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报道了准噶尔盆地获得侏罗纪齐古组凝灰岩精确的SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄164.6 Ma±1.4 Ma(MSWD=1.3)。该年龄值几乎相当于国际地质年表中Callovian阶的底界年龄(164.7Ma±4.0Ma)。根据地层沉积速率推算,齐古组上界年龄值应为161.8Ma,接近Callovian阶的上界(161.2Ma±4.0Ma);其上的喀拉扎组上界年龄大致在160.0 Ma左右,此年龄值应位于牛津阶(Oxfordian)的下部。另外,下白垩统下部清水河组的时代为早白垩世早期(Berriasian)。由此得出:齐古组的主体时代为中侏罗世卡洛期(Callovian),其下部跨入了巴通期最晚期(late Late Bathonian);喀拉扎组的时代可能仅为牛津期最早期(early Early Ox-fordian),反映白垩系与侏罗系之间的不整合几乎缺失了整个上侏罗统,由此推断晚侏罗世曾发生过一次较强烈的构造运动。  相似文献   
海绿石是一种富钾、富铁的含水层状铝硅酸盐矿物,在沉积学领域常被作为一种普遍的指相矿物。多年研究的结果表明,现代海绿石主要形成在慢速、弱还原的较深水环境中,而且还可以作为"凝缩段"的识别标志之一。天津蓟县剖面中元古界铁岭组第二段灰岩中的海绿石,产在高能叠层石岩礁之中,主要以胶体形式富集在叠层石和均一石的边界上,代表较为典型的原地海绿石;较高的氧化钾含量(大于8%)而显示出高成熟海绿石的特点。很明显,铁岭组二段灰岩中的原地高成熟海绿石,不但不能作为"凝缩段"的识别标志,而且也不是长时间地层间断的产物。由于形成在正常高能浅海环境,而且处于中元古代末期,与现代沉积中的海绿石存在较大的差异,可能代表了中元古代末期的正常浅海还处于含氧量不够充分的弱还原状态,最终使铁岭组灰岩中的海绿石成为前寒武纪海绿石产出的一个典型代表,也间接的表明了在漫长的地质历史演变过程中海绿石产出的多样性特点。  相似文献   
论述了氢化物形成的普遍性、氢化物的物理化学性质、元素周期系各类元素的氢化物类型。认为一些金属离子、非金属离子在酸性介质中与硼氢化钾(钠)作用及金属锌等强还原剂作用生成氢化物。综述了氢化物的形成在分析测试领域的应用:试样分解、分离富集、容量分析、光度分析、原子光谱分析、质谱分析。  相似文献   
寒武系-下奥陶统白云岩是塔里木盆地非常重要的勘探接替领域,但由于白云岩埋藏深度大,勘探和研究程度低,目前的认识程度无法满足勘探的需求,尤其是白云岩储层成因和分布的认识。本文以巴楚地区大班塔格剖面蓬莱组白云岩的精细解剖为例,测制解剖剖面9条,采集样品195块,系统的开展了岩石薄片、物性及地球化学特征分析,取得了两个方面的新的认识。1)是塔里木盆地蓬莱坝组发育粉晶、细晶、中晶和粗晶四种白云岩,主要形成于早-中埋藏期与海源流体有关的白云石化作用中,局部受到热液改造,其晶粒大小与原岩结构的粗细及孔隙空间的大小有关,原岩结构粗,形成的白云石晶粒就粗,原岩孔隙空间大,白云石晶粒就大。2)是白云岩储层的分布具成层性和旋回性,孔隙发育段总体位于向上变浅旋回的顶部,与高频旋回的暴露面有关,其载体以细-粗晶白云岩为主,孔隙主体来自原岩孔隙的继承和再调整,少量来自埋藏(热液)溶蚀作用,而并不是传统观点所认为的白云石化作用建造孔隙,这一认识对塔里木盆地深层白云岩有效储层预测具重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
Deposition of organic rich black shales and dark gray argillaceous limestones in the Berriasian–Turonian interval has been documented in many parts of the world. Northwest of Zagros, Iran (Lurestan zone), thin bedded black shales and marls, dark gray argillaceous limestones and fissile limestone layers, having bitumen, of the Garau Formation are deposited. For biostratigraphic studies two stratigraphic sections including one surface section (Kuzaran) and one subsurface section (Naft well) were selected, respectively. In this study, 61 foraminiferal species belonging to 17 genera have been identified, and 12 biozones were recognized. Based on fossils distribution and biozones identification, the age of the Garau Formation is Berriasian?–early Cenomanian. In addition, the micropalaeontological study demonstrated a variety of widespread morphological changes in planktonic foraminifera assemblages (e.g., the elongation of the final chambers, appearance of twin chambers in the last whorl). These changes coincide with deposition of argillaceous limestones and marls rich in organic matter, indicating oceanic anoxic events. On this basis, three oceanic anoxic events such as OAE1a, OAE1b and OAE1d were recognized in Naft well section and two (OAE1b and OAE1d) in Kuzaran section.  相似文献   
库车坳陷新近系库车组冲积扇沉积特征及相模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过野外露头考察和测井分析,并结合地震和三维电法资料,对库车坳陷新近系库车组冲积扇的沉积特征和分布规律进行研究,建立了冲积扇沉积模式。库车坳陷新近系库车组冲积扇岩性主要为黄色、黄红色砾岩、砂砾岩及含砾砂岩。砾石层中可见底冲刷-充填构造、交错层理和平行层理。测井曲线整体表现出GR低和电阻率高的特征,曲线呈箱形、漏斗形和钟形;地震相以杂乱反射和前积特征为主。为了提高了研究的精度,在钻井分布稀少和地震相特征不明显的地区,将三维电法资料用于冲积扇分布的研究。通过综合研究,认为冲积扇在西部的Bz1井地区和Db1井地区规模最大,在东部地区发育规模小。构造运动是冲积扇发育的主要控制因素,库车期构造运动活动强烈,南天山快速隆升,为冲积扇提供大量的物源,Bz1井地区持续隆升,遭受剥蚀,物源充足,冲积扇规模不断增大;Db1井地区由于受构造断裂的影响,局部隆升,为冲积扇提供了局部物源。通过分析,认为库车坳陷新近系库车组冲积扇主要有长期稳定的继承性单物源冲积扇模式和受局部构造控制的多物源冲积扇模式。  相似文献   
