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Strain patterns within mantle rocks and surrounding coarse‐grained felsic granulites from the Kutná Hora Crystalline Complex in the Variscan Bohemian Massif have been studied in order to assess their strain coupling. The studied rock association occurs within low‐strain domains surrounded by fine‐grained granulite and migmatite. The Doubrava peridotite contains closely spaced and steeply dipping layers of garnet clinopyroxenite, which are parallel to the NE–SW‐striking, high‐temperature foliation in nearby granulites, while the Úhrov peridotite lacks such layering. The Spa?ice eclogite is not associated with peridotite and shows upright folds of alternating coarse‐ and fine‐grained varieties bearing NE–SW‐striking axial planes. Electron back‐scattered diffraction measurements revealed full strain coupling between clinopyroxenites and coarse‐grained granulites in the S1 fabric that is superposed on the S0 fabric preserved in peridotites. The B‐type olivine lattice preferred orientation (LPO) characterizes the S0 fabric in peridotites and its reworking is strongly controlled by the presence of macroscopic clinopyroxenite layering. The S1 in clinopyroxenites and coarse‐grained granulites is associated with the LS‐type clinopyroxene LPO and prism <c> slip in quartz respectively. While the S1 fabric in these rock types is accompanied invariably by a sub‐vertical stretching lineation, the S1 fabric developed in reworked Úhrov peridotite is associated with strongly planar axial (010) type of olivine LPO. The peridotites with the S0 fabric are interpreted to be relicts of a fore‐arc mantle wedge hydrated to a various extent above the Saxothuringian subduction zone. The prograde metamorphism recorded in peridotites and eclogites occurred presumably during mantle wedge flow and was reaching UHP conditions. Strain coupling in the S1 fabric between clinopyroxenites and granulites at Doubrava and upright folding of eclogites at Spa?ice document a link between tectonic and magmatic processes during orogenic thickening, coeval with intrusions of the arc‐related calcalkaline suites of the Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex (c. 360–345 Ma). Juxtaposition of peridotites and granulites could be explained by a rheological heterogeneity connected to the development of clinopyroxenite layering in the upper mantle and a previously published model of a lithospheric‐scale transpressional arc system. It invokes vertical shearing along NE–SW trending, sub‐vertical foliations in the upper mantle that could have led to an emplacement of mantle bodies into the granulitized, orogenic root in the sub‐arc region. Clearly, such a transpressional arc system could represent an important pathway for an emplacement of deep‐seated rocks in the orogenic lower crust.  相似文献   
The evolution of Maladeta Glacier (Maladeta massif, central Spanish Pyrenees) since the Little Ice Age maximum is analyzed in this work. The extent of the glacier was mapped into 10 stages using morainic deposits and graphic documents. Climatic data (temperature and precipitation) were reconstructed by using dendroclimatic techniques complemented by recent instrumental records. The results thus obtained confirm the control of the above mentioned climatic factors, particularly annual temperature and winter precipitation, in the evolution of Maladeta Glacier, which has receded from an extent of 152.3 ha in 1820–1830 to 54.5 ha in 2000, a 35.7% reduction in size. The rate of ice wastage has varied during that period, defining several phases of glacial stabilization (1820–1830 to 1857; 1914–1920 to 1934–1935; 1957 to 1981), moderated glacial depletion (1901–1904 to 1914–1920; 1934–1935 to 1957) and marked glacial depletion (1857 to 1901–1904; 1981 to 2000). The evolution of Maladeta Glacier is also in keeping with trends observed from other alpine Mediterranean glaciers, which have experienced a consistent rise in their equilibrium line altitudes during the 19th and 20th centuries as well as associated and prolonged periods of negative mass balance.  相似文献   
The Palaeozoic of the western Pyrenees shows two superposed tectonics easily defined by their different geometry and the major unconformity of the Permian sediments and volcanics on the Devono-Carboniferous series: an Hercynian tectonic found only in the pre-Permian series, characterised by kilometric westward recumbent folds with a weak cleavage; a Pyrenean tectonic, characterised by tight east–west folds, upright to overturned to the south with slaty cleavage, which is the only deformation found in the Permian and Mesozoic series and the second deformation in the pre-Permian Palaeozoic. The Hercynian folding, roughly perpendicular to the trend of the Pyrenees characterises the northern branch of the Ibero-Armorican virgation. To cite this article: P. Matte, C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 773–779.  相似文献   
