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The Buchan Rift, in northeastern Victoria, is a north–south-trending basin, which formed in response to east–west crustal extension in the Early Devonian. The rift is filled mostly with Lower Devonian volcanic and volcaniclastic rock of the Snowy River Volcanics. Although the structure and geometry of the Buchan Rift and its major bounding faults are well mapped at the surface, a discrepancy exists between the surface distribution of the thickest rift fill and its expected potential field response. To investigate this variation, two new detailed land-based gravity surveys, which span the rift and surrounding basement rocks in an east–west orientation, have been acquired and integrated with pre-existing government data. Qualitative interpretation of the observed magnetic data suggests the highly magnetic rocks of the Snowy River Volcanics have a wider extent at depth than can be mapped at the surface. Forward modelling of both land-based gravity data and aeromagnetic data supports this interpretation. With the Snowy River Volcanics largely confined within the Buchan Rift, resolved geometries also allow for the interpretation of rift boundaries that are wider at depth. These geometries are unusual. Unlike typical basin inversions that involve reactivation of rift-dipping faults, the bounding faults of the Buchan Rift dip away from the rift axis and thus appear unrelated to the preceding rifting episode. Limited inversion of previous extensional rift faults to deform the rift-fill sequences (e.g. Buchan Synclinorium) appears to have been followed by the initiation of new reverse faults in outboard positions, possibly because the relatively strong igneous rift fill began to act as a rigid basement ramp during continued E–W crustal shortening in the Middle Devonian Tabberabberan Orogeny. Overthrusting of the rift margins by older sediments and granite intrusions of the adjacent Tabberabbera and Kuark zones narrowed the exposed rift width at surface. This scenario may help explain the steep-sided geometries and geophysical expressions of other rift basins in the Tasmanides and elsewhere, particularly where relatively mechanically strong basin fill is known or suspected.  相似文献   
New stratigraphic, geochemical and palaeomagnetic data from the Peters Creek Volcanics are used to revise the correlations of part of the Palaeoproterozoic of northern Australia. The revised geological history for these cover rocks of the Murphy Inlier is extrapolated into the 1800–1700 Ma successions of the McArthur Basin and Mt Isa regions. New stratigraphic subdivisions and relationships are contrasted with the established lithostratigraphic schemes and also with conflicting published tectono‐stratigraphic interpretations. For the first time, a plethora of stratigraphic units can be rationalised into two major superbasins, the Leichhardt and Calvert Superbasins, and into eight pseudo‐chronostratigraphic basin phases (Associations A‐H). There are few absolute age constraints, but lateral correlations of the units in these eight basin phases are proposed. Results from the overlying Isa Superbasin (<1670 Ma) suggest that these eight associations probably represent second‐order supersequences. Mixed non‐marine and marine coarse clastics, deposited between about 1790 and 1780 Ma dominate Associations A and B. In the Mt Isa region these were deposited in an initial rift then a thermal relaxation or sag phase. To the northwest, however, the succession is dominated by rift facies. Association C is a widespread flood basalt and immature clastic suite that was deposited in clearly defined, north‐trending half‐grabens in the Mt Isa region. Along the southern edge of the Murphy Inlier, however, geophysically defined half‐grabens, filled with magnetic rocks (basalt), trend orthogonal to those at Mt Isa. North of the inlier Association C is much thinner, and little can be deduced about its palaeogeography. Association D is only present in the Mt Isa region as the Myally Subgroup. Differing views on its tectonic setting and environments of deposition, as presented in recent papers, are reviewed. Association E, deposited around 1755 Ma, is a regional sag phase with mixed clastic‐carbonate, shallow‐marine lithofacies in all areas. There is a major gap in the rock record between about 1750 and 1735 Ma which is probably related to widespread basin inversion. The Mid‐Tawallah Compressional Event (McArthur River area) and the Wonga Extension Event (Eastern Succession, Mt Isa) are both about this age. The overlying Association F is a thin, laterally uniform, upward‐fining succession that commences with shallow‐marine clastics and evolves through deeper marine clastics and ends in evaporitic facies. There are broad similarities between Associations F and E so interpretation as a third regional sag is favoured. The absence of Association F at Mt Isa may indicate that basin inversion was longer lived in the southeast. The youngest associations, G and H, are complex interstratified mixtures of felsic‐mafic igneous rocks and immature clastics. U–;Pb zircon SHRIMP ages appear to cluster around 1725 Ma and 1710 Ma, but they may all be part of one thermal event. These eight associations may represent the tectono‐magmatic response of the lithosphere during and after the Strangways Orogeny (1780–1730 Ma).  相似文献   
