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建设宁夏地理空间基础信息共享库,有效地整合了交通、水利等部门地理数据资源,集中建立了覆盖全区、多比例尺的地理空间共享库,为政府部门和社会公众提供了基础数据服务。特别是其中创新的"智能制图"部分,是测绘地理信息服务型新思路的集中体现。通过网络制图新模式,用户无须使用任何地理信息软硬件,依据共享库里提供的免费底图和符号工具,就可以方便快捷地创建自己需要的地图,创建好的地图还可以通过链接页面对组织内部分享,可操作性强,具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   
北京市于2010—2012年开展了第一次面向境内的水务对象普查工作,普查对象涉及河流湖泊、水利工程、供排水等共11个专项,成果涵盖了十几万个水务对象。此次普查基本摸清了北京市水务家底,为助推首都经济发展打下了坚实的基础。但由于长期以来受传统观念、行政体制、管理模式、技术手段等多方面因素的制约,导致"信息孤岛"现象严重,信息不一致难以整合共享,业务之间难以协同。为了解决这些问题,北京市开展了"基础水信息服务平台"及相关配套设施的建设。该平台基于Web GIS和元数据等技术,通过梳理普查基础数据和空间数据,结合已有数据及基础测绘数据,建成水务综合库,绘制完成水务一张图,搭建北京市基础水信息服务平台。平台的建成,实现了"一张图、一个库、一套表、一个平台"的"四个一"普查成果目标,初步形成"水务百度"雏形。  相似文献   
目前,我国正处于城市人口剧增的城镇化加速发展时期,同时,也面对交通堵塞、环境污染、能源紧缺等来自各方面的挑战。那么,如何破解城市发展所带来的诸多难题,实现城市可持续发展呢?建设智慧城市已成为当今世界城市发展不可逆转的历史潮流。目前,我国已有154个城市提出建设智慧城市。然而,在智慧城市建设过程中出现了值得重视的问题,即一些城市对基础地理数据、空间信息以及基础地理信息共享平台的建设认识不明确,重视不够。搭建地理信息共享平台是智慧城市建设的基础,是城市转型发展、生态文明建设、新型城镇化和治理现代化的需求,是推进“互联网+”行动和促进电子政务协调发展等方面的要求。因此,必须按照先进性、现势性、完备性、实用性等原则搭建地理信息共享平台。  相似文献   
Sustainable management of communal grazing lands in Ethiopia is crucial to sustain livestock productivity and reduce land degradation. This study was conducted in Dera district, Ethiopia, to assess local communities’ perceptions of the degradation and their attitudes on the management of communal grazing lands. Household surveys, group discussions, and the contingent valuation method were used to gather data. Results indicated that local communities are aware of the degradation and are willing to participate in the management of communal grazing lands by contributing labor and cash. Labor contribution is positively and significantly correlated to total livestock units (TLU) and credit, and negatively correlated with household size and extension service. Significant correlation between the willingness to contribute cash and TLU was also detected. Community participation and discussions, demarcation of boundaries, equity in benefit sharing, and engaging both formal and informal institutions are crucial to sustain and enhance the effectiveness of grazing land management.  相似文献   
推荐系统是帮助互联网用户克服信息过剩的有效工具。在地学数据共享领域,较其他物品的内容属性,地学数据具有更加丰富的时空属性,这也给地学数据推荐带来挑战。针对地学数据的特点,为地学数据共享推荐服务开发了一种动态加权的混合过滤方法。该方法分别采用协同过滤和基于内容过滤算法预测用户对数据的兴趣度,再以训练模型计算最优加权权重,计算最终预测评分。在数据获取阶段,通过用户访问日志数据,采用Jenks Natural Break算法分析用户访问记录获取用户的数据兴趣度。在基于内容过滤部分,通过数据的空间、时间及内容属性计算数据相似度,并以用户历史行为为依据计算用户兴趣。在协同过滤和基于内容过滤中分别采用k-NN算法计算用户对未访问数据的预测评分,并进行加权求和。通过训练集,对理想权重值及用户的共同评价度(co-rating level)进行建模,拟合二者的关系。该模型被应用于混合过滤的权重调整,以获得最优的加权方程。测试结果显示,结合数据时空属性的混合过滤方法的准确度和召回率,较单一的协同过滤或基于内容过滤方法有显著提高。  相似文献   
In comparison to other advanced economies, the rise of people living alone in Japan has been late and rapid, with singletons now accounting for almost half of all households in major cities. The normative and structural frameworks surrounding standard family-household formation, however, remain formidable, reducing life-course opportunities for non-family formers. This paper considers the household and housing pathways being negotiated by younger-adults living independently. In addition to various secondary data