A kilometre-scale shear zone is recognized in the Cambro–Ordovician schist of the Bossòst dome, a Variscan metamorphic and structural dome in the Axial Zone of the central Pyrenees. Non-coaxial deformation is recorded by rotated garnet and staurolite porphyroblasts following regional metamorphism M1, while coaxial conditions prevailed during later contact metamorphic M2 growth of andalusite and cordierite. Mineral compositions and bulk rock analyses show that garnet–staurolite–andalusite–cordierite assemblages are significantly enriched in Mg and Mn over the garnet–staurolite assemblage, which lacks sufficient Mg for cordierite to form. The garnet–staurolite assemblage preserves conditions during M1, estimated by AFM diagrams and PT pseudosections to be 5.5 kbar and 580 °C, respectively. Pseudosections also indicate that staurolite is not a stable phase in cordierite–andalusite assemblages of M2, suggesting polyphase metamorphism and decompression along a clockwise PT path for the staurolite–cordierite–andalusite assemblages. This concurs with proposed extensional tectonics along the regional shear zone. To cite this article: J.E. Mezger et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   
Metapelites, clay-rich sandstones and volcanics from Cambrian, Ordovician and Lower Devonian strata of the western Rhenish Massif underwent a complex regional Variscan tectono-thermal evolution, as shown by mineralogical and K–Ar isotopic analyses of the illite to mica components from three NW-SE transects. The metamorphic degree extended from an anchimetamorphic to an epimetamorphic intensity during two major episodes of illite crystallization at 328 ± 6 and 282 ± 12 Ma. A further late orogenic or post-orogenic extensional activity could also be detected, but not precisely, around 270 Ma, probably recorded by the precipitation of illite in new or reactivated extensional faults with upward moving heat flows.  相似文献   
根据东天山及邻区地层、沉积建造、构造岩石组合、变形、变质、古生物分区、深部地壳结构、地球物理、地球化学特征,以康古尔塔格-黄山深断裂为界,划分了不同级别的构造单元和构造沉积相带。统计分析了202个金属矿床,重点研究了金、银、铜、镍、钼、铁等矿产空间分布与板块构造、碰撞带关系,划分出九个成矿带,三个成矿期,以海西中晚期最为显著。成矿与板缘构造活动带地质演化密切相关,与俯冲一碰撞带和韧性剪切带时空演化最为密切。构造分区控制的矿产成带性和构造演化形成的成矿集中期之间相互转化对该区金属矿产有重要控制作用。  相似文献   
 Single zircon U–Pb dating combined with 207Pb/206Pb ages obtained by the evaporation method constrains the emplacement of tonalitic, trondhjemitic, and granodioritic orthogneisses of the Moldanubian zone in the Black Forest between 500 and 510 Ma. Two detrital zircon populations of 1.9 and 1.6 Ga indicate Early-Middle Proterozoic material in the former setting of the basement. The initial eNd values range from –0.1 to –3.4 and mean crustal residence ages of 1.0–1.4 Ga are consistent with involvement of Early-Middle Proterozoic crust, and a subordinate juvenile component probably originating from subduction-related melting of the mantle. The orthogneisses have fractionated REE patterns and slightly higher K2O/Na2O ratios than typical low-K tonalite–trondhjemite–granite suites. The chemical data are interpreted as evidence for melting of amphibolite and contributions from evolved crust. The emplacement of the orthogneisses was superceded by a high-temperature metamorphic event at ∼480 Ma which we interpret as a result of lithospheric thinning in a marginal basin behind a Cambrian magmatic arc. Received: 29 March 1999 / Accepted: 25 August 1999  相似文献   
Observations on the nature and appearance of coal seams, which were deformed during the late Carboniferous Variscan orogeny, have been made over several years within a number of opencast coal sites located across the South Wales coalfield. The deformation of coal seams was dominated by brittle failure and subsequent movement along fracture planes. Examination of hand specimens and smaller-scale samples using a scanning electron microscope reveals the presence of two distinct types of small-scale, tectonic fracture markings within deformed coals. Striated fracture surfaces with prominent ridges and grooves can bear a superficial resemblance to shatter cones in appearance but are unique to coal in their tectonic setting and appear to have formed by static shear failure, whereas strongly polished fracture surfaces result from movement across fracture planes. Deformed coal seams are also affected by distinctive, large-scale, tectonic fracture sets. The extent of fracturing within coal seams can be assessed using different techniques including measuring fracture frequency directly, performing various strength and hardness tests, making relatively simple subjective assessments on the appearance of the coal or monitoring the size distribution of the coal product. By applying some of these methods within working opencast sites, it can be shown that large amounts of abnormally fractured coal were formed along coal-based thrust flats or detachments but that the distribution of fractured coal along detached seams is rarely homogeneous. Enhanced fracturing often occurred in association with the localised thickening of seams along small-scale thrusts or within coal duplexes. Variable seam thicknesses and pockets of structurally thickened coal are seen as the most efficient means by which the presence and location of significant amounts of fractured coal can be predicted from borehole evidence during prospecting.  相似文献   
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