Chemical and structural data are reported for C2/c pyroxene phenocrysts collected from three potassic series (Group A: basanite-tephrite, Group B: tephrite-phonolitic tephrite, Group C: alkaline basalt-trachybasalt) of the Neogene alkaline volcanics (NAVs) in northeastern Turkey, in order to investigate the evolution of the magmatic plumbing system and the location of magma chamber(s) with crystallization conditions. The rock series hosting the clinopyroxene phenocrysts show generally porphyritic texture and have a variable phenocryst-rich nature (20–58%), with phenocryst assemblages characterized by cpx ± ol ± plag ± foid ± amp ± bio. The clinopyroxene phenocrysts can be chemically classified as Ti- and Fe3+-rich Al-diopsides for Groups A and B (AB-cpxs) and Ti- and Fe3+-poor Al-diopsides for Group C (C-cpxs). They have poorly variable composition, clustering in the diopside field. Structurally, the diopside groups have nearly similar a (ranging from 9.73 to 9.75 ?), V cell (437.2–440.9 ?3), and 〈beta〉 angle values (106.01°–106.23°), but some differences in polyhedral parameters and geometries of the AB-cpxs and C-cpxs have been observed. For example, the AB-cpxs are characterized by larger c (5.27–5.30 vs. 5.25–5.28 ?), V T (2.27–2.30 vs. 2.23–2.28 ?3), and V M2 (25.53–25.72 vs. 25.41–25.59 ?3) values and smaller b (8.87–8.88 vs. 8.88–8.91 ?) and V M1 (11.49–11.63 vs. 11.64–11.83 ?3) values with respect to the C-cpxs. In addition, the AB-cpxs show higher values of V M2/V M1 (2.20–2.23) due to large V M2 and small V M1 compared to the V M2/V M1 ratios of the C-cpxs (<2.19). Such differences in the crystal structure of the AB-cpxs and C-cpxs from the NAVs are partly related to different crystallization pressures, but mostly related to variation in melt composition and, possibly, the influence of other crystallizing mineral phases. In particular, R(M2-O1) and R(M1-O2) (i.e. bond lengths) differences in the clinopyroxenes of different groups support the presence of evolved host rocks with different alkaline character (i.e. silica-undersaturated Groups A–B and silica-saturated Group C). Based on the cpx-geothermobarometry, the crystallization pressures for the C-cpxs are lower than 4.5 kbars, but the AB-cpxs have relatively high-pressure values (5.6–10.6 kbars), suggesting that the AB-cpxs crystallized in higher pressure environments. The relatively higher crystallization temperatures of the AB-cpxs also indicate higher cooling rates. The PT estimates suggest that the source regions of the clinopyroxene phenocrysts from the NAVs were crustal magma chambers in a closed plumbing system at a moderate- to low-pressure regime.  相似文献   
The East Anatolian Accretionary Complex (EAAC) comprises an ideal example of post-collisional volcanism within the Africa-Eurasia collision zone. The Miocene mafic Tunceli Volcanics, as a part of this post-collisional volcanic system, are located in the western termination of EAAC. The mafic Tunceli Volcanics are characterized by mildly alkaline and tholeiitic basalts, in which olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase characterize the main mineralogy. The role of fractional crystallization (FC) and assimilation combined with fractional crystallization (AFC) processes appear to be negligible in the petrogenesis of the primitive mafic Tunceli Volcanics. Relative enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILE), Th and La over high field strength elements (HFSE) and heavy rare earth elements (HREE) suggest contribution from a metasomatized mantle source. The wide range of ratios displayed by these elements also calls for some asthenospheric input for the genesis of these volcanics. The metasomatizing agents can be attributed to a past subduction event, probably during the closure of Neotethys. Considering also the geophysical constraints, which limits the lithospheric thickness to about 70–75 km around the region, a melt mixing between lithospheric and asthenospheric melts generated at different depths appear to be an important process in the petrogenesis of these lavas. The combined geochemical and geophysical data, therefore, necessitate a geodynamic model with some remnant lithospheric mantle underlying the Eastern Anatolian region.  相似文献   
