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研究小波变换在变形监测数据中探测与修复粗差的应用问题,实例分析证明:借助小波的多分辨率分析和数理统计的知识,能有效地探测出粗差,并通过对高频系数模极大值点的插值处理,结合小波重构等理论有效地修复粗差,为进一步进行变形分析与预报提供可靠保证。  相似文献   
湿地植物群落结构及其动态变化特征是反映湿地生态系统健康状况的重要指标,对预测湿地生态系统演变方向和生态恢复至关重要。本文基于融合Landsat和MODIS数据获得的30 m、8 d分辨率的NDVI数据集,结合物候特征构建决策树分类方法,解译了2000 2020年鄱阳湖洪泛湿地植被空间分布格局,分析不同植物群落时空动态特征及转移变化过程。结果表明:遥感时空融合为鄱阳湖湿地植被精细化分类提供了良好的数据基础,基于物候特征的决策树分类方法将研究区解译为水体、泥滩、浮叶植物群落、蓼子草(Polygonum hydropiper)-虉草(Phalaris arundinacea)群落、苔草(Carex cinerascens)群落、芦荻(Phragmites australis-Triarrhena lutarioriparia)群落、蒌蒿(Artemisia selengensis)群落和林地8种景观,总体分类精度达89.36%。从全湖范围来看,湿地植被总面积虽有波动,但整体呈显著增加趋势,其中蓼子草-虉草群落的增加最为明显,而分布最广的苔草群落先增加后有微弱减小,次优势种的芦荻群落面积在30...  相似文献   
克里格法的土壤水分遥感尺度转换   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 尺度效应往往会制约着定量遥感反演的精度,对地学信息进行空间尺度转换是生产实践的必然要求,而常用的尺度转换模型多利用光谱数据进行差值计算,不适合升尺度和降尺度转换。由于土壤含水量数据具有区域变化量的随机性和结构性特点,本文以15m分辨率的ASTER图像像元为基本单元,采用点克里格法完成ASTER 15m至7.5m分辨率的土壤含水量数据降尺度转换,从分维数的相似程度上来看,转换结果是合理的;并利用块状克里格法对地面实测样点数据进行点到7.5m分辨率的面数据升尺度转换,将升尺度和降尺度转换结果与实测样点均值相比较,结果表明:7.5m分辨率的实测样点土壤水均值误差在1.5782-5.019之间,块状克里格法获取的升尺度土壤含水量数据与点克里格法获取的降尺度土壤含水量数据之间误差则为1.2825-5.0481,可见克里格法考虑了点与周边的关系,所获得的土壤含水量值要优于未考虑空间异质性的土壤含水量平均值。  相似文献   
The normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI) is one of the key input variables for developing drought indices.However,the NDVI quickly saturates in high vegetation surfaces,and thus,the generalization of a drought index over different ecosystems becomes a challenge.This paper presents a novel,dynamic stretching algorithm to overcome the saturation effect in NDVI.A scaling transformation function to eliminate saturation effects when the vegetation fraction(VF) is large is proposed.Dynamic range adjustment is conducted using three coefficients,namely,the normalization factor(a),the stretching range controlling factor(m),and the stretching size controlling factor(e).The results show that the stretched NDVI(S-NDVI) is more sensitive to vegetation fraction than NDVI when the VF is large,ranging from 0.75 to 1.00.Moreover,the saturation effect in NDVI is effectively removed by using the S-NDVI.Further analysis suggests that there is a good linear correlation between the S-NDVI and the leaf area index(LAI).At the same time,the proposed S-NDVI significantly reduces or even eliminates the saturation effect over high biomass.A comparative analysis is performed between drought indices derived from NDVI and S-NDVI,respectively.In the experiment,reflectance data from the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer(MODIS) products and in-situ observation data from the meteorological sites at a regional scale are used.In this study,the coefficient of determination(R2) of the stretched drought index(S-DI) is above 0.5,indicating the reliability of the proposed algorithm with surface soil moisture content.Thus,the S-DI is suggested to be used as a drought index in extended regions,thus regional heterogeneity should be taken into account when applying stretching method.  相似文献   
Wind plays an important role in hydrodynamic processes such as the expansion of Changjiang (Yangtze) River Diluted Water (CDW), and shelf circulation in the Changjiang estuary. Thus, it is essential to include wind in the numerical simulation of these phenomena. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) with high resolution and wide spatial coverage is valuable for measuring spatially inhomogeneous ocean surface wind fields. We have collected 87 ERS-2 SAR images with wind-induced streaks that cover the Cbangjiang coastal area, to verify and improve the validity of wind direction retrieval using the 2D fast Fourier transform method. We then used these wind directions as inputs to derive SAR wind speeds using the C-band model. To demonstrate the applicability of the algorithms, we validated the SAR-retrieved wind fields using QuikSCAT measurements and the atmospheric Weather Research Forecasting model. In general, we found good agreement between the datasets, indicating the reliability and applicability of SAR- retrieved algorithms under different atmospheric conditions. We investigated the main error sources of this process, and conducted sensitivity analyses to estimate the wind speed errors caused by the effect of speckle, uncertainties in wind direction, and inaccuracies in the normalized radar cross section. Finally, we used the SAR-retrieved wind fields to simulate the salinity distribution off the Changjiang estuary. The findings of this study will be valuable for wind resource assessment and the development of future numerical ocean models based on SAR images.  相似文献   
