出一个考虑空间格局结构的城市热岛效应指数,在3期数据中,太原市区整体热岛效应指数分别为9.1%、9.8%和8.9%;同时,根据城市功能和路网结构将太原市区划分为6个分区,从分区级层面量化分析了地表热环境的时空分异特征规律,结果表明,太原市区地表温度整体呈现空间分散化特征,不同分区也呈现出不同的时空格局演变过程;最后,选取40个地表温度实测样本点验证反演精度,最大误差绝对值为1.1℃,最小误差绝对值为0.2℃,均方根误差为0.7℃。  相似文献   
徐涵秋 《遥感学报》2016,20(2):229-235
Landsat系列卫星上的TIRS热红外传感器数据已被大量应用,针对TIRS数据的地表温度反演也相继开发出一些算法,并有一些研究对TIRS数据的定标及其地表温度反演算法的精度进行了对比。本文主要就TIRS热红外传感器定标参数的变化,结合这些定标参数变化的时间点对有关地表温度反演算法的适用性和有效性进行分析,特别是对劈窗算法是否适合当前的TIRS数据进行了讨论,以使用户能够对Landsat 8 TIRS热红外数据的正确使用有进一步的认识。总的看来,由于视域外杂散光的影响,TIRS数据的定标精度仍达不到设计目标,TIRS第11波段的不确定性仍成倍大于TIRS 10波段。因此,在Landsat团队未彻底解决这一问题之前,同时用TIRS第10、第11这两个差距较大的波段构成的劈窗算法来反演地表温度,其精度存在较大的不确定性,US6-S团队仍在致力于改进第11波段的精度,改进后的波段可以用劈窗策法。目前应以TIRS第10单波段的方式来反演地表温度为宜。  相似文献   
汶川地震断裂带多次地震活动新证据   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
虹口乡八角庙出露完整的映秀—北川断裂带剖面断层岩,高分辨率磁化率测试揭示出多个具有高磁化率特征的断层岩带。系统的岩石磁学分析证明一层褐色断层岩相对围岩具有最大的磁化率值,存在新生成的磁铁矿和拥有相似的天然剩磁(NRM)和非磁滞剩磁(ARM)强度衰减过程。高磁化率特征是含铁顺磁性矿物受到断层滑移过程产生摩擦生热作用生成磁铁矿所致。同时断层岩还获得了热剩磁,记录了地震活动磁学信息。结合汶川地震科学钻探项目1号孔(WFSD-1)磁化率和岩石磁学研究结果,说明映秀—北川断裂带包含多层具有高磁化率特征的断层岩,暗示了多次强震的发生。具有高磁化率特征的断层岩可以作为判定地震活动的标志之一。  相似文献   
2004年12月26日和2005年3月29日,印度尼西亚苏门答腊西北海域相继发生8.7和8.5级地震。通过对这两次地震与云南地震活动关系和地下流体记录异常变化的分析,认为:印尼两次8级地震的发生可能会使云南提前进入新一轮强震活跃期;远震对云南地区小震的激发和导致地下流体记录出现异常变化的因素虽然都与大地震面波的强弱、地质构造环境等有关,但机理不同。  相似文献   
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