Extensive Permo-Carboniferous volcanism has been documented from the Bohemian Massif. The late Carboniferous volcanic episode started at the Duckmantian–Bolsovian boundary and continued intermittently until Westphalian D to Stephanian B producing mainly felsic and more rarely mafic volcanics in the Central Bohemian and the Sudetic basins. During the early Permian volcanic episode, after the intra-Stephanian hiatus, additional large volumes of felsic and mafic volcanics were extruded in the Sudetic basins. The volcanics of both episodes range from entirely subalkaline (calc-alkaline to tholeiitic) of convergent plate margin-like type to transitional and alkaline of within-plate character. A possible common magma could not be identified among the Carboniferous and Permian primitive magmas, but a common geochemical signature (enrichment in Th, U, REE and depletion in Nb, Sr, P, Ti) in the volcanic series of both episodes was recognized. On the other hand, volcanics of both episodes differ in intensities of Nb, Sr and P depletion and also, in part, in their isotope signatures. High 87Sr/86Sr (0.707–0.710) and low εNd (−6.0 to −6.1) are characteristic of the Carboniferous mafic volcanics, whereas low 87Sr/86Sr (0.705–0.708) and higher εNd ranging from −2.7 to −3.4 are typical of the Permian volcanics. Felsic volcanics of both episodes vary substantially in 87Sr/86Sr (0.705–0.762) and εNd (−0.9 to −5.1). Different depths of magma source or heterogeneity of the Carboniferous and Permian mantle can be inferred from variation in some characteristic elements of the geochemical signature for volcanics in some basins. The Sr–Nd isotopic data with negative εNd values confirm a significant crustal component in the volcanic rocks that may have been inherited from the upper mantle source and/or from assimilation of older crust during magmatic underplating and ascending of primary basic magma. Two different types of primary magma development and formation of a bimodal volcanic series have been recognized: (i) creation of a unique magma by assimilation fractional crystallization processes within shallow-level reservoirs (type Intra-Sudetic Basin) and (ii) generation and mixing of independent mafic and felsic magmas, the latter by partial melting of upper crustal material in a high-level chamber (type Krkonoše Piedmont Basin). A similar origin for the Permo-Carboniferous volcanics of the Bohemian Massif is obvious, however, their geochemical peculiarities in individual basins indicate evolution in separate crustal magma chambers.  相似文献   
Quaternary Erzincan Volcanics (QEVs) from the Erzincan Basin consist of mega- and pheno-cryst-bearing high-K calc-alkaline dome lavas. Fourteen nearly phenocrystic domes, with a range of basaltic-andesite, andesite, dacite and rhyolite compositions, were emplaced in the North Anatolian Fault Zone. The emplacement ages yielded by the unspiked K–Ar technique range from 102 to 140 ka. The andesitic domes (each less than 3 km in diameter) contain amphibole megacrysts. Amphibole compositions show a linear variation from ferro-edenite, edenite to pargasite from rhyolite to andesite. Pargasitic amphibole megacrysts scattered into the groundmass are very similar in composition to the microlites. All plagioclases are 53 mol%. Oscillation types are An32−50 whose variations range from 10 to 16 mol% An and have 10–150 μm in thickness. Pre-eruptive conditions, calculated from mega- and pheno-cryst composition, using pyroxene and two oxide thermometers and the Al-in-hornblende barometer, ranged from 918 to 837 °C and 6.6 to 4.3 kbar for andesitic magma, 824–755 °C and 4.6–4.2 kbar for dacitic magma to 803–692 °C and 4.3–3.9 kbar for rhyolitic magma, which correspond to a depth of >10 km for storage region of the crust. The fO2 values vary from −14.25 to −15.35 log units which are plotted just below nickel–nickel oxide (NNO) buffers. The systematic decrease in thermobarometric results from andesite to rhyolite is consistent with a single magma reservoir moving upward through the crust followed by fractional crystallization. Textural and compositional relationships of mega- and pheno-crystic phases suggest that magma mixing, fluid input to the reservoir and fractional crystallization processes, with a small amount crustal contamination play key role in evolution of the QEVs.  相似文献   