Two new tetrapod burrow casts from the Naobaogou Formation (Middle or Late Permian) of Nei Mongol,China are described.It marks the first pre-Cenozoic tetrapod burrow from China,and one of the earliest records of tetrapod burrows.Comparison to other Permian and Triassic burrows suggests that these burrows were created by tetrapod slightly smaller than Lystrosaurus.Deduced from the morphology and sizes of two burrows and known tetrapods of the Naobaogou Formation,the burrow should be the production of a therapsid,most likely a dicynodon.These burrows indicate a seasonal climate and this area was semiarid or arid during that time.  相似文献   
Lake George contains the longest continuous sedimentary record of any Australian lake basin, but previous age models are equivocal, particularly for the oldest (pre-Quaternary) part of the record. We have applied a combination of cosmogenic nuclide burial dating, magnetostratigraphy and biostratigraphy to determine the age of the basal (fluvial) unit in the basin, the Gearys Gap Formation. Within the differing resolutions achievable by the three dating techniques, our results show that (i) the Gearys Gap Formation, began accumulating at ca 4 Ma, in the early Pliocene (Zanclean), and (ii) deposition had ceased by ca 3 Ma, in the mid late Pliocene (Piacenzian). Whether the same age control provides an early Pliocene (Zanclean) age for the formation of the lake basin is uncertain. During the Piacenzian, the vegetation at the core site was a wetland community dominated by members of the coral fern family Gleicheniaceae, while the surrounding dryland vegetation was a mix of sclerophyll and temperate rainforest communities, with the latter including trees and shrubs now endemic to New Guinea–New Caledonia and Tasmania. Mean annual rainfall and temperatures are inferred to have been ~2000–3000 mm, although probably not uniformly distributed throughout the year, and within the mesotherm range (>14°C <20°C), respectively. Unresolved issues are: (1) Does the basal gravel unit predate uplift of the Lake George Range and therefore provide evidence that one of the proposed paleo-spillways of Lake George, that above Geary's Gap, has been elevated up to 100–200 m by neotectonic activity over the past 4 million years? (2) Did a shallow to deepwater lake exist elsewhere in the lake basin during the Pliocene?  相似文献   
利用岩石化学中各种氧化物及相关比值在陆相盆地沉积作用中的不同表现性质, 讨论了上黑龙江盆地绣峰组Ⅳ级层序形成的气候、水体、沉积体系及基准面变化特征.绣峰组Ⅳ级层序自下部向中部Fe2O3、Fe3+/Fe2+、K2O、Na2O等值逐渐减小; MnO、FeO、MgO、LOS等含量逐渐增高; 层序中部向上部Fe2O3、K2O、Na2O等值逐渐增大, MnO、FeO等含量逐渐减少, 显示了绣峰组Ⅳ级层序在气候旋回控制下由水体加深、气候潮湿向水体变浅、气候干旱演变的中期基准面对称旋回特征.这一研究成果为陆相盆地高频层序划分提供了新思路.   相似文献   
通化地区珍珠门组并非老岭群的顶部层位,其上确实存在花山(大栗子)组、临江组.并且与珍珠门组呈平行不整合接触。这一发现,为重新厘定集安岩群、老岭群的地层层序以及区域地层对比.提供了直接的地质依据,也为老岭群的古地理再造以及地质构造演化研究提供了新资料;同时也为在这一地区寻找古岩溶型矿产提供了重要线索。  相似文献   
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