sources, we draw on qualitative interviews with 35 individuals from 28 Tokyo households in addressing manifestations of, and resistance to, atomisation and individualisation in the Japanese context. Our analysis focuses on meanings and practices of homemaking among renters and buyers in the growing sector of single-person dwellings, as well as the recent emergence of commercial shared housing . This analysis provides a contrast to discourses surrounding the “singles boom” and “the growing appeal of living alone” in Western cities.  相似文献   
目前,我国数字城市已走向面向云服务的智慧城市地理平台时代。云GIS服务平台为政府部门及公众提供了可定制、弹性化的一站式地理信息服务。本文在研究云GIS下地理空间数据的整合模型、服务体系架构,以及部署方式的基础上,深入分析了Arc GIS云平台特点并设计了一套基于云平台的智慧城市地理空间信息服务共享平台——"兰州市城关区数字化社会管理与服务平台"。该平台通过地理云服务集成了虚拟化、网络化、智能化等关键技术,创建了智慧城市社会管理与服务新模式,提高了社会管理效能和质量。  相似文献   
Understanding the geographical preferences of international tourists is critical for the tourism planning and marketing. However, it is not an easy endeavor to gather the corresponding information, given the absence of city-level tourism statistical data and high costs of participant survey. This paper characterizes the geographical preferences of international tourists using geo-tagged photos on social media (the Flickr in particular). Data are harvested for 333 prefecture-level cities in China from 2008 to 2013, and the intensity of photo sharing (IPS: the ratio between total number of uploaded photos and total area of the city/region) is used an indicator of tourist geographical preferences. IPS visualization shows the geography that tourism hotpots generally concentrate in regional capital cities and economically developed megaregions. More specifically, the East Asia and Oceania tourists exhibit more preferences towards the eastern coastal cities, while the Europe and North America visitors show increasing interest in exploring the western and northern places. Spatial regression is employed to quantify the local influential factors of tourists’ geographical preferences. It is found that international tourists usually consider the local economy, accessibility, infrastructure and cultural attractions when they choose their destinations in China. East Asia and Oceania visitors particularly appreciate the local economy and cultural attractions. Europe and North America tourists especially value the cultural attractions and local openness. The demonstrated methodological framework is not restricted to Flickr data, and it can be applicable to social media offer geo-tagging service. This paper is therefore believed to advance the applications of social media into geographical research.  相似文献   
GIS中多用户环境下数据共享一致性问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了GIS中多用户环境下数据一致性问题,着重研究了由于某个用户修改其他用户已读数据所产生的不一致以及由于用户UNDO/REDO后产生的不一致。对于前者,本文提出了一种“通知-重读”法。  相似文献   
智慧城市建设和地理信息共享化是当前GIS应用发展的主要方向.数据是信息共享的基础,在中国,共享平台建设已相对比较成熟,而马来西亚砂拉越州,在地理信息的集成管理上仍存在较大的问题,地理信息共享度低,建立基础地理信息共享平台尤为重要.本文以地理信息采集为重点,采用ESB企业总线技术建立砂拉越州政府地理信息共享平台,定义一整套数据库建设标准、数据服务标准以及应用接口标准,以标准来规范共享平台的建设,集成测绘数据管理、道路管理等应用系统,完善数据更新体系,实现地理信息的共享和资源的合理利用.  相似文献   
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