对新疆东北部地区二叠纪构造动力学背景的研究,前人已经做过很多工作,但争议较大。本文通过对位于新疆东北部边缘的三塘湖盆地二叠纪火山岩常量、微量元素的分析测试及讨论,为恢复二叠纪盆地性质与古构造环境提供岩石地球化学约束。研究区内火山岩主要岩石类型为玄武岩、安山玄武岩、辉绿岩、安山岩以及少量英安岩和流纹岩。显示亚碱性系列特征。玄武岩常量元素总体显示高Ti的特征,轻、重稀土元素分馏明显,含量比值(LREE/HREE)在3.8和8.35之间变化,不同岩石类型均具有LREE富集的特征,玄武岩和玄武安山岩Eu异常不明显(8Eu=0.92~1.13):微量元素LILE富集,Nb、Ta相对于La强烈亏损,具有较明显“TNT”负异常,不相容元素丰度并不很高,判别图解投入板内玄武岩及火山弧玄武岩区域,总体上既显示板内的构造环境,又携带俯冲带地球化学信息,与“滞后弧火山岩”特征类似,但是缺少CFB端元。综合区域地质特征及前人的研究结果,新疆北部地区晚石炭世至二叠纪处于造山后期伸展裂陷的构造背景。  相似文献   
王树庆  胡晓佳  杨泽黎 《岩石学报》2021,37(7):2086-2102
内蒙古苏尼特左旗地区位于兴蒙造山带中段,是研究古生代俯冲-增生造山作用和地壳生长的关键地区.在苏尼特左旗南部,晚泥盆-早石炭世色日巴彦敖包组角度不整合在早古生代增生楔之上,已有研究对于其沉积环境、盆地属性及区域构造意义一直存在较大分歧.本文对色日巴彦敖包组敖木根呼都格剖面和阿拉塔特剖面碎屑岩和火山岩夹层开展锆石U-Pb...  相似文献   
The volcano-sedimentary succession around Wadi Zaghra in Sinai, at the northernmost segment of the Arabian Nubian Shield, comprises volcanic rocks interbedded with rather immature sediments. The succession is dominated by intermediate to silicic volcanics of medium-to high-K calc-alkaline affinity. It is divided into two units, the lower unit includes intermediate rocks and dacites interbedded with graywackes, semi-pelites and pelites and topped by polymict conglomerates. This unit is subjected to folding and regional metamorphism(up to garnet zone) and is intruded by quartz diorite-granodiorite inducing, locally, low-pressure contact thermal metamorphism. The unmetamorphosed upper unit encompasses acid volcanics intercalated with litharenite, sublitharenite and minor arenite. The rhyolites of this unit pertain to the highly fractionated granites and are characterized by an agpaitic index(NK/A) ranging from 0.87 to 0.96. They may reflect either extensive interaction of subduction-related magmas with the continental crust or a change in the tectonic regime. The present lithological and geochemical characteristics of the studied sediments together with available zircon ages indicate rather distal provenance of their detritus. This detritus comprises fluvial-alluvial sediments accumulated in the intermontane basins, which are half-grabens or tilted fault blocks. The tectonic setting of the depositional basins is active continental margin and continental island arcs. Geochemical patterns of the Zaghra volcano-sedimentary succession indicate their correlation with the Dokhan Volcanics-Hammamat Clastics sequence of the Eastern Desert of Egypt. Also, the Zaghra volcanics display geochemical similarities with those exposed in Sinai, at the Rutig, Ferani and Iqna Shar'a areas. The Zaghra succession is dated as Ediacaran but is not related either to the ensimatic island arc assemblage or to the rift-related assemblage formed during the early stages of the break-up of Rodinia as previously thought.  相似文献   
Antiquated stratigraphic and tectonic concepts on non‐metamorphic upper Palaeozoic and Mesozoic sequences in eastern Burma are revised.

Post‐Silurian of Northern Shan States: The misleading traditional term Plateau Limestone ('Devonian‐Permian') is abandoned. The Devonian part is to be known as Shan Dolomite—with the Eifelian Padaukpin Limestone and the Givetian Wetwin Shale as subordinate member formations—and the disconformable Permian as Tonbo Limestone. Carboniferous formations are absent.

Upper Palaeozoic of Karen State: The sequence begins with the fossiliferous Middle to Upper Carboniferous Taungnyo Group resting unconformably on the epimetamorphic Mergui ‘Series’ (probably Silurian) and on older metamorphics. There is no evidence of Devonian rocks. The Permian is represented by widespread, but discontinuous, reef complexes, known as Moulmein Limestone, which rest unconformably on the moderately folded Carboniferous. The earliest beds of the Permian are of the Artinskian Epoch. No Mesozoic sequence is known west of the Dawna Range.

Mesozoic of Northern Shan States: Triassic and Jurassic are present, but the Cretaceous is absent. The Bawgyo Group (Upper Triassic and Rhaetic) rests unconformably on the Palaeozoic and consists of the Pangno Evaporites (below) and the Napeng Formation. The Jurassic Namyau Group, consisting of the Tati Limestone (Bathonian‐Callovian) and the Hsipaw Redbeds (Middle to Upper Jurassic) follows unconformably.

Origin of folding of Mesozoic: The intense primary folding of the Triassic and Jurassic sequences in the Hsipaw region is due to gravity‐sliding (Gleittektonik) on the Upper Triassic evaporites. Secondary complications were introduced by diapiric displacements which are probably continuing. Neither of these tectonic phases shows a significant causal relationship with the Alpine Orogeny sensu stricto. The latter is at best responsible for minor overprinting, chiefly through broad warping and horst‐and‐graben fracturing of the Shan Dolomite with locally considerable vertical displacements. There are no Alpine fold structures in the region. Geotectonically, it was a well‐consolidated frontal block of the Alpidic hinterland.  相似文献   
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