Earthworms are the important constituents in the decayed food web and the main ecological conditioners in the process of decomposition and nutrient mineralization. The transformation of organic carbon (C) and total nitrogen (N) in the broad-leaved litters ingested by earthworms was researched by means of a laboratory experiment. Experimental samples were collected from broad-leaved Korea Pine mixed forest in Liangshui National Natural Reserve (47°10′50″N, 128°53′20″E) in the northeastern Xiao Hinggan Mountains of Northeast China. The contents of organic C and total N in earthworms, leaf litters and earthworm faeces were analyzed. Results show that the organic C content was in the fol- lowing order: leaf litters>faeces>earthworms, while total N content was contrary to that of the organic C. The organic C contents in the different leaf litters were in the following order: Tilia amurensis>Betula costata>Acer mono, whereas the total N contents in the different leaf litters were: Betula costata>Tilia amurensis>Acer mono. The contents of organic C and total N in the faeces from the different leaf litters were almost consistent with the contents of the leaf litters. After the leaf litters were ingested by earthworms, the organic C, which was transformed to increase earthworms' weights, ac- counted for 3.90%-13.31% of the total ingestion by earthworms, while that in the earthworm faeces accounted for 6.14%-13.70%. The transformed organic C through the other metabolism (e.g., respiration) of earthworms accounted for 75.04%-89.92%. The ingested organic C by earthworms was mostly used for metabolic activities. The N ingested by earthworms was less than organic C. It is estimated that 37.08% of total N was transformed to increase the earthworm's weight, 19.97% into earthworm faeces and 47.86% for the consumption of the earthworm's activities. The earthworms not only increased the content of organic C and total N in the soil, but also decreased the values of C/N in the soil and leaf litters. Earthworms play a major role in the leaf litters' decomposition and transformation.  相似文献   
针对不同排序算法对模糊度解算存在降相关性能影响的问题,从理论上分析了自然升序法、对称旋转法及扰动升序法的降相关原理,并基于模拟数据和实测数据,从降相关时间、搜索时间、总体耗时、Bootstrapping成功率及条件数5个方面对3种算法进行对比分析。结果表明,降相关效率与搜索椭球压缩程度呈负相关关系,搜索椭球压缩程度越高,降相关效率越低;对于不同的排序算法,提高降相关性能的关键在于减少降相关时间及对条件方差按一定方向排序,进而提高搜索效率。  相似文献   
施俊法 《地质通报》2020,39(12):2044-2057
在21世纪前20年里,以页岩气、页岩油、天然气水合物和干热岩为代表的非常规能源勘查开发取得重大突破,美国因页岩气勘查开发取得突破实现了能源独立。随着全球经济发展、气候变化加剧和能源转型,对关键金属矿产的需求不断增加,世界各国强势推出关键矿产清单,力求保障本国资源安全。深海探测、地球深部探测取得新进展。地球系统科学成为当代地质科学主题,形成了一批新概念,例如地质多样性、关键带、人类世、临界要素等,引领地质工作的转型。展望未来30年,世界百年未有之大变局加速演进,人类将面临资源、环境、生态的重大挑战,地质工作正处于重大转折时期。中国地质工作要突出清洁能源和深海资源勘探开发,要建立基于生态系统的地质调查、监测、模拟与预测技术体系,开展自然资源综合调查,支撑服务国土空间规划、生态保护和修复及城市建设,促进地质工作转型和发展。  相似文献   
周边区域地理信息的获取是我国地缘环境研究中的一个难题,志愿者地理信息(volunteered geographic information,VGI)的兴起为解决该难题提供了一个可行的方法。在目前一系列的VGI项目中,OpenStreetMap(OSM)是比较领先的应用,但OSM数据模型不同于我国周边应用的专业矢量数据模型,因此,利用OSM数据时首先需要对其进行模型转换。有鉴于此,本文提出了一种基于规则的OSM数据到专业应用矢量数据模型转换方法。该方法首先利用OSM定义的几何类型与地物属性作为分类依据,建立了模型转换基本规则库;对于志愿者根据自己的理解自行标注未包含在基本规则库中的目标采用人机交互方式进行模型转换,并在此过程中不断完善规则库,利用越南与巴基斯坦数据进行实验,最终形成了包括2 344条转换规则的模型转换规则库,为OSM数据模型到专业应用矢量数据模型的转换提供了一条可行途径。  相似文献   
勘测定界界址点坐标交换文件是国土资源管理工作中时常用到的一种空间数据格式,具有一般文本文件易读易改的特性,但缺少专业GIS软件应用支持,需要转换为通用的GIS数据格式才能进行更广泛的应用。为尽可能简化操作难度和降低软件购置成本,本文从底层开发的角度思考,基于OGR开源类库的运行机制总结了数据转换的技术流程,在VC++环境下开发了简单易用的数据转换工具,实现了自动转换为Shapefile文件的目标,对其他格式的GIS数据转换方